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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

blarg. I just hit a wrong button, failed an audit >.>
Anyone with a close vote? @chaskes ?
Someone with a close vote ping me please.
@seth howdy. got lots of close votes. watcha need?
@chaskes Can you vote to close this as a dupe of the first link? (in the first comment)
@seth Installed 14.04 last night. very nice so far
Q: Asus Eee PC Screen Brightness Problem

shrawderRunning Ubuntu 14.04 on Asus EeePC 1005PE. System settings says the brightness is all the way up, but the screen is very dim. Brightness buttons don't do anything. Changing the brightness level in system settings doesn't change anything either. Any idea how to fix this?

@chaskes Oh yeah? Been on the fence about installing it myself.
bingo. Thanks @chaskes :)
out to run in the sun (while we have it). bbl.
@seth I kept my 13.10 partition of course. but I'm on 14.04 now. intel graphics much, much better. seems faster on same machine than 13.10
@seth ttyl. have a good run
@seth Just notices the automatic suspend msg bug if fixed. They moved it from a pop up msg box to a notification
Q: Unzipping appearing to fail

PyRulezI run: ~$ gzip -d Mom.img.gz ^C ~$ I created Mom.img.gz by piping a dd to gzip. Should I be seeing output? I tried it with the gui too, and the progress bar didn't move.

Somebody is selling shoes here :D
@chaskes I wasn't aware of that bug, but fixing bugs is always cool!
Is Ubuntu Studio supported here?
We're cool.

Proposed Q&A site for sharing knowledge concerning brewing appliances, modifications, methods, techniques, coffee blends, roasting and grinding. Everything related to the coffee world. Coffee is pleasure and science!

Currently in definition.

I prefer the beer one
Isn't there a "How To Install Ubuntu Studio?" canonical post?
mm.. the same way you install other distros?
Then we should start linking there
But it also can be "upgraded" using just CLI
I found:
We can write a post "How to ..." and link all there
Was this the way @jrg came here?
I think that we all came here due to graphic issues :)
I finally found a good reason to use : askubuntu.com/q/441609/62483
If someone wants to, upvote this. I tested it, trust me :P
@Lucio Should probably be a comment but... ;)
yeah, but ... thanks :)
Nice add:
I don't get to see it until tomorrow :(
I just give you an early gift :P
someone is going to have some fun tonight!
Oh gosh, this is amazing!!!
oh boy, I can't stop laughing xD
wait, there is MORE!
HAHAHA brilliant!
mm.. they could have added something more funny there ¬¬
Now this awful discussion can be more pleasant thanks to unicoins
Ah what a power!
Unicorns!! :P
Is this my favorite font?!
Comic Sans \o/
I caught 32 pokemon on google :P
i bought a power for 99 unicorns.I don't know what it does.
@NathanOsman Good One
What are all these "unicoins"?
@MinatoNamikaze Could you please star it?
So this will go on for 48 hours?
5 mins ago, by Avinash Raj
i bought a power for 99 unicorns.I don't know what it does.
plz somebody reply for this ^^
I don't even believe upvotes are true.lol
I don't even know what all of this is about...
OK. be serious, I am sure this question is dup but can't locate one askubuntu.com/q/441763/184942
it's possible via bind
A: How to Mine Unicoins faster?

Minato NamikazeFirstly, to ease your job, download an automatic clicker(like this one for windows). Secondly, as Assh said, try minining coins near the rainbow.

Where are you seeing all of this?
> GOTCHA! You tried it? eh? Happy April Fools! Bwahaha
add more colours to that
Anyone here have isue when changing ethernet speed to 1000, you suddenly lose network connection and you are forced to change it back to 100 to get network connection back? I get that issue when running the following command: sudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 1000 duplex full
Q: Can we add a rEFInd tag?

rajlegoREFInd is a commonly used boot manager developed by Rod Smith. I think that it should be added due to its eminence. I can't add it myself because I don't have the rep. I'd like if someone added the tag to this question (by me) http://askubuntu.com/posts/441514/edit.

