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nothing! :P
what has happened to babaji spam? why it is not coming anymore?
If you don't have anything to ask people, don't call out there name!
and even if you do, don't!
@blade19899 okay sir!
as for babaji spam? there's a filtering system, guess they caught on
@JourneymanGeek i think there is a new system in SE. We have to sign up now instead of giving email ID
no, i have now to log in before asking a question
Thats good no?
@JourneymanGeek you like dogs?
@Braiam or am I wrong? not totally sure about this... meta.askubuntu.com/questions/8092/…
@Windows8: One might say I'm a dog person
you are only a dog...
@Braiam you are an agent (your profile says)
@Alvar err... yeah? if you edit within 5 mins since you posted/edited it counts as a single edit.
Hey wait
wasn't sure about the time, but remembered it to be like that. I guess that's the question on that meta...
How did I manage to turn on IIS?
want me to answer it?
@AmithKK IIS?
Isn't it a Server only feature?
@AmithKK, "How to: Enable Internet Information Services (IIS)" ->
@Alvar Microsoft's Web Toolkit
But this system is just Win8.1 pro
posting meta answer
@AmithKK I hate windows 8 >(
School stuff :P
@Windows8, everybody hates win8
And also, I have this free licence for a year
@blade19899 true but my dad don't, he thinks that ubuntu is buggy
Let him try Ubuntu 12.04
@AmithKK windows8 licence? only for one year? impossible!
@blade19899 he wants lubuntu
only 512mb ram
@Windows8 Cousins college license
@AmithKK Ah! I remember
I think we should halt adding new features and improve hardware support on ubuntu
Win 7 rules though ;)
Dec 22 '13 at 8:42, by Amith KK
My cousins college licence
@Windows8 with 512 MB of RAM you want a server, not a GUI!
@Alvar, Windows 7 is good. But rules?
@Alvar DISCOVERING on google about server
@Alvar The raspberry pi can run fine on it
@blade19899 best Microsoft software I've ever used. But that's like saying what's your favorite disease.
@AmithKK the raspberry PI should run a server version. like debian (:
@Alvar :( Can't understand server
Or arch
@Windows8 yeah reading is hard work
arch is much more lightweight than raspbian right?
@Alvar, lol
@AmithKK I'm using the debian with raspberry PI stuff compatibility.. I like apt-get :)
When trusty comes out, I promised myself i will stick with it, until the next LTS
@blade19899 well best way to learn how to use a server is to install it and actually use it
@blade19899 yeah that will last for half a year... then YOLO!
@Alvar, ?
I know what a server is!
I think u meant windows 8
widnwos 8 doesn't
@blade19899 you commented lol ;)
U pinged me
@blade19899 you commented lol! ;)
-_-" lame
@Alvar can i ask some questions?
@Windows8 ask away
it's useful to know how to move files and other stuff on a server
do we have word processor and firefox in server?
can a 41 year old with only basic knowledge, can he use server?
can i have a snapshot of server?
is server hard to use?
@Alvar help needed
A server is not an end user os
atleast it's not meant to be
that's not what you want to use a server for. get a better computer if you want to use a browser. 512MB RAM isn't enough to be effective on a desktop
I thought the server was for you.
to learn on
yeah i will give it a try on MY computer
i was talking about my dad and then you recommended me server thats why i thought that....
okay i am starting the download
@Alvar what does the above line mean? will i never be able to install any other OS?
@Windows8, here:
Q: What is a server? and what can i use it for

blade19899I have people sometimes asking me what a server is, I don't wanna explain it cause they are annoying, and would like somethings to direct them to, in the future :) What is a server?

:D okay reading it
Bookmarked it! :D
after sometime i will get my answer
omg, they downvoted me. How unexpected xD
its not -1
Never ask questions on a whim people xD
I like SF checklist...
Aw hell yeah!
Debian Q/A ^
upvoted some ques also!
@Braiam, me two!
@blade19899 -6 ouch
@blade19899 that's like my super bad questions on super user... want to nuke them into the ground. but cant
28 mins ago, by blade19899
@Windows8, everybody hates win8
@Alvar, don't really care. I asked it on a whim. To much work, don't wanna do it. So i procrastinate
@blade19899 that's like asking on ask Ubuntu, what is Ubuntu?
@Alvar, In wanted to ask that question, and answer it myself.
hmm would that be ok to ask even?
how funny!
@blade19899 aah...
but why did you tag linux, when servers can run Windows too! ;)
For new users.
I said on a whim. I really didn't care.
any moderators around?
@blade19899 I see you just yolo'ed!
thinking of a question, if it's ok to ask...
ask it
We could have a story of Ubuntu kinda Q/A
@blade19899 we should have that in the help section...
but actually is what is Ubuntu such a bad idea?
no not a bad idea at all!
ubuntu <------such a funny name
@blade19899 i will now
@Alvar it'?
Q: Is it bad practice to use your real name online?

blade19899On some accounts I use my real name on-line (Google+/Facebook/Wikipedia/personal blog), others (Q&A/Gaming) I use an alias. My question is: Security and privacy wise, what can people do with my real name? What are the dangers of using your real name on-line.

