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nuke this user
@Mahesh yes
@jokerdino Nothing specific. Me back to active, kind of.
Volunteered for User days on intro to LP, bug reporting and asking questions.
Jan 25th at 17:00 UTC
@Mahesh Nice!
Let me add it to my calendar.
Also I'm designing and developing my own twitter client. Actually it's the perfect app of my dreams that does a lot of stuff that probably no one else needs. :P
@Mahesh 17 UTC would be 22.30 pm IST?
And I'll add theme installation to UTT in a week. chalked out schedules and stuff.
@Mahesh Thanks :)
hopefully-long-living-beginning-of-semester-enthu :P
@Mahesh i wouldn't mind using it if it is GTK3+ .
@jokerdino QT(QML)
I'm targeting a desktop app along with a android 4.0+ counterpart
And the language?
Cpp and JS on desktop; java and CPP and JS on mobile.
Q: Tag based syntax highlighting isn't working in all the questions

AdityaFor those who don't know, SE uses Google Prettify to automatically add syntax highlighting to any code posted based on the tags applied in the question. If we specify <!-- language : lang-language_code -->, syntax highlighting seems to be working fine. However, if we don't specify it, then the ...

Essentially I'll do it all in QML/JS except some serious stuff that may need cpp
then wrap it all in java to load from android.
I know, sounds crazy. :P
What's your timeline and does it fit with Twitter's guidelines for third party app?
I wrote a two page specification listing design and functionality while on train.
effective use of the journey
I'll not care about twitter's thirdparty app guidelines since I just want something I like, I'll optionally add a different design while publishing to make it ok with twitter if I plan to distribute..
I need reading list management to be the primary job, with prefetching tweets while online and remembering my position, simple way to dig into tweets if I mark them as interesting, custom views for common sites I use, like the reddit link and discussion appearing split paned if I am interested in a tweet with reddit link, complete offline support, ability to tweet when offline and later pump to buffer/circular.io, sync-ability and optionally RSS feeds.
So it'll be like my reader plus twiitter client plus rss client which makes my workflow cooler than the hackish ways I use now.
Woah! wall of text. :D
what's reader?
like Google Reader or Digg Reader?
kind of. fetch contents from links and store offline. Track read status and stuff.
that would be a cool app. even in the danger of doing too many things
Hahahah, exactly my thoughts. I expect to learn more QML along the way and be done with it by the end of this semister.
good luck!
nice typo on semister
I also have some more evil ideas in store, like the ability to export directly into epub a random sample of n articles, for me to read on my kindle.
ah! almost makes it look like sinsister. :P
how much does a kindle reader cost?
depends on the model. Paperwhite is 12k.
or was that 11?
I'll be back in an hour. Need to finish off couple assignments and submit in an hour. :P
@Mahesh cya
and nuked!
@jokerdino: I don't seem to remember... Can moderators delete the accounts?
@Mahesh 11
@Aditya yea
did you able to del any accounts?
@jokerdino ok... should we flag those obvious trolling users as "spam" or "Not an answer"
As TimPost posted on meta... the system would use our spam flags to block users
@jokerdino I can't interpret it... Should we flag as spam?
yes flag all spam
even if someone else has already flagged it..
@Aditya yes
@jokerdino @Alvar okay.. thanks
would flag as spam...
Had two draining days and have another one tomorrow. Staying up late too. Not interested in making long sentences.
Just give me buttons to click.
@Rinzwind you are the culprit!
that's what culprits always say... ¬_¬
anyone thinks that a bounty will help this to get answered? I sincerely don't know what he's trying to do
votes to delete are needed here askubuntu.com/q/28151/169736
Good Night
BBT frnds..:)
flag flag!
@Mitch what evidence are you using for that? Wubi.exe does work for 13.04, it's just community supported instead of officially supported, according to the last time I spoke with the release team about Wubi
where wubi doesn't work is when using UEFI or secure boot...
@ThomasW. see phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTM0MDY, and omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/…. If its not officially supported, isn't that like Ubuntu 11.04 being EOL?
Read the FAQ spam... askubuntu.com/a/404448/47291
one flag kill. woah?
New spam fighting in effect?
Oh oops. Marco stepped in somewhere.
Q: Can't login to Root User

