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Is this a little too hot? meta.askubuntu.com/posts/7464/revisions
sounds about right.
too much kindness?:
I have kindly presented you with a down-vote, have a nice day. — Mateo 1 min ago
@Mateo sir... you are a GENIOUS!
can someone star this?
A: EOL Question Handling Discussion... again

Oli"Running fine" is hard to swallow given everybody who asks a question has a problem. We should close EOL questions because as a community of both Ubuntu users and internet denizens, we should want people to stop using unsupported software. Many years ago I... Well let's just say I had more than...

last reply was in 2012
anyone is seeing this?
yeah, same here
just meta.
looks like it is integrated into the site? do you think they are rolling out a change?
meta is the test site.
I think if there are enough people to counter it they will abort
no, that's not the first time
oh man, did you see the steam machine specs?
let me guess, they are bad
"The 300 prototype units will ship with the following components:
GPU: some units with NVidia Titan, some GTX780, some GTX760, and some GTX660
CPU: some boxes with Intel i7-4770, some i5-4570, and some i3
RAM: 16GB DDR3-1600 (CPU), 3GB GDDR5 (GPU)
Storage: 1TB/8GB Hybrid SSHD
Power Supply: Internal 450w 80Plus Gold
Dimensions: approx. 12 x 12.4 x 2.9 in high "
not bad actually
actually, pretty impressive
is there a price tag on it yet?
I find it interesting they standardised on 16 gb of ram
probably add a couple hundred too the parts list, controller case proffit
@Mateo: but they are likely to get better prices on hardware
bulk + this is a bit of a marquee project
but: check this - "Apart from the custom enclosure, anyone can go and build exactly the same machine by shopping for components and assembling it themselves. And we expect that at least a few people will do just that. (We'll also share the source CAD files for our enclosure, in case people want to replicate it as well.) "
so, open sourced the way the backblaze box is!
pretty cool
I'd guess for that size it has custom cooling
and probably a riser for the graphics card
@JourneymanGeek hm, yeah - don't you want ddr3 in triples?
@Mateo: er.. no
the mainstream processors are all dual channel
but the "baseline" for gaming just hit 8gb, cause thats what the next gen consoles have
and 16gb is... quite a lot unless you're a poweruser
hm mabe quad channel for the highest end one
or use extra memory as a ram dirve, load the whole games in ram!
Steam OS is linux based
I wonder which one..
@Nathan are you going to host again tomorrow?
Probably not.
can it host and play at the same time?
canonical and steam need to get together and put the u4a type stuff on a "Steam Phone"
I was playing on the same machine I was hosting on.
@NathanOsman is it simple to setup?
Almost automatic.
Do you need to open a port?
Just enter your name and make sure incomming connections aren't blocked on your router.
@user320 Yes.
Unless your computer has a public IP address.
hm, I might try it tomorrow if i'm not busy
Its a holiday, at least in the US it is
It is?
I thought it was Canadian Thanksgiving.
The US celebrates it next month.
its columbus day
celebrating discovery of islands near us that we thought was India day!
Ah, okay.
pretty much
@Braiam That's been happening since... well.. forever?
BTW, I can't for the life of me get my pro forma comment script working again.
@Seth aren't ya just a unlucky guy :P
@Braiam lol.
I just can't get it to work. At all.
your session definitevely has a problem...
Something is certainly wrong.
AHHH. is back again >.<
Someone wanna make a meta post about blacklisting it?
It's popped up 3 times in the last week or two.
Q: How do I execute a command on login for a system user with no home folder and no personal .bashrc file?

BrysonI set these users' home folders through the /etc/passwd file, but when they log in I would like them to activate a python virtualenv. If they had a personal .bashrc file, I'd just include the activate command there, and the directory change as a post-activate hook with virtualenv. However these...

So here is the summary of our game:
A: Anyone interested in a regularly scheduled, multiplayer game of 0 A.D.?

Nathan OsmanSummary of Oct. 13, 2013 Game I thought I ought to write a brief summary of what happened with our scheduled game. Five users (including myself) showed up: Me and my brother Mateo user320 John One team consisted of two players and two AI bots and the other team consisted of three players and...

