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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Oh, after that.
I promise to enter it if I do it :)
> Approximately 20 minutes after you log out, your Free VMs will shut down.
Ok, now I get it. 100% dev
yeah, so for testing stuff before you deploy
thanks for the info
see you later!
@Mateo - I'm tearing down CamCastic to make it read better. I'll re-use all the moving parts, but it will be quite a bit of clean-up. I'm making a "scaffold" pygi app with an appindicator, config window, and main window I can re-use for multiple projects. The idea is to make the scaffold operate sort of like qt-bitcoin where when you close a window it just hides and everything is centered around opening the app from the indicator, so you can start it on boot or launch it directly.
Unsure what to do if it is launched directly. I've also heard that Gstreamer camera capture/pipe might have a memory leak, so opening it might be a bug that people have to hear "get it fixed up-stream", which is never a good answer... so I'm hesitant to use this approach, but it seems like the best UX if the leak doesn't evidence.
That sounds like a good idea - all the ground work stuff that wasn't there
Yeah... it started as "port this app", but I think it sort of turned in to - "build an app with this feature set"
@hbdgaf like just show the indicator, or are you thinking a splash with shortcut keys / info
@hbdgaf oh, hm. Is it leaking memory constantly - or if you close/reopen
I haven't tested it, but it was a question on SO I ran in to doing some Gst research
Q: python: repeatingly starting Gtk application using multiprocessing.Process (or: how to sandbox Gtk in python)

P.R.Intro Short: I need to (memory) sandbox a Gtk/Gstreamer application in python and restart it regularly. Long: I am experiencing a memory leak in a library (gstreamer) that I use for a bigger chunk of code that grabs data from a camera. Just to avoid arguments about that, I tried to solve that i...

@Mateo Anyway, I was thinking an "if not exist ~/.config/CamCastic/first_run.lock" show splash with link to usage example else just show appindicator type of an approach
Q: Cloned Linux system and /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

ZobalI've been messing about in places that I perhaps shouldn't have without totally understanding what I was doing. Here's the deal: I set up an Ubuntu system and configured it properly, including defining eth0 in /etc/netword/interfaces. I then imaged that system and cloned it on a new system. W...