Q: Creating a Vagrant box with Docker installed

Naftuli Tzvi KayI'm trying create a nice playground for Docker in Vagrant based on Vagrant's precise64 box. (Code is available at GitHub: rfkrocktk/docker-vagrant-playground) Here's my Puppet provisioning dependencies for the instance: # Puppet for Docker Vagrant Box node default { # apt class { 'apt':...

Q: Can't reinstall Ubuntu - blinking underscore on booting

user2984071I had Ubuntu 12.04 alongside with Windows 7. Then I added some debian distribution on the extended partition. After some time I decided to clean up and reinstall linux (Ubuntu). In Windows disc manager I removed all linux partitions and merged the free space. As a consequence, I couldn't boot Win...

@PeterJ can you tell me how to convert unicoins to bitcoins.I googled it but found it is not possible. you are fooling me :( this is not good — suhail 40 mins ago
Was the "Spoiler" markdown available before? :O or was it made just for that? :D
@Dan That's old xD
What a helpful answer to all my questions:
You should divide the problem into smaller parts and solve each one individually. If you then combine the all the small solutions, you have solved the whole problem.
I was gonna say, "Today I cannot trust the Internet at all", but do I ever trust it? It's just like any other day.
but in all seriousness I really like all the pranks :P today I'll be wasting my time to search for what has everyone done for April fools
@RaduRădeanu, I've installed this answer too. I'd like to see encouraging answer now and others
Q: List all commands of a specific Debian package

HadiI want to know the commands that a specific Debian package offers me. For example lets say I installed a package called x.deb. This package surely contains some commands that i can use. How to list these commands. I know I can use compgen bash command to generate list of all available commands...

there's a new power up.
can zsync upgrade iso images? I know it can update say 14.04 with latest version of 14.04, but can it upgrade 13.10 iso to 14.04 iso?
@AdityaPatil no
It probably technically could if you renamed the ISO file but it would start by nuking the entire file and starting over from scratch. There's less than no point to doing it that way.
@fossfreedom I think it can, but it won't be of much use.I am trying with 13.04 and 14.04 at it looks like they are 11.4% same
@Oli ^ and I didn't rename the iso
the point of zsync is to ensure the file being downloaded is absolutely valid - no point in trying to compare apples with oranges. Why? Bandwidth issues?
No, I just wanted to check if it works or not.
much problem

very answer

such helpful

many upvote

what does that mean?
How "Because unicorns" power works?
@AdityaPatil How this works?
@RaduRădeanu, I think it influents Close Dialog, making the only valid reason to close "Because Unicoins". I will check that later when have mining enough UC.
@Danatela That was what I thought, but no, I didn't found any change
@RaduRădeanu It shows that message for any closed question.
@AdityaPatil Ah, now I see. Thx
How does bobblehead work?
@AdityaPatil When you scroll the page, the avatars of the posters will start shaking
@AdityaPatil It looks like a CSS transformation
They should have also included "vote your own posts"
Unicoins... I think we know what the April Feature is ;)
user image
^^ want.
Q: Announcer badge not received

AhmadgeoI shared a questions with high views more than once but never received the Announcer badge. I even shared the same question someone had his badge by sharing it and still didn't receive mine! What is wrong ?

I think this april fools stuff is gonna get me banned
Mir does not seem to be famous.
zomg... thanks Hulu for an AWESOME April 1st hulu.com/watch/615757
Went to the Bangalore Baptist Hospital today :P
Guess what I found
Every thinclient there was running Ubuntu
Although an outdated version :/
@MinatoNamikaze A customer suggestion box?
(Sorry for the bad image, but when I stood, people were giving me O.o looks xD)
I guess it was 10.04 with gnome2
Because firefox crashed or something and he had to reboot
And it still had the drums login sound when it booted up
@hbdgaf why post links to content only visible to a mere 400m people in the world?
@Rinzwind that hulu link was because i thought it was clever and didn't think it would be able to be seen tomorrow.
@hbdgaf It's just that it's not fair because we can't tell what the is about, since it's only available for US residents only :p
@Dan quite sorry. it's a "Cooking with Hannibal Lecter - Available this fall only on Hulu" gag trailer. It made me smile quite a bit.
Google+ Auto Awesome April fools xD
@oli I got a Q you can answer >:D
Q: How Ubuntu Desktop Graphical user interface developed

