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Q: should questions like "i've got xyz modem and it doesn't connect" be flagged

aditya patilI think such questions are inappropriate on askubuntu because it is specific modem companies responsibility to provide appropriate drivers for there hardware.there is hardly anything Ubuntu can do for this.

@Seth seth...
@seth remount is not a valid command
hi osman, still up?
@NathanOsman You're using IE. That's why.
Problem: You're using windows.
@pacificfils what happens if i change my swappiness to 100,? I have 512 MB RAM
@Mitch can you tell?
no idea what you're talking about.
@pacificfils new here?
980 rep.
@Mitch can you tell me?
what happens if i change my swappiness to 100, I have 512 MB RAM
he's been here all day!
oooh please someone help!
what happens if i change my swappiness to 100,
i dont bother with RAM.
i just shove it in.
@Mitch seen already but what will happen after changing swappiness to 100
learn something new every day. never heard of swappiness
@Mitch shame on you! you cant help!
i'm too lazy to learn about swappiness.
" a swappiness setting of 100 means that programs will be swapped to disk almost instantly." One Zero
ouch. that sounds bad.
@Utkarsh can you tell us what you don't understand about that answer?
And on the long run. it might shortens the life of the drive.
all i know is constant r/w to disk is bad.
esp for large apps.
hm. my workbox has a swappy val of 60. but my errorprone memory is thinking i don't usually see swap kick in till !00% ram utilisation
which, because i dumbly went with bleeding edge btrfs, pretty much borks my box for the next half hour
Happy New Year!
or maybe it's just that i only hit the threshold when i've caused a large, rapid memory leak
same to ya'll!
happy new year from CA
Now to get on with 2014...
resolution: install mac os x
i'm getting close to resolving to not using java for my web service implementation
i'm really not liking these compile times
ha, we're hopefully at least 14 years away from that kinda glitch..
my minecraft server just gave a time warning.
Happy New Year to All
@pacificfils why?
only took 1 year to compile =]
@pacificfils is'nt it in assembly?
2 hours later…
@SeyedMohammad i don't want to abuse the comment section, but you gotta understand..i've been on the receiving end of people completely ignoring the crux of my questions, and man, it's insanely frustrating. it's better for those answers to not be posted at all.
@SeyedMohammad i mean, actually read the question. the guy is trying to programmatically export word docs to pdf. unless you bust out some vbscript, ms word isn't an option here
is this askubuntu.com/questions/398449/… offtopic or not
Well its 2014. Everybody got there arms and legs still attached?
@falconer that question is an offtopic
@AvinashRaj Don't think so. Why would that be offtopic?
if he run firefox on windows,i think your answer may works.
Why won't it work on Linux? I even posted the screenshots from Ubuntu.
yes it works on both ubuntu and windows.did you agree with that or not?
Of course. What is your point with that?
By the way. Happy new year for all of you guys.
@Braiam i think he get an upvote for each edit in this askubuntu.com/questions/398120/…
@Braiam Maybe he is just trying to get the Peer pressure badge. ;)
@AvinashRaj mmm?
@falconer i helped for that
@AvinashRaj :D
what's the meaning of :D?
Almost the same as :), its like ":)))" equals ":D"
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emoticons (Or were you just trolling me? :D )
:))) means smile ah,because i'm so poor on chat terms
@falconer thnks for the wiki link
@AvinashRaj NP
@falconer i cant able to find the meaning of NP on that wiki link
did we move this askubuntu.com/questions/398480/… to meta
1 hour later…
Q: SSH accesss between CentOS and Vmware installed Ubuntu

richard parkerI am here to request the Linux lads about using the SSH type remote access between my CentOS (Host) and VMWare installed Ubuntu. I am not new to Linux but I am completely new with practical experience of SSH. Any help would be appreciated.

Q: How do I set my account preferences and get notified by emails when there is an answer for me?

ubuplexThe title says it. I am surfing like crazy through askubuntu.com, but I cannot find out how to set my preferences. I must be blind, or the New Year's party went too long... Forgive me please.

hello everyone
@AvinashRaj we can talk here
Q: From where does printenv command read environment variables which I have not defined?

JayThe printenv command lists a number of environment variables most of which I have not defined. From where does it read these values? Where are the environment variables stored in Linux? strace printenv gave an indication to me that it opens /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive but I did not get a clear...

@Utkarsh did you downvoted my questions?
@AvinashRaj me? no
@AvinashRaj so i was saying that do you have any sketching softwares?
@AvinashRaj i am not doing
maybe someone else
@AvinashRaj you have a bad habit of deleting your chat messages
@Utkarsh i don't know
why r u asking that?
@AvinashRaj what about sanskrit?
@AvinashRaj shivaji the boss, endhiran,eega and there are more!!!! all the movies are translated to hindi and are telecasted on north indian channels
dasavataram is nice too :-)
again, bad habit of deleting
first 15min on that movie was awesome
give it a try zorin-os.com
@Utkarsh i will be back soon
@AvinashRaj okay
We need 41 people to get this to work! C'mon, it can't hurt!
Please, do not flag "Should be a comment"! Flag as "Not an answer."
When you have 20+ flags to go through and someone flags as custom (making you have to go to the link to investigate or to access the options) it can be annoying... when all they needed to do was use the system "Not an answer".

