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the wonders you can get with.... UNICOIN!
SE just totally missed out on a fundraising opportunity...
i'd have bought $9.99 worth of unicoin...
the HUD is nice on a netbook
@terdon there is always exceptions to the rules right? what is the exception to that rule?
@jrg could you remove that message in the star wall that I find rather denigrative
@Mateo it sure is...
@Braiam not ignoring you, just trying to word this properly.
the one from terdon to me, I find that such things shouldn't be kept in the star wall
@Braiam flag it in chat. Let someone who isn't involved in discussions related to this topic decide.
@jrg I did, was declined
then that's it.
can't again
@jrg how I can be sure it wasn't someone involved that handled it?
@Braiam shrug you can't. however, unless it was a moderator, it was 4 people (i think) who declined it.
@jrg no, was custom
And abuse of stars is abuse of stars.
ugh, who's messing with the stars?
@Seth could you remove terdon message from the star wall?
@Braiam maybe. Why?
my netbook can't see that far:
@Seth I find it denigrative to be kept 8 hours there
it clearly has some opinions but I don't see why it should be taken out of context as it's in the star wall
@Braiam Alright, I'll remove it this last time. If you're going to keep getting into large arguments with moderators and users don't expect me to do it again though.
Stars are meant to be taken without context ;)
That's what they are there for.
which is why I hate it when someone abuses them (hint, hint)
@Seth yeah, but then how can we "move along" if the first thing I'm hit is remembering the previous argument
@Mateo heh, I have a 15" screen :(
@Braiam By leaving it. It will disappear in the next day or two. Do you know how many times I am tempted to say stuff in chat, and then I don't because I know it probably won't end well or someone might take it wrong? More than I can count.
Hm, my laptop is running hotter since the 14.04 upgrade.
too late to fill a bug report :(
checks if @Seth was in the tavern before pasting a link
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 1 hour ago, by Louis
<strong><br></strong> must be a kind of dramatic pause.
What is up
Can anyone help me?
@Andrew Please don't ask to ask; if you simply ask your actual question, we will help you if we know the answer or can help you find it. This is much faster and simpler than asking if it's OK to ask. As a rule, it is always OK to ask in this channel. Please go ahead. (not a bot)
Could anyone help this guy: askubuntu.com/questions/442152/… I am on a tablet and I'm unable to make him understand how to cd to the directory where he downloaded the driver... And in my timezone bed time has looking come!
@jrg Oh hey, while I remember, I have a pull on GitHub waiting for you. No rush or anything ;P
Newton is back?
Yep. Got tired of the hawk, but I didn't have anything to replace it with. Figured this was fitting for the date.
Well, what's good enough for you is good enough for me. Switches image...
The English room got lucky today ;P
Never mind, done. Uff. This has been my good action of the day. Good night all.
And with that, good night
@Seth good night buddy
hopefully you got a have a new cell phone soon :)
gravity boy :P
@Seth Is that f.lux running?
@MinatoNamikaze can you see that image?I can only see the text "user image"
@AdityaPatil Yes I can :P
@AdityaPatil refresh
Yes now I can
is that ??? true???
lets see if gobblin start working..
You can try it but only if you DO NOT run windowz, run it.
Hi Guys, is it possible to thank someone for an edit they proposed to an answer? It was subtle but was very helpful and I wanted to thank the editor.
@BenjaminR Hi! I think is ok if you leave him a comment.
@RaduRădeanu Okay, in the answer he edited? Or...?
there ...or here. Use @ followed by his name
okay so if I leave an @ message for him here, he will get a notification or something? Sorry this is the first time I have used SE chat!
yes, if you use @hisname in front of comment he will be notified
@RaduRădeanu Thank you very much!
@BenjaminR you're welcome
Q: NSD Zone file wrong resolution

Haix64I've set up NSD with the following zone file: $ORIGIN ldom. ; my "Local DOMain" @ IN SOA lserver root.lserver ( 44 ;serial 7200 ;refresh ...

