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Q: What is up with the ask ubuntu points? why do I looseso many points?

AlanI notices there are ask ubuntu points and I loose tons of them. I have no clue how to get more. Do I loose points for asking questions?

@ThomasW. that user is crazy to find a bug in gedit.
@Seth done
do this sounds coherent? askubuntu.com/a/359184/169736
@ThomasW. btw, what he needs is to download the 64 bit deb instead
Q: What is up with the ask ubuntu points? why do I looseso many points?

AlanI notices there are ask ubuntu points and I loose tons of them. I have no clue how to get more. Do I loose points for asking questions?

@Braiam he is crazy to find a bug
@Braiam so tell them that.
meh, when he ask the question :P
yuppie 6.5k! going for the 7k :D
@AskUbuntuMeta my brain.
@Karel I am curious why you think this edit plagiarizes: askubuntu.com/review/suggested-edits/170322
Could be.
@Seth The OP added an edit to his question telling how he solved his own question. The plagarist edited the solution out of the original question, and then posted it as his own answer. He then got upvoted for this answer. What he should have done instead IMO is asked the OP to post an answer to his own question and then to checkmark his own answer as accepted.
Not just reviewers. I have no idea what I was thinking back in 2009 when I originally moved the solution from a comment to the question. You took the correct action by moving it to a CW answer and citing the OP. — Bill the Lizard Jul 19 at 16:06
@Braiam That one I rejected for confusing formatting garbage.
is a perfectly normal to do that ;)
he also cw the answer
@karel yeah, I tried to make him do more "descriptives" comments... maybe we should call him
Congradulations, you are the first person to ever download and install malware to an Ubuntu install... Good job! — Gui 4 hours ago
@Braiam b4n
Hey, so do we consider 13.10 "ok to ask about" now?
@jrg it's freezed, so, unless is a bug I don't see problem
would a question about a ubuntu available torrent cline tbe considered off-topic, I am not sure, I do not think so but I wanna ask anyway
@user320 why do you need a torrent, interrupted download?
yeah, and other reasons
@user320 I thought so. I always download ISOs in the terminal using the command: wget -c which resumes the download in the same place where it was interrupted if it was paused or stopped.
Who thinks the Nexus 5 will be announced tomorrow?
I prefere torrents
@jrg I do not torrent illegal stuff
I never said you did
then what was the fantastic?
fantastic was in reply to @Braiam
@user320 I tried torrenting an ISO once cuz I couldn't get a direct download. It was like 3-5 times slower than wget. wget always maxes out all my available bandwidth.
@user320 anyway the default torrent client in Ubuntu, Transmission, is very easy to use.
@jrg okay nevermind then. wierd placement
@NathanOsman +1
@karel: thats usually not my experience
People should be forced to leave a comment when they downvote
@karel Actually, that is the correct action to take. He also made it a Community wiki so he wouldn't get ant attribution for it
@SauravKumar Can you make please more descriptive comments when editing...
@Braiam Oh good grief lol.
yeah... I might try to look for mississippi in AU later and see what popsup
@karel Asking the OP to post an answer is a good idea, although if he doesn't add an answer adding the correct answer as a CW answer is considered good practice. Let me see if I can find a meta source.
yeah, I'm doing selfpromotion :P
maybe a metapost should be necesary
I had already upvoted that so no rep today :P
I thought we had one..
I need also one for the ones proposing edits... I have to improve posts to remove 'Thanks' and capitalize I's
Been a while since I've been on MSO.
@Braiam Same here. I am a known enemy of uncapitalised I's.
@Seth thx for replying. it's a Community wiki, right? So my take is how does that promote community? and anyway wouldn't have it been easier to ask the OP to post his own answer rather than doing a Watergate with it?
@karel nope, check my MSO post why such things are better done by oneself
2 years asking OP to post his own answer...
brb in 1 hr
@Braiam It is always a good idea to ask the OP to add his own answer, however that doesn't always happen. What's more important is that questions get answers. For example, if I'm searching for the answer to a problem I usually won't even look at a question that doesn't have any answers listed in the answer bubble. Another reason for adding CW answers is to bump an otherwise answered question of the unanswered list making truly unanswered questions stand out more.
A Community Wiki post doesn't have anything to do with promoting community. All the feature is there to do is make it easier for users to collaborate on and keep answers up to date. A CW answer doesn't really have an "owner", although contributors are listed in the revision history.
for some weird reason I can't invite this user to the General Room...
Me either.
I've experienced this before..
@Seth you quoting?
Whoops. Replied to wrong post. That was a reply to this. Sorry @karel
@karel One other thing is published under the CC-Wiki license, meaning that you don't actually own the content after it's publication and that anyone can use it and or distribute it providing they attribute the work to the correct author. That's what is going on here. Not really comparable to watergate ;P
@Seth good links to MSO
2 hours later…
Hello world
With 13.10 coming out soon, I am looking to format and do a clean install.. but I always run into the same problem everytime..
I need to reinstall java6, java7, eclipse, my development environemtn, framework etc etc from scratch
I need to remember to copy out my ssh keys
all my startup applications,
and reinstall all my favourite ubuntu apps and packages (notification icons included)
This is all too much of a hassle
is there any simple solution whereby I can partition the hdd to only update the system stuff while keeping my home partition and maybe by /usr/local/bin (i install my java and other system wide software here)
So I dont have to bother re setting up all of those ENV variables for myself
you should read this - askubuntu.com/questions/243387/…
you should backup your /home
great thanks looking at it now
on the new install make sure you have a separate /home partition
this will make reinstalls simpler for the future
and also a separate /usr/local/bin partition right ?
doubtful - /usr/local/bin is generally for self compiled stuff - you'll need to do that manually each time
oh crap .. so I have to manually install java and setup my dev environment everytime?
I usually put my own command line accessible programs in /usr/local/bin
things like java6, java7, ant etc
I'm more thinking about binaries that have library links that change between newer versions.
dunno about the portability of java
might make a good question on the site
I dont foresee that for the programs I put into the /usr/loca/bin there will be any library links
they are self contained packages
ok ill post it up
Q: Unable to update my system Ubuntu13.04: Getting message - requires installation of untrusted packages