Who may be concerned knows who they are and does not need to reply (to be identified). Just please stop keeping it up :/
if a user continuously put downvotes for ques and ans posted by a particular user,how SE handle this.
@AvinashRaj Are you being spammed? You could talk to a mod and see if you can get Serial Downvoting reversed and the user blocked.
@AvinashRaj no need to do anything special, at 3:00 UTC all those will be reversed... if they ain't then contact a mod with a flag
Q: Serial downvoting reversed

virparawhat is Serial downvoting reversed? I just got +14 Reputations from the event listed as Serial downvoting reversed. What does that mean?

that explains it
2 hours later…
Good Night
in Root Access, 2 mins ago, by Jeremy
Can you restore our hard rive from a disk image? There's something wrong with my startup files on osx and I can't boot. If I format, reinstall, then restore from the image, will that put my hard rdrive and files back to its current state?
A* hard drive. Does anyone know?
short answer: yes
but not from install.
unless the image does only user-files, it won't work from install.
@pacificfils Hey! You're on! Did you see the logo(s)?
i did.
very nice.
I can change around the colors, like I said.
just one flaw but not important.
@pacificfils What? I'm going to be in the other room
the spacing between the four side pieces are not exactly even.
Ah. On the green one. Yeah. I'm working on getting those evenly balanced.
my life
Where are the logos?
go to my chat room
@pacificfils Lol.
The cmic
RPi, i will give you $500 if you can sharpen a grainy and blurry image.
@pacificfils Yeah, not sure how well that would go over with my parents...:P Would love it though :D
Happy new year to all!!!
I'm only 139 rep away from 10k... that's my goal this year, get to 10k
also, happy new year to you all
@ThomasW. stop bragging... :P
you still have more total rep than me.
yeah probably :P
what is it now, 11.6k yet?
/me checks
11,585, for the SE chat. Nice.
lets not abuse this though
@ThomasW. Good point
okay. i'll stop
That should be saved for big things
like wrong windows.
import essay
Oh goodness. Stop it
import newyear
import RaspberryPi
oh my god. At least 100 RPi s appeared next to me
Dude, send me a couple
Like 25/30
just type import RaspberryPi
you get 100.
import Pizza
Here, I'll trade you ...
Whoa. Fail
here you go:
Forget it.
@pacificfils What version of python are you using?
gimme my pi. you have your pizzas
Cause...import pizza oh gosh...
begins drowning in pizza
eat your way out.
nom nom nom
import water
EEP! runs
import import
Well, at least it washed away the pizza.
Error 4: BLORG!
@pacificfils Good Grief! The infinite import hath begun!!!
forkbombs own system
Why would you do that??
Then again, You would.
@pacificfils Here you go. Thanks for the pizza
@ThomasW. That's my goal too.
@ThomasW. you don't read the little red icon? that was in august for Godness sake!
and no moderators around when you want one. sighs
btw, can we close this? askubuntu.com/questions/383896/…
Flagged it as dupe
ookay..image just randomly goes black totally...
can't even see it on the site...
what image?
Come on folks, we need more upvotes here:
Q: Ask Ubuntu version of "Oh The Horror" Hat Club anybody?

RPi AwesomenessSo, I was reading around the Stack Exchange network and came across this (easily googleable) question: “Oh The Horror” Hat Club Anyone want to give this a go? From the page: 41 people join in. Each person upvotes every answer, other than theirs, to this question. Once we have 41 a...

