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In my experience, when i use proxy, It's good.
@terdon That's interesting. It isn't a huge deal to me, except I expect a lot of things to break at first..
@terdon me likes upstart
@xiaodongjie I dunno. Maybe China has some weird internet problems.
@Seth Don't see why, did they break when Ubuntu switched to upstart? That is radically different.
I don't think I've ever had much to complain about upstart... I'm not expecting to have a lot to complain about systemd either though...
@Rinzwind I don't really care one way or the other, I just want everyone to make up their minds and stick to one.
@Oli Yeah exactly, this is has become a religious issue for people.
Well if they all stick to systemd maybe it'll be a better world.
it is more in line with debian so the discission is probably more about saving man power than anything else
I prefer that upstart is not the standard though. I don't like the idea of a single company driving something as fundamental as the init system.
Then you may tell me about my answers, questions and commants. It's good or not.
About that, You can teach me, I think.
Although I could not see.
Now I want to contribute but I could not it without good internet connection.
@terdon You could argue that Red Hat drives systemd (and a lot more).
But I won't because I have to run.
@Oli Damn yes, so they do. Same issue there.
Oh, I hate Internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mistrust both Red Hat and Canonical equally. Which is not a lot, mind you. They have generally been good citizens but the init wars and gnome/unity thing is really annoying.
gnome/unity thing?
:( Bad Internet Connection
You know, this actually looks really awesome.
Better than the Galaxy gear..
oops, Now I am using a proxy that's address is
So I can connect to askubuntu.
What about that you think?
If it works, why not?
I had voted up about a comment oldfred wrote at askubuntu.com/questions/446890/….
Q: Installing ubuntu with Windows - installer can't see partitions

damianI know there were many questions in this area, but i'm still unable to install ubuntu without formating whole disk. I've got Windows 8 and 4 partitions 100 GB - windows 30 GB 117 GB 418 GB and 30GB unallocated space I made in Windows Disk Management Tool (I thought Ubuntu will see it) Ubuntu (L...

I think that it's right.
@Seth nice web design too...
@hbdgaf Yeah. Very Googlish too ;)
@Seth pity it probably requires a new phone too
That's something I didn't think of.. I hope not.
That's another thing I have against the Galaxy Gear. I am not a samsung fan.
@Rinzwind Yeah, or something that has a specific NFC stack to talk to the watch.
@Seth you do. I saw a notice the google one will NOT work on a Galaxy S2 or S3
I trust that if the hardware supports it the awesome guys on the Cyanogen team will make it work with CM and random hardware that supports the necessary stack.
Q: I have a question!

user268242Since I can't log in my windows 7 laptop. I forgot the password ages ago. Could I just use Ubuntu to wipe it out and start fresh?

@Rinzwind Google one? Which Google one? You mean the Moto one?
can I answer this with NO! please? please?
I'm not surprised it doesn't work on the Galaxy's. Samsung is weird.
@Seth sorry yes
wait. Ill try and find it
@Rinzwind it's a pity there's not a "community wiki - specialized - for the lulz" answer type. if there were and you did, i would upvote it
@Seth weird = critical?
chntpw is in repo btw...
^ exactly
@xiaodongjie Weird as in they do stuff that other people don't, making it hard for some things to work with their hardware.
@Seth And who is the wonderful company that doesn't do that?
@hbdgaf sure but I bet he has ONLY windows ..
@terdon COWON!
@terdon No, I mean Samsung takes it even further.
Google had to tell them to leave Android alone for once.
I see.
@terdon my cowon J3 mp4 player is totally open (software wise) expect for the actual firmware that controls the buttons on a hardware level.
@Seth Do they? Even more than Apple?
@Rinzwind That's really cool!
@terdon I can go 1 better... they had a 10.000 dollar contest for the best software a user created where the user had to turn over the software and they got to own it ;)
and yes, on the next release they used it as a featured GUI :D
darn you Luis!
checks if Seth is in The Tavern
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 1 min ago, by Shog9
I wish to send you a teddy bear and a sharpened stick.
@Braiam is you like that kitten check this; frontpage.fok.nl/special/647443/2/1/50/…
just click the numbers ;)
You know what I love finding on SO?
A because I'm awesome answer: stackoverflow.com/a/8992714/486399
@Rinzwind I swear you were trying to ping hbdgaf
so seems you like kittens :+)
Ohhhhhhhhhh, no contex
@Rinzwind his leg. it's totally operating on its own and must be stopped.
@hbdgaf There are better ones ;)
Oh and here is a woman taking out her CRT for a stroll: frontpage.fok.nl/special/646795/5/1/50/pic-38-rare-mensen.html
and anyone else see a flaw here:
Q: How to remove Windows?

user268242Since I can't log in my windows 7 laptop. I forgot the password ages ago. Could I just use Ubuntu to wipe it out and start fresh?