RaviI had been trying to update my Ubuntu13.04 via 'software updater'. The updater messages that the following needs to be installed. Press continue to install When I press continue , a window appears as shown in the attachment. There message appears: requires installation of untrusted packages On ...

2 hours later…
Q: Least impact upgrade to latest ubuntu from old version

cyberjar09I am looking to upgrade from 13.04 to the upcoming 13.10 but have a few questions about how to handle the upgrade whilst having the least impact on my current setup. I have these partitions on my brand new SSD : / - 30 GB / - 30 GB (for alternate install, I like to try different distros on my...

my questions has been posted
1 hour later…
Q: Should we answer more than is asked?

minerz029Sometimes, in a question, the OP asks about a specific problem they face in a larger attempt to do something (this is probably not very clear, see this question and karel's answer for an idea of what I'm talking about). In such cases, should you answer more than what is asked in the question (ev...

Just a simple question: Can certain users delete other user's comments (without being a mod)?
commands ? do you mean comments?
yes, comments
only mods can delete comments
can the owner of a post delete other user's comments on that then?
I'd raised an issue with the title of a question here: askubuntu.com/questions/347506/… and after the issue was fixed, the comments were gone
that was me cleaning up
oh, quick
and right after Radu said 'and now let us clean our comments' (something like that). I thought it was him
thanks for clearing that up
you are welcome
well, then why is there still a white dotted line under that question? It looks out of place
that's me trying to be a perfectionist
good question - well asked. I would raise that as a Meta - tag it as "bug". Looks like a CSS style issue.
will you do it or shall I?
please raise it yourself - thanks
Q: Dotted line persists after deleting comments

minerz029After deleting all comments on a post, the line which separates comments from the main post remains. See this screenshot and note the dotted line after the post which shouldn't be there:

@fossfreedom wow, just figured out that I was using a link to one of the deleted comments to access the question. that made the dotted line
hmm - still smells like a bug - suggest put your observation into your question.
but generally, users wont be accessing the question from a link to an old deleted comment. Is it worth leaving open?
i got there from an inbox message
its fine - just accept the answer. Could be useful for someone in the future.
in 2 days...
Q: Dotted line persists after deleting comments

minerz029After deleting all comments on a post, the line which separates comments from the main post remains. See this screenshot (from this question) and note the dotted line after the post which shouldn't be there for posts with no comments:

