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@hbdgaf not that mine did much ;)
so sounds fine
i know.
I think we can also drop the ported from statement at this point
excuse me i forgot one detail. i completely reinstalled ubuntu to its original state with no settings. — Nolan Burgin 36 mins ago
????????????????... ???????????????
@Braiam I had a similar problem on this laptop - steam wanted extra xorg stuff, installed - next boot was in 2d-mode without the graphics detected in settings and "extra drivers".
@Mateo yeah, but reinstalling should have fixed it, no?
basically had to chroot on livecd and un-install the propartary drivers and the specific xserver-xorg-** packages and reinstall xorg
@Braiam unless he went back to the "extra drivers" and tried again...
Typical, everybody else asks their questions in that format and at least gets a comment
When I do it, I get ignored
i'm just a little bitter... if you ask it properly i'll speak...
^^ there's the comment
that's not a very constructive comment
it's constructive criticism and a reply to a call for help
I don't actually need help, otherwise I would ask it on the site and gain zero reputation out of it
I have, however, just been through the review queue
anything odd? i'm cleaning the house, so i may be a little touch and go...
nah, just the usual people asking inane questions with terrible spelling, grammar, and... well
we're here to help.
we're all always here to help. it's just the tolerances that differ from user to user.
@kalina rule #1... never tell them that there's caps lock... EVER!
has braved MSO more than one time means "tolerance_score -= 100"
in The Bridge, yesterday, by LessPop_MoreFizz
lolz.. that sounds like someone on IRC...
Q: After installation of VirtualBox via apt-get, Linux Mint was replaced by Ubuntu

user1313992Today I set up an Ubuntu virtual machine for a computer science course using VirtualBox on my Linux Mint OS. It installed fine and worked great. But then when I turned off my computer and then booted into Mint a few hours later, the Linux Mint OS (after the login screen) was replaced entirely by ...

bucket full of...
it's not a bug... it's a feature.
@UbuntuQuestionsonU&L maybe replaced the Plymouth theme? (assuming mint uses that...) oh after the boot screen...
my guess is the vbox package pulls in something that triggers unity installation...
and... since it's just a fork with no substantial code written... you get unity by default instead of mate or whatever desktop is the default in mint with whatever skin. /me sticks with xfce.
Q: could not write bytes: broken pipe after chown in /usr

user245867When I boot ubuntu 12.04, I get this message on screen and the the system does not boot. This happened after I did the following: I installed tor-browser. When I tried to run it, it gave an error that /usr/bin/tor-browser permissions are set to root. So I did the following (was a mistake): su...

Is that not just a case of boot from live cd, mount your existing partition with root on it, fix all of the permissions, reboot?
@kalina the "fix all of the permissions" bit is nontrivial
You can chown -R root /usr, and you'll probably have a semi-working system though
well, they're all root:root
and whatever mask -rwxr-xr-x turns out to be
so you should just be able to chown -R root:root /usr and chmod -R <whatever> /usr
but I'm sure you know enough to correct all of my mistakes
@kalina Hey, you know more than half of the people in our CompSci courses do.
it's not going to get me internet points though is it
Well, yeh ... But your obsession with Internet points is unhealthy anyway.
you're only saying that because I have 4x more points on one site than you have network wide
Yes, I'm just jealous of you. Obviously.
right so
how do I answer this question
I don't know, I didn't even read it.
Nah, I'd have to reboot to check. And I cba to reboot.
but I need to fix this
the fonts look stupid
just intalledmat e on server
what d?o
night all
tabb complet halps
@NathanOsman where was that question asked?
heres me screen looking stupid
I mean im drunk
but not that drunl
Looks like you're missing a font :P
Q: Why are letters overlapping in the terminal?

Nathan OsmanI installed Oneiric as a guest OS in VirtualBox using the Mini CD. I installed the ubuntu-desktop package and everything seems to work fine - well, except for a font issue with the terminal: As you can see, some of the letters overlap and it's difficult to read. I checked the settings and it t...

2 hours later…
Q: What will be my location for dns servers if I use google public dns

AkaksAs i saw most of the internet is being load balanced even at DNS . And DNS load balancers takes decision on behalf of client's DNS . So I Am just curious to know if i will use in ubuntu 12.04 box nameserver then what will be my location for the internet.

3 hours later…
Q: How do I mount a shared folder on startup?

