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Any opinions about what to do with this?
Q: Export Control Classification Number

user264678Please provide me with the ECCN (Export Control Classification Number) for Ubuntu. Thank you, T. Norwood

@Seth interesting, I have no idea what the heck is that.
I don't really understand it either, but it's a terrible question, although I'm not sure it's exactly close-able.
I would close it as unclear because he doesn't define its goal.
hm, ok.
Not a bad idea.
Please provide me with blahblahblah
is ok if
Please provide me with blahblahblah because moreblahmoreblahmoreblahmoreblahmoreblahmoreblahmoreblah
but not the case
@Seth have you used Hibernate?
or some ORM software?
Hibernate ORM (Hibernate in short) is an object-relational mapping library for the Java language, providing a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a traditional relational database. Hibernate solves object-relational impedance mismatch problems by replacing direct persistence-related database accesses with high-level object handling functions. Hibernate is a free software that is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. Hibernate's primary feature is mapping from Java classes to database tables (and from Java data types to SQL data types). Hibernate ...
@NathanOsman ROTFL
I should really change that...
Today I got my first start on any GitHub repo :)
anyone knows what else can I add to make this question not unclear? askubuntu.com/q/442535/169736
BTW, 12.10 is not EOL! (I think)
@Seth er, official?
@Braiam that was a good answer on MDD. 12.10 is not EOL until 14.04 officially released
@Mateo o/
hi @Lucio
I lost control over my (I can't remember the name) account
whops... did you use git hub to sign up?
I did, but now it doesn't recognize it
how was this service called?
there is a separate button if you used the github account
I clicked that
do you have the link still?
the "sign in using github" under there?
How is this website called??
something k*
kudos maybe?
oh, "luciomartinez" is what i have followed (if that helps)
their IMAP server seems to be down
koding, I officially hate you.
@Lucio they doesn't run IMAP servers O_O
oh, yeah they go down off and on - whatever servers they are
the VM's themself are instable tho
@Lucio oh, didn't get e-mail from them yet?
but not the "forgot your password" one
yeah, it won't let me redeem the free space till you get that ;)
I couldn't "verify" my account
as you can imagine now :D
Why don't they put a big "BETA" cartel in the home page?
Oh for god sake, they are slowly as my old turtle.
token arrive
seems that they don't like 123456
@Lucio lol
though 987654321 did
And for anyone eavesdropping this chat room, I deleted my account :)
@Mateo sorry, but you gotta give me the link again
on another note it looks like it gave me the extra space ;)
after you deleted the account...
Now I will give you double
@Lucio so I wouldn't worry about it and just sign up normal ;)
You finally found the way to don't have to work anymore.
@Braiam do you have an account?
Q: List of Best java application in ubuntu(Linux)

user264778Can anyone tell me any recommended java application available in ubuntu. I'm Java developer and I would like to take some application for reference(^_^")