Anyone know what's going on here?
Q: Edit approved by no-one?

minerz029Consider this approved edit (edit by me): http://askubuntu.com/review/suggested-edits/170518 Why is reviewer field blank? Who really approved the edit? This only occurs on that particular review and is the first time I've ever seen it. Image:

Q: Edit approved by no-one?

minerz029Consider this approved edit (edit by me): http://askubuntu.com/review/suggested-edits/170518 Why is reviewer field blank? Who really approved the edit? This only occurs on that particular review and is the first time I've ever seen it. Image:

Can someone help me with the following question, admittedly sth based on Debian though:
$ sudo /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 essid "OH-GF-02"
$ sudo /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 key s:ISIbc
I tried the above two commands with the hope that I'd be able to connect to the wifi "OH-GF-02"!
But, it always connects to some other thing...
Can one figure out why this is the case?
2 hours later…
lol @Radu, two answers and the opening is the same askubuntu.com/a/355714/169736 askubuntu.com/a/355674/169736
you should also include the askubuntu.com/questions/151283/… link ;)
Anyone ever had an issue where bunderthird will show inbox twice in unified mode? superuser.com/questions/660214/…
@ThatBrazilianGuy as far I know you have a global inbox (all new message of all your accounts) and a per-account inbox in Thunderbird, so it's normal
@Braiam I have tried it in a coworkers identical machine and it shows differently
have you restarted Thunderbird?
remove everything and start from scratch... maybe you added the account twice
@Braiam I'm trying to avoid that, my account has IMAP labels and I think it's local only, the server is Exchange
I think I'll have to do that anyway. Might as well confirm (or deny) the labels support
2 hours later…
Q: Can I install other distro and use /home from previous one?

MatthewPretty much it. I want to install CrunchBang, and I have been using Ubuntu 12.10. Should I format /home, or do I need to only format / and install #! there?

Q: Ubuntu Server - OS on single HDD, file server on software RAID 1

EspenI do run a Windows Server 2008 machine. It is used as a file server (File Services feature), in addition to local shares I use CrushFTP for SFTP and HTTP access to my files. I would like to convert to Linux (Ubuntu at first). What I want is to install the OS on a single HDD (500 GB) and then hav...

what command do i enter to launch a .run ?
It jus opens in gedit
@user320 You have to make it executable. That can be done from its permissions page (in a graphical interface) or by chmod +x filename.run and then you can run it with ./filename.run
We have roughly a thousand questions asking what .run files are and how to use them but here's one that approximates what I've already said:
A: What are .run files?

Martin Owens -doctormo-A .run file is normally a custom made program which needs to be executed in order to install a program. these are not supported generally as they don't track where files go and don't normally provide an uninstall method. there is no way to be sure what the script will do to your system so they're...

Q: Ubuntu warning. W: Duplicate sources.list entry

Alex KurmaevAfter installing Oracle VirtualBox, when I do "sudo apt-get update", I get such warning. W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/ raring/contrib i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/download.virtualbox.org_virtualbox_debian_dists_raring_contrib_bina...

bounty opportunity, since ubuntu touch v1 is coming soon(17th) I put an extra large one on this:
Q: How do I go about porting Ubuntu Touch to xyz device?

Nathan OsmanI would like to port Ubuntu Touch to a device that is currently not supported. What are the requirements for doing this and where do I begin?

So, like, a complete guide including instructions for each specific supported device? I would love to do the research in order to learn about Touch and answer questions such as that.
not each supported divice, you can try a supported and just do the "manual" method to get the steps written
just has to be the porting way
so pulling the drivers, making the image... ect.
@Seth My poor eyes! >:(
I know ;_;
Well it's gone now.
Thank heavens
And Peachy wasn't even the author of the answer lol.
Friendships sometimes deteriorate well before they start on the internet :P
No kidding.
would this be a meta? or just close and such... askubuntu.com/questions/359536/…
@searchfgold6789 yup that.
Q: Can't answer protected question

durron597I have more than 10 rep, but I can't answer a protected question. I struggled with this problem for months and I finally figured it out today, but none of those answers were my problem. I have never posted on askubuntu before but I have over 6500 rep on Stack Overflow and my reputation lists me a...

