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anyone here seen any Hogan's heroes?
Hey @Lucio
Stack Overflow em Português, prepare your self!
@RPiAwesomeness o/
sigh...minitube is failing to work :P
@RPiAwesomeness Yep.
nice :) I take it you are portuguese?
You speak it?
I will be portuguese :S
I will speak it :D
meesa confused...why you talking about portuguese stuff...
What the heck does that mean :S
Well...confirmar is pretty easy to see :D
@Lucio You should totally use Chrome/Chromium + instant translation. :P
note to self: read _all_ the backlog before commenting
esta/estoy means me/myself in spanish and Spanish/Portuguese are pretty closely related
@Lucio using a login from blah.com, we will automatically link this account with your ither SE accounts
I like the portuguese people :P
damn, all Latin languages are the same :) Aren't you Italian Lucio?
will be SO glad when my laptop battery arrives, this iBook g4 keyboard is so ... derp
@terdon I also know a little of italian but no, pretty sure I'm not
@Lucio Spanish is even closer, that's why I could read it :)
Where are you from?
Did you heard about Polo Norte?
me suena, si
Argentinian I take it?
No comprendo senor
Heh, so you're that fat guy I see buzzing around my chimney at Xmas!
The real question is...is that fat buzzing, or is he buzz ed?
And yes, I know Argentina is the south but there's no spanishg speaking nation near the north pole so...
those darn canadians
That's French (kinda)
French/English. Quebec is very french still
at least that's what I've heard
oh gosh, portuguese is heavy
Quebec is Québécois, not French!
@terdon saba?
saba fine, thanks :)
great :)
I'm not French, I just live there :)
Also in Spain for 7 years so my Spanish is almost native
Catalan so-so
@terdon yeah, we know how bad being french is....
oh, català is heavy
@Braiam lol
@Lucio quite close to Portuguese though
(just don't tell them that)
very true
merda, no ets catala tu?
I was talking about the people ;)
nono :P
This is all my catalan:
I like the Catalans, everybody loves hating them but I had a great time among them
Messi messi, messimessi, messimessimessimessi...
OK, that does it, I am now sure you're Argentinian
@terdon 'till you left.
Then they started the "kill-terdon" search :P
@Lucio That's why I left, I was just ahead of the mob with pitchforks!
ok, so portuguese is installed
lest got on this.
Have fun!
when this site first launched the Ubuntu font was still in beta. I'm also using it as a embedded web font. A question for the community is: should I ditch web font method and simply call font-family: ubuntu, arial, san-serif instead? This is what ubuntu.com does. — Jin 3 hours ago
^ we need to answer Jin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111‌​1111111111111ONE
Ya know, why doesn't Jin have network wide diamonds?
Q: Decrease crypted LVM partition

asoOn Ubuntu (precisely: Mint) install, I used option for use whole disk and crypt it. Now, I want to install Windows on other partition. How I can safely decrease size of this crypted LVM? Of course, partitions created by installer.

Can a mod delete an accepted answer?
I guess so right? If so:
Whoa, sudden rush of downvotes a year and a half later! Unfortunately I'm unable to delete my answer as it's the accepted answer. Please just ignore it - it's incorrect because it wasn't writing a file to /dev/null, it was trying to replace /dev/null with a directory - which shouldn't even work. — neon_overload 25 mins ago
And here's your LOL for the day:
When I ordered a SATA cable from Best Buy, I never expected it to arrive in such a large box... http://t.co/os5G9oOmPe
@NathanOsman :) Wonderful, and I'm sure they sell themselves as an environmentally friendly company
why are we closing this again? askubuntu.com/q/435866/169736
@Braiam no idea,
@Braiam Well, honestly neither of these is particularly useful but if we're going to have one, the newer one is better.
@terdon if he "fixed" his answer, I think we don't need to delete it :/
@Braiam 1) He hasn't, it's still wrong, 2) The poor guy got 10-12 downvotes and deleting would be simpler. The answer gives nothing useful and the new one is much better. In any case, the OP wants to delete but can't
@terdon downvotes are only 2 rep of the 5 or 10 you get for upvotes
@MarcoCeppi I know, but the OP wanted to delete and the truth is that his answer, despite being accepted is still both wrong and not very good anyway so... Your call
@MarcoCeppi I think OP isn't interested about rep and more about correctness of the information
@Braiam Because @Seth wants to banish you to /dev/null, and anything mentioning /dev/null should also be banished.
Q: newby ?'s on custom build

Acer DeVilleI hope this is in the right place, if not please move, thanks. I am attempting to make a custom lightweight ubuntu-based linux install, that my old computer can pull. I probably shouldn't even be attempting this considering that I have some significant short-term memory problems, which affects ...

