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Q: How to correctly enable Desktop Cube in Unity 3D?

Luis AlvaradoI have read several questions regarding how to fix an already enabled desktop cube or the problems it had in 11.04. But in 11.10, how can I correctly enable desktop cube in Unity 3D?

Be warned though, the cube is a dangerous friend.
when it consumes the whole of reality, mr unwordly tesseract is not your friend.
Into 4D geometry now, are we?
I forgot to add shutter to the launcher >.<
> The connection was reset
Hmm. Interesting question:
Q: How to fix missing panel indicators in 13.10

FrancisAfter moving from 12.04 to 13.10 (with unity), the majority of my applications no longer have panel indicators. e.g: - xchat - sonata xchat gets a link in the mail menu, but this is useless because it opens a new xchat instance each time it's clicked, rather than bringing up the existing one. I...

Any chance for an answer?
Hey guys, I was wondering if it is possible to install nemo without having it do anything with the desktop.
Is parted installed by default?
Not really, you have to undo all that stuff after you install it.
Got 1 close vote left. Anyone?
gparted is on the LiveCD.
@Seth i think they use partman for partitioning in livecd.
Sep 1 '12 at 5:40, by Anwar
I also surprised to know, it is not parted but partman instead!
4 hours later…
Q: Mouse, keyboard and network not working in qemu emulation of beagleboard with latest angstrom image

Kaushik ShresthaI was trying to emulate an angstrom image for beaglexm in qemu on my Ubuntu 12,04 laptop. In a new the image boots up and autologins into GNOME shell. But keyboard and mouse remains unresponsive. I gave the following command: qemu-system-arm -M beaglexm -m 1024 -sd Angstrom-TI-GNOME-image-egli...

3 hours later…
Q: Question about questions

SkateguyHow can I bump my question up to the front page so it will be seen without asking it again. I feel like Once you ask a question, if it's not answered that day it kind of goes into limbo.

I can probably fix this question if it's opened again. askubuntu.com/q/362722/10698 we shouldn't ignore answers from new users just because they made the THIS-IS-NOT-A-FORUM mistake...
@Alvar he needs to "ask" a question ;)
well yes
there is a slightly vague question in there, and if I or he can answer his question with the answer he posted it can be pretty good...
thanks @fossfreedom :)
I gave him this meta.superuser.com/a/7186/235569 since is almost what I do when doing selfanswered questions
how can he post an answer if you close the question?!?!?
it didn't has a "question" when was closed IMHO, nor details of the problems he's facing nor how to identify the problem, so it just got closed
the OP should be commented and asked to move the answer down. After another day or two, we can move it if OP hasn't done it.
I would have posted a community wiki answer if the OP didn't post an answer him self.
@Rinzwind yes you are only one that never had any hardware that were more up-to-date than Ubuntu's support ;)
why was this question closed as off topic when it's a duplicate of another question? askubuntu.com/q/306967/10698
I am trying to make a file executable and opened in terminal. I used this tutorial digimantra.com/linux/… and found the same on askubuntu.com but no luck. My file is still being opened in text editor
can someone help me please?
check the file manager settings for executables
what happens if you run it with ./script.sh?
Hi guys, has anyone of you gone through the process of compiling chromium from source? There's no regularly updated PPA and the instructions are a bit cumbersome for someone that does not actively develop software like me. I want to give it a try anyway, but beforehand I want to gather some feedback by users who have successfully compiled chromium on ubuntu. I welcome any comments!
@gentmatt Bad idea.
@jokerdino why?
@jokerdino one second please
@gentmatt OK may be not. I was imagining myself doing it.
The idea of running an up-to-date chromium is good, isn't it?
@gentmatt only if you don't do the work
@jokerdino it does the job it's suppose to do. I made the fie .sh
@jokerdino :P Well, I have no other option. So I'm going for it. I really seems though that very little people go though this extra work.
@gentmatt most of us use either firefox or chrome.
@IceD so, what was your question now? It opens the file when tried to execute from file manager?
I want to double click on it and it opens the file
and executes it in terminal
it's for automation
i've written a line of commands in .sh file and I want it to double click and get opened >> executed in terminal
@jokerdino The official instructions are very much to go through. But I found more compact instructions to follow on ubuntuusers.de (German) wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Chromium/Kompilierung.
@gentmatt good luck
@IceD using nautilus?
I don't have nautilus
just simple text editor
I will install nautilus
how are you clicking on the file?
@IceD nautilus is a file manager.
double click with mouse
@jokerdino Well thanks, I'll need it! If anybody out there has any tips on how to build chromium on ubuntu, please report!
@jokerdino Okey so what do I do next?
@IceD go to preferences in your "Home"
@IceD Behaviour tab
and choose "Ask Each time"
@jokerdino @IceD go to preferences in your "Home" Do you mean Home as folder ?
@IceD Home as the file manager.
I am not ubuntu user I can't find this so easily
I need more explanation
What are you using?
I checked in software installed
and it has TextEditor
some standard text editor
are you using linux mint or what???!
Ubuntu 13.04
you said "I am not ubuntu user I can't find this so easily"
i meant this second time i started using ubuntu
@jokerdino I'm not in "unity" maybe a serie of screenshot would make things easier
i am not in ubuntu :/
he has to open nautilus and its preferences and then behaviour.
ok, let me see
Okey let me take a look now
you have to look for that window ^
@Braiam on GNOME shell?
what version?
Open any folder. Then you should have this cogwheel on the top right corner of the File Manager windows. Click there for Preferences.
Can't take a shot here. Its all Windows + a 12.04 VM
hm great. i am on 3.10.1
@jokerdino i found it and managed to make it work
I have one more question
how to make files execute on startup ?
A: Add application to autostart

