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00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

@xiaodongjie What do you mean?
I can't connect to askubuntu.com
@xiaodongjie 404?
So, I need your answers as help me.
what Love Problems have to do with Ubuntu. Babaji is wasting everyone's time
no 404
@AvinashRaj You just made me install Ubuntu on a VM just so I uninstall the login package!
It haven't any images. and
can you connect to meta.askubuntu.com?
I'll try.
@Utkarsh babaji cooled down?
@AdityaPatil seems like that.
just a moment.
I think that because bad network state.
Ask Ubuntu is a question and answer site for Ubuntu users and developers. It's built and run by you as part of the Stack Exchange network of Q&A sites. Please be on-topic here and ask questions related to Ubuntu
@Dan did you try tat?
@AdityaPatil It's too.
@AvinashRaj It's, too.
@Dan But we can reinstall the package easily.
@Utkarsh What a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could not connect to it.
But you can able to chat.
@AvinashRaj No not yet, my internet is slow haven't finished the download
That package is in kb's.
@xiaodongjie try physics.stackexchange.com
ok, I'll try.
@xiaodongjie try using another browser. Try resettinf your Chrome profile
@Utkarsh I had already reinstalled the system.
@xiaodongjie Really? Then, It is because of your ISP.
I'll be back after refueling myself. Until then watch this, my desktop
ISP what?
@xiaodongjie of which company, your internet connection is?
in china.
I'm alone.
@Oli i think this askubuntu.com/a/436330/202806 answer is totally false.
Ok, I give up.
I could not connect askubuntu,
@xiaodongjie try using different internet connection
@Utkarsh he is a tricky guy used the package which was already installed by default on his answer.
@xiaodongjie you are from china? maybe the chinese firewall is currently blocking the askubuntu domain
@Utkarsh what different internet connection?
@fossfreedom how do i check firewall?
@Utkarsh what different internet connection?
@fossfreedom she has changed her OS, so, no firewall
@Utkarsh what different internet connection?
@xiaodongjie Abandon the current internet connection and try using any other Wifi or Internet Cable
@xiaodongjie - do you have another computer that you can try? Do you have another user account you can try?
Dad is back from office. I'll be back in an hour. Bye!
@fossfreedom any user is same.
@Utkarsh connection is ok.
then your internet-service-provider is blocking you i.e. the chinese firewall
@fossfreedom how do i check it?
phone your internet service provider
@fossfreedom just a question?
@fossfreedom how to develop linux 3d game project on ubuntu.
what is DevTool?
I'm not a gamer - so I'll let someone else answer you
how to develop linux 3d game project on ubuntu. What is DevTool?
@AvinashRaj as far I can tell, is unclear
That link will help him.
@AvinashRaj his system gets "sluggish" when he installs "something", how is that link going to help him?
@fossfreedom well I am and my answer would be to open gedit and start typing >:-DDD
@xiaodongjie how about this video:
here is a list of 2d/3d gaming software: ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=603327
Unity 3D (not our Unity ;-) ubuntuvibes.com/2012/06/…
that's me? >:-)
@Rinzwind thanks.
I don't think politics.se would make it out of beta.
@xiaodongjie it is not simple to do and it will also take alot of time ;)
@Rinzwind however, thankyou.
np! :) :)
too many questions flowing in
as soon as you make money 434254630 is my bankaccount number >:D
... all money has been sucked out ... thanks :P
@Rinzwind however, thankyou.
@fossfreedom I'm sure there's a Les Dawson style joke sitting right there but I'd have to ban myself for writing it.
Stupid rules. Always ruining my lols.
burger girl with burger shoes ;p
@AvinashRaj hi there!
in imagemagick, what to put in place of geometry in various commands.
user image
Too soon.. Koushik Dutta... Too soon
@MinatoNamikaze GoodNight
@Utkarsh Good Night at 7:53?
feeling sleepy
Q: Change the highlight color in Elementary OS

Anastasios VentourisI installed Elementary OS and I have a problem. When I hover the mouse in buttons or dropdown menus, the text's color changed to white but also the background of the text changed to white and make it unreadable. Look at the image in the right click menu of the mouse. The white area is the "save a...

Statutory Warning:- Reading this comment can lead to drowsiness Good Night!
Q: Is it a duplicate when the answer is given as background in another question?

chaskes After asking Question X (listing commands a package provides), the OP explicitly states he's not looking for ~X (the opposite of Question X), and by way of background provides what the answer for ~X would be. An hour later, someone asks Question ~X. This is promptly nominated for closing as a d...

Q: Is everyone uncomfortable with their first reviews?

JacobOn one hand, I think many of the first posts / answers are quite messy, and not only in bad English, but, and that is probably worse, the result of practically no effort to do some research before asking (or answering). At the same time, sitting at the other end of the table, I feel uncomfortab...

Q: Should site search be automatically switched to google?