I'm tag cleaning in case someone looks at the home page.
How do I install specific video codecs on Ubuntu? I'm not talking about the "every codec you ever need" pack, because my codec is not in there. I have it, it's scls.dll, and is for the screen capture lossless codec, but I don't know where to put it so either VLC or my Videos program finds it. I've tried installing it through WINE, as it is a codec that works in Windows, but I've had no such luck.
^-- Just to give you an idea of what we did all day :P
@NathanOsman horses are normally weak against spearbearers and archers are weak against javelines
so you just know
I just randomly grabbed some guys and shot a video of them fighting.
@user170867: wine is an environment on its own, so I'm guessing unless its a windows program, it won't see it
hello anyone there
i want help on python
2 hours later…
Hello, people! Does someone know why in Saucy the ubuntu-desktop package no longer has any dependencies? I kinda wanted to do a full reinstallation, but found out that purging it doesn't do a thing
its only a meta package - its expected that purging will not remove anything.
Yes, I am aware of that, but earlier (around a year back or so, can't remember exactly) when I tried removing it it resulted in a lot of automatically installed packages becoming not required and ready to be removed with autoremove
Oh, wait, I'm wrong.
`apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop` shows its dependencies
the only time I played with a desktop meta package was when I wanted to try out KDE on one of my boxes. It installed a lot which I was almost unable to purge again. Now I am getting all the KDE security updates still.
Yeah, I have the same troubles with an XFCE desktop on my laptop :)
I came to the conclusion that it is much better to decide on which DE to use before installation, and then leave it like it is.
@Takkat yup that.
multiple DEs make a mess for reasons I dont know yet.
cause they're meta packages
and you install more stuff than you need - I'd take a look at psycocat's guides on what packages to remove
<-- so much likes Unity that he does not miss any other DE
me too.
and that means I'm tied to ubuntu.
Arch is an option I'm seriously considering. I like rolling releases.
I'm not fond of the chroot install method
else I'd consider arch or gentoo quite seriously
Arch is great for people who like to build a world with Lego bricks. I preferer traveling to 5 star Unity Resort and Spa
All inclusive
ubuntu is either unstable or out of date for me.
lots of ppas to add..
yeah - I realize that on my LTS box. More and more ppas indicate an imminent distribution upgrade -> April 2014 :)
(maybe earlier...)
Any improvements/suggestions are welcome :)
@AmithKK move your left eye out of the circles? It seems to bulge a bit...
and also darkening/fading your black hair more to melt with the background may be better.
Yeah, I cut it out on PS :P
@AmithKK disembodied piccy ... scary
@Takkat Cuz I needed to boot back to ubuntu to use GIMP :P
@fossfreedom How do I make it not so?
@AmithKK dunno ... but was thinking of using the picture to scare the trick'n'treaters for halloween :P
Is it so bad ;)
Its not - but you asked for suggestions.
Actually.. I could give you a video with my head moving around
Have some 80" TV
Then there won't be a treat in trick or treat
oh - another Yearling badge :)
is it my AU birthday today? Unbelieveable.
@Takkat congrats :)
still in my toddler years.
sure ... next year you'll graduate out of nappies :P
Too. Much. Blue.
Now I can do this:
- Ability to be independent to primary care giver.
- Anticipates routines.
- Knows boys from girls.
Q: Easier way to see your suggested edits?

minerz029Is there an easier way to see your suggested edits, specifically those which are rejected? You get a '+2' reputation notification for approved edits but you're not notified when an edit is declined (which is probably more important). I ask this because I noticed that the decline option has seve...

Q: Correct term for 'LiveCD'?

minerz029Which way of referring to Ubuntu bootable media (i.e. written from the .iso to a device) is best? Live CD The traditional (generally used), but users have asked whether a 'CD' is required. Live USB Newer (more modern and realistic), but also has a similar issue to above (asking if they can...