nitstormClick on the Main button (top-left corner) and type Main menu and click on Main menu. There browse to where the application is and find select the application you want to find the name for and click Properties. The name of the application is present in the command section. After that, click t...

Q: How to run scripts on start up?

myusuf3I was wondering how to run scripts when my computer starts up. So I dont have to run scripts manually that I always run. Please and thank you.

Q: How do I start applications automatically on login?

AlaukikHow can I make an application automatically start when I have logged in?

All ways lead to Rome
I'm about saying to merge all of them...
we need to keep boot and login autostart seperate.
Auostarting a broken buggy app is evil (just saying...)
that linked by Joke is a exact dupe of what I posted, tho
@Braiam yours is a script. mine was about apps
Alacarte is not installed by default.
heck, I read it backwards, yours is the same as takkat's
@Braiam yeah
@Takkat true
In fact the easiest way is to copy & paste the .desktop to ~/.config/autostart.
the problem is: not all applications peolple wants to run at boot has .desktop or they don't know how to find it ;)
That's why I only made reference to the non GUI approach at the bottom.
argh this 20 Cent Desktop mouse in my office is auto-clicking everytime I touch it.
@Takkat real users don't use mouse, they use braille keyboards ;)
This mouse is almost a real man's tool: it has a grey-black spottled cable attached.
is there a way to
there is.
make .sh script to execute process at defined time
@IceD you need cron
Q: How do I set up a Cron job?

solomongabyHow do I add Cron jobs in Ubuntu?

this here ?
Q: Why do I need to add a GPG-key with apt-key before adding URL to sources.list and download-installing an application with apt-get?

PhilI went on to download an application today. It had it's instructions listed, step by step, number one being: adding a GPG-key with apt-key. It was followed by adding the application to apt/sources and finally downloading it with apt-get install. I did my search but as a newbie to linux, I can't ...

how do I apply this command */15 * * * * /path/to/command
if i want to start the file on ~/Destkop/folder/file.sh
that's not a command. that's a format
i suggest you use this question
Q: What is the easiest way to set up a cron job?

