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Q: Start closing "I can't see partitions while installing" questions

LucioI have seen a lot (really tons of them) questions regarding "I can't see [Windows] partitions while installing Ubuntu". A common property between all of them is that almost none of them has close votes for bug. Why??? It should be closed as such because .. it is a bug! Also some of them provide...

@Seth VTC the Q too ;)
Could a couple of you explain what blacklist a tag means? Or it result
This is confusing me.
can someone vtc this against this
@Lucio that nobody else can ask a question with that tag
@Lucio Inkscape for making a logo, gimp for putting jrg's head on luke skywalker ;)
@Braiam but forced or if the user wants to?
@Mateo lol
@Lucio nobody can ask a question with that tag
nor edit it in...
30 secs ago, by Lucio
@Braiam but forced or if the user wants to?
@Lucio if you can't, why is that?
forced then
exactly... we need to get rid of that tag...
@Mateo hey, GIMP worked perfect
I wanted to draw a dotted line with curve.
@Lucio why you ask?
@Braiam not english native
@Mateo but I don't have a steady hand :P
not bad
there is another lost point at the top middle
now that I do zoom, every point has lost xD
that URI says it all
Oh, Inkscape
so you can draw a line, and style it with dots
then the dots follow the line
I should write the same post but with GIMP :)
@Mateo right, that is called "Path" in GIMP (for some unknown reason)
Why am I getting:
No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.
Perhaps you should specify a branch such as 'master'.
Everything up-to-date
In my new git repo, when I try to run git push?
Never ran into that before.
what is git status? maybe you didn't pulled first
I git cloned it..
git push -u origin master worked..
mm... that git repo is borked D:
(remembers glib repos some years prior)
@Mateo I just made it :D
@Lucio nice!
thank you!
@Seth what was the full set of commands that you entered?
@Lucio git clone <link>
and then push? nothing else?
touch readme.mkd
touch index.html
git add -A
git commit -m "Some message"
git push
then that --^
@Seth wait, it worked finally?
Here I'm another time, trying to solve the past.
I used git push -u origin master then it worked.
@Mateo You're on Koding right?
are you?
Could you help me test something real quick?
What's your username?
I want to test it's real time collaboration.
@Seth should be same as my github, do you know that one?
@Lucio path is a place for a graphic to follow, so if you put a path in place and style it with dots, triangles, dashes, whatever... it's still a path. dotted line doesn't cover it.
long history short: line in GIMP means path...
@Mateo No.. I don't ;)
missed it :(
got it
A: Does e-mail address obfuscation actually work?

Iain HolderI've always liked the simple, elegant and not to mention classy solution of using: Tacky Turing 0MB [email protected] To email me, first you have to remove my pants. Using this method I don't get any spam. In fact I don't get any email.

^^ not my joke
Koding can't find a user with that username (yes, I removed the necessary parts)
oh wait, got it now I think.
@Mateo invited.
@hbdgaf interesting.
downside is some people don't get it.
@Mateo I closed the tab..
@hbdgaf I could see that happening..
then it said "seth left"
can you still mess with stuff?
it says "This session is not valid or no longer available.
This usually means, the person who is hosting this session is disconnected or closed the session."
OK good.
Thanks for helping @Mateo :)
looks like that could be useful for some things
This is a dupe, but I don't know what of..
Q: Change unity dash lens

StarkersMay have my terminology wrong here, but the unity dash is a utility launched by clicking the little unity logo on the top left, and the lens is the window that opens out and filters results? Anyway, my unity dash appears to be stuck on the social lens, and I can't search my system and the store f...