Fahad NaeemI just installed Ubuntu 13.10 on VMware. I am trying to login to root from my user account using su command but unable to login as Terminal is saying the following : su: Authentication Failed

Night folks!
@hbdgaf Oh.. we were talking about whether I can even invite someone in the first place.. which I can't (Mateo already had access)..
@Seth Would you be kind enough and look at this for me, and let me know what you think. askubuntu.com/questions/404096/…
hi guys
hello Mr Kerman
and Mitch your answer is probably correct for older ssd. the newer are probably a lot better and there is not so much need to change. Still I do not believe a downvote would be correct unless someone provided a comment on why so you could change it
I myself so not care about my ssd :D if it breaks I get me a new one.
and see what I did there @mitch >:)
umm... I got a dv too...
@Rinzwind Thanks (-_-)
@hbdgaf Take a look at this - I think this might be enough of an argument for leave it as a status icon and "let people enable it on unity if they really want it" webupd8.org/2013/05/how-to-get-systray-whitelist-back-in.html
@Braiam not from me :=)
I did the same to you as I did to Mitch :+D
is this offtopic?
Q: Can I have more than 2 operating systems in a computer?

user234980My computer right now has 2 OS: Xubuntu and Windows 7. I wonder if I can have more operating systems? I want to install Backtrack.