Kill it with fire!
Only because it says "java". Python wouldn't bothered me...
java + list + AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! = disaster
@Braiam givej me your link dudej
someone should find a coffee timer program, that isn't written in "java"
no one wants some GB for free..
deleting my 4 account on the day..
they are going to ban my on the six one (I hope)
@Lucio what do you keep doing to mess up the accounts?
I'm unsure about the username field
Do you consider that a '-' character is going the mess the things around?
I consider so.
If you use github, it will auto sign in if you are signed in allready on github
@Lucio choose something simple then
I don't even know which is the right
@AvinashRaj we are going to close it and then open on 15 days
do you what you want to
unless some mod says otherwise
@Lucio I think there are separate name and login stuff - like my display name is M J but that is not what I use to sign in.
@Braiam effects?
Why we open that on after 15 days? If he posted the same question after 15 days then it will be ontopic.
by then the bug will be fixed in the release?
@Lucio yeah
Does someone else want an extra juice?
@AvinashRaj why you ask me?
@AvinashRaj in that case is OT
Because you only able to see the second link
bugs are always OT
OP deleted his answer, at the same time another one posted the same answer as op.Finally it was accepted by the OP.
then flag it...
@Mateo what is VM redeem and related stuff?
you don't have to ask me if you see something bad, just flag Other and explain.
"Referral Sytem" WTF
Done thanks :-)
Is that possible to do bounty transfer.
In conclusion, 're fucked
@Lucio yeah, you hand out a link - people sign up and get you space, once they do you add the bonus space to your vm
but it says, "You don't have any referral"
how much space does your vm have?
how may I know?
@Lucio nope.
@Mateo shrug.
When did I used it??
@Lucio go to the "social" area (blue chat icon things) - then on the top right is a bar the shows the amount out of 20
@Lucio you need to pay for always on...
> 3.49 GB / 20 GB
3.49 GB / 20 GB
@Mateo another bug then
4 bugs and I didn't finished the day
@Lucio ? you didn't give them money right?
haha, no, of course I did not.
I was talking about the exception message
It should say "PAY FOR IT HONEY"
@Lucio looks right
you got the 3 extra from using the link
Found you! :)
can you see me?
oh yeah
may I press the yellow robot now?
let's see if it will work this time ;)
tell me what to do
should you share that publicly? :S
@Braiam look at my comment on askubuntu.com/questions/442641/…
@Mateo you're still alive right?
you are waiting for me or am I waiting for you?
I'm not sure it's working...
oh :(
what are you kids trying to do?
the teamwork thing... well I'm going to head out
head out mean quit?
@Lucio sleep
oh, no problem
later it's been fun
head out my friend
thanks for the try
sudo: unable to change directory to /home/luciomartinez: No such file or directory
sudo: unable to execute /bin/bash: No such file or directory
this is a crap
I'm off.
Anyone see the webcam here:
Q: MSI FX600 003US Ubuntu 12.04LTS Camera

satrian6stringsI'm running Ubuntu 12.04LTS in my MSI FX600 003US laptop and the OS seems to be unable to detect the device itself. I'm not really familiar with Ubuntu so I might need some guidance in here in reference to what you might need for me to post in order to understand the issue. Thanks in advance! E...

I don't think it's there.
i.sstatic.net/75cdD.png (per request to un-onebox this, as it slows their iceweasel down)
there we go. As if that wasn't obvious.
The start menu's coming back O.o
@MinatoNamikaze Sources? That's not really possible IMO.
MS is going to make some good changes, but if they go too far back they'll ruin themselves.
Sometimes I wonder who runs Microsoft... It definitely isn't Steve Jobs. For all his shortcomings he certainly knew about running a business.
no one really runs a company ;p
its a series of opposing forces pulling and pushing, and folks THINK they run it
@MinatoNamikaze: oooooh
But that implementation seems good
ugh, that was wierd
I was having some issues with processor usage while doing a file transfer on my new NIC ....
and it fixed itself
I need to run another speed test locally though
Who have some job at career.stackoverflow.com.
(Its amusing to walk into a store and ask for a PCI Gig-e ethernet card)
"Internet card?" "No" "Wait, show me the cable" "er... let me go ask"
(kid at the shop asks the cashier... who I think is his mom)
and they were nice enough to double check.
what about you think about my answer I posted yesterday.
A: How to copy app ( installed from software center) and send to another ubuntu computer

xiaodongjieFirst, I suggest you check about installed packages list about your and your friend's 12.04 by using a command like: dpkg -l Second, if all the same, at your 12.04, clean your apt cache by using a command like: sudo apt-get clean Third, type this command: sudo apt-get install <some pk...