Is there a 10k user around? @Mitch ?
I just want to know if this question has a deleted answer. There was one yesterday I thought. askubuntu.com/questions/358659/…
@Seth it does have a deleted answer. Answer was given by Radu Rădeanu, and was deleted by Oli.
@Seth Yeah the question is quite explicitly about 13.10 and that's quite explicitly an answer for 13.04. Somebody flagged it as NAA and I upheld it.
Oh okay. Could one of you perhaps get me the screenshot he used?
@Oli --^ ?
Q: Does anyone know what's up with this question?

Jorge CastroSo this is in the review queue and the entire thing is a mess: Total Boot Failure - xubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-amd64 "mount: error while loading shared libraries: libudev.so.0 : no such file or directory" Does anyone have any recommendations on fixing this?

@Seth here's 12.04 still - my Saucy is locked up in a VM ;)
it performs extremely well.
Oh okay. I don't remember that particular feature in 12.10..
12.10 did pass without me.
lol. I skipped 12.04 XD
rofl. why? It's great for everyday's use.
But I probably cant wait until 14.04
Thing is - my dektop is shared with my better half - I need it for fun, she needs it for work. That makes a distribution upgrade hard.
Well the main reason was because I was using WUBI and had to re-image Windows and just didn't get it back on until Quantal :P
@Takkat That would certainly be an issue ;)
yeah Windows is a fun killer.
Yeah. Especially Windows 7.
So good nobody in our house really really needs it badly.
My boy will eventually unless they produce more native Ubuntu games.
For now he is happy. And he's got his Android...
Android has some cool games. I think it does anyway. I only ever play a couple games myself.
Our desktop is not really fit for gaming anyway. Dual core and a low end GPU. But enough for 5 year old games anyway.
lol confusion "EM64T® , x86-64 , ia32 , IA64 , Intel®64 , x86 , amd64 , amd32 , Mach64"
@Takkat D:
on [hold]
I havent followed this. Do questions actually unhold?
Yeah, after 5 day's they are [closed].
How few are getting reopened?
They so often seem abandoned the minute they were asked :"(
Quite a few are making it into the queue anyway.
Doesn't look like that many actually get re-opened though :-/
<-- should do more review tasks
I take that back. (deleted) doesn't mean it wasn't reopened.
Reopening is much more fun than closing in the end.
Yes it is :D
But finding the question that is worth to be reopened is like a needle in the haystack
btw, @Takkat could you get the screenshot out of the deleted answer on this Q askubuntu.com/questions/358659/… for me please?
Out how?
@Takkat Yes but if someone edits the question within it's hold time it gets automatically added to the reopen queue. Solves quite a lot of trouble for us.
@Takkat Just a link to it would do.
Right click -> Copy image URL
Exactly. Thanks :)
bedtime here - good night.
@Takkat Good night :)
1 hour later…
I wonder how close to root a patch has to be accepted in order to qualify for google's new FOSS improvement bounties? Ubuntu commit? Debian commit? Original source package commit? Just the musings of me in my off time.
where is that?
I think you are looking for this google.com/about/appsecurity/patch-rewards
> your patch must first be submitted directly to the maintainers of the project
to the very root
'In order to qualify, your patch must first be submitted directly to the maintainers of the project, and you must work with them to have it accepted into the repository and incorporated into a shipping version of the program. After these prerequisites are met, please submit your entry to [email protected].' is ambiguous. Maintainer could be the source package authors, Debian maintainers, or Ubuntu maintainers. Maintainer != author. It's a fair assumption though.
well, yeah, I see your point
want to comment in the blog if it's the package maintainer or the upstream project maintainer?
I'ld rather not. I was just wondering. Seems like a detail that should probably be VERY clear.
askubuntu.com/questions/359593/… <-- @Braiam There is the full answer
Seems like dconf watch / does what I want.
@Seth told you so :P
You didn't mention watching / :P
But yeah, you told me.
what should I answer in such cases? "yeah change the provider"?
Probably. I dunno the context though
one of the longest answers I ever written that is not full of rant :(
@Braiam Good habit to keep apt-cache policy'ing the packages first.
@minerz029 I'm doing that since the guide requires certain versions of libraries/modules, and OP might use precise or quantal or whatever :P

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