1 hour later…
@AvinashRaj no - this is definitely a new change in 14.04 due to the decorations - we now have to do this in a new way.
Questions about 14.04 are start arriving.Now i'm going to download 14.04 beta version.
bugs are still off-topic - new functionality is on-topic. Yeah we tend to start relaxing about new release questions - just a few weeks now to release.
@fossfreedom but it is a problem with the develoment version 14.04.
@AvinashRaj no - you need to be aware that compiz doesnt control the decorations anymore - hence the old method doesnt work.
I can't able to differentiate between 14.04 Ontopic and offtopic questions.
> we now have to do this in a new way.
Are you working at canonical?
2 hours later…
@AvinashRaj me - no - dont work for canonical.
"we" - being us ubuntuians
echo 1A | awk -v FS='' '/^[1-5][A-L]$/{$0=$2""$1}7'
In the above code {$0=$2""$1}7 part does what?
@terdon ^^
@AvinashRaj those are already explained in document, check gawk manual/man page. — Kent 14 mins ago
i asked to explain a specific part of a command.He replied ^^
2 hours later…
oO ... ubuntu-one is no more - better backup stuff quickly when it dies in June.
Wait what? Is there a reason it's getting the axe? Copyright/sharing issues? Profitabililty (not enough buy-in for more space beyond default)? Any ideas?
you got it - no money in it.
Neat. At least they're open sourcing it. It would be neat if someone did a distributed Sync encrypted backup where people's storage space is determined by how much local disk they allocate to acting as a backup for others. That would be a huge layer to write, but it would be awesomesauce.
I mean... I guess that's more like a layer on top of bittorrent instead of a layer underneath of Ubuntu One, but you see where I'm going.
hmm - I like to know where my data is ... that would just be scary to think it could be spread out over millions of peoples hard-drives
this needs another vote askubuntu.com/q/50725/169736
Do we support Ubuntu on arm?
Q: Time Setting Linaro UBUNTU Have No Password

user263865I have Linaro UBUNTU installed in an UDOO Quad single board PC. The time zone is wrong. When I try to set it, I am asked for a password. This system just boots up, never asking for a password. Is there a default password? How can I set the time?

I don't think so.
That question is mostly unanswerable because of that.
@fossfreedom Well, conceptually it would be contingent on any give replication site holding a whole sync target... so you could see how many times your data is replicated and part of the service would be a challenge/response for a random section of the data. That way you could confirm that they still have the file. Would be theoretically more reliable, but I suppose someone could hold your data hostage. I still think it's an interesting idea.
@MinatoNamikaze Android equivalent, yeah.
canonical do support ubuntu on arm - they are very specific though on which arm version though.
@Braiam why do we want to reopen that? Looks like total garbage to me.
@Seth 3k views thinks differently
@fossfreedom oh really? Hmm, OK.
(yeah, the answer is bad, but that can be fixed)
@Seth Ubuntu terminated the non-touch arm-build that had a GUI at 13.04 IIRC. There's still an ARM server build, but they have specific hardware lists. Linaro is something of a re-spin from what I can tell.
or maybe we should move it to software rec?
(when I say move, I mean ask for the same question)
@hbdgaf yep
@Braiam not a good question all the way around. I'd say ask a new question with a similar title if you can make it more specific.
that Q is off-topic.
(I'll look at it again in a minute though. Just to make sure)
@Seth @Braiam why not leave that closed as dupe, and unclose but lock "historical significance" the original and field "I'ld really like to add an answer for something that's more like timemachine" as a "I've got a decent amount of rep and have a REALLY GOOD answer that should be in there"
I under the first part, but not the second half of the sentence. Seems you're referring to something?
To something we do that is.
@Seth here or in SR?
@Braiam both.
The Op needs to be more specific about what exactly he wants. Other than just "like timemacine"
jeez - 4 hours to upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 - here goes nothing ... reboot.
crosses enough appendages to look like this: 3.bp.blogspot.com/--XxdZeLylMQ/UbHCctPYhrI/AAAAAAAAIlg/…
It actually worked the first time for me, which is a first. Upgrades usually cause me graphics problems.
I don't know why you upgraded since, umm... you will have to reinstall :/
oh look! there's one already in SR @Seth softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/q/602/226
we can delete our copy in that case
Why not drop a link to the SR question in a comment in case an AU user/Ubuntu newbie/Stack Newbie goes looking for it on sitesearch instead of Google?
@hbdgaf nah, not even our question appears to the top
That's what I was talking about with sitesearch... but whatever.
if we remove ours and superuser theirs SR will go to the top
That assumes the user in question will use Google and that dropping a link to SR in the AU page won't also propel it there keeping it in both sitesearch and google. Sounds like you made up your mind already though since you're just disregarding the sitesearch point I keep making and pointing to Google only.
Either way, I made my point known. I'm moving on.
Looks at timestamps. Realizes he wasn't late. Realizes he was talking about not deleting it. Realizes he said he was moving on.
damn - 14.04 in low resolution...
@fossfreedom Happened to me in VBox too.
guess what ... I blogged the answer to that ... and it worked ;)
I generally don't think of you blogging something that doesn't work
first internal error - already reported by 90 people... second internal error - 134 people
Is it related to specific hardware or packages according to apport diffs?
plymouth and something else I've never heard of ... just clicked affects me. Apart from that, looks ok so far.
Well yay for that.
first impressions - xubuntu is running very smoothly. I'm impressed.
I think that this version is going to rock, for real.
XFCE has a special place in my <3. It almost always runs smoothly ;)
I play with it on LiveCD (long time ago) and was very smoothly
It's what I run as a primary on laptops. I only used Unity on the old beast desktop.
Lubuntu is even lightweight right?
Yes, but I like real compositing.
I found my DE happy place.
I have no idea of what desktop environment does it use
Lubuntu - LXDE fake compositing if you enable it (doesn't chain window layers, just grabs desktop background to fake composite), Xubuntu - XFCE + compiz for multiple window real transparency
I will go for Unity on the desk
That's what I did. I still installed XFCE as a second DE option if I wanted to run anything in wine or anything that leaned on the video card.
Am I the only one that thinks game developers that do themed games (like thief) should have an "extra ten bucks" option where you can get the previous games in the series with minor updates to run on the current engine? I mean you probably used most of the same theme models, textures, and sounds. Wouldn't it be nice and provide an additional revenue stream that probably outweighs the effort to get it updated?
I don't fully understand what you mean
Give me an example
Q: Ocultar mi IP con un programa