user264221I am new to Linux development. I know some basics of Linux architecture like there are layers such as hardware, Kernel, libraries and GUI. I know kernel and drivers are mostly developed using C and C++. I know this is common for all flavors of Linux. I can browse the source code of Ubuntu kernel ...

@Rinzwind Yeah I was just looking at that
answering >:)
Just working out if it's worth the effort. Doesn't sound like the user knows anything about display servers like X (or much about programming in general).
yeah but I got a nice answer almost done :=)
Q: Recursively find and move corrupted PDFs

Phil VollmanThe Issue I was using python-skydrive to download files to my PC, and I accidentally corrupted a good amount of my PDF files. When I try to view them in Document Viewer, I get the following error message: File type plain text document (text/plain) is not supported My Request I'm looking f...

Unicoins are so hard to mine. Nooo
@Rinzwind egads... I don't know that the vast majority of the Linux ecosystem is written in C/C++, but I want to learn a language to write an X wrapper.
@jokerdino use xdotool
A: How to Mine Unicoins faster?

suhailYou can create a javascript script to automatically mine unicoin. Here is how.(Note:This answer is an update from alias1): got to stackoverflow webpage. open javascript console. ie press F12. then define this in your Javascript console:: function minec(){ $.getJSON('/unicoin/rock',functi...

@AdityaPatil JS B|
@Rinzwind You're missing X (or Wayland, or Mir). They're fairly important in the stack :)
oh yes
This is what happens when xdotools goes wild.
^ Huh?
@blade19899: You have 75 Unicoins!
..you can now purchase exclusive power-ups that enhance your stay on this site and customize it to your own taste... i think someone should rephrase that
...Not a fan...
@blade, what's the date on your calendar?
Is this question offtopic, if it is, can we forget the fact that the OP is using Debian instead of Ubuntu?
If there is an answer to it, it would be quite interesting (for me at least)
@jokerdino Just got off an 3 hour exam, my brain is a little slow XD
@Dan the os is not an issue here. but I agree: it takes time to calculate
A: Can I make all commands have feedback if they've worked or not worked?

Avinash RajYes, it's possible to get feedback for every command you executed on the terminal.It works on the basis of echo $? which returns 0 for a successful completion of command and any other value other than 0 for failure. To get the success or failure feedback, add the below line to ~/.bashrc file. b...