@Braiam --^
@Seth read the comment on the answer to the dupe you linked:
i just completely reinstalled 13.04 and it worked :/ sorry i couldn't try your method, hopefully it works for someone else — Akash Ramani May 2 '13 at 16:23
I read it
@Seth You changed your gravatar!
@NathanOsman For a bit, yes.
About a week or so.
Gotta eat. I'll take a look later.
@FEichinger follow up?
@Braiam Hm?
about the discussion in the bridge
Oh, yeh.
It nagged me ... It's the kind of thing we usually already have elaborate best-practice documented somewhere.
> This is what I decided to do. I did not see the rest of your help 'til now. Nevertheless....
> I think the best thing for me to do now is to get a cheap used laptop and either do a dual installation or just install Ubuntu on to it.
Accepted ... why?!
@FEichinger WHY?
drops @FEichinger in a bottomless pit
@Braiam ...
What the...
@Braiam that has a good answer.
@Seth but OP gave up... we will never know if it actually worked...
We don't need to know if it actually worked, it is a good answer with lots of upvotes
@Seth but new answers will not help anybody...
that Q/A is a mess and upvotes != quality...
besides I don't see where he gave up..
the A could serve as diagnosis but is not a problem-solving answer
8 mins ago, by Braiam
> I think the best thing for me to do now is to get a cheap used laptop and either do a dual installation or just install Ubuntu on to it.
@FEichinger ...................................................... (when only three points are not enough)
@Braiam I don't see that.
ah, now I do. Still doesn't change my opinion.
@Seth will you allow another question like that to be asked?
were OP gave up?
The question is not even a question as it stands.
It needs heavy editing.
Boil it down to the information, drop all that communication with comments and answers and whatnot from it ...
And formulate an actual question.
@FEichinger Did you figure out the email display issue?
@NathanOsman Well, the answer I got is a neat idea. Still doesn't answer what I was going for, but it's a solution.
@FEichinger You have a point there.
@Braiam I don't care if the OP gave up. If it has a good answer that could help others it should be ok.
Sometimes details change that, but in general that's how it is.
I'll VTC it though because as @FEichinger said it's hardly a real question and that pretty much negates the answer.
@Seth Well, we no longer have a NARQ close vote.
"unclear" with that mass of information is a bad choice.
OT is bad.
TB and POB don't really fit either ...
So use OT is what MSO wants us to do.. so that's what I did.
Yeh, I remember why I hate the new closing system every time I use it.
Speaking of which, I really should generate some AU rep again ...
@FEichinger Yeah, I miss most of the old closing system. sigh
@FEichinger Yes you should.
sighs Seth, will say again. The vote to close is against the question, not the answers. Even if the answers has bazillion upvotes if the question doesn't fit the scope of AU it should be closed.
but the question fits the scope. I only voted to close because the question was such a mess no one would want to look at it.
Now I remember why I don't post here anymore ...
Questions feel like duplicates of something all the time.
Post a new question? Nah, it's probably already asked, but I'm not wading through all of this mess to find the one I'm looking for.
yep yep. Just answer it anyway, as long as you don't know of a duplicate top of your head.
Post an answer to a new question? Nah, question should be closed, not answered. Needn't pile onto the mess.
wut... doesn't update the comment?
@Braiam LTS.
@FEichinger What was up with that question you just edited o_O
@Seth Hm?
User is playing the forum game and adding "help me" tags to titles.
A: Ubuntu 12.04 Wireless problem in hp pavilion g6

Gary WheadonPlease supply Computer Make and Model and if possible the name of the wireless card installed please.