user264596un programa con el que poderme conectar a un servidor proxy! espero que el programa se pueda instalar rapido, O SI NO ES PROGRAMA COMO ME CONECTO?

@Lucio I can understand some of that, but could you translate it?
@Lucio Say you bought some version of Doom years ago. You have way more bad guys now, but all of the old ones sort of exist in the new game. Wouldn't it be interesting to be able to pay ten more bucks to get the old maps running on the new engine? I'ld pay ten bucks for nostalgia sake and having it running on the new engine. That's a weak example since that series spans SO much time, but other examples would be the Thief series, the AC series, CoD, Neverwinter Nights.
Any game engine where the engine had significant improvements, and you would find playing through the old game on the updated engine fun.
The Morrowind series could be another example.
Q: Usercard Formatting Sometimes Clipped

J0e3ganI noticed in a AU post today that a usercard was clipped on the right, cutting off the user's bronze-badges count: Of course this clipping does not affect all usercards; most I have seen look fine. Save your rotten tomatoes, but to the extent it may help in understanding the issue, I happened...

@Seth done
@AskUbuntuMeta I know I saw a discussion on MSO about that bug, but I can't find it.
@Seth unclear things are unclear :(
@hbdgaf now I get it
but never thought that someone would want that
@Lucio It's not on my list of must have features, but if it was available... would you buy it?
Do you know anyone who would?
Sorry, but no, I don't.
I am not fan of games
I like to develop them, but not play them :)
Okay, if you're not a gamer at all it doesn't count as a test case. I can't imagine I'm the only one that would though.
@AvinashRaj The {$0=$2""$1} changes the current line ($0) to be the 2nd field followed by the 1st. The 7 is just an awk trick, since integers evaluate as true, it just makes it print. It is the equivalent of '/^[1-5][A-L]$/{$0=$2""$1}{print}'
@hbdgaf yeah, we should start a poll
echo 1A | awk -v FS='' '/^[1-5][A-L]$/{$0=$2""$1}7'
It only really matters if the new engine would significantly improve the previous game experience or let you play it a) in wine current blaghety blah because the old engine is too old b) on an updated version of windows where some random game engine doesn't run on new versions of windows (i've seen both)
FS=''which means it takes single character.
$1 rep 1st character and $2 rep second one.
Am i correct?
@terdon thanks :-)
You're welcome
i'm going to note it down.
@hbdgaf Final Fantasy, Thief, Neverwinter Nights, X series I'd pay for a remake for all of those
^ See - I am not alone.
@hbdgaf as a gamer, do you find this funny?
The upside is almost all the textures, characters, rigs, scripts, and the engine/game-logic are already built. For most games it's just maps or quest logic.
@terdon for all the numbers and the alphabets, i have to give the regex as /^[0-9][A-Z]$/
Am i correct?
Only for UPPER CASE letters
If you want it to match any alphanumeric , use /[a-zA-z0-9]/
[0-9A-Za-z] <-- should work
@Lucio somewhat, but i was and am more of a single-player guy.
it is not a game xD
@Lucio i know. it's a joke on the whatsapp/chat acquisition thing. the correlation i draw there is teamspeak or out of band team communication so it's not in game (for the "as a gamer" perspective). see what i meant?
now less :S
@Mateo do you remember that temp-free VPN that you talked to me?
long time ago
@Lucio when playing multi-player games, team-mates often aren't allowed to speak to each other silently or after their character dies. so they take communication out of band on some other service to give their team an unfair advantage. so "as a gamer" i read that as out of band communication joke instead of a whatsapp acquisition joke. then i pointed out that i play single player more for reasons like that.
@Lucio hm, not sure it was me. If it was I probably just searched google for one.
you was testing it in that time
if it was the 15 minute shelf-life VPS provider they went under.
or do you mean koding?
That one
no longer exist?
@hbdgaf thanks, now I know what out of band communication means
let me grab you a link...
@Lucio koding.com/R/mateosalta will get you 3GB free or something like that
@Lucio that's a use of it, but in band and out of band... wait, did you google it and read a wiki or are you inferring? the inferred meaning from that statement might not be 100% accurate.
totally inferred
@Mateo check if you get them
@Lucio I see you :)
From the wiki "Out-of-band refers to activity, such as communications, outside of an established band. Originally from the telecommunications concept of band but now also applied to other fields metaphorically." <-- I was using it metaphorically.
I get it.
kk shutting up now.
@Mateo now what?
oh, they have 2048 that is interesting
The UI is very strange
Q: Block TTY echo to display