@Alvar for you
@Windows8 lols
I don't use my real name anymore
@Windows8 I do.
@blade19899 if youa sk it I will answer it.
@Alvar, okay :)
@Windows8 12 year old with too much spare time and too many questions
@blade19899 or I will ask and answer it
i'm 13
same thing
no not same
@Alvar cant understand your CV
what's the language there?
@Windows8 swedish, so why would you..
Damnit! my boss is in the room
Can't ask a Q
@blade19899 what is his name?
@blade19899 ?
I can do it...
Q: What is Ubuntu, and its story

blade19899Where did Ubuntu come? How did Ubuntu originate Where did the name come from Where is it going?

ha its quick and dity but got it together.
@blade19899 Bye!
@Alvar what is the weather in your country?
okay leave it! it would be night there
good night!
busy writing
welcome @karel
@Windows8 Hello 8.
This guy can't open any text editor correctly except for Adobe Brackets.
Q: Text editors need root access to work correctly

YoavstI'm using Ubuntu 13.10, and I have a problem with 3 text editors - Geany, Gedit and Sublime Text. These 3 editors cannot access most of their menu items, including Open file and Save file. The only way to access these menu items is to open those editors using root access. The only editor tha...

room topic changed to Ask Ubuntu General Room: General discussion around Ask Ubuntu, Ubuntu & official Ubuntu derivatives. For other Linux distros please see: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/26/unix-and-linux (no tags)
I see that the @Oli has awakened.
and he's on a raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmpaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Yo dawgs, RUN.
don't mods automatically have owner-like-powers?
@blade19899 it got closed.
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, but it looked silly just a few of us having ownership.
@Alvar, ah darnit.
Got work to finish anyways.
good thing though no new bad answers can be added :P
Good answer
editing ....
> an edit has been made to this post; click to load
Hey it got reopened
Its a miracle!
Late xmas miracle!
I've always wanted a question that you can dump at anyone who wants to know what Ubuntu is. and have all the questions you might need linked.
damn I need to eat... so hungry...
Damnit it got closed again!
@Alvar, it got closed again.
well I could have told you it's too broad :P
@Alvar, santa is playing tricks on us
i know
But still...
santa = Oli O.o
@blade19899 it's a good question.
oli... he's to green to be santa
it is a good Q
@blade19899 then it must be you!
@blade19899 well I'm gonna make a good answer about it... then it's good :P
And am actually gonna finish up some work before my boss decidessssss something not so fun
@blade19899 poke you with a stick?
@Alvar, yeah. He keeps doing that :/
@blade19899 I would have!
@Alvar, I don't like you anymore :\
@blade19899 <3
@Oli why did that happen?
@Windows8 The tags? Or me adding the other mods as owners? Or something more fundamental?
@Oli i mean those tags
@Windows8 Marco set them... Not sure why.
because bots hates Marco?
@Oli I found you on G+
I don't know what Marco did to them...
@Windows8 Are you not planning to stay with us for long today?
OR Bots love marco!
@Oli :P No
@Braiam maybe
@Oli were you serious here?
2 mins ago, by Oli
@Windows8 Are you not planning to stay with us for long today?
@Windows8 As serious as I've been before. Posting provocative messages (OMG you know my name!) and near-instantly deleting your message is annoying. We can still read deleted messages and if they're deleted, it tends to mean they're worth reviewing. That wastes our time... So yeah. I'm serious.
"Ubuntu Touch Won’t Support Nexus 5, Will Drop Support for Nexus 7, 10"
Well at the briefest of glances, that seems like an odd decision.
I know!
They're still supporting the newer N7.
i think this guy had the highest rep in SE
I was planning on getting me a Nexus 5, just for the ubuntu-touch.
@AvinashRaj true :)
@blade19899 It's worth it for the Android IMO. Either way it's seriously good value.
@AvinashRaj, damn! 443,363
@Oli I have a main phone galaxy s2. I was searching for a phone to tweak, e.g. install ubuntu-touch, and the Debian phone OS(yeah there working on that)
@AvinashRaj that's just one of the many Jon Skeet bots...
But, gotta run!
@Mahesh no - general python2/3 - mainly rhythmbox plugin stuff
@fossfreedom o/
@fossfreedom mohammed
i mean are you david mohammed?
common knowledge
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
638k 247 3885 5311
@fossfreedom muslim?
is he the first?
mv /work /home :)
@Windows8 on this forum - religion is neither here nor there.
@fossfreedom true! :-)
@JourneymanGeek Ravi Mohan, r u an Indian?
@AvinashRaj where's ravi mohan?
@AvinashRaj @Windows8 Can both of you stop this right here?
S T O P P E D !
@jokerdino off-topic?
@jokerdino off-topic?
A: Why is subtracting these two times (in 1927) giving a strange result?