@Rinzwind err... I don't see how installing backtrack is on-topic
borderline, but one is ubuntu - and will be using ubuntu to install... so find the how to tripple boot question?
@Braiam well it is more about how to do formatting. that's not ubuntu either
@Mateo i'ld sooner operate from a drop window that jumps to a config window when clicked than mucking about with indicator/indicator whitelist/appindicator/kneeling before unity.
actually, he should totally drop that and use @hbdgaf awesome script
@Mateo hey I linked to a 145 OS boot >:D
@Braiam ?? that script blob wasn't functional, it was an example of how i would rewrite some tutorial code to be more readable.
@hbdgaf it didn't like the "menu" thing, but is was easier to understand if they made it work that way
oh well. no worries here. going to the store... brb
@hbdgaf quicklist?
just drop a quick desktop file for unity users
not on the icon. an onclicked listener for the app window to pop the settings window and just forget the rest of the ui. it could work.
oh, menu on the video window!
quicklist could work to support unity and the icon everywhere else. it would get questions from users that have both though about the incongruity of the two
@Mateo that was my thinking
@hbdgaf I might make a desktop quicklist just for fun down the line sometime, but That would totally bypass all the sys/app/status icon stuff
@hbdgaf boo, I was so filled of briming hope
@Braiam I'm working on another app where I actually care about the tray icon... so it may become a thing yet.
seriously though... i need to go to the store
@Braiam from hbdgaf import awesome
Hi guys, is there an Ubuntu spin with the MATE desktop by default?
@JasperLoy nope
anyone sees anything good from keeping this Q around? askubuntu.com/q/49888/169736 2 years and only 225 views?
I don't know if burninating that question falls within house-cleaning or not.
ask @mod ... it's not hurting anything, but I don't see a reason for it to exist.
@jokerdino ^?
@Braiam hm, that is a limited time scope
when i get around to it, the app-indicator multi-platform abstraction class will probably be a one file snippet people can re-use as long as they only want basic menus. something like the three liner I posted earlier that detects environment and uses the appindicator library only if you're in unity, but provides one interface to do both... this way tray icons for pygi even work on windows with no additional effort.
wut? before they voted like crazy... I doubt a question nowadays get 9 votes out 87 views.
my voting rules are if i use or would use an answer, i vote the q and a both up. otherwise i leave it alone. it's not the BEST rule, but its what I use.
and my stock db migration is still running. has been since friday morning. it needs gross optimizations by converting to raw sql or jsonifying so i can use a manage command to migrate it in
@Braiam ^
@Aditya I take my time editing and reading the question/answer... that nobody else is doing stuff is not my fault ;)
@Braiam haha.. well answered
@Braiam removing tags again? ;)
wondering myself how @Rinzwind got 300 points in the 11.04 tag...
by being awesome...
o/ @jokerd - long time no see.
@hbdgaf hello!
Guess the tag, Typically this tag refers to web browsers such as Firefox, Chromium or Opera. However, other types of browsers such as Nautilus or a network browser may use this tag as well.
wanna do a removal party @Braiam?
oh and
9 wonderful questions
not for long
why do we have a music tag?
are we becoming tagophobic these days?
reset seems more unuseful
yes we are
good night
good night
night gods
there, no more browse questions
i have no idea... the only thing i can think of there is unlocking the keyring on auto-login, which is an old question i answered a couple of years ago
@Braiam Nevermind.. I'm guessing it's selenium and it's the auto-post trolls.
@Braiam cuz I rule
@Rinzwind that's sort of what i said ;)
@hbdgaf it takes one to know one :)
@Mitch Read meta which trums phoronix or OMGUbuntu every time
@Mitch and "no", EOL is different than community-supported. That's why things that're in the Universe repositories are "community maintained" and not officially-maintained, but are all still on topic here. This answer on that meta thread is probably the most relevant.
"Officially it is still supported - precise has 3 more years of support, and wubi has not yet been removed from any isos and is present to download for all releases and is present on all released .isos. (12.10, 13.04, 13.10 and 12.04.x point releases)"
that makes me sad... wubi makes me sad... time to be awesome.
@Mitch so if you want to argue, then it's on the ISOs but disabled by default, and "community maintained" like anything in Universe. I personally hate Wubi with a passion though
@Mitch so I'm quite annoyed they haven't pulled Wubi yet. But I don't have a say in the matter so just like me you have to accept Wubi still is "acceptable" on Ask Ubuntu until the release team actually pulls it completely, or until the dev team officially says "It's gone".
it was gone for half a release...
@hbdgaf Yes, it was, then it came back :P
i smiled a little when it got pulled.
i was rejoicing when it was pulled
then it came back and I was annoyed
^^ that
when it got pulled i was all youtube.com/watch?v=JAOJ_azIvus then it came back and i was all youtube.com/watch?v=eClxA5KO9jE
@Mahesh poke
o/ @jrg - I was pleased to see @Mahesh back too. I haven't checked the ship cost yet... I've been a little busy.
@hbdgaf oh, that's fine.
meh, wubi right now has no sense, with the w8 accelerated releases cycle, the boot/uefi as unstable as it's, you are going to spend 50GB of disk space on wubi?
program_exist=$( type "someprogram" | grep "not found" )
@Braiam Id rather have gimp :P
@Braiam once xp went EOL wubi should have been nuked. there's no reason to run a non-windows-8 box if you're going to run windows at all, and it's just silly to fight the uefi by default problems for wubi.
@hbdgaf wubi should never have been created >:D time spent on it would be better off improving the installer :P
makes me marginally exuberant and sad that l4d2 runs on linux but the dev tools only run on windows.
yeh, ubiquity silently fails if any of your NTFS partitions is dirty...
all ntfs partitions are dirty ;)
shhh... there are kids in the room ;)
@Braiam that one too. If that could be circumvented it would help
@ThomasW. I never said it was off-topic, but I was under the impression that it was gone after 12.04. Personally I don't like it. Well you learn something new everyday.
no repro votes?
oh wait, it was deleted D:
@Mitch it was for a day or so, then it got put back in the iso
@Mitch It was gone for a day. It's still out there though so we can't just say "Wubi is offtopic"
Cool I didn't know that. :)
we say that all wubi problems are WON'T FIX bugs :P
it's in my - don't care to answer this - filter though.
or that
Looks fine to me @Mitch :)
Ugh, responsiveness fails on 8 inch screens
@Seth Thanks (-_-)
what is the name of the ppa for the nvidia proprietary drivers?
@Alvar (Reading back through the transcript) even jrg didn't know there was going to be an election last time until SE made it public...
does xorg also supply proprietary dirvers?
proprietary drivers are manufacturer specific
xorg's not a manufacturer of graphics cards...
so I doubt they have any proprietary drivers for anything
well these are the drivers I have
any of them proprietary?
@JebediahKerman all but nouveau are proprietary.
even if they are from xorg?
but what baout @ThomasW. said?
radeon drivers ain't...
the drivers are from Nvidia
radeon of course not :P
so the 331 one is proprietary?
nouveau's open source, @JebediahKerman
it's proprietary bleeding edge. Dont blame us if it boots you to a black screen ;)
NVidia and AMD would have to release drivers for their stuff
Bleeding edge sounds fancy enough for me
bleeding is more appropriate than edge to the end of world.
Last stable is 304.
how come none of them recommended?
<-- never suceeded booting to a GUI after having installed a bleeding edge driver
<-- not with Nvidia, and even less with ATI
my cards don't like me I guess.
It's always like: yeah, let's install the newest driver to improve the user experience. Then it boots to command line (which indeed is a good experience).
304 is quite old
at least it boots...
some people get kernel picnic D:
my card does not even like the nvidia-current-updates
Kernel picnic is tasty
you win 304 it is
do you have any issues with the 304 driver?
do i chose 304 or 304-updates?
@Takkat not that I know of
start with 304 and see if all is good.
If not you can always go a release up until you get a kernel panic or black screen or funny lines.
But you may want to read about what people say with your very card. They may know things we can't guess here.
okay will do
another thing
on my old 12.04 install fo ubuntu
I could type in l in the terminal and I would get the files/folders in the direcotres
it's ls or dir (for DOSsies)
it is the same as dir except that l has some nice color coding and organization
dir is only an alias to ls AFAIK
now in 13.10 I can't do l
➜  ~  type dir
dir is /bin/dir
➜  ~  ls -l /bin/dir
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 108648 jul 20 19:48 /bin/dir
➜  ~
there is no l by default. It may also be an alias.
l and dir generated different outputs. THey were similar but l was better
not sure how to intepret your post @Braiam
l is not standard on Ubuntu.
type l
l is an alias for ls -la
that's zsh...
it's ls, actually ls is an alias to ls --color=auto
oh zsh, kk then.
type ls
ls is an alias for ls --color=tty
/me uses Debian ;)
/me uses 12.04
okay ls works
thanks @Braiam and @Takkat
Q: Moving from bash to zsh

