When I installed dansguardian from the repos a long time ago, it set itself up such that in iptablesI could refer to it as --uid-owner dansguardian, which allows me to allow/deny it access to certain ports, very handy.
Now I've installed a more current version from source, I need reproduce this ...
@ThomasW. OTOH, there could be an effective tooltip explaining why something is reversed instead of what is shown :) As Seth pointed out, the reversals seem to be related to edits. Anyway, a lot of things in life confuse me. This is just one more.
@Braiam not downvoted. The amount of 2 points indicates edits as Seth pointed out. I put up a small image of what I saw in meta. Anyway, now I see "+8 serial voting reversed". All too confusing. First -16 for "User deleted" then +8 "serial voting reversed". I don't know if there's any connection.
When running Xdotool on user one (cron):
* * * * * export DISPLAY=:0 && xdotool mousemove 10 10
and I switch to user two for several hours, and back to user one, I find out Xdotool not running while I'm not viewing their user's window.
How to make Xdotool running no matter what user's window...
I'm trying to install android 4.3 onto my laptop but when I boot my LiveUsb and click Install it doesn't show my main hard drive as a place I can install to. It just shows my EFI partition for storing programs I download, and my usb. When I try to install it onto my EFI partition it doesn't have ...
What is the difference between .changes and .dsc file?
Debian Policy says about required field set, but misses the essence and the meaning on the whole. Why have two (actually there are three) when you can have the only one?
Can this .changes file be derived from .dsc (or vice versa)?
What is t...
If nobody has seen it, it looks like this is the RH answer to Juju - openshift.redhat.com/app/console/applications ... It looks less granular/less extensible, but more auto-magical.
I ran across an issue with ssh after fresh Ubuntu 13.10 installation on Lenovo T420. I tried git pull (which failed) and this led me to more general ssh failing.
After spending some 2-3 hrs of beautiful Sunday morning I have established:
ssh is able to authenticate. see the log below.
I can co...
promise a commit to camcastic is coming. i'm just debating about a lot of large changes. like binding a display window to a camera of choice instead of auto-selection and allowing a dynamic array of cameras... etc etc. it's at a usable point now, so it's big changes or trudge along with same old same old time. @Mateo
hey Mateo....that gives me properties and that is just simply limited in options..file permission and sharing
weird how horrible the file manager is in ubuntu gnome desktop
basically I am trying to change the default file view to "view items as a list"...when I click on it and close the window...upon reopening it goes back to the default icon view
I had installed postfix but since I didn't needed it anymore I removed it. So now the dns is broken and every time I type localhost:8080 in my address bar the browser redirects me to https://mail.example.com/ though apache is installed and properly running.
I checked named.conf.local and also o...
@Seth btw, I got what you see, the "you have held package back" and it only happens when I use apt-get (normally I use aptitude) and they will be new packages installed
@Braiam virtualenv yes, but when you start making wrappers for wrappers for wrappers so you have to have ten thousand configuration files to change "cd ~/work/pythonproject && source bin/activate" to "workon pythonproject" it's an exercise in laziness, not utility.
@hbdgaf nah, I just need to get data off a friends windows xp computer with less than 512MB of RAM and I need an extra thing or two that doesn't come with the liveCD. Not going to even try and boot that Windows...
Gotta wait 5 seconds before the start menu even shows up.
I use Xubuntu for the lappie. Knoppix is like the "I saw your hardware and cried a little, then threw up in my mouth. I still have to make it boot though" distribution for me.
I don't use LXDE because I love desktop compositing candy, but I want to pick and choose... so XFCE is a nice middle ground. Compositing on LXDE is still a little weak for me (unless you beat it in to submitting to compiz, but then you're effectively as heavy as xfwm4)
Lubuntu won't open a console? Do you have the console app it tries to launch installed? When I ran openbox/lxde I usually installed a non-standard xterm and used that...so just guessing.
Yes, you can use shake. You'll first need to add a custom repository to your system:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:un-brice/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install shake-fs
Then you can do
sudo shake /some/dir
I've been searching to find a way to send a command to a detached screen session. So far, so good. This is what I've came up with:
screen -S test -p 0 -X stuff 'command\n'
This command works as it should. But, I would like the output from it too, echoed straight in front of my eyes (no need fo...
So, I am having this problem. And made a script that runs fine manually, but can't get it to run with the description in Best way to start .sh file on boot.
I have run update-rc.d -f minecraft.start defaults
This is what my /etc/init.d/minecraft.start is like
case "$1" in