Q: is there a inline editor option available?

blade19899When am editing a large Q or A, I find it to be extremely annoying to edit something, and then have to browse/find that edit. Q: Is there a inline editor option available for the 'stack exchange editor'?

Q: 'livedvd' should be a synonym for 'live-cd'

minerz029livedvd: a CD or DVD containing a bootable computer operating system. live-cd: Questions related to live CDs, which allow you to test drive Ubuntu without installing it. I'd suggest to have those two become synonyms.

2 hours later…
I hate ubuntu, omfg
seriously, I hate this!
I had this error
and so I tried the most upvoted question
and now (i was/am trying to install texlive) it says: "Unable to locate package texlive"
Any ideas?
@Crake try sudo apt-get update
@NathanOsman How do we go about fixing 0 A.D for next time?
@Crake is the issue resolved?
Good evening
@NathanOsman what's your opinion on the answer?
should i give him that 50?
@AnwarShah as unbelievably that it seems like, that question I delete the links and I get nothing...
hmm... i still have some 22 hours.
that is better than a lot of the other answers, but is missing all the "Ubuntu touch" stuff, so a good start
and i haven't decided yet
maybe keeping the answer around so people might took off from there
Good attempt, but is far from an answer to that question.
@Mahesh i was thinking so.
when you see large answers, just remove the links and see if still answers the question
yeah, it just says "install cyanogenmod"
then you need to show how to extract drivers, mash those into Ubuntu Touch, all the manual stuff, installing stuff on a computer, hooking up with usb, and a big statment - this probably will not work on all devices
Q: I have registered but can't sign in

Rob FergusonI have registered and logged in previously (a couple of days ago). My password no longer works, and the reset code that gets sent to me (I've tried three or four times) does not work. Any ideas?