Hamish DownerI'm considering moving from bash to zsh as I often come across posts praising zsh. I'm an experienced command line user and I'm assuming the basics are pretty much the same, so I'm looking for advice to get the benefits of moving, and any gotchas to be aware of. Please just give one bit of advic...

you might want oh-my-zsh...
it does everything in that answer... but better D:
brb gonna reboot
bbt gonna suspend to bed
looks like 331 it not stable after all
@Seth well since it's possibly soon election I thought Se would make it public in good time, like a month or so. So people can prepare them selves and so...
it sucks that there is no badge for 365 days consecutive..
319 is also broken, looks like 304 is the only one that works
looks like its back to windows 7
@RolandiXor HELLLO!!!
tactical retreat
lol I'm just popping in :D
about to play 0 A.D
To see how it will run on my system since the upgrade to 14.04
ot - not about ubuntu askubuntu.com/q/403590/169736
@RolandiXor yolo!
@Alvar and that, forever!
naah want a stable system so I will probably stay on 14.04 when it comes out (:
that's what I want but then one late night I always go, yolo. what can be so bad with a beta?
@Braiam I got linux running on my laptop just fine, my desktop hardware does not play nice with linux
I got Ubuntu on my desktop, but running windows right now..
I plan to build a desktop soon
anyway, time to game
adios amigos!
@RolandiXor --^

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