Bruno PereiraEvery time I set up a cron job there is something wrong with it and I spend a lot of time trouble shooting it. I use Ubuntu and I would like to know what tools exist to make my life easier when setting up cron.

got it thanks
that will be all for now :)
@IceD Dont forget to upvote the handsome guy that make de post! I hear he is awesome! ;)
this sounds about right? askubuntu.com/a/363015/169736
Hey guys. I am trying to follow and answer to a question I. But I do not undetstand where I should put the download form git and if or not I have to extract it
Q: Force Fullscreen on libpepflashplayer.so

user320I have 2 monitors, and I am using google chrome. When I watch a video in full screen on one monitor and then click on the other monitor it minimizes youtube to the embedded playback. I will not be able to use the other flash player found in chrome://plugins/ So it definitely has to be done throu...

@user320 Download the git repo as a zip, unzip it as a directory (the default option), cd into that directory in a terminal and then carry on with the answer
OKay will try that
ive asked qestion about opening file with double click
I managed to do it but now when I double click nothing happens
anyone had similar issue?
@jokerdino are u here? I executed the file with double click but when I try to run it again it's no longed opened in terminal?
any help with this one ?
I made a change, if anyone could review
Q: Force Fullscreen on libpepflashplayer.so

user320I have 2 monitors, and I am using google chrome. When I watch a video in full screen on one monitor and then click on the other monitor it minimizes youtube to the embedded playback. I will not be able to use the other flash player found in chrome://plugins/ So it definitely has to be done throu...

@user320 typo oopen - and you've got a hard-coded path rather than a generic /home/jan/
@IceD try changing the preferences again?
@fossfreedom I did that as an expample, the generic one is found in step 3
oli has tidied.
cool, thanks
Is anyone using 13.10 and Chromium?
Chromium addons are not working for me, for some reason
They install fine, but they don't work
sounds like a common issue - askubuntu.com/questions/360954/…
Ya, I was just reading that thread
Any idea when this gets fixed?
nothing is fixed unless someone bugs the issue and scans the mailing list to see if stuff is in train... joining the chromium team and fixing stuff as well usually speeds stuff along ;)
@Oli Can you review this answer, please: askubuntu.com/a/358883/147044?
@jokerdino I tried to change it to Ask
And I click Open in terminal
but the Terminal is not opened
@RaduRădeanu that's a 13.10 answer?
@fossfreedom Now yes. I said that I will update my answer after 13.10 will be released.
ok - undeleted and cleaned up the comments
Thank you!
line 1: $'\357\273\277gnome-terminal': command not found
@IceD ?? you've got unicode characters in line 1 of your script?
@IceD why not better tell us what is the content of the script instead... we will tell you the better method to run it at startup
@IceD it appears you are missing a shebang: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_%28Unix%29 in line 1 of your script.
Okey here it goes. I will write the code
cd ~/Desktop/folder

chmod 755 startfile

i have this inside command.sh file
and I want to execute it via double click
and it worked fine the first time
inside startfile i have 10 commands to open 10 terminals
so gnome-terminal and then it opens 10 terminals
When I applied what you wrote the first time it went great
buit now I can\t execute the .sh file
and when i open 10 terminals manually they close within seconds
Oh and btw I just upgraded to 13.10 version of ubuntu
upload the whole script into paste.ubuntu.com and paste the link here for us to look at.
What is the ubuntu font called, is it 'Ubuntu'?
@user320 yep
anyone can nail this askubuntu.com/q/362951/169736 for reopen?
@Braiam why?
@fossfreedom the answers in the dupe do not apply, I have the answer at hand right now, just waiting for reopening... 4 votes casts still closed
so add the answer to the dupe?
no, the reason of the dupe is different of this one...
@fossfreedom it has become more complete since I closed it, re-open
Q: gnome-shell : command to launch message tray

rajagenupulaHow can i launch message tray in Gnome-shell. I mean is there any keyboard shortcut I can use ? I am using GNOME Shell 3.8.4 version with Ubuntu 13.10. Thank you. Already seen here : GNOME 3 Shell keyboard/mouse shortcuts but I didn't found that.