this is the kind of questions that attracts this kind of answers
(and the reason why I lack always of close votes)
We need to get rid of the tech support impression. We really, really do.
Straight-up close new questions that don't provide enough information.
@FEichinger MOD!
Straight-up ban questions that just dump a log on us.
Get proper canonical questions, close existing dupes.
Seriously, we need to get on top of this, and that means we need to deal with the questions right as they come in.
@FEichinger That's what we do...
@Seth no, we don't... the close queue should grow about 50 questions/day only does about 20-25
@Seth No, we get a new question, someone asks for more information and everyone leaves the question be for a week until the votes expire and it's left to rot.
@FEichinger Well then people aren't closing right..
This may again be caused by us not actually having enough people with closevotes at most times, but it's a big problem either way.
@Seth People aren't closing at all, is the problem.
The site generates more crap questions by the hour.
"on hold", as much as I despise it, is intended to be temporary - the review queues help with that. Viciously close vote anything that doesn't meet standards. It can always be reopened when it was edited, and it will automatically show up in the queue when that happens.
@FEichinger It's not quite that bad, but we do need more people to use their votes.
We need more people who have close votes to begin with.
Which brings us back to the up/downvote issue.
we need more votes, so people gets rep so they can help out closing questions...
The few users that do frequently cast their up- and downvotes are of no use to us when there's hundreds that don't.
but then... in this current year alone I has been a lazy voter and nonetheless I'm the one in first place...
which is sad...
I don't vote either, because I'm sick of watching this.
It's a spiral. There's little to no motivation to participate like this.
I'm fine with it.. always needs work, but that's ok for me.
@Seth it times out...
yeah same here..
@Seth Yeh, libreoffice has been having outages repeatedly.
cache:http://help.libreoffice.org/Common/Check_for_Updates_1 if you use chrome/ium to get the google cache version
@Seth It tends not to be worth the effort anymore. The site is degrading further and further, and making new posts very much feels like one is contributing to the problem.
@FEichinger shrug. Have it your way.
@Seth check my comment
another one we should either VTC or VTR: askubuntu.com/questions/391080/…
err what the heck is this? askubuntu.com/a/417420/169736
(has an invalid flag)
don't ask me.
arrg. All of libre office is down
why i got down vote on this askubuntu.com/a/417548/202806
@AvinashRaj you should be voting to close that question, not answering it...
any answer provided is wrong
due the lack of information
Hmm. Can anyone detect a syntax error here?
init() {
    if [ -z $@ ]; then
        echo "No arguments provided"
    elif [ $1 = 'save' ]; then
    elif [ $1 = 'compare' ]; then
Oh, I forgot a }, but it's in there.
@Seth check savesums and comparesums functions...
btw, why ()?
➜  AMR git:(develop) init() {
function>     if [ -z $@ ]; then
function then>         echo "No arguments provided"
function then>     elif [ $1 = 'save' ]; then
function elif-then> saveSums
function elif-then> elif [ $1 = 'compare' ]; then
function elif-then>         compareSums
function elif-then> fi
function> }
➜  AMR git:(develop)
@Seth ^?
@Braiam For readabilities sake.
@Seth I'm sure you don't need em...
@Braiam Don't throw your zsh output at me.. it makes no sense :S
@Braiam maybe not, but it doesn't hurt to have them.
oh, and did I say semantics?
@Seth is way cooler than bash... and bash will in 5 years looks like zsh anyways :P
@Seth if I remove the () the thing runs...
the functions are fine, they match.
I'm getting this error:
./md5sumChecker.sh: line 41: syntax error near unexpected token `elif'
./md5sumChecker.sh: line 41: `    elif [ $1 = 'compare' ]; then'
@Seth is that a tab?
I think so
What exactly do you mean?
@Braiam You're right, I put them in the wrong spot.
I got my parens mixed up, yeah. I was looking in the wrong place. Thanks @Braiam.
> ./md5sumChecker.sh: line 41:
I'm sure that's not line 41 D:
Yes it is. I use a lot of whitespace in my scripts.
./md5sumChecker.sh: line 39: [: save: binary operator expected
Bash is so bad with errors.
@Seth what is line 39?
depending what you are testing you might use [[...]] instead
specially if it's a comparision
has there been any genuine performance testing between ubuntu and osx to see which one is genuinely faster?
line 39:  if [ -z $@ ]; then
@Braiam Why would I use that instead? Or rather, why would it be necessary?
Hmm. using double brackets did send the error away. Why?
i just upgraded to comcast 57mbps and i just downloaded 20 mb file from gmail in 15 nanoseconds
Okay, okay. We're all jealous.
@Seth I'm freaking amused of how the same script is failing somewhere else that wasn't having any problem...
@Braiam yeah it was weird.. But why does double [[ work?
@JohnMerlino Wow..
@Seth It shouldn't work
@Braiam I am.. confused.
[[...]] is used for comparisions
just upload the darn thing so I can take a look...
init() {
  if [ -z $@ ]; then
        echo "No arguments provided"
  elif [ $1 = 'save' ]; then
  elif [ $1 = 'compare' ]; then
this works
@Braiam So far: paste.ubuntu.com/6889442 It isn't done yet though, there are some logic errors I need to work out.
What'd you change?
that has 0 errors, btw, your problems was the !" in line 30
oh duh. I always forget those double quotes things.
if you used zsh it would be eaten cake to figure it out...
@Seth btw, line 22, saveSums() you are defining the function again inside a function?
right, another mistake.
I really need to do this more.
come to the dark side, install zsh :D
Thanks for the help anyway.
@Braiam Nope. No will do.
I'm by no means a shell scripting user and zsh helps a lot figuring out syntax problems
I'm sure it does (I know it does)
but I'd rather suffer with bash.
Right. I got those parens mixed up.
I'm still getting:
./md5sumChecker.sh: line 39: [: save: binary operator expected
guess I need those double brackets
you still get that with last mine?
bash doesn't throw me any error...
yes, with yours. Had to do it on line 27 too.
well I'll finish it tomorrow.
2 hours later…
Q: how to uninstall notepad from Ubuntu 13.04?

RaviThere is a program named notepad on my Ubuntu which I want to remove as I never use it. I have got update for notepad of 80 MB from software updater. And I don't want to download that 80 MB. I entered .wine folder of my home directory & there deleted the program named notepad. Still when I run t...

Q: Is there a way to distinguish answers from questions while reviewing edits?