I think, it was a bad decision from me. ;)
maybe with the release of v1 we will get some extra interest
Can anyone suggest a bountiable question?
Touch is getting awesome! I think they switched over to mir, they are getting the update system in place (almost ~), Music now works on my Nexus 7! Was using it a lot yesterday, that I tried to swipe left and right on a program on android.
@Mateo how you update the Ubuntu Touch image?
if you update it....
Can i get it in an Xperia phone? @Mateo
right now - reflashing, they just put in the update thing - dosn't work on mine (so sudo apt-get update and " " upgrade (but that messes with the internal partition if on multi-boot, so I just reflash)
@Mateo can you answer this askubuntu.com/q/358741/169736 ?
@AnwarShah maybe? there are some in the list
@Braiam yes, it is a bug, and in development.
oh, and the comment answers that they are using the updates to push complete images instead of incremental updates.
my point exactly
everyone that tries to upgrade will mess their system :(
yeah just did it twice yesterday, had to do recovery mode. I don't think the normal instructions have you install a recovery mode... they have you do a backup that needs adb...
good night.
al' hail rain, that robs thy internets :(
So, is this going to be heavily downvoted because they say that they should use Mint, when Ubuntu correctly installed usually works fine? askubuntu.com/a/358712/10616
Looks like that one is deleted
Eheh, probably since my comment and the second downvote...
well, at least I get the one rep i lost back :P
ah, no google - not unless you pay me
@Mateo I'll give you a single zimbabwe dollar.
Happy birthday @Takkat :D
mine was already unchecked, so more of an opt-in
i knew it! but in 13.10 there's nothing into the nautilus*.desktop files — Lucas 1 min ago
did they make a script to update the "bookmarked" folders?
I'll have to check later.
@AnwarShah: It's a little brief but probably correct.
@NathanOsman should i then ... ?
It's up to you.
I'm okay either way.
Why does $PNAME= $(ps -p $PPID -o comm=) return =: command not found in bash? The command works just fine if I type it directly..
You need to remove the $ from the beginning.
When assigning to variables in Bash, you don't use a $ in front of the variable.
$ is for using them right?
grr... you beat it to me...
Ahh. silly me. Let me see if that works.
Yes that fixes it.
Oh i'm stupid.
you already recieve spam :P
Exactly. I never obfuscate my email address anywhere anyway.
If you sign Ubuntu packages with your email, you get free weight loss programmes.
I sign every commit of every project I've worked on with my email :P
I think I got spam when I first suscribed to a poor maintained forum... didn't noticed that the darn preferences set that your email is world visible :(
@jokerdino you have experience while submitting patches to LP, right?
@Braiam I think so
I want to patch langpack-locales, should I clone the bazaar repo, then apply my patch, then submit my patch, or I'm doing something wrong?
you can prepare a .patch file and attach it to the lp bug.
or you can clone bzr repo, make changes, push it to your ~username bzr repo and request for a merge
mm... no need to get the whole sources?
ok, I think I will submit it upstream to debian... seems more easy :(
yes. better submit to upstream.
debian is not upstream enough
yeah, glib....
It's not too bad, but some groups have specific ways of including patches
@jokerdino That's the best route, I find.
I got more used to git. So, no more bzr for me.
Anyone tried Ghost yet?
Heh - I've just moved NitroShare to GitHub :P
the whole thing?
@jokerdino the backup program?
@Mateo the blogging platform
grr... cloning glibc....
aw, what's this about google doing "did you mean retroshare" when I serach "nitroshare"
> Receiving objects: 34% (124363/364146), 52.92 MiB
so glibc is 150MiB
@Mateo Not the whole thing yet - I've got the four shared libraries and the app itself registered there. I just haven't moved all of the code yet.
@Braiam My goodness, 150 MiB.
I sure hope that the binaries are significantly smaller than that...
What binaries?
Sorry, glibc is a library. What would you call the resulting compiled files, then?
The .so files would be referred to as "shared libraries".
...and the .a files would be referred to as "static archives" IIRC.
So, is glibc compiled into a static or dynamic library?
Or both?
Usually it's better to compile as a shared library.
@NathanOsman Oh, so you have an option. Sweet!
Using static archives is generally discouraged on Linux.
Why? Just curious (as always).
Because then the binary must be recompiled to use a newer version of the library.
So, if I ever write a library, should I always compile it to be a shared object file?
@searchfgold6789 "dropbox"?
@InkBlend Always make sure that's an option (if not the default option).
Got it. ".so" by default.
@searchfgold6789 the one ip is owned by google, another by cloudflare, and another by AERO2 a polish internet provider
Oh, by chance, would you happen to know the "right way" to make a signature of the hash of a message?
Does one typically use MD5 or SHA1/2?
Do you pipe the result of "md5sum" or whatever into a file which you then sign, or do you cut out the hash itself and use that?
Either MD5 or SHA-1 would work. Those are the two most common hashing algorithms.
Although for important files, I sign them with GPG.
@Mateo Downloading European sausages as far as I can tell... :s
Er... oops. Just realized that I forgot to deploy a spam filter on my new email server.
@NathanOsman I thought that you were never supposed to sign the message itself, only the hash?
I've never heard of that before. Though to be honest, I don't have much experience in that field.
@NathanOsman I could be wrong. I should probably try to find out where I "learned" that...
Anyway, thanks!
Opinions please
A: How to stop using built-in home directory encryption?

UsuarioI have the same problem. I encripted, but that encryption method duplicate the use of space in disk (now 2Gb without a extensive use of disk space), so this is not useful for me. I have other users created without ecryptfs, but this is a challenge for me without delete whole user. So, now we kn...