Would it be a good idea to write this answer in the wiki? or maybe just add a link to the answer?
Left my machine to upgrade to Trusty overnight only to find this morning that it waited to ask me if I wanted to replace ssh_config >. >
@Seth I hate it when that happens :(
No kidding
Well, guess I'll have to wait another hour or so.
@Lucio Yes, that is why I came here.
why WHY why even consider moving /etc and /home, :X
@Seth lol
reinstalling is still the quickest method for me :D
19 minutes and I have 14.04 running
ah, yeah. no more down-votes for today
@Seth yeah, i don't do upgrades for pre-betas.
ah, they won't take bacon as payment. I'm good for it.
darn, firefox doesn't do html5 notifications
so i guess it does, but chat.se doesn't recognize that...
Hmm.. Who develops chat now?
no clue. but i'm going to file a MSO bug if it's not one of my plugins blocking things.
Hello from Trusty!
Anyone see Bing's april fools?
Bing is the joke.
That too.
So.. What new features in Trusty do I need to not notice see?
click to minimize apps
search through windows through Expo
I guess that's it
well that's better than nothing ;P
i haven't been on Ubuntu or Unity since quite some time :/
gotta update UTT now ;)
It only had one minor update :P
yes, it is now a purple unicorn!
@Seth aw, no privileges with unicorn rep
Shutter changed the placement of their imgur links.
hm, yeah.. that dosn't even make sense.
btw, if nobody knew, we are requiring registration to ask questions with a valid email since the spam fiasco
@Braiam are they blocking known anonymous email places?
@Mateo dunno
take the weekend?
today is tuesday win!
Time Traveller's wife?
Tim Touched Wendy?
Time To Win?
@terdon O_O
@Braiam Tim is a frisky little bugger.
@jrg Tell the world? :P
oh, derp
this window had focus instead of my terminal session
that's why that didn't work... :P
@jrg last half of your password? ;)
but you're welcome to try.
@Mateo its the first half D:
so does everyone see if you adopt a tag?
doubtful so ;)
that would be epic.
I'm on the upgrade tag!
@Mateo Checkmate xD
user image
i think i win.
i got a tag that doesn't exist
Hi, Good morning.
How to get alien package. what url?
where is ubuntu9.04 repository?
the only valid close reason!
glares at @Braiam
@Seth letting your hair grow out?
or is that a wig...
someone went through a lot of work to get the 14.04 synonyms right.
@Mateo nah
Wigs are so in right now.
Ah good, Oli fixed the 14.04 issue.
@Seth Do we now accept them as on topic since it's 04/14?
Or do we need to wait for the official release date?
We're mostly ok with them now.
All the freezes have happened.
So, we accept 14.04 Qs?
If it's an obvious bug we'll probably still close but otherwise fine.
@terdon Yes.
@Seth Good.
@terdon A development release question isn't automatically off-topic. It's comes down to whether or not it can be answered in a way that's still going to be relevant next week.
@Oli Oh? I thought the policy was close on sight. Good, that makes much more sense.
So no bug reports and no speculative "will 15.10 have animated wallpaper?" questions.
Is there a meta about that somewhere?
@terdon Yeah, the links in the help about what's on-topic are fairly decent (and explain that more or less)
@Oli Not really, they just state categorically that the next version is off topic
"issues with the next version"
> This is not the right place for:
> Issues with the next version of Ubuntu
A: Borderline off-topic (development version)

Luis AlvaradoIt was my belief, and the way that previous similar questions were treated, was that once the development version released its last RC version (Beta version in the case of 13.10), questions regarding the development version could be worked on since they were very close to the final release. Not m...

Then click the link and you'll see
Q: When are questions about "ubuntu+1" appropriate?

Jorge Castro"ubuntu+1" is the developmental release of Ubuntu, so it changes every day so it can cause people to have lots of problems and ask for help. So for example people asking 11.04 (aka natty) questions months before the release, etc. I think a bunch of us agreed in chat on how we handle these kind q...

oh my, @Seth has gray hair.
@Seth You changed your avatar.May i know his name?
Isn't that Newton?
he went gray faster than I did. ;p
@AvinashRaj Newton. I forgot his first name..
Sir Isac Newton.
That's right!
@Oli Ah, yes, that is better. Hmm. The help page could be improved though. I had understood that all future versions were off topic, an impression reinforced by the close->off topic menu.
@jrg ;P
Which law of him attracts you the most? @Seth
@AvinashRaj The third I suppose
My favourite one Every action has an equivalent and opposite reaction
@terdon The whole reasoning behind dev releases being off-topic is in the answers to this question: meta.askubuntu.com/questions/8819/… Particularely Jorge's. So if it doesn't fall into that category it's fine.
@Braiam Say what again. I dare you. (But seriously, don't pick an edit war with a grumpy moderator)
@Seth Thanks, I'd read that but thought it was superseded by the Help page (whose link I didn't read like an idiot) and the close dialogue. I'm glad, I always thought that was a ridiculous policy.
@terdon Our policies are... different. but there's a reason behind every one of them :)
Q: Is 14.04 still offtopic?