DanielSo I'm following this article on how to mount a shared vmware folder: http://pubs.vmware.com/workstation-10/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.vmware.ws.using.doc%2FGUID-AB5C80FE-9B8A-4899-8186-3DB8201B1758.html I can successfully mount with the following command: mount -t vmhgfs .host:/foo /home/user/Docu...

morning all
Oh you survived the avalanche?
we are soon having breakfast. then we are going back up the mountain.
hope it stopped snowing... mountains are so much better in sunshine.
it did; according to apple weather app 60% chance on snow later today. ALL other apps say clear skied >:)
so we are currently insulting all the apple users here >:D
Good to know they have iWeatherGod in mountain areas.
send $all_snow to $mountains
@oli games.fok.nl/review/637529/1/1/50/olliolli.html (google translate it >:D )
2 hours later…
Hi everyone. I have a question: How can I extract localhost from the following text?
$dbHost = 'localhost';
@MeinAccount: I'd probably use cut, using ' as the deliminator
Yes, but how to I cut?
I'm assuming this is in a file?
so cat file|cut -d \' -f2
You're piping whatever to cat. telling it the delimiter is ' (and escaping it), and telling it to give you the second field
Can I also use ` = ` and ; as delimiters?
@kalina chown -R surely it won't break anything - made me lol a little
speaking of, there should so be a browse-able default permissions for everything under package management and created in ~/ snapshot somewhere. it would make a great n00bfixtool
@MeinAccount if you just want to extract localhost, ' is the right delimiter. looks like it's in a shell script. can you just grep the line out, dump it in something else, and source that new script so you can have it directly accessible as a variable instead? or use juju that has convenience methods for this type of thing.
This is the entire file:
$dbHost = 'kksamflkm';
$dbPort = 0;
$dbUser = 'lkasnlfkn';
$dbPassword = 'skdgmlkm';
$dbName = 'sdglkn';
$dbClass = 'wcf\system\database\MySQLDatabase';
if (!defined('WCF_N')) define('WCF_N', 1);
I need the $dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPassword and $dbName
oh.. :( php.
Can I map the output lines from cut to variables?
you could with python pretty easily... in bash i'm not so sure.
Hey! Guys.. what do we do for these type of questions > askubuntu.com/questions/417809/…
can this be fallen under off topic?
@hbdgaf I have no experience using python so it's not an option at the moment.
Can I read a single line of a file to a variable?
cat boo.php | grep db | grep -v Port | grep -v Class | cut -d \$ -f2 | cut -d \; -f1 | sed -e s/\'//g | sed -e s/' = '/=/ | sed -e 's/^/export /'
and execute the resulting string to get it as bash variables
@hbdgaf Thank you! That works great
Now I should maybe try to understand how it works...
@MeinAccount: ^ what she said ;p
@hbdgaf: people keep telling me off for abusing cat with grep ;p
cat boo.php
start your pipes
grep db | grep -v Port | grep -v Class
find relevant lines
cut -d \$ -f2 | cut -d \; -f1
lop off the parts you don't need
sed -e s/\'//g | sed -e s/' = '/=/ | sed -e 's/^/export /'
replace the parts so it reads as bash
@JourneymanGeek you could just use awk, but if you're answering a question where grep, cut, and sed aren't understood... awk just drops a nuke on the situation.
I can never remember how to do it though ;p
@hbdgaf: I mean, you can feed a text file into grep without pipes
@JourneymanGeek yes, i get that a lot too. it's an old habit from the redhat academy training material where i started linux oh so long ago... and i was "fixing" their grading scripts for the local academy... so what does that tell you
Everyone else is wrong? ;p
no, they're right. it's just a bad habit. the grading scripts were actually broken( they tried to parse things that satisfied the deliverables and missed some of the parsing ).
also, i found an interesting solution to the virtual desktop switching inside of VM products. you can turn off X listening for the ctl-alt-fX keys if you want... it's not great, but it works.
o/ @jokerdino
o/ @hbdgaf
have a chance to browse the code changes @Mateo ? it looks nice, but i broke all the functionality during the rewrite. putting it all back together a piece at a time.
just had a glance the other day
broke things out in to pieces instead of a monolithic file. it reads better too... but nothing works again yet.
some day ill learn how to reply to specific comments.
but, I did solve my problem with stupid looking fonts
unchecked use system fixed width font.
stuff looks normal now.
Okay this definitely is spam. Weird spam, but spam non the less: askubuntu.com/q/418093/36315
we get no points for responding to spam?
@j0h, you responded to the spam?
Last time I did that, the spammer started using my name, and spammed the crap out of Askubuntu.
Cause i somehow pissed him off.
Lesson number 1, never feed the trolls.
what is the window manager fro mate?
mate IS a wm... iirc it's a hacked up gnome2
@j0h it's not about points. if anything, responding to spam should be negative points unless you're shutting it down.
I typed in nautilus, thinking i would open a window and it was like nooooo nautilus not installed
so i was like waht am i in?
no idea. i use xfce, so i'm in thunar. no idea since mate is a recode not a UI redesign(which it should have been)
i won't use mint on principle.
google indicates it's nemo
what is the interface for installing printers?
I installed mate to ubuntu server. but the install printers link is missing
A friend of mine has CPP and Octave questions is there a good place to chat for him?
Q: Can this question be migrated to this site?