Please give me your help about write good answer.
@Seth How are you?
@MinatoNamikaze Hi
@xiaodongjie I'm doing ok. Getting tired.
@MinatoNamikaze that, that doesn't look too bad, but the whole idea is terrible.
@Seth Good luck.
@MinatoNamikaze Did you edit it?
@Seth May I help you?
@Seth I was thinking that they were following the penguin way and give options to the users... you know, the right thing to do (tm)
@xiaodongjie In what way?
I can do everything. ex: C, C++...
And python...
@Braiam They're doing it in a pretty bad way though. If you're going to do something the roundabout way is not the way to go.
@Seth Look above.
@xiaodongjie Well I don't need anything done and I don't have money to pay you anyway.. Why are you asking when I didn't say I needed something?
So wait. That would mean, with the new SilverLight 8.1 appset, cortana should work on regular windows as well O.o
well that's interesting.
@Seth Oh. I don't need you pay me.
@Seth ok, isn't that change something can be... um.... switched at will?
@Braiam yeah the point is they shouldn't remove it, then bring it back like that. Terrible for the company.
Windows 8 is great, but it has been terribly developed and marketed and that has come close to ruining MS.
so... they are removing something to bring back the old? just what the?
@Braiam They didn't document the change well and lots of people complained.
@Braiam: I suspect at least initially it will be switchable
@xiaodongjie Why is your location China Beijing and not Beijing China? Do you always write your address starting from larger first(is that the norm in china)? This is the first time I saw someone writing there location this way.
Bounties are useless on SO. there are 450 of them.
Raspi Got a sweet new website :P
I can't wait for Android to come
I want to install CheapCast and use it a as a chromecast
2 hours later…
does anyone know how to mount NTFS volume left in inconsistent state, in rw mode?
I disabled fast boot in Windows but no effect
@Danatela Oh if you can get to Windows, you could force it to run a chkdisk
@Oli I will try
but I don't think it's dirty
it has hiberfil.sys on it
somewhere I saw an option how to force mount it in rw mode
This seems relevant but it's mostly about Fast Start.
aha, thanks
I've no idea how useful that is though because by the end of it, they just seem to settle on blaming Windows for being rubbish.
"The best thing about pregnant women is the free Wi-Fi"
Q: Which questions should be duplicated and which not?

Aditya PatilThere has been some discussion over the issue of questions being flagged as duplicate. There was a issue been brought up. Question should not be flagged duplicate if answers can't be merged. As an extension to the above question, I have following questions. Do we flag duplicate questions or ...

Q: Show time as DD MMM YY rather than MMM DD YY?

Aditya PatilCurrently dates are shown as MMM DD YY for eg. jun 11 12. This is confusing, because it is not widely used. Rather it would be better if dates are shown as DD MMM YY like 11 jun 12, which is used in large number of countries. It's a small feature-request. Vote up or down as per your choice. Tha...

What reputation is shown in this chat?
@Danatela SE Network wide
So though I'd like it,
I don't actually have
← that much rep
Show off
I only have 77K
this screen thing is driving me crazy
A: How to find which installed packages are important?

Avinash RajIf the installed package has priority important or required then this kind of packages are considered as most important packages. apt-cache show <package-name> The above command shows the priority of the corresponding package. avinash@avinash-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Z500:~$ apt-cache show hostname...

my rep is from au :=)
A: Postgresql cannot start on Ubuntu Server 12.04

Minato NamikazeYou need not use that command to start PostgreSQL, you can just use sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start