@IceD why not running gnome-terminal -e "bash --rcfile kanali" in the startup instead
@rajagenupula Super+M?
A: Access gnome-shell messaging tray using keyboard

jokerdinoGnome 3.6 and up This extension has not yet been updated for Gnome 3.6 But the functionality it provided for the message tray is now a built in feature of Gnome 3.6. Gnome 3.4 and earlier A GNOME extension has been developed to enable keyboard access to messaging tray. https://extensions.gn...

@jokerdino done :) add it
@Braiam what is startup
This is the error in terminal that I got
./komande.sh: line 1: $'\357\273\277cd': command not found
./starttrans: line 1: $'\357\273\277gnome-terminal': command not found
@Braiam its open
@rajagenupula it's a duplicate?
@jokerdino I have given my close vote
@BrunoPereira answered ;)
btw, should we believe him? askubuntu.com/review/reopen/173693
what's that?!
@Braiam lol
is 12.10 EOL yet?
So it was debain 7 and then it was 12.10 and now it's 12.0 lts?
> April 2014
Wait.. 13.04 reaches EOL before 12.10
so if you are on 12.10 and it EOLS on Apr 2014, you are screwed.
because you can't upgrade to 13.04 as it is already in EOL
Hmm, that's going to be weird.
And there's a very real chance that will happen with a lot of XBMC users because XBMCbuntu still ships on 12.10
How come no one thought about it at all? :-(
error vacoui?
its only going to be an issue if the 13.04 repo's are moved to old-releases. It canonical leaves them until after april then all will be good in the world
who do we know that works in that area to stop them using the off-button?
@fossfreedom @ThomasW. has apparent connections with the different teams... I don't find the upgrade/repomaintaner team mail list anywhere to ask
Hm, a most interesting prblem.
ping every canonical AU user!
dont think it works like that :D
:) ping jorge and marco then
They are server people. We need a release team contact.
Smartboyhw is QA, he might have a clue about how this is going to work.
o_o ... the 14.04 daily iso's are up and running. Any bets on when we receive the first 14.04 question?
3 days. "How to upgrade to 14.04".
oh wow, a pre-alpha? upgrades: it should be stable enough
kill all goat Q's - will make a tasty curry.
@BrunoPereira: what's the worst that could happen?
(oh, wait, does it use xmir yet?)
@JourneymanGeek I hope so, that will make my life so much better!
claps hand with excitement
actually, I may give it a shot on a VM
(since I run KDE or nothing usually)
@BrunoPereira go and say that on phoronix...
take your hard-hat with you.
@fossfreedom but its soooo much better! ;)
nothing like naming a project after a crashed de-orbited russian space station and hope for the best!
Q: badblocks and "end_request: I/O error" in output

marcinpl87I have 500GB disk in my toshiba laptop, I tried to do backup of files in this HDD but it failed few times (ubuntu just closed copying operation or unmounted disk during copying files). So I boot my laptop from ubuntu 12.10 on USB, and I didn't mount that harddrive (it's /dev/sda1) and I run: su...

Just Imagine with Siri in the ways...

U.S. troops - "Bomb this facility" *tap*
Siri - Couldn't find the address. Using your current location by default.
Good Night
@jokerdino that's me....
Hm I didn't know you are around.
Was just checking how to install rawhide. :)
Q: Ubuntu with Gnome and Openbox

JohnTortugoI've in my laptop Ubuntu 12.04.03 which comes by default with gnome 3.0 (unity). I like Gnome. It has a nice look, some nice apps, things frequently works nice. However I would prefer to use Openbox. It is very lightweight, the 'context menu' is fantastic, and so on. But some times Openbox suck...