I want to use a DB for java, what which of them?
Java DB seems to be already installed on JDK so it should work without need to install anything, right?
PostgreSQL is always a good choice.
I was going to use SQlite but it does need drivers, which make more tedious a cross-platform installation.
Do you just need to store key/value pairs?
not, complex relations
XML is a possible-but-second-or-third-choice
I'm about to develop a cross-platform application so want to be sure what is the best.
cc: @seth
JSON will always win over XML for ease-of-use if you ask me.
But then again - Java was popular around the same time XML was, so they tend to work fairly well together.
Everyone is using JSON/YAML nowadays.
@NathanOsman yeah, they do
At least XML has XPath.
mmm.. too many options to choice one
I want to write the DAO now! :(
2 hours later…
@Danatela It would be better if you delete your answer askubuntu.com/a/436144/184942. The OP is asking something else, and I think the question is primarily opinion based
@Oli I always keep on getting notifications of chats replied to Aditya.What should I do?
@AdityaPatil OK
@Danatela hang on, just edit it, I don't see @AdityaPatil's point. There are many mistakes in your answer but if you correct them, it should be fine
@terdon the OP asks for source code vs prebuild.the answer is apt-get vs USC
@AdityaPatil I think the OP is asking for apt-get vs software center, there is no mention of source and I see no reason to assume that's what the OP means
@Danatela's answer has many issues (basically everything you say about the command line is untrue apart from it's being harder to learn) but the basic ideas are there.
@terdon this is what OP says I've never compiled any software from source but I'm wondering, is it better?
@AdityaPatil I stand corrected.
I just saw that, sorry.
No need for sorry.
I read the "I've never..." and stopped there :)
Why is the close vote review queue increasing day by day?
@AdityaPatil cuz people doesn't review stuff...
We should hold an close vote clearance day.
I think there's a voting fraud going on. someone's voting for answers that are not answers
@AdityaPatil, @terdon, i have edited my answer
The Ubuntu Touch documentation is absolutely terrible.
I've never seen anything so poorly documented in my life.
Sorry, but it's the truth.
Q: Audio cuts in and out after upgrading from Ubuntu 12.10 -> 13.10

DavidSo my audio was working perfectly fine (XBMC, VLC, Flash in Chrome, etc) before the upgrade. Now that I've upgraded, I can still play audio, but it plays for a second or two at a time before cutting out for a second or two (or sometimes even longer). I've removed ~/.pulse ~/.config/pulse, run pul...

@NathanOsman You can only expect terrible docs for an OS which is itself in a terrible condition(for now at least)
For ex. it eats all battery power.
I'm not trying to be mean or anything - I'm sure a lot of work has gone into what currently exists.
But it's just... I've spent the last two hours trying to get some HTML to display.
Nothing fancy at all. Just a single chunk of HTML.
of course yes, but we first need to get the OS working stable-ly
@Danatela You made it compilation vs apt-get vs GUI. :)
Finally, I think I have it.
I almost feel queasy there are so many "hacks" in this app.
Workarounds for workarounds for workarounds.
But it works.
Quickly writes it down.
Q: lockfile-progs utilities usage

googolI have this script to learn and understand the lockfile-progs utilities. I've tested it and works good. But, I find the lines related to lockfile-touch unnecessary. My script only needs to launch one xterm instance on one machine per user. I will do the right thing removing the lockfile-touch lin...

welcome home! @AvinashRaj
@AdityaPatil Gud morn :-)
good morning
@Lucio Haven't used any databases yet, sorry :-/
@hichris123 Shh!
@MarcoCeppi Oh, I got my question answered in IRC. Thanks though. Also: bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community-website/+bug/1289929
@hichris123 What aspect of Ubuntu? Programs are written in Python, C, C++, C#, Java, Lua (yes, lua), perl, ruby, JavaScript, etc. The kernel is written in C. Ubuntu itself is written in.. I'm not sure what. I think it depends on what part you're working in. Most of Ubuntu is hosted on LaunchPad, which is sorta similar to github, except it's not. We use baazar (bzr), which is sorta like git, except it isn't.
Then there is the documentation team, the quality team and the design team.
[/end data dump]
Q: Configure VIM airline to be fancy

Ionică BizăuI installed VIM airline. It looks like this: But I expected to look like in the screenshot: How to configure this under Ubuntu? What about other Linux distributions? Right now I am using Ubuntu.