There are two possibilities here. 1º Get 1K of reputation in 1 week. 2º Get 1K of close votes.
Still around @Mateo?
@hbdgaf yeah, watching tv, and working my site to display my information at the same time
How did this example not exist: pastebin.com/7gMuqTdH
SE chat has desktop notifications on chrome though :)
I have a bazillion tabs open, so the boink lets me know... ;)
Just saying though, I'm thinking a blog article with that simple scaffold as a - here. This should have existed thing
@hbdgaf nice just tested it
We'll see if it holds up when I start making it do things...
makes it logical for adding menu items
added the sample code as an answer to the AU question that kept coming up for appindicator google-searches with broken links and rather meh code example.
You'ld have to answer over 50 percent of all sound subsystem questions over the course of the first half of the Winter Hats challenge, and there would be only one person to get the Takkat hat <-- @Rinzwind.
@Braiam Ahh, that accounts for the "new" emblem being added. gvfs isn't well documented AFAIK, so maybe the new isn't needed.
I'll use the other way for now, since it works.
fixed my answer
@Mateo - question... when it gets working/more finished, are you thinking pip, debianized, or pip -> debianized abstraction. it will make differences in how i refer to the icon/assets etc.
moderator around?
i don't think so, but if you want some flags/votes i have some.
@hbdgaf Well, it was more that I want to dispute disputed flags.. thanks though :)
that's still going on?
sounds like someone might be trying to keep you from jumping in to a new allowed flags bracket if it's systemic - like everything you flag.
@hbdgaf I'm not sure if this is an old one I missed or a new one..
no idea... moves along
@hbdgaf Hmm.. I don't think someone would do that..
i didn't think people would spam the site as persistently as they did either since it violates the don't be a dick rule... but...
err... we can't see who casted the flags, just the amount of flags over flagged posts
@hbdgaf yeah, I was playing around with the icon locally on the experimental branch, but saw that it would need to be different for a deb. so eventually want it to be in a ppa or something or a - download this and done
okay. I didn't think it could be personal.. someone must just have different ideas on what is NAA and so on.
I should go back to using custom for should-be-a-comment answers.
@Seth i didn't mean personal systemic. i just meant systemically disputing flags.
@hbdgaf oh oh oh. Sorry, I misunderstood that.
but if pip gives a one command install that could be just as good
@Mateo oh, i get that. pip gives one command install and stdeb lets you convert it to sort of debianized. it's a flavor thing. if you're using pip, you keep everything relative to the module. if it's more linux flavored, you separate assets out around the file-system so they're in the right places (/usr/share etc). i think the pip stdeb route is probably easier and more portable.
@Braiam - if you thought the previous AppIndicator3 snippet looked pretty good, check the pastebin link up a little... I think it reads really well.
@hbdgaf sounds like the way to go
@Mateo cool. just didn't want to make a unilateral decision if you had other plans.
OT: in other news, this antibiotic has me queasy... no fun :(
@hbdgaf nah, I don't have much experience with all this - so easier for you and me sounds great
@Mateo it's not like i'm a maintainer for a package in debian main or anything... so it's sort of the less blind leading the more blind. we're both blind though ;)
o/ @NathanOsman
o/ from me too @NathanOsman
@Mateo link?
so I can try again?
@jrg ah, yeah. let me make sure it is still on
@jrg mateosalta.kd.io/mobile.html - koding added a "click here" to continue so then after that click on "mobile.html"
I added a drop shadow under the tabs - so they look like the content belongs to that section
If it's for mobile, do you think the relative small probable screens really merit a dropshadow? it's aesthetically pleasing to be sure on large screens, but is it worth a half second of extra math on a probably already over-taxed device? just my 2 cents. it looks good, but i'm not sure it's a decision i would have made.
so, I need to finish the images, remake a few, center the text on the tabs, start adding content.
@hbdgaf maybe, if it is slow on some devices, I'll get out my old tablet and test.
@Mateo fair. i don't think it would be singly slow. i just know that people over-tax their desktops and aging laptops... so i imagine it multiplied for handhelds.
the way i did it was a css gradent for the background, seems ok on my 1ghz tablet
@Mateo i'll pull it up
@Mateo looks fine on my n4
lemme try the iOS
@jrg that is the real test ;)
@Mateo behaves as expected
@jrg awesome, and because of the landscape reduction It looks halfway decent on a desktop ;)
woo, finally found where the orange border was coming from
^^ that is why i use frameworks. :P
was built into focus on the browser...
Q: What does `du - hb` do?

AndreKRWith du -bh I think I get the apparent size in human readable format: # du -bh 295K ./test However, I would expect the same from du -hb, but I get something else: # du -hb 301926 ./test I believe this is the same output as just du -b would give me. # du --version du (GNU coreutils) 7.4

This is.. somewhat.. offensive:
A: How to write a .iso file to an SD card?

AnnoyedWinH8terYeah. dd is easy enuff to write to the wrong drive....and cli isn't necessary. when is someone going to get off their ass and make imagewriter work with SD? Clearly this is needed. Someday somewhere in the linux world someone will act instead of react.