Chat really needs to refresh flags better.
@Braiam I don't think you have to worry about the repos immediately being moved to oldreleases. However, I would talk to the release team about that, and poke them on #ubuntu-release on IRC, or talk to the devs or the Technical Board. Unfortunately, I think the issue isn't going to be one which you can just "stop" the moving of the repositories off the main mirrors, there's probably a timeline for it.
@Braiam I can ask around on IRC for a general timeline from EOL -> Repo Move to OldReleases if you'd like, later.
@fossfreedom read the above two messages
@Seth way too fast right now :P
@Braiam What do you mean?
I got 1 flag... then clicked and I was "not sure", then while reading the counter hiked to 3, I clicked again and told me no flags "to review" :/
Well when there are so many active users on chat the flags go quickly. I was just saying I came in and it said "1 flag" but there weren't any.
That happens a lot.
@ThomasW. no, ok, I'll put into the agenda ;)
@Seth @Braiam. askubuntu.com/questions/363197/… Send this one to the abyss, it's Linux Mint related (VTC: Not About Ubuntu)
@Braiam and OK, that saves me work :P
Last close vote spent.
I still have some @Seth I haven't pass for the FP review queue D:
Oh man. The FP queue. That is horror.
Actually, there were a lot of good posts in it yesterday.
questions or answers? I'm filtering out questions :/
Where's the place to ask questions about cmake?
@JohnMerlino Stack Overflow
@jrg if you're around, can i borrow your mod power to force-close a Linux Mint question? :P
@ThomasW. eh?
@jrg there's a linux mint question drifting around. it's linked in the last message. "I have an eeepc1005hab running linuxmint15." <-- key operating line from said question
Q: Help connecting to wifi (without network-manager)

Leathananother question. Bear with this noob, its my third day on linux. But i do know some stuff. I have an eeepc1005hab running linuxmint15. I am trying to connect to the internet without network-manager. Sudo service network-manager stop Yes i know this is harder, but i will need to do it later...

@Braiam Questions
@jrg thank you kindly for your assistance. :)
You saw and heard nothing. Good day! ;)
@jrg they need to add a "Skip all" feature to /review, so I can just skip the 181 "Low Quality Posts" and the 113 "Close Votes" on my /review window :/
where should I post about that?
our meta, or meta so?
181 LQP?
Why would you want to skip them all?
@Seth because i don't want to deal with them?
Q: Somebody want to explain to me why a spaceship occasionally appears on my monitor after the 13.10 upgrade?

user205683Seriously. No joke. Clean 13.10 install. Not a single picture on my computer. I press F4 to switch over to my external monitor and...what is this?

The borg have assimilated your monitor!
@ThomasW. Why..? Just don't open review.
@Seth ookkkeyyy
Someone has been playing starcraft ;)
Oh, not starcraft..
Something like that.
is definitevely a space ship... a planet can be seen in the background
Another bounty on this? What do people want done?
Chrome has a number of problems on Saucy.
Google needs to issue an update.
@Seth people don't want to see a number besides the queue... they feel nervous if they have that amount of "work"
@Braiam Well I guess that's true..
user image
That will be my Halloween costume.
(I don't do Halloween, but still XD )
this ought to be comical askubuntu.com/a/363274/169736
Is that because he's on an LTS release?
no, the answer was "deleted", it was more a rant....
Oh, I missed that.
Now I see the answer part in the link though
1 hour later…
hey people. Does anyone know why I cant update my system? I get this error message "-- Error in checkAPT.py, could not refresh the list of packages"
wut, goign to get 50 rep for my "exemplary" answer:
A: Geany 0.21 update

Bruno PereiraAfter the release of an Ubuntu version packages are only updated for security and big fixes. No further release is done for individual packages. If you want to keep Geany up to date you need to add a PPA. Luckily Geany keeps a developers PPA that has the version you are looking for. Install it ...