MazmartI have a minimal ubuntu as a linux server. It starts many scripts on startup that is ok but i want to disable tty1 to echo everything to display When i start this server a login promt is presented on tty1 and I want the display to be clear so nobody can see what is being typed into.

the top bar has the terminal and text editor\
> justinhit
> 255 followers 0 following
Is that 14.04?
^that is what I call conceited
@AvinashRaj LOL
you're out of band
the text editor has the file system on the left where you can add and delete stuff
I star things, but I rarely follow anything I'm not forking.
you don't follow anybody
5 mins ago, by hbdgaf
From the wiki "Out-of-band refers to activity, such as communications, outside of an established band. Originally from the telecommunications concept of band but now also applied to other fields metaphorically." <-- I was using it metaphorically.
I don't see how those two things are related, but okay.
Why is M J on bar?
In just 5 minutes I found a bug.
click on the robot looking dude
> The current LTS (Long Term Support) release of Ubuntu, code-named "Trusty Tahr". Released on 17th April, 2014. Only use this tag if your question is version-specific.
you can run a "teamwork" session @Lucio
i think the tag definition is incorrect.
@AvinashRaj :O you come from the past future!
This seams to be promising:
er, well, maybe I need to reinitialize my vm
@Lucio you can get to the file structure here:
Another bug..
@Lucio which one is that?
let me try to reproduce it..
just a misbehavior
@Lucio if you turn off the "verifed apps" you can get things like ruby on rails and wordpress
The title is always "turn on" and doesn't always work.
Also, the other title is M J without reason :/
I'm looking forward for the UML generator
@Lucio I invited you to a collaborative session ;) click on the yellow robot person
oh sorry
It probally shows M J because is on this vm or something
I don't see your invitation
And... another bug.
misbehavior too
hm, strange. maybe I accidentally invited someone with the same name...
Is there another Lucio?!
@Lucio probably why it is still free, not all worked out yet. but really cool
I'll be back later
@Mateo Will ping you to explore it together :)
see you later
@Lucio later
@Dan what do you think of it so far?
still clicking through it
what would happen if i break the vm? since i have sudo access
you can wipe it out and make a new one
so this is under you user name menu
for some reason the terminal is now 15chars wide, i'll try reproducing it
also shows the domain address to see whatever web stuff
@Dan I had that happen too, had to resize the window
guess it doesn't like certain sizes...
well, the ta-lib ppa went dead when gcc-4.6 and multiarch look like they borked the configure script. launchpad.net/~mario-mariomedina/+archive/talib any thoughts on whether to get up with the old maintainer about a packaged build that just works or stuff it in my own ppa?
it has been 2 years...
@hbdgaf maybe ppa? I would probably send a message just in-case he is still around
but one of those don't wait around for news things
Dammit, who accepted this edit?
Please don't approve wrong edits, this one screwed up the grammar and used bold instead of code blocks for commands.
Q: Long line wrapping in Nano

codecowboyWhen editing an authorised_keys file in Nano, I want to wrap long lines so that I can see the end of the lines (i.e tell whose key it is). Essentially I want it to look like the output of cat authorised_keys So, I hit Esc + L which is the meta key for enabling long line wrapping on my platform a...

@terdon OP Alex did.
Ah, well then, can't argue with that.
I fixed it anyway.
@Lucio is that a joke?
A: Make "suggested edit was helpful" unticked by default

jmacI would rather have the choice be made prior to the decision to edit: So if you click the new Reject and Edit the edit is deemed not useful. If you click improve, it is. I always found it odd that we click 'Improve' to totally disregard the previous edit. This will make it a lot easier for...