"When will someone act instead of react" <-- take your own advice lol.
Cool :)
@NathanOsman Hey do you know of any other software like this?
Sadly, no.
I want to stream video like YAWcam, but I don't want apache..
@NathanOsman :(
The closest to home surveillance I have come is using VLC to stream from a webcam.
Hmm, okay. I need to figure that out.. I always get lost trying lol.
It's tricky sometimes - especially getting it to work over a network (even worse over a wireless network due to unreliable packet delivery).
@NathanOsman yeah that could be a problem. I'm thinking of getting a Raspi with the noIR camera board and some IR LEDs to watch birds in our bird house.
I tried hooking up a USB webcam to the Pi. Trust me, it didn't go well.
I was lucky to get 0.2-0.3 FPS.
@NathanOsman: the method that carcams use might work well there if you didn't need realtime surveillance
Yeah well this one is built for the pi :)
basically have short 5 minute snippets with file name rotation
@JourneymanGeek \o
SIGGRAPH is going to be here this year.
I wonder if anyone from the Ubuntu/Unity team will be going.
Lo all... Has anyone seen @RPi_Awesomeness?
welcome @minerz029
@pacificfils Hello, most friendly welcome I've had here :-)
@NathanOsman any word on 2buntu's source?
@minerz029 what you need/want?
@pacificfils Nothing, just thought I'd drop by.
if you see @RPi_Awesomeness anyone, ...
There's not many people here today...
@pacificfils We're right in the middle of a rewrite.
I will definitely get it to you once it is complete.
In fact, we will probably release it on GitHub.
thank you.
if i can help (debugging) tell me.
skillset: debugging, code edits, minification
Hey, does anyone know what the "Approve Tag Wiki Edits" privilege at 5k is for? askubuntu.com/help/privileges/approve-tag-wiki-edits
i got this.
There are tags, right?
These tags have little wikis attached to them. Anyone can (propose an) edit, but users of 5k+ can accept the edits to the wikis
Q: How do I explain to a 6 year old why people on the other side of the Earth don't fall off?

Amal MuraliToday a friend's 6 year old sister asked me the question "why don't people on the other side of the earth fall off?". I tried to explain that the Earth is a huge sphere and there's a special force called "gravity" that tries to attract everything to the center of the Earth, but she doesn't seem t...

a 19 year old with a 6 y-o daughter.....
Thats not right
Adopted maybe?
also what makes you think the mother is 19?
> "...a friend's 6 year old sister..."
^--- Ahem.
Reading comprehension fail ;p
how do you make a community wiki?
Could be worse
Q: What are "Community Wiki" posts?

Justin StandardSome questions and answers are marked Community Wiki and are owned by a Community Wiki user. Why have Community Wiki posts? How do Community Wiki posts work? How does a post become a Community Wiki post? How can the Community Wiki status be removed from a post? Return to FAQ Index

@pacificfils: someone on SU posted to ask how to solve a captcha. Afterwards commented that he got suspended for too many failures.
well. captcha-solving is no.
3 more edits from other users...
you got a C+. We can find something ;p
wanna read my poem?
I've had a question (actually my most upvoted question on SU) CWed for too many answers, and closed ;p
AskUbuntu, full of linux n00bs
Asking how to run the `dd` tool.
Superusers are patient,
Superusers are kind
We help noobs use the tools
Of the best OS (that never makes the news)
Teacher: D+ on this assignment!
The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare. In this context, "almost surely" is a mathematical term with a precise meaning, and the "monkey" is not an actual monkey, but a metaphor for an abstract device that produces an endless random sequence of letters and symbols. One of the earliest instances of the use of the "monkey metaphor" is that of French mathematician Émile Borel in 1913, but the earliest instance may b...
DENIED!!! The internet proved this one.
How can @Oli always be in this room?
@pacificfils The thing is, you don't get full tag wiki edits until 20k. So at 5k, you can approve other's edits, but your own tag edits still need approval... ?
@minerz029 Correct!
@pacificfils No wonder I was confused. Post editing at 2k lets you approve and gives you full edit powers.
strange, yes
@pacificfils You commented here? I'd say that deserves an [offensive] flag.
my comment or the answer?
@pacificfils The answer, of course :)
I was making a point.
True, offensive.
@pacificfils People like that probably wont listen...
waits for edit approval on OTHER answer
@pacificfils RE this edit, italics probably lessen the effect. Just use quote or link formatting.
need 20 rep...
italics make it stand out IMO
@pacificfils I've always avoided bold italics like the plague!
The black plague?
(pun intended)
@pacificfils xD
best thing ever:
Say something without a pun and say, " <insert previous text here>, no pun intended" and watch them search for the nonexistent pun.
Q: Host purchased domain name in apache2 ubuntu server

inicDominusI have been looking for a solution to this for months with no luck so here goes. I installed the Ubuntu server 13.04 (since upgraded to 13.10) on an old dell e510 and installed apache2. Also I purchased a domain name from GoDaddy. I cannot find/figure out how to host that website from my server. ...