I will soon believe in unicorns :)
@Elysium what command are you running that triggers that.
@BrunoPereira there is no such thing as unicorns, you're delusional.
simply the update manager Thomas
I also have this error message: "
E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/packages.medibuntu.org_dists_quantal_non-free_i18n_Translation-en, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened."
really weird
oh that's a mergelist error
where's that canonical question on how to fix that...
digs around
Q: How do I fix a "Problem with MergeList" or "status file could not be parsed" error when trying to do an update?

user12250The computer gave me this output in a window: E: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary-i386_Packages E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. How can I fix this?

What is that exactly? a merger list error...
never heard of it
@Elysium read that question there and test the answers there, the update manager python error is because of the problem with mergelist error you see. also medibuntu is gone
@Elysium i don't fully understand it, but apparently, it's a common problem nowadays but it's fixable
ok, thanks
@ThomasW. lies, my mother told me they existed, it was confirmed by the nice doctor that gives me my purple pills, not cause the pills are purple, but because they clear the purple heart shapes that replace every sight of clouds.... Purple shaped hearts in the sky, everywhere... nice hearts, dont go away... no mom, I dont want the pills! I like the hearts!
thinks he overdid himself right now, people will soon start to believe his sarcastic rants are actual facts of his mental reality
nah, doesnt solve it. Thanks anyway Thomas
does anyone know if they have changed the repository location or something?
I also get this: "Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/quantal/Release.gpg Something wicked happened resolving 'packages.medibuntu.org:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/quantal/free/binary-amd64/Packages Something wicked happened resolving 'packages.medibuntu.org:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)"
@Seth you missed a few errors in the post's body
@BrunoPereira Being called "Askubuntu" must have temporarily blinded me ;)
btw, @BrunoPereira the two top answers here are complete duplicates of each other.
@Seth AU, askUbuntu, Askubuntu, Aksobontu, seen it all :D
@Elysium You removed the file?
@BrunoPereira Oh the horrors!
@Seth mmmmh, why one has 100+ votes and the other 30+ beats any logics from my side, specially because the second was created before the first...
probably the OP select one random as correct and that generated extra votes?
I would leave it like it is
Why? It makes the other different answers harder to reach.
@Seth So you are suggesting I remove Alan's answer? Because I am certainly not removing the 30+ votes one, it was the "original"...
dam it! hard decision
@BrunoPereira Yes, I am suggesting you remove it.
AFAIK, he won't lose any reputation.
what are the rules again for that? ;) cause if it applies 1/5 of his rep will go down the drain...
sec, I would like to double check that before actually doing anything.. can I, please?
@BrunoPereira I'm trying to figure that out myself ;)
@BrunoPereira By all means :)
> Deleting and undeleting posts may affect reputation as well, if these posts have votes. Actions taken on deleted posts cease to affect reputation within five minutes (source), unless the post meets the following criteria (in which case the reputation affects will be permanent) (source):

The post had a score of at least +3
The post has been visible on the site for at least 60 days
Q: How does "Reputation" work?

Justin StandardOn Stack Exchange, users may gain a certain level of reputation. What does reputation do? How can a user gain or lose reputation? See also What is reputation? How do I earn (and lose) it? in the Help Center Are there any voting limits? Maximum amount of votes a user can use in ...

@BrunoPereira --^
Source (scroll down a little)
I'm wondering how that rootdelay got there....
@Seth and both are wrong... or incomplete
the partial directory should be created after you remove the files... none do that :(
wait... mmm.... no recursive...
ok, but the partial directory apparently should be removed in some cases :(
lol @Seth, you should be in shame right now
the 3 +1 upvoted answers here are exactly the same with another coating :(
1 hour later…
@Seth please be my proofreader/editor here :D
Looks good, just a few minor grammar errors and one weird sentence.
> (@NathanOsman made a duplicated on a question is SO which he may have found earlier if it has a better title).
Could you rephrase that? It doesn't make sense atm.

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