RmanoDisclaimer: I have seen Best way to search AskUbuntu, and even upvoted it, but still... I find that the search box on the main page (and live duplicate search) is quite sloppy by default. I can explain myself better with an example. I am sure this is a duplicate (at least): I need to dual boot...

Is zentyal officiall supported? zentyal.com They claim they are..
Q: Is Zentyal an official Ubuntu derivative?

jrgI notice here that Canonical has partnered with Zentyal - does that make them an official derivative?

ah cool.
is there a way to find out stats about a meta site?
Depends on what kinda stats you want.
There is always the API.
just simple ones like these stackexchange.com/sites
I guess the API is my only option
Yeah, I guess.
Maybe you can try your hand at data queries for the meta site.
Q: Might be beneficial to include a page explaining what answers should be like when someone joins

rajlegoI'm sure for those of you who have used dropbox you remember that you get extra space for taking a tour (I think if my memory is accurate) of dropbox. I've been seeing some complaints lately about how newbies aren't researching before hand and the such. When I joined, I remember skipping the faq...

Q: Terminal emulators and btsync behavior

GoogolI've downloaded the BitTorrent Sync binary. The program only provides a Web UI interface. I'm trying to create a window for the daemon, using a terminal emulator, because I don't need an always online btsync. When I execute: cd ~/.btsync/; konsole -e "./btsync --nodaemon" the btsync daemon EXI...

2 hours later…
Can someone help me out here?
Q: On 13.10 mint graphic periodically freezes after recent updates

Moonwalkerlaptop lenovo idea pad u430p. Like I said in the title occasionally graphic freezes while all other systems continue to work normally (music plays, for example). Sometimes it unfreezes after minute or so, sometimes not and I had to hard reset the machine. lspci -v 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel C...

@Seth ping ^ ?
@terdon i bumped it and dropped a link to the faq.
@hbdgaf Done that already. I'm just bothered by the "OK, so I'll just edit the post to lie" approach
Could you vote to close as well?
Already did that
Cool, thanks
When a question frustrates you just turn on "the playlist" youtube.com/watch?v=y4hs7vW8SV0&list=PL26BCD67512C7C03E
@hbdgaf :)
<rant class="to be ignored">It's a perfectly good question dammit, and we'd love to see it on U&L. Dunno why he's resisting. grrrr </rant>
Heh. Yeah. The user obiously doesn't think we can parse the revision history ;)
No longer engaging on that one btw.
hahah, "not mint specific"
If I believed he installed a testing box and cinammon from ppa to resolve the issue like he's asking someone else to do... I wouldn't vtc on the question content after the edit. I believe that about as much as finding a winning lottery ticket on the ground.
@Seth thanks
I mean, hell, it may well be an issue common to both but dammit, rules are rules
@terdon There are many people (including myself) who wouldn't mind seeing Mint questions, EOL questions, bug questions, etc, on-topic. But with the constant onslaught of junk we get there's no way we can handle it.
Although I don't see any good reasons for allowing EOL questions personally.
@Seth I'm not arguing. I've never really understood why Mint is not on topic but it's not and that's the end of the discussion really.
I even told that guy. Dammit, he was engaging with like the only mint friendly user on the site!
@terdon htorque uses Mint, but he banished himself for it..
I am among the people that LIKE bug questions when they come along with a self-answer about how it was fixed until something happens upstream. Mint not so much, but this is why we have rules. I disagree with some of them, but I take them, or I go home ;)
@Seth :14376133 older setups, servers that can't afford to migrate etc... That one really does bother me, part of the reason I originally like Linux so much was that it didn't force me to upgrade just to use my hardware
@terdon We were getting a lot of "this answer doesn't work" only to find out, 50 comments later, that it was a Mint specific change.
If the Mint folks clearly documented all their changes it might be easier.
@Seth heh, yeah, but the're really small, I don't know if there's anyone but Clem Lefebre working full time on Mint
And that's really impressive
Anyway, does anyone know how the hell I'm supposed to set up an env variable for the www-data (apache) user?
No doubt it's impressive. On the should bugs be on topic, I put in my 2 cents on the meta question and got outvoted, so even workarounds self-answers are bad meta.askubuntu.com/questions/5305/…
I've put bug workarounds in answers before
@hbdgaf I'm with you on that one. I still haven't understood how this site defines "bugs" and neither has anyone else I think.
@terdon True. And not all EOL questions are bad. If it isn't EOL specific I'm willing to remove the references and look the other way, but some questions (e.g. "how do I get the latest version of PHP on 8.04") aren't worth the effort, nor are they likely to to help anyone else.
@Seth fair enough
@JorgeCastro We're agreeing.
that one's an easy one, it doesn't matter if it's Mint or Ubuntu -- it's a freeze
@JorgeCastro and they're nothing wrong with that either.
btw long time no see Jorge :)
@terdon Here is setting it for the apache process which is what I think you want httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/env.html
And @JorgeCastro hope there's no bad feeling over that meta q :)
nah it's all good!
bugs is a very.. err.. hard subject.
and no one really agrees on that either :P
@JorgeCastro cool.
@Seth my post in UL already went unnoticed and unlikely will ever get an answer. I think this is driver specific issue which affects all systems using the same driver, I've tested it from ubuntu live usb and its still here. For me chances of getting useful hints here would be significantly higher here and I see no harm in asking question the way I did, but I think somebody just got a bad day. — Moonwalker 1 min ago
Seems like he already asked a U&L question.
@Seth that's the thing. I've seen various things flagged as bugs that were just a user misunderstanding how the system works
meh, I pointed him to Launchpad
yo Mitch
@hbdgaf thanks, I just glanced at it but it looks like that's describing setting existing ones as opposed to arbitrary ones (I want to set the db pass in an env var) and I think UBuntu hgas it's own /etc/apach2/envars file but that's being ignored :(
@Seth checking it out now
Yeah, he'd posted my bad, I'm the Mint guy on U&L and I missed it
So anyway, when is it a bug? Is there a meta post on this?
Q: How do you tell when a question is a bug?