Off topic? Web hosting?
@pacificfils It's asking about how to put a Ubuntu apache2 server onto a purchased domain name. Looks fine to me.
okay. answers
Q: user feed, a relic of a discontinued service

MiphixI found a user I believe to be a terrific resource. Naturally, I wanted to follow him on his answers, questions and contributions. After thumbing around his profile, I discovered the hard way that this service was discontinued by being directed here Is there a way we can provide a new user feed ...

^--- Trolling or not?
QT means?
It's a cross-platform C++ framework.
But it's pronounced "cute".
takkat hat? whY?
And i just pronounce it queue-tee
what's the chance of a good answer for this if I give a 50 bounty?
Q: KDE Sometimes Glitches On Wakeup

pacificfilsWell, a picture is work 1k words: Looks bad, huh? I am using the latest NVidia drivers on a Dell Latitude e6400. Everything is up-to-date.

(or if someone wants to be nice and bounty it for me, I will thank you)
Linux Mint

Proposed Q&A site for professionals and enthusiasts of Linux Mint. This is also to keep Minters out of AskUbuntu =]

Currently in definition.

@NathanOsman cute
@pacificfils no
@AmithKK Why?
Isn't mint still a ubuntu derivative
However, we don't deal with Mint and/or Ubuntu derivatives.
yes but...
We don't deal with derivatives.
And as there are n+1 questions regarding with Mint here, new proposal JUST FOR MINT (and Mint's derivatives [evil Pac...])
It sorta goes like this:
Now, do this derivative:
and, this is only a first-level derivative (if you don't count Ubuntu being derived from Linux, being derived from Unix)
That was Mathemetica'd
I don't know how to do derivatives
They haven't thought that to us in school yet xD
New York (CNN): At John F. Kennedy International Airport today, a Caucasian male (later discovered to be a high school mathematics teacher) was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a compass, a protractor, and a graphical calculator.
According law enforcement officials, he is believed to have ties to the Al-Gebra network. He will be charged with carrying weapons of math instruction.
We're going way offtopic
Two mathematicians were having dinner in a restaurant, arguing about the average mathematical knowledge of the American public. One mathematician claimed that this average was woefully inadequate, the other maintained that it was surprisingly high.
"I'll tell you what," said the cynic. "Ask that waitress a simple math question. If she gets it right, I'll pick up dinner. If not, you do."
He then excused himself to visit the men's room, and the other called the waitress over.
"When my friend returns," he told her, "I'm going to ask you a question, and I want you to respond 'one third x cubed.
Top Ten Excuses for Not Doing Math Homework