is that really an answer?
so I'm trying to host a 0ad game, I have the window open, I think it should work - anyone want to try?
this is the server address
well I'll leave it open for about 30 min from now
@Mateo I can't connect.
what about now
or do i need the port open on ubuntu as well as the router
I think I have the router set
You don't have a firewall installed, do you?
I still can't connect.
@guntbert nope
yuppi! 227 rep today :D
@Braiam :-)
I was doubting my interpretation because Radu had edited it ...
yeah, that seems like he's making some progress but not a definitive answer.
@NathanOsman ok, try again, I think i had ufw for trying out nitroshare firewall problems...
oh lord, I didn't had build essentials installed...
can a mod merge this askubuntu.com/q/359080/169736?
@Mateo: Success!
I bet that with hamachi that... don't happen :P
so, i upped the speed for a faster game, anyone else is welcome to join
I'll start in a few min.
Well, actually, I don't think I can play the game.
I really have a lot of work to do today.
ok, that's cool, I know I can set it up now
lol, I got 7 vote close then got into the FP review queue and they disappeared :(
I'm sure there is a dupe about this askubuntu.com/q/356772/169736
I dunno.. That's pretty old..
@Seth what? only 3 days ago....
I read the date wrong.
BTW, by date time indicator disappeared today.
that's a bug... another guy had the same problem
That's what I was talking about lol.
2 days ago, by Braiam
@Seth bug http://askubuntu.com/q/357266/169736 ?
ahh.... I'm too old, memory starts to failz :S
How would I tell exactly what version of 13.10 I'm using?
i.e. 13.10.0+13.10.20131011-0ubuntu1
What's the output of 'lsb_release -a'?
seth@johnson:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 13.10
Release:	13.10
Codename:	saucy
I think you need the kernel uname -a
That just gives the kernel version.
kernel isn't the last to freeze?
Hmm... we might need to open a question for that.
btw, does this mention anything about it ever being implemented? bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/476739 I don't see anything.. (background: askubuntu.com/questions/359108/…)
@Braiam It still doesn't have that information.
@Seth still wishlist, nothing seems to point to it
@Braiam Exactly.
Q: Is Ubuntu legal to use in Mississippi

JayI have already tried looking at other questions, but my question is not answered. I was wondering if Ubuntu and all the Ubuntu upgrades was legal in Mississippi.

@NathanOsman - how did the 0AD game go?
@Seth Mississippi the US, right?
@Braiam That's the only Mississippi I've ever heard of..
@Braiam If he means what I think he means, it's free for non-commercial use with just about everything enabled. Pretty much everywhere in the US, you can't use restricted-extras (commercially) and be 100% on the right side of the law.
ok, I think I got an cannonical answer
> The word Mississippi itself comes from Messipi, the French rendering of the Anishinaabe (Ojibwe or Algonquin) name for the river, Misi-ziibi (Great River).
Looks like the name is pretty original, i.e. not named after some other place (like New York)
I think I fixed the question, it may be a XY problem but with this edit it could be savaged, no? askubuntu.com/q/359113/169736
Q: Linux Ubuntu Nautilus Renaming Bug when pressing 'n' key

z666zz666zI have what i can consider a Big Bug on Nautilus under Linux Ubuntu... When I am on proccess to rename a file or a folder... if i press 'n' on keyboard... Nautilus opens a new tab... The effect is: I can not include 'n' on any name of any file or folder... I must use one of this tricks to do i...

@hbdgaf Yesterday?
@Braiam the only way i see it becoming clear is it turning in to a list question of common restricted packages, or a really general answer of you should be able to use everything all the time if you disable restricted ... although this doesn't cover countries where crypto is illegal
@NathanOsman yes
I posted an answer to the original question giving a summary.
@hbdgaf that's what I was thinking, about telling that Ubuntu per sé isn't illegal but some components might be due some restrictions in specific countries
@NathanOsman i see it now. well it was something i guess.
I guess.
@Braiam bear in mind it could be trolling/rabblerousing about the south africa no linux thing.
maybe I should ask myself a question being clear about the objetive
@NathanOsman reading the logs I see you moved nitroshare to github. I'm liking the source tracking autobuild recipe stuff. It seems like a lot of "should have" features aren't in the project tracking stuff yet. Still, it's better than nothing.
spam alert askubuntu.com/a/356577/169736 check both answers, both points to the same link
I say let's kill the question
or just the answers?
is there not a playonlinux recipe for it?
there should be
and there is. no need for blog article spam.
@Rinzwind o/
@hbdgaf I use Travis CI for integration testing.
Not something I'm familiar with. I'll google it at some point. I'm plowing through django documentation and app documentation at the moment
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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