hmm does postgress not require root?
a co-worker here has a PG database with jasperserver and he -has- to do "sudo su" and on the # start the server
if he used APT, he just need to use the init scripts
@Rinzwind It runs as the postgres user IIRC but to do that you have to su from somebody. It's fairly common to have a root-started script that sus down to another unprivileged user.
And yeah, it should ship with startup scripts that create the user/group and start it on boot.
@Oli aha.
Yeah, looking at a 12.04 box with it installed, that seems to ring true. Not sure if that has changed since and all bets are off if this is a manual install (which some people do because a version increase of 0.1 is the most important thing to some people ;)
@Oli apparently not
Yes, I did. Shouldn't I? — dev9 1 min ago
In fairness, if you started by starting it as root, it's going to fail when it tries to start as any other user as there'll be readonly files involved.
interesting :D
Yeah, I'd definitely go the etcher-sketch route to fixing this unless they've got a live database but you'll need to be thorough.
No, but I tried destroying the machine and provisioning it again with the same software. — dev9 3 mins ago
Which includes /var/lib/postgresql/ (on my install anyway)
Oh, okay
Oli out. Drops the mic and walks away
It just sounds (mostly from the permission denied) like they're running it as root before it's having the chance to run as postgres but would they do that a second time? That would be pretty exceptionally silly IMO.
I so agree on that :=)
Does running sudo nano on the terminal change the terminals title?
@Oli There should so be a default install permissions index or a per app permissions index with a usable app that you can tell: "I can't log in. Try fixing the permissions in my ~/ please", and it tries... or fixes other permissions issues like this.
Exactly, all terminal apps don't change the title, hence there is no assurance that you're switching to an idle terminal, which is what the OP asked. This switches to any open terminal window, whether idle or not. — Minato Namikaze 17 secs ago
Was this comment convo a bit too harsh?
wubi :-P
you keep hammering it into the ground. day after day after day. But it keeps comming back like weed!
this needs another leave closed askubuntu.com/review/reopen/242893
this is not a problem in/with Ubuntu: askubuntu.com/questions/442910/…
@Braiam check!
@Rinzwind Is more a networking problem with modems.
or a router :=)
we should have something somewhere (glares SU)
networking.se ;)
A: Access internal server using external ip

PaulThis is called hairpinning, and while some domestic routers can do this, they are rare - that is a matter for research. Using split DNS is often a better way to approach this type of issue. Usually when accessing the public IP address from inside the network is needed, it is because there is a ...

hairpinning indeed :D
dd-wrt can do hairpinning :)
@Seth just add: 5GB minimun, but as long as it keeps all characteristics the more the better (your SR Q)
Yeah I was thinking about that. I'll add it to my list of things to do.
2 hours later…
Q: ext4 inode size, shown by dumpe2fs

Aleksey YakovlevManpage about mke2fs says "mke2fs creates 256-byte inodes by default". I've formatted my small (320MB) test partition with command: sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdc1 The defaults for the mke2fs are below: [defaults] base_features = sparse_super,filetype,resize_inode,dir_index,ext_attr default_m...

@RaduRădeanu Whom did your avatar denotes?
@AvinashRaj Decebalus - a national hero in Romania. Have you heard about him?
Well, it's not too late :)
Where did you get his picture?
There are many all over the internet.
I think he is from your country.
Yes, this is what i said: a national hero in Romania :)
I'm going to follow you and Seth.
Just a question
I received a mail about BlackMagic SDK. What is this?
software development kit for blackmagic
Hey guys, what the hell happened to the time/date indicator?
cc @Seth @Braiam
@kalina wut?
@Lucio bug
someone filed it?
can someone approve this edit please?
it has been already rejected
the rejection is incorrect
I just posted it on meta
Can an already rejected edit be later approved?
@JorgeCastro I just edited directly
man, there are so many rejects in the queue for like no reason
I'll reboot to see if my date comes back..
Is there any way to approve a rejected edit after the fact?
Q: Flags on multiple comments for one post

guntbertSometimes I see several comments to one post which are equally obsolete/to chatty/... I don't know how the flag review queue is organized, so what is simpler for reviewers? Should I flag one comment with a custom flag mentioning all affected comments? flag each comment individually?

Q: Can someone approve this edit?

Jorge CastroThis edit was rejected(huh?), can someone approve it? Submitter is an Ubuntu Core Dev and is a fix (installing linux-generic instead of linux-image) http://askubuntu.com/review/suggested-edits/243019

Brendan Eich has stepped down as Mozilla’s CEO: http://mzl.la/1hFwbOP
Decisions have to be taken.
2 hours later…
Reopen, we're not sure it's a bug askubuntu.com/questions/442608/…
@MarcoCeppi Nope.
@searchfgold6789 hm yeah, I've reopened it.
@JorgeCastro I can understand why it got rejected, it looks an awful lot like a comment
1 hour later…
@Lucio I dunno.. Sometimes it just randomly disappears. Definitely a bug somewhere.
@MinatoNamikaze so now they are shoving the tiles into the menu?

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