1. I accidentally divided by zero and my paper burst into flames.
2. It's Isaac Newton's birthday.
3. I could only get arbitrarily close to my textbook. I couldn't actually reach it.
4. I have the proof, but there isn't room to write it in this margin.
5. I was watching the World Series and got tied up trying to prove that it converged.
6. I have a solar powered calculator and it was cloudy.
7. I locked the paper in my trunk but a four-dimensional dog got in and ate it.
@AmithKK What is the first derivative of a cow?
@pacificfils Aurochs?
@AmithKK Prime Rib
General discussion around Ask Ubuntu, Ubuntu & official Ubuntu derivatives.
General discussion around Ask Ubuntu, Ubuntu & official Ubuntu derivatives.
no math
And, this is the place to talk about Takkat hats?
Ubuntu + Ask = Awesome
Ask + Ubuntu = Terrific
Issue - AskUbuntu = 0
Ubuntu + Ask = Ask + Ubuntu
If AskUbuntu = Ask + Ubuntu = Ubuntu + Ask
1/(Ask * Ubuntu) = DIV BY ZERO
Issue = AskUbuntu = Ask + Ubuntu = Ubuntu + Ask
Issue - Ask - Ubuntu = AskUbuntu
Issue - 2Ask - 2Ubuntu = 0
2Ubuntu = Issue - 2Ask
Ubuntu = (issue/2) - Ask
Ask + Ubuntu = issue/2
AskUbuntu = issue/2
2*AskUbuntu = issue
AskUbuntu + PuppyLinux = <E> Undefined Variable
so if someone makes a second AskUbuntu, there'll be an issue
AskUbuntu + AskUbuntu = <E>Impossible Addition Of Infinite Variables
Aw man stop it
2* AskUbuntu = (inf)
I just got done with my math exam a few days ago xD
AskUbuntu = (inf)
@AmithKK you started with maths ;)
AskUbuntu + 1 + 2 ... = (inf) + 1 + 2 + 3
That's a string theory proof xD
^ YES ^
I was just about to do that.
-(1/12) = -(1/12)
You sound like the space core dude
I just realised your avatar is the aperture logo
If there was a math core... it'd be you
space. space.
gotta go to space.
Yes mate, we're in space
Ending made me lmao
Here come the space police...
Space space wanna go to space yes please space. Space space. Go to space.
Dad! I'm in space!
I'm proud of you, son.
Dad, are you space?
Yes. Now we are a family again.
Are we in space yet? What's the hold-up? Gotta go to space. Gotta go to SPACE.
It's too big. Too big. Wanna go home. Wanna go to earth.
What's your favorite thing about space? Mine is space.
The Schrodinger's cat paradox outlines a situation in which a cat in a box must be considered, for all intents and purposes, simultaneously alive and dead. Schrodinger created this paradox as a justification for killing cats.
Ah I see what's wrong
this command was running
Killed spacecore command
cat /dev/urandom>pacificfils
i did that once.
Funny gif time
1 hour later…
@pacificfils My computer lurks here for me most of the time.
2 hours later…
@Oli ^^
someone doesn't like you @oli askubuntu.com/q/409571/10698
oh dear ...
Hating me is allowed. Haters gonna hate.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
Anyone here?
All right then...
@StefanDenchev Yeah, just about
Oh, good.
i'd like to run a rdp/vnc client on Ubuntu Server... i know it sounds bad, so what would be the lightest way to set that up?
Just to take screenshots of a remote system... Something like that?
Yeah sorta...
You'll need to start a framebuffer X server (sort of a virtually rendered X environment). I've done an example of using Xvfb before but yeah, it should work fairly easily.
That's less intrusive than an actual x server then?
It is an actual X server, it's just rendering to a virtual framebuffer device
But yeah, it's not loading a session or anything else like that, you'd just pass the DISPLAY environment value you set it up as onto the program you want to run
OK, sounds promising, thank you ^-^.
@oli mind if i answer this:
Q: Customized Ubuntu Server 12.04 ISO

ShadinI'd like to create a customized Ubuntu Server 12.04 ISO but couldn't find a clear approach on how to do it. I see that Ubuntu-builder is a very good app to create a customized Ubuntu Desktop, but what about Ubuntu Server?

instead of dupe' ing to this:
Q: How to customize the Ubuntu Live CD?

karthick87I would like to customize Ubuntu live CD by installing some additional packages. I have followed this link but it doesn't seems to work. Can anyone provide clear instructions? Note: I do not prefer Remastersys, manual way will be appreciated. Customization Packages that I want to install: T...

The answer for the server could be completely done with a kickstart method so is alot easier
@Rinzwind That sounds like what it needs
cool :)
Is there really any sense in encrypting home if i'm going to encrypt the whole system anyway? i can see some merit, but isn't it just an overkill?
Its overkill
UNLESS they are seperate, actual, partitions.
Well, yeah that would make sense...
In which case encrypting / and not encrypting home would be laughably stupid
Indeed ^-^...
@Oli on it
I don't really know how is this related to this site but I've just read recently same problem with me in this site so i'm trying to share also about my case so I can find some helpful solution.. — user238478 22 hours ago
done :)
A: How to create a Customized Ubuntu Server ISO?