Jon SkeetIt's a time zone change on December 31st in Shanghai. See this page for details of 1927 in Shanghai. Basically at midnight at the end of 1927, the clocks went back 5 minutes and 52 seconds. So "1927-12-31 23:54:08" actually happened twice, and it looks like Java is parsing it as the later possib...

@AmithKK just now i had take a look at this.wow:)
@AmithKK amazing!
@AvinashRaj not many like to discuss their names and their origin on a public chat room like this. Please don't pursue people's personal life.
I think you should delete all those messages, just in pubic interest @jokerdino
pubic interest?
@jokerdino yes
although a quick google search yields their name
@jokerdino then delete this also, it is interfering my personal name
Jan 6 at 13:51, by vasa1
@JourneymanGeek Windows 8 now was Utkarsh previously. I had answered a question and so I know for sure. Just a PSA :)
I dont want to mix my new Identity to my old Identity
@jokerdino what happened?
does ubuntu suppots konica minolta printer?
I dont know what has happened to @jokerdino
Jan 6 at 20:13, by Jeremy
Go to http://askubuntu.com/users/231631/sparkle, look at his website. Scroll down to "Not went to Picnic; let’s see what will happen tonight" and look at the image he linked to. Look at the tags on the picture
@jokerdino see all chat history of that time ^ and you will see that somepeople are spying on me, as i not like to discuss my names and my origin on a public chat room like this
@Windows8 i am so sorry what? You are being an epitome of hypocrisy.
@AvinashRaj if you plug it it appears?
@Braiam thnx.
@jokerdino please use comfortable english. i am a indian, dont know much english
@jokerdino and one more thing, she is my sister, she does not have a personal diary so we share same diary.
he is your sister now?
who is your sister again?
@jokerdino what you mean?
... sometimes is better not knowing....
I don't know who was sparkle and now you put me in an interested position.
get into that interest and waste your time!!
yep, i do what others tell me to do
@jokerdino that was just a mistake as i type some wrong spells
@jokerdino so please consider my problem and delete this:
it is revealing my name
which is personal
yep. deleted it for you
That was your name at the time. It's not secret information. Just drop it.
@Oli no it is NOW a secret as i dont want to reveal my name
@Windows8 Well you revealed it. You don't get to whitewash the past.
What was that effect called again? Streisand effect or something?
@Oli no, i have removed all my past trace of my names and only this human is revealing that
@Windows8 Well that isn't true. And traces or not, you revealed it... I'll refer you to what I said a few moments ago: drop it.
okay okay I drop it!
@jokerdino chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/13159811#13159811 don't order me,age plays a major role.Try to make a kind request.
@Oli accept it!
I wouldn't have had to say anything like that if you were kind enough not to intrude into others' live and make a public comment about it in a very public place.
Goodbye everyone!
If somebody called Dew starts causing trouble in here later, it's Utkarsh/Windows8/etc. I granted them a rename but I don't want that to be an excuse for more of the nonsense we've seen in here recently.
Who keeps starring all this stuff..
The stars are ruined D:
@Seth read the Oli's last chat...
This guy needs help installing Broadcom drivers.. If anyone has any experience with those maybe they could help.. (I have an Intel card myself..)
@Braiam I did read it
@Seth blame Derek ;)
Jon skeet, I checked his page while back
This one was also an interesting read:
Q: Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?

GManNickGHere is a piece of C++ code that seems very peculiar. For some strange reason, sorting the data miraculously speeds up the code by almost 6x: #include <algorithm> #include <ctime> #include <iostream> int main() { // Generate data const unsigned arraySize = 32768; int data[arraySize]...

WOW! what an improvement:
@fossfreedom Oh.
Could someone reject this:
Its pointing to a malicious site(virustotal)
Summarily rejected.
Your reject pushed it off the review queue
lol @ bbcode
...huh? AU sometimes does some strange things
WOW that malicious site looks god afwul!
@blade19899 You burnt my eyes.. :(
.... How? Mallicious site :D
The sourcecode of that site... ugh
please, don't make me look at it and burn my eyes again. :P
... I like hurting people's eyes....
@jokerdino :D
@blade19899 You.. You.. You....
HAHAHAHAH.... u took a peek, didn't you? xD
It's funny to see Jon Skeet answering a Java question..
@Seth link?
A: Why is subtracting these two times (in 1927) giving a strange result?

Jon SkeetIt's a time zone change on December 31st in Shanghai. See this page for details of 1927 in Shanghai. Basically at midnight at the end of 1927, the clocks went back 5 minutes and 52 seconds. So "1927-12-31 23:54:08" actually happened twice, and it looks like Java is parsing it as the later possib...

Can we close this? It's getting new answers!
@Seth out of votes...
(if not I would...)
Man, those edit spammers are wasting a lot of time trying to get an edit into a post..
@Braiam Put it on your todo list :P
meh, I'm removing stupid version specific tags of questions like this
That's one of Jorge's pet peeves :P
u mad braiam?
edit rampage
check the newest tab then ¬_¬ askubuntu.com/questions?sort=newest
has anyone tried this setup? askubuntu.com/q/404955/169736

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