2 hours later…
Q: dark image in Skype but without a problem in other apps

Anastasios VentourisI've just moved to Linux Family. I installed Elementary OS (based on Ubuntu). I try to configure my Skype, but the video image is really dark. It is working, but it is low in contrast. I've downloaded Cheese and the image there is great. I've download Guvcview and the image there is great as w...

2 hours later…
Google wear.. woah
@MinatoNamikaze: the moto 360 looks seriously sexy
@JourneymanGeek yep O.o
round led?
Probably an oled ring
plays with the sdk
yeah, smexy as hell ;p
I want the moto g
Brilliant at 14k :P
I have it ;p
Damn you :P
I wanted the N5
but I think that's a bit too much for a 15 year old xD
@JourneymanGeek How well does slo-mo video work?
(After the 4.4 upgrade)
@MinatoNamikaze: haven't tried that
and the camera isn't too good unless its bright daylight.
the screen is.. oh my god.
@JourneymanGeek Try it now please? :P
Q: How can I know if a network is secure before connecting to it?

user12448before connecting to a network i want to know if it needs a password or not like in the network manager. The security of every network any commands will be welcomed

thats cool ;p
And google now just got cricket :P
google now creeps me out ;p
(I use it but...)
And Moto X just got released in india
It did?
Not out here as far as I can tell
(and bleh, we get amazingly little love as far as stuff like that goes)
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, flipkart
@MinatoNamikaze: our moto Gs are indian models ;p
cool ;p
@JourneymanGeek meaning?
I like the motos, I hope lenovo dosen't screw it up.
@MinatoNamikaze: its the EXACT SAME model they sell in india - the regulatory information on the phone is for india even ;p
open the garage..
You forget to add e in eclipse on this line export PATH=$PATH:/home/amol/Downloads/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20131030/eclips in your bashrc file. — Avinash Raj 3 mins ago
> You forget to add . before bashrc in the above line.
@Rinzwind today's question askubuntu.com/questions/436171/…
Hi Friends!
@AvinashRaj you are doing this on a production server? >:)
@MinatoNamikaze what is this?
@Utkarsh no :P
@MinatoNamikaze So, Which is your next exam?
Production server??
@Utkarsh Chemistry
@MinatoNamikaze How much is your monthly Pocket money?
@Utkarsh NullPointerException
@MinatoNamikaze HaHaHa I was just testing your priority :P
:14365549 How much did you pay for it?
I don't remember
@MinatoNamikaze at waht age you started using linux?
@MinatoNamikaze: is he bothering you?
@Utkarsh What?
Nevermind, back to studying.
Okay :-)
My Exams are over!
@JourneymanGeek Why? What will you do then?
@Utkarsh: oh, recommend he ignore you, naturally.
@Utkarsh remember to keep to topic and not to get too personal. Anything more than that and further measures such as that you are unfortunately too frequently familiar could be enacted.
@JourneymanGeek why are you telling everyone to ignore me? do you have any personal enmity with me?
@fossfreedom okay | I want to talk to you
nope. You ask too many personal questions, and are disruptive, and suspending you has no effect.
and I'm actually trying to indirectly engage you by hinting at when altering your behaviour would be a good idea
not that I expect it to work.
I mean, I could just throw you a several month suspension
but what's the point?
@JourneymanGeek No, Please Please! I want to be un-suspended on my Birthday. Please for God Sake!
won't be me who does it
I know ;p You can't suspend me without any reason
You're my Friend
@AvinashRaj Where did you find that avatar?
After 7-8 Days, I will delete my account
@AdityaPatil it's my default one.Is that looks nice?
yes.But you were finding avatars yesterday?
I think someone suggested gravatar
@AvinashRaj it looks like swastik
but there's nothing there
@Utkarsh It's hitler's sign
@Utkarsh yes
@AdityaPatil someone replied that changing avatars are possible only if you change the email address given.
@AvinashRaj You can manually specify them through the profile page - I was talking about the automatically generated ones that are based off email hash.
@Oli how are they based on email?
mine is an automatically generated one.
Q: Virtual USB for other equipments

Minimus HeximusSome applications simlulate a virtual USB or CD Rom drive as if a USB drive is attached to the computer. Is there any configuration or application that provides a virtual USB drive, not for the the operating system itself, but for other equipments which accept USB drive, through a USB port. So ...

you take the email you generate the MD5 hash and that goes on the end of a gravatar URL
That hash is what's used to identify you without giving out your email address.
you mean download the avatar and add it as your profile picture.
@Oli while running for f in $(dpkg -L vlc); do [[ $(type -P "${f##*/}") == "$f" ]] && echo ${f##*/}; done command,
the output shows
qvlc and svlc
it fails to show vlc
@AvinashRaj The vlc command lives in the vlc-nox package though... That's why.
I thought they changed the md5sum thing
@JourneymanGeek Looking at location of mine, it looks like MD5's still in fashion https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f0af40756420859b5b63cbceb6d30505?s=32&d=identic‌​on&r=PG
@Oli how much rep is require to make private room?
I see, the ones where you upload from the profile page are just stored on imgur.. So that's a bit different.
@Utkarsh private rooms are still public.
@AdityaPatil how?
anyone can read them
Q: How to find all the available commands in a package before installing it?