FischerI asked This question on Superuser. Is it on topic here or not? If yes, what will happen to the bounty?

Q: Tag synonym request: [settings] -> [preferences]

CerranI think [settings] and [preferences] should be synonyms. Although more questions are tagged [settings] than [preferences], I think the main tag should be [preferences] because "Preferences" is usually the name given to a program's options its GUI in Ubuntu.

Is there any way to allow both absolute and relative values as the first parameter?

. $1/config.cfg
Q: Global menu items in Ubuntu 13.10

Mohamed AhmedThe global menu items for many application on my Ubuntu Linux 13.10 can't be clicked, but this doesn't include all applications, Firefox global menu works just fine and so is VirtualBox, but only "Highlight Mode" may be clicked in gedit, "Change Profile" and "Set Character Encoding" in GNOME Term...

user image
how to connect and share files between ubuntu and windows pc via wifi
@AvinashRaj the same way as you do with a wired network...
@Braiam please post the link to follow
@AvinashRaj the SMB protocol doesn't care if your network is wired or wireless, any guide will do
@Braiam please plz plz post the link.I want to do it now,plz.
@AvinashRaj what link?
@Braiam plz post the link for the tutorial which describes how to share files between ubuntu and windows pc via wifi
@Braiam that is true
@AmithKK o/
@Lucio yo
you always posting great pics :D
\o Doin' my job
@AvinashRaj are you aware that what you are asking doesn't make sense?
@AvinashRaj search around this site
you will find a couple of answers that would be helpful
as I said previously SMB/CIFS protocol doesn't care if you are using wifi, wired or morse code... just look for how to connect to windows shares using samba and it should be fine
The olympic ring failure..
Aren't they pyrotechnics?
@AvinashRaj Oh i am in France so that was "hello" ;-)
Good Night
/me @ canonical - let's re-invent all the things so nothing works, but we control everything...

i don't think you understand.

oh but i do... it all worked for me a year ago.
@blade19899 ^^
@Rinzwind hola frenchman;)
q'est que c'est passe?
This is a dupe of something:
Q: Unity's "File Edit View" menus in Gnome Fallback? [12.04]

davidbuddy9I was recently playing around with Ubuntu 11.04 (Ah, the last version of Ubuntu to use Gnome 2 in the background) and I noticed this: As you can see its the Unity "File Edit View..." menus in GNOME 2. It's available as an indicator addon in 11.04. Now what I'm asking is how do I get this i...

is it a dupe of canonical is replacing it anyway, don't get comfortable with normal tools available in arch and debian?
no, he wants a universal menu bar in the panel..
@hbdgaf tomorrow going back to Holland, 8 hour drive
@Rinzwind hopefully it turns out well
@hbdgaf Itll be fine. today was great; sunny and lots of people.
@Seth i was being facetious... i didn't actually think that was a dupe of the line of reasoning i cited
@hbdgaf co-worker did a black slope. 2 90% decents in it :D He stood on the side before he went down to look at it, did not see a lot but after got down from it and looked back he had a bit of a WTF moment :D
Dinner time :-) BBL
2 hours later…
Q: Unreadable captcha

Avatar PartoI wanted to add my answer to this post but I keep on being told to enter the text on a captcha. The problem is that the captcha text is bearly readable and no success after about five tries. I tried logging out and in again with no luck. How can I tell them am human or use a more readable captch...

is this closable as unclear? askubuntu.com/questions/418281/kernel-killing-java-process - it's not answerable in its current form, lacking ANY detail that might help
@hbdgaf looks nice, I like how things are broken out into the - ui, settings, ect.
back! had a nice talbot for dinner
@hbdgaf Running a server with 512MB of RAM is a no no in the first place.
Q: How to setup anonymous NFS correctly

MargedI set up an NFS server on Ubuntu Server 12.04 for my linux based DVB-S receiver (Spark 7162) Unfortunately the receiver is only able to connect anonymously. Directories are created but can not be written to because the permissions are not sufficient: drw-r--r-- 2 receiver receiver 4096 Feb 8 22...

@Seth idk why they didn't just say either minecraft or a mongodb connector instead of "java"
seems answerable though...
sudo updatedb && locate sql.lock or similar
i just unbroke my python3 install since i was toying with 3.4 an it broke EVERYTHING.
@hbdgaf '12 :P
@NathanOsman o/
I have a problem with ubuntu
I am trying to open a programm
all of the text in the program is boxes
why am I not seeing the proper text???
could it be something with my fonts?
I can't find anythign about this on AU
should i ask a question?
@Vader I would revert whatever you have done with your theme
I did not even edit it yet, its only asking me to chose my theme

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