FischerI'm using Xubuntu 14.04 and I thought that I can't ask questions about it till it's officially released later this month, but I see many users asking about 14.04. So is it still off topic (Ubuntu +1) or can we start asking about it?

Hah, lol, talk about timing!
Told'ya it ain't clear :P
Where is Jorge's meta question?
no, it isn't clear..
Already jorge made an meta question about Ubuntu+1.
Yeah, I can't find it atm.
i got it.
Q: When are questions about "ubuntu+1" appropriate?

Jorge Castro"ubuntu+1" is the developmental release of Ubuntu, so it changes every day so it can cause people to have lots of problems and ask for help. So for example people asking 11.04 (aka natty) questions months before the release, etc. I think a bunch of us agreed in chat on how we handle these kind q...

A: How do I correctly tag my questions?

Joel CoehoornEffective Tags - Bring more attention to your question Pick tags that show higher counts in the look-ahead prompts, as they are more likely to make your question appear highlighted for a user on the main page or show up in someone's RSS feed. At a minimum, try to include at least one very broad...

Don't even try.
This is funny:
Q: My Unicorn has Radioactive Gas

Madara UchihaI've been feeding my lovely unicorn enriched plutonium as per my vet's orders. However, it seems that lately he has some serious gas problems, on both ends. My household Geiger Counter shows extreme levels of radiation, and I'm seeing weird phenomenons around the house (spontaneous colourful com...

@Braiam And my question is about a change in 14.04. However many times you try to tell me that's a meta tag (or whatever the excuse is this week), I'm going to point out that it's just not. I'm serious. You need to relax your hatred towards tags or you're going to end up banned for vandalism.
@Oli is not hatred, I'm telling you that that question is not only relevant to 14.04. "What has Jockey been replaced with in 14.10?" "What has Jockey been replaced with in 15.04?" "What has Jockey been replaced with in 13.04?" are all valid questions. I was cleaning up the tag since all the questions where getting closed and in fact yours got a close vote
why we need a question for each version of Ubuntu when we could simply get a one-fits-all?
Eh.. what?
It's a change that happened in 14.04. I'd just upgraded to 14.04. Everybody who's going to ask is going to search for 14.04.
this ^^
why do people think we all of a sudden have a hard and fast rule wrt. 14.04?
Same here:
Q: How do I turn on workspaces? (Why do I only have one workspace in 13.04?)

Bo Dang RenIt appears that Unity on Raring only comes with a single virtual desktop (aka workspaces) by default, and CCSM's Wall plugin has no way to add more. Is this configurable at all?

It couldn't be any more about 14.04 if it wanted to be.
we've always preseeded the site with questions before release
@Oli still, doesn't explain the tag "Only use this tag if your question is version-specific."
not version specific
The question is version specific. Versions higher than 14.04 will have this change.
It is version specific. It's a change brought in through a specific release.
14.04 is the current new release, so we put it in the title and tags to help SEO.
the title already helps seo
@Seth what?
let me set this straigh
We have done this too many times. Drop it. It's done.
Oh hey, congrats on 90k @Oli :D
Still gotta catch foss though ;P
"How do I turn on workspaces in 14.04?" "How do I turn on workspaces in 13.04?" "How do I turn on workspaces in 13.10?" why add a tag?
I don't understand what the problem is
is the same methodology for each of them
why narrow it down?
So what?!
@Oli why narrow it down?
@JorgeCastro there's just one "Don't try to summarize your question using the tags. The point of tags on Stack Overflow (stack exchange) is to help other interested persons find your question by sorting it into clear, specific categories. This is not the same as indexing or summarizing the question. The differences are subtle, but important."
Q: Help! Please help me! The site is completely messed up!

don.joeyHelp me please! The site is completely messed up! Everything is blue. Do I have a virus? They told me I would not get a virus on UBUNTU!! Please help me or I switch back to windows! This should work!!! Thanks you many much

14.04 is not a category
FTR, tags aren't categories.
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