SethI know questions that are bugs should be closed as off-topic with a comment explaining where to file a report. My question is, how do you tell when a question should be filed as a bug report? For example I saw this question. It looks a lot like a bug to me, but how do I know for sure? Or is...

@terdon have you checked how some apache+db+juju script does it?
@Seth cool, thanks
@hbdgaf no. Don't even really know what juju is. Some kind of Ubuntu trick right?
All I want is to have my Perl script take the DB pass from an environmental variable.
it reads as service orchestration for managing loads of nodes. pretty much anything you can expect to be present is in bounds. i think it could be awesomesauce for setting up single-node projects as well, but the multinode thing is where it seems to get marketing dollars and funding appeal.
It's apt-get but for bunches of servers instead of one
That's the TLDR
@hbdgaf sounds excellent but scary. I'm just a humble biologist trying to set up a simple Mysql query front end that only does SELECT statements :)
@JorgeCastro ah, cool. So it's for installing in parallel?
it does that yea
(as in multiple targets, not parallel processing)
so say you want a mongodb cluster
it goes and does that
and then after installation you can grow it, shrink it, connect it to something else, etc.
I think that last statement would bring tears to my sysadmin's eyes
@JorgeCastro that's a neat tldr, but i think it could do so much more for service configuration than just simplifying things for multinode. single node would be a sideline for sure, but since you can do magic service configuration it could have single node applictions that i like because i could use them.
@hbdgaf upon closer inspection I think the link you gave me is exactly what I need, but I was using it wrong. Hmmm...
@terdon happens
We do single node too
@hbdgaf only too often... Cool playlist by the way :)
thanks. it doesn't belong to me, but i started using it a lot more recently ;)
need some advice - how should I clean-up the answers in this Q? askubuntu.com/questions/36433/…
should I tag the answers with 11.10/12.04 etc?
Yeah I think so
or delete some of them - if so which ones?
that problem makes my brain hurt. i'm glad the unsupported but present option is there.
tagging seems appropriate.
I say give it a bit to let the votes play out
ok - I'll tag stuff.
tagging is always good. I shouldn't have to read the entire answer to figure out if I can use it.
@fossfreedom, I edited the accepted answer, how's that?
btw, I'm pretty sure this bug affects all of you too :P
yep - that looks good - cheers
I like what happened on some questions where they are tagged and have the big-bold at the top. It's easier to parse the top line of an answer than it is to scroll to the bottom and read the tags.
We're back up to 300 close votes :(
@Seth is raising the bar past 20 an option? Most close vote reviews on AU are easy to decide
@Seth a lot of those are fuzzy. i jumped in and had one with no thinking necessary, then 3 where i thought they were significantly gray.
I'm locked out at the mo
in other news, the trusty VM is almost back up and upgraded... so animated-gif to plymouth theme is getting closer to being tested.
@Seth there, did mine, down to 269
@Seth effects?
Q: Can we get more close votes?

SethCurrently we only get 24 close votes a day. I find this much too limiting, I can use all 24 of those votes really quick and still find a use for 24 more votes. Is there any way we could get a couple more? Maybe 30? This would really help with site moderation. If anyone official reads this, can ...

If we got more votes we'd get more reviews.
2 hours later…
Q: How should I used the tags in Meta.AU?

BraiamI've found recently that people that ask questions in meta do not correctly tag their questions correctly, and when the community reacts unexpectedly or their issues don't rise awareness to the developer team, they feel that they are abandoned or ignored, so here's how you should use the obligato...

@AskUbuntuMeta yah, I'm so bitchen about tags
@Seth and upvoted, cool!
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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