he says "SHORT" answer but it is far longer than the "long" one :P
@Rinzwind how fitting that this just cropped up on my playlist when you said that youtube.com/watch?v=6v6HlbPvsKQ
I love that series :D but not as much as True Blood
It's pretty good too. Also, in your list of lolgifs on that blog, 20 is one well trained dog.
Good Night
or he face-planted on the glass a couple of times ;)
@hbdgaf sure is :=)
i saw tags and my brain shut down. off to morrowind.
thanks alot... a very helpful answer — user90939 Apr 8 at 21:55
@xiaodongjie ha but did he upvote? >:) the better the answer the more upvotes is the idea on AU
@Rinzwind It's very helpful answer by His talk.
comments don't count ;) upvotes do @xiaodongjie
But It didn't have any upvotes.
I want to give me Upvote.
Because It's very helpful answer.
oh don't think about it ;-) just keep answering and answering and the upvotes will flow in
Then @Rinzwind I see. You are a great ...
any idea on this error when i try to login in ssh localhost?
debug2: channel 0: rcvd eow
debug2: channel 0: close_read
debug2: channel 0: input open -> closed
debug2: channel 0: rcvd close
debug2: channel 0: almost dead
debug2: channel 0: gc: notify user
debug2: channel 0: gc: user detached
debug2: channel 0: send close
debug2: channel 0: is dead
debug2: channel 0: garbage collecti
it keep saying connection closed
Hello everyone.
hey @RolandiXor
nothing much :=)
Excuse me. I want to know if my OS is protected from heartbleed. I type in "openssl version -a" and it tells me this...
already? :+)
OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014
built on: Mon Apr 7 21:22:23 UTC 2014
platform: debian-amd64
options: bn(64,64) rc4(16x,int) des(idx,cisc,16,int) blowfish(idx)
compiler: cc -fPIC -DOPENSSL_PIC -DOPENSSL_THREADS -D_REENTRANT -DDSO_DLFCN -DHAVE_DLFCN_H -m64 -DL_ENDIAN -DTERMIO -g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wa,--noexecstack -Wall -DMD32_REG_T=int -DOPENSSL_IA32_SSE2 -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT5 -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_GF2m -DSHA1_ASM -DSHA256_ASM -DSHA512_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DAES_AS
what do you mean "my OS"? are you running a server?
How to create chat room?
@Venki what?
@Venki so then why are you asking this?
Sorry that was intended at Rinzwind.
please read up what this bug is about @venki ;)
@Venki np.
Oh, oh! Sorry. I just came to know it is server side. Sorry !!
@Rinzwind sorry to I point you, I have just a question.
Oh, Now I understood that. NP.
@Venki if you run a webserver with ssl locally you could be affected.
no webserver? no problem. not using ssl? also no problem
plus this bug is overaggerated too. I saw a website today where someone did 1.000.000 tries to get useful information and came up with none.
Hey @RolandiXor :)
@Braiam Whatup?
@Rinzwind Hmmm..
Guess what? I just read 1.0.1f IS VULNERABLE!! Thnk god I dont have a webserver!!
@terdon I don't know about Apple. Samsung just likes to roll their own if you know what I mean. I'm not surprised people don't support it.
@hbdgaf Exactly, which is why I stopped liking Samsung. The GS3 and 4 were just loaded with useless features that didn't really make the device better, although they seem to have done ok with the GS5.
That's what I personally like Motorola though. Simplicity.
Hm, is drop shadows a new thing in Trusty?
@Seth yes
@Seth And Apple doesn't? They even came up with their own proprietary headphone jack and dock connector so that we need special products to be able to use their stuff.
meh, for me apple is the "high society" of gadgets
@Seth checking that you ain't in the room
@Seth no, please, no more effects!
@terdon I see the relation with Apple as different. They manage their own hardware and OS. Samsung is using Android and trying to be an Android phone. I guess it's just politics.
@Rinzwind Any idea how I can disabled them?
@Seth hey
I'll be back later this evening
have to go to practice
huh? who's this R-o-l-a-n-d-i-X-o-r?
@RolandiXor Aw man, I missed you :(
@Braiam An AU mod...
@Seth I know :P
@Seth nope :=)
@Rinzwind :(
Maybe I'll ask a question.
@Seth found it
ccsm window decoration has options for shadow
seems older than 14.04 but it is more prominent now
ah, yes that does have options for windows. Any idea about the context menus though?
want to build this with my arduino uno... youtube.com/watch?v=DYM9kJFZgmg
2 hours later…
so all are asleep? :=)
I hear squaking?! what was that >:)
I am watching the top 100 of the 70s and I am liking the music more than I should :D
@Rinzwind Ill beat the geek back in ya:
unzip, zip files with php :/
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeuwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :D
some things you should just not do. Like zipping from php :P
Can come in handy...
@Rinzwind I wouldn't migrate it, it doesn't make sense anywhere
No way we could contact the forums mod either eh? Especially since they probably couldn't identify the user anyway.
There should totally be a name suggestion site where people could ask for name suggestions >:D
@terdon do you agree with this dupe? askubuntu.com/questions/435525/…
@Seth it seems like we kicked one of those questions around once and a mod from UF showed up because the name was the same and it was brought up on irc...
This question appears to be off-topic because it is getting a lot of downvotes. Not really sure why, but since it's that unpopular I'd like to delete it and save getting downvotes. — Magpie Apr 7 at 6:53
@Braiam Not sure. I don't think so, bleachbit may have been the culprit in both cases but in this one the OP is just asking how to delete a large directory while the other is asking about where a particular directory came from.
@hbdgaf I think you meant to reply to my message above that? but ok, I might try bringing it up on IRC.
I don't see any UF mods in #ubuntuforums atm.
If it's someone complaining b/c it just happened, they probs know who it is anyway. Last time it was a block of dynamic IPs that got blocked because someone was being a pain... then releasing/renewing and going at it again. So the range got blocked.
@terdon I know both questions are in essence different, but seeing that you answered it and didn't complained in comments I was thinking...
@Braiam Complain? About what?
that it wasn't a dupe
@Braiam Ah, yeah, as I said I'm not sure. I can see why it would be considered a dupe and why it wouldn't so I don't really mind either way.
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