DanI was reviewing an edit in the suggested edits review queue, I improved the edit and then just went to see the question so I try to see if I can answer it. To my surprise it wasn't a question, it was a question added as an answer. So it should have been flagged as "Not an answer" in the first pl...

update: I am going up the mountain NOW. It is snowing so hard I can not see the trees behind it
@Rinzwind good to know that the mountain you're climbing has better mobile internet than the area I used to live in.
@Rinzwind take care! They say there is an extremely high risk for avalanches...
...triggered by Rinzwind.
@kalina Abondance in France, Mountain is 100% coverage :D But my notebook prob. does not like this weather so it will stay here >:)
@Takkat avalanches do not hurt me. I got rep!
Good to know... ;)
If all your rep came down hill at once there is no tree, no building safe.
All the valleys covered in rep.
@Takkat If I die Oli gets all my rep
Ill be back :)
enjoy, be safe, etc
@Mateo - interesting snippet for grabbing a frame from the webcam. i think for the time being to get something functional out of all the restructuring, I'm going to try and shim this in and do away with the resolution selection menu: paste.ubuntu.com/6890588 i still have to convert it for py3kconvnd gst latest. i "think" i converted the python-v4l2 wrapper, but i haven't tested it much yet... and we need functionality more than porting a bazillion dependencies ;)
Hmmm... if I get 89 people to view this, I get another famous question badge ;)
1 hour later…
lol @Braiam
@kalina mm?
Q: Permanently disabling Driver Signing Check

Amith KKI require to use some unsigned drivers on a Windows 7 x64 system. I Googled around and found a post which says to use bcdedit and switch test mode on and then to disable integrity check. But it did not work :( So now, to use those drivers I need to press F8 each time I boot and then Select "Di...

2.5Kviews and 0 upvotes
@AmithKK I blame the shitty answer :/
@Braiam your comment on meta, I totally missed that
I even took the screenshots, I just expected such information to be at the top for some reason?
Hey folks, question for the room - Stack Exchange needs some advice on Ubuntu
fire away Tim
Specifically, we get about 30 questions a day via our contact form which are Ubuntu support questions. Most of these would be just shot down on the site
Is there somewhere we could send these folks with understandable, but ... not really great questions for the site? Like in a canned response?
If it's a decent question we ask them to just post it on the site
any sort of pattern to the support questions?
It's probably going to end up being ubuntuforums.org or launchpad.net, depending on the type of question.
No, not really. Sometimes they coincide with a big launchpad bug for a broken package or something, but they're usually just 'can't get [thing] to work in [version] with [some other thing]'.
They get to the site, see that huge list of questions and giant ask question button, but decide to email us instead. Usually means they don't want to ask on the site for some reason. I'll try ubuntuforums.org in the response, otherwise we'd just send them to the site
yeah - just point them to our FAQ - how to ask askubuntu.com/questions/how-to-ask
@TimPost I would point them depending the quality UbuntuForums -> Launchpad -> AU
Thanks all :)
@kalina My 8 year old daughter highly approves of your avatar, and sends her regards and compliments.
@TimPost adorable
I assume you mean the green shapes
or do you mean the dark purple shapes
have you not refreshed for ages and still have teh pink angel
I have not refreshed for ages.
so your little girl likes the angel?
now obviously I need to change back to it
@kalina Everyone likes the angel.
@FEichinger everybody hates the angel. They just like her avatar :p
@kalina Well, I was talking about the angel in the avatar! :P
I have other reasons for liking the angel.
probably has something to do with wanting to get into her underwear, like the rest of the internet -.-
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
are we really going to flood AUGR with animated gifs?
because, I could do this for hours
1 hour later…
@AvinashRaj downvoted
but i had taken this picture 66666 no prob... :)@kalina
hi all, is there some linux distro that comes with flash player installed, i would like to burn to dvd and use it as Live DVD for watching some video streaming sites, but flash player is required?
@Wlad not normally, flash is propitiatory and thus generally seen as being against the whole free and open source thing
i see, is there any other way i could add flash player and burn that linux to dvd?
@Wlad install ubuntu to a USB stick with - say 2GB persistent space. Then you can install flash. Use unetbootin to-do that.
probably but that's outside of my area of expertise (I'm a Windows user)
what @fossfreedom said ^
i have an old pc, where hard disk died, and there is noy an option to boot from usb stick, thats why am i asking about dvd option
then you'll need to roll your own custom live cd that has flash installed.
hmm, i see
you know some place with instructions on how to create custom linux distro?
ok, thanks, i'll going to check that
not to mention the edit breaks things in the error output
(substantial delta from the original error message)
how to strike out some text in an image like this
@AvinashRaj use GIMP or some other image editor
... or OCR it and then just use your favourite editor...
Q: Why echo $0 gives different result for two different terminals?

CodeBlueI opened a terminal on Ubuntu using CTRL+ALT+T and a different terminal by going to a directory and then right clicking and choosing "Open in Terminal". I did a echo $0 in both cases. In the first case, $ echo $0 -bash In the second case, $ echo $0 /bin/bash Why this difference?

@Wlad remake the iso with chrome installed?
@hbdgaf ah, the resolution, that part is going to be tough. I'll check out what you have this afternoon
@AmithKK heh
Good Night
back from mountain
Oh Rinz is back alive and kicking.
@Oli will be weeping D:
@jokerdino 1st day! 2 more days to go
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