part of the agreement is that you upvote everyone else's post.
@Seth This image:
@Seth Oh well, its back..?
As for the club, I ping everyone every so often, unless they recently posted.
@Braiam August was weird, I had a billion things in my inbox.
tolerate it.
Bother that enter key
@ThomasW. A billion :D
@RPiAwesomeness: there's an (by now) obsolete comment : askubuntu.com/questions/395356/create-new-document/…
@guntbert /me points at the "obsolete" comment flagging reason
@ThomasW. why should I bother a moderator when the author is here and can be pinged?
@guntbert because bothering the moderators is fun?
because the mods actually have a job they have to do?
@ThomasW. what are you trying to tell me? (I do use flags rather frequently :-))
@guntbert that i'm an evil person who bugs the mods all the time.
nothing more :P
@ThomasW. oh that :-) - sorry, I seem to be a little slow on the uptake today
@guntbert doesn't matter
at least not to me :)
'course, i know there's some malcontents on IRC who hate me today
but i'm in a "BAN THE ASSHATS" Mode.
/me already banned ten people in the bitcoin channels on IRC.
what areyou doing thomas?
@pacificfils right now? skyping with a friend
the "ban the asshats"
on IRC
what that about, and am i in danger?
@pacificfils depends, are you being an asshat in the #bitcoin* channels on freenode?
bitcoin channels, never been there
only irc i go to is the ubuntu-touch channel.
then you're safe :p
@pacificfils i don't have op in any of the Ubuntu channels
although i do occasionally watch them like a hawk :p
if only to ping their ops' when people need slapping
question: when will bitcoin go down again?
and i mean tank.
when demand goes down or the edgy investor types all get out for legal reasons.
hope that's soon.
need more btc.
mine some... ¬_¬
so sell something on one of the bitcoin for thing markets
okay. how do i use op crap on the ubuntu built-in irc app?
"op crap" ?
/kick, /ban
empathy. how do i use op commands
@pacificfils probably best to explain on IRC itself... :/
@pacificfils of course, assuming you have op
i know how to op on freenode web.
(/msg chanserv op #channel if you have op in chanserv for the channel)
i have op, just made a channel
@pacificfils then it's just /kick or /ban
but ultimately, it may be /kickban
but it doesn't work in empathy
I don't use empathy, because it's not really an IRC client
then use a real irc client
rather than something that isn't an IRC client
any recommendations on ubuntu-integrating clients?
@pacificfils none, there are no IRC-only clients that integrate with ubuntu
then what's a good one in general?
they're all multi-protocol ones designed to work with IM, not IRC
@pacificfils xchat, kvirc, hexchat (in a PPA), irssi (cli), others
what is the BEST one?
everyone i know uses xchat for gui and irssi for cli fpr that.
@pacificfils what do we do to questions that're "What's the BEST software for [some reason]?"
you should probably know this and if you don't you've failed
then ive failed.
@pacificfils there is no "BEST" IRC client anywhere, "BEST" is a relative term
for what I need, hexchat is the best
note that i didn't say they were best... i gave a people i know usage pattern for someone that doesn't use irc
for what you would need, I couldn't tell you
okay, most features, nicest ui.
nvm. xchat it is
why don't you just try some out and then decide
i tried 8 different clients before settling on xchat
@pacificfils enable universe before installing xchat
and don't install xchat-gnome
so. many. effing. windows8/ubuntu. questions.
because it's not really xchat
and i use multiverse
just gotta wait for 20000 light years into space
:) I first ever used irc from mirc32, then I borrowed a clue and switched to linux dual boot, then bought a clue and switched to linux full time. Now I'm expanding my horizons and playing with BSD dual boot.
challenge: make your own ubuntu from the latest linux kernel
nah, mine is figure out node.js.... (then try lisp)
hi braiam
i'm working on some python ctypes and binary analysis with idapython, python in gdb, volatility, django, and a little hardware hacking thrown in for good measure.
@pacificfils challenge: figure out how to get the latest Linux kernel working with everything in Ubuntu 12.04, and get it working without issues.
i saw that.
10 rules for a new linux user:
1. Linux is NOT windows.
2. Linux will crash at least once.
3. Know REISUB.
4. Never give out the root password.
5. sudo -i, not sudo su, even though they do they do the same thing
and it's not too complicated. it's just getting the old, merging the changes in that ubuntu does with debianization, asking git to understand the merge, reapplying the later commits, and dancing widdershins. it's mostly an exercise in version control with a dash of troubleshooting and lots of superstition.
c-c-c-combo breaker
i dont care
shift+enter lets you do
statements in
i know that.
too lazy to do that
question, why does everyone want to dual boot?
ubuntu is good enough, no more windows needed
gaming. getting people that don't have any idea how to use linux to break in a little and get their feet wet. people that need a native windows install without virtualization for work related duties. the list goes on.
@ThomasW. I've been wanting to try that.. but I haven't found one to bug yet. Have you happened to see any around recently?
Q: Big file overwriten with a 0B file

Adrian BI just opend for write (by mistake) a big file with data (about 200 MB). Now I have this file and it has 0B. I want to know If I can find raw data on disk for recovery... ?

o/ @Mateo - you'll be happy to know that i'm planning on squashing a couple of bugs tomorrow.
i got the 2nd off, not the first.
I'm on Steam now.
Just spent $20 for the TrackMania 10-Year Anniversary 3-Pack.
What a bargain.
for the next 24 hours, the entire half-life anthology is ten bucks.
Q: Can anyone explain or walk me through this posted answer on a thread I found regarding my problem?

MikeI'm having trouble making my usb camera my default webcam. I have it selected in Multimedia selector as default, yet my laptop camera is activated when I open guvcview or G+ Hangouts, and when I ran sudo modprobe -r uvcvideo then opened guvcview, nothing worked. To get my usb camera to work, I op...

^ it sounds like a dupe to me, but i'm involved so i'm not voting.
00:00 - 07:0007:00 - 00:00

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