RinzwindDownload Download the Ubuntu server ISO from this location. You have the option to go 32-bit or 64-bit. The file name for the server edition will look similar to this: ubuntu-13.10-server-i386.iso ubuntu-13.10-server-amd64.iso I will assume the 13.10 64-bit verion in the following instructi...

1. done 2. was gone 3. agreed done 4. done
for this once I''l take them all 4 >:D next time 1 per close >:D
What license have the Django Admin system? I want to use it for my blog
Wikipedia says BSD but they're much the much.
Is the same that Django license?
@Oli worst could be freeware xD
err... maybe close and deletion of this askubuntu.com/q/249193/169736
@Oli You have an alert for django key word, isn't?
@Lucio No, I just happened to be switching tabs when you asked
lucky of me then.
@Lucio if I'm not mistaken @Jorge is the bot here D:
@Braiam that is something a bot would say >:)
he is back!
our spammer that is
yeah I selt something to you and you reselt it to Lucio.
is this dupe
i think Rinz got angry with me
will andriod apps run in linux? can I execute .apk? (anrdiod newb here)
through android emulator
Anybody who use servers?
I need to setup HTACCESS
@j0h actually android apps run in linux.
Another answer with an unreachable bottom here:
Q: How to create a Customized Ubuntu Server ISO?

ShadinI'd like to create a customized Ubuntu Server 12.04 ISO but couldn't find a clear approach on how to do it. I see that Ubuntu-builder is a very good app to create a customized Ubuntu Desktop, but what about Ubuntu Server?

You know what that means...
@Lucio not Eliah
That shortens the possible users.
But no, I meant that I will give a bounty.
Sep 3 '13 at 19:03, by Lucio
I gift bounty to answers that I'm not able to reach the bottom of the page. So..
Good Night
@AmithKK good night buddy
Q: /etc/enviornment not working

Paul DraperI am using Ubuntu 12.04. Recently, I accidentatlly removed python, causing a huge number of packages to be uninstalled. I reinstalled them, but now I am having problems. $ echo $PATH /home/paul/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/home/paul/.rvm/bin Note that there is no /sbin or /usr...

Q: What are "services provided by Ubuntu"?

hashOn topics for AU says: We welcome questions about: Services provided by Ubuntu What does "services provided by Ubuntu" mean? Or is that meant to be services provided by Canonical Ltd. instead? If not aren't questions about Ubuntu One (and other Canonical services) on other OSs ...

thnx @Lucio
jokerdino around?
Nothing snigger means what?
@pacificfils It would get you more attention.. also, it's supposed to be pronounced "cute". I didn't know that until I heard Jono Bacon pronounce it during UDS and I was like O_O
@AvinashRaj Where'd you see that? It isn't a very respectful saying AFAIK.
@AvinashRaj ? xD — wilf 14 mins ago
i'm asked him what's the meaning for xD.And he replied nothing snigger.
@AvinashRaj Oh, he meant it was a "laugh".
@AvinashRaj - Laughing - not meaning to be rude, sorry :-) - big list here: cool-smileys.com/text-emoticonswilf 14 mins ago
I think that was a typo on his part.
@AvinashRaj Exactly.
yo @jokerdino
Wanna clear out these comments? askubuntu.com/questions/409668/…
yes delete all of them
@Seth can i delete this?
@Seth enough?
hmm, someone stalking Takkat's feeds?
Q: user feed, a relic of a discontinued service

MiphixI found a user I believe to be a terrific resource. Naturally, I wanted to follow him on his answers, questions and contributions. After thumbing around his profile, I discovered the hard way that this service was discontinued by being directed here Is there a way we can provide a new user feed ...

00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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