I answered about a question.
What think about it?
@Braiam thanks, upvoted
@Braiam Definitely a joke, yes: "ClosedStack launch partners include the governments of North Korea, Iran and Cuba. Dick Cheney has been appointed temporary Chairman until the next foundation elections which will take place on May 22nd on Pyongyang, North Korea."
@terdon very elaborated, then
Q: How to copy app ( installed from software center) and send to another ubuntu computer

user262587Hello I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and my friend also has Ubuntu 12. 04, he does not have internet so I want to send my apps to his computer (apps that I have downloaded from software center). So how can I send apps downloaded from software center to his Ubuntu computer. Please explain to me and don'...

Heh, hardly, the're supporting Win98, BeOS for "backward-looking" IT departments and offer a usb stick enclosed in concrete. It is obviously a joke if you read the whole text, only seems serious in the first few lines.
who knows what they use in Korea :(
@terdon yes BeOS!
@Mateo Yes, long time no see. I'd never actually used it. You know it now has a new life in haiku?
oh, they are starting on html5?
@Braiam what?
I like the window tab idea.
@Mateo Wow, that is really cool.
wow U1 is going to disappear?
And I think that video was posted by a U&L user:
@Rinzwind :( I wish they posted that yesterday...
hmm not all things posting on 1.4 is an april fools joke ;)
but at least they are open sourcing it in the end
@Mateo you mean it wasn't?
@Mateo open source is good and well but who the f has a server to host everyones files :D
@terdon I bet the main cloud server workings weren't
but the clients I think were open
@Mateo Wow! This from a Linux company? Just wow.
THat is Canonical for ya
I never got the whole ubuntu one thing, I hate bundled apps like that. Too integrated with the OS and too linked to me. If I want online storage, I'll get it thank you.
sorry but canonical is a business. and bussiness sometimes need to make impopular discissions :=)
@Rinzwind Absolutely, no argument there. It is one of the reasons I don't use their products though.
I understand for the services part, but not releasing stuff like ubuntu for android...
They need to make money, fair enough, as long as we're not forced to use their products, I'm fine with that.
which was built running on the 2d 12.04, at this point it is almost a dead end before it even got out...
Q: Why is this static route not taking effect?

ReinderienI am running Ubuntu and network manager. I have two different interfaces, eth0 and eth1. Network manager has (as far as I can tell) correctly added this manual route: ~$ ip route default via dev eth1 proto static via dev eth1 proto static via 1...

@Rinzwind isn't ntfs-3g included in the Ubuntu kernel? It is in the mainline one.
@guntbert what?
@guntbert i think he wants us to do some debugging with his script
@jokerdino, yeah, but there the "ascii art" towards rhe end
@guntbert What is this link. I couldn't look this page.
@guntbert it's just part of his script.
@xiaodongjie I am reviewing a post (you don't have access to the review queue yet)
@guntbert Oh, yes.
@jokerdino all right, thx for your opinion :-)
from what I can see, the script echoes certain things based on the input word.
like say dog, it outputs the ASCII dog.
to be honest I didn't try very much to discern what kind of picture that was
Am I seeing this wrong? I'd say the OP has exactly the opposite problem from the alleged "dupe"
Q: Installing Ubuntu on a Windows 8 (Lenovo ThinkPad)

dinesh707I manage to install Ubuntu on my laptop using USB drive. On installation it asked me whether to keep Ubuntu and Windows 8 both in the system and everything went well. But at the end it prompted me to restart the computer. Now I cant get into Ubuntu again. If I use the usb drive it tries to re in...

@guntbert boot repair should still work. Or reinstalling grub.
@terdon yes, but I still don't see this as a duplicate - am I wrong?
@guntbert Not sure. I think the answers on the dupe will actually help, boot repair should recognize both systems.
@terdon ok, voting to reopen it :-)
@terdon depends on the OS :+
@Rinzwind Yes, but Ubuntu? Unless they've removed it from the kernel, the ntfs3g should be included. I'm asking because of your screenshot which seems ti imply it's not.
no it does not. HIS 2nd screenshot stated it might be missing and he did not state if it is
the q lacks a lot of info
@Rinzwind Absolutely, your answer makes perfect sense, I was not critiquing it. Just wondering whether the module itself is included in the default Ubuntu, I;m guessing that the resize tools the OP requires are indeed in the package you mentioned. Just wondering about the module.
And yes it is.
as of 2.6 it should
but it could have been blacklisted too :+
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