Avinash RajThis question clearly explains about how to find all the commands which are provided by a particular installed package. My question is, how to find(or lists) all the available commands which are provided by a particular package before installing that package via terminal ?

@AdityaPatil :(
why do you delete your messages?
apt-cache command is used to search and find the package versions and some more before installing that package.
@AvinashRaj In fairness, my question isn't about installed packages, my answer is.
My question covers both.
hmm baba-ji is back posting answers with the fabled telephone number. Look out folks - flag as spam please.
@fossfreedom but I can't see his spammy questions. why?
poor/no anti-blackmagic laws in India causes all this nuisance.
@AdityaPatil Yes, you are right
see his spam is everywhere google.co.in/…
@fossfreedom Yes your Majesty
We should have babaji bronze, silver and gold badges for closing babaji posts.
I forgot my question?!?!?!
Q: Is there any app for lubuntu which has ability to remotely turn on the PC and use it and then tun it off also

UtkarshIs there any app for lubuntu which has ability to remotely turn on the PC and use it and then tun it off also. I want it as my computer is in NewYork and I want to access some files in my office at Canada. then how can i remotely tun on that pc and download some files. (the pc is always plugged i...

@Rinzwind ^
baba-ji killed in 4 seconds - for the win :)
@fossfreedom Great! but I can't see Baba ji spam anyhwere. why?
too slow - you need to be 10K or above to view deleted stuff.
@fossfreedom Shouldn't these users be deleted?
@Utkarsh see the above link,But you can't.
baba ji answers are flagged as spam - then we destroy the users with the spam reason.
@fossfreedom since when this baba ji spam is going on askubuntu?
damn - baba ji is hitting us quickly - be on guard people. flag-flag-flag
Why community locked that post before deleting it?
why not ban his IP?
@Utkarsh like forever - dont remember when his love potions hit us.
@AvinashRaj destroying a user anonymises it - the user becomes community so that it looks like community destroyed it.
How can views to question decrease?
@fossfreedom Oh! I got Spam! but there is not flag as spam option. why?
@AdityaPatil Maybe inorganic(bot) views were eliminated?
@Braiam thanks for protecting that question. :-)
who is community? he locked my question
@Utkarsh not sure - should be there. Maybe there is a min rep thing.
@Utkarsh community is the SE bot - no - he hasnt locked your question - only protected it from further spam users
@foss When a question was protected by community?
What?! Why doesn't the Android wear sample app support the nexus 7? This is outrageous xD
@AvinashRaj usually 3 low rep answers that are deleted causes community to protect.
@MinatoNamikaze off topic
@Utkarsh I know :P
I wish i could have seen how baba ji spams ;p
@MinatoNamikaze: what does it support?
@JourneymanGeek No idea
it might support nothing at all ;p
@MinatoNamikaze Get an Idea
@Utkarsh One needs to be quick and lucky to see babaji spams.He is rare!
I'd argue he's half baked
@JourneymanGeek I've seen people use it :P
@AdityaPatil again! I saw it! I'm Lucky!!!
but can't flag
you were moments late to flag
@Utkarsh someone else already flagged it.
I can see it in my notification tab.
@AdityaPatil what, if we call baba ji by his phone number and ask him to stop this?
How if we call ANIS?
@AdityaPatil What is anis?
Every body...
@Utkarsh Wait a minute, you won't have heard about it because you are outside of MH.
wei shen me?
spam everywhere..
@AvinashRaj How much Spam eliminated?
Use english
@AvinashRaj how are you!
@AvinashRaj where? I have my eye on reviews but I didn't see one?
@xiaodongjie i'm 5in.What about you?
@AdityaPatil because you are unlucky
10kers only.
Hey @AvinashRaj, Just a question.
@AvinashRaj No, even i have seen spam
I'm lucky, you know,
@Utkarsh where?
@xiaodongjie what?
but that was on my question
why I can't connect to askubuntu?
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