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how goes it @mateo
not bad, you? @hbdgaf
it goes. i'm working on some django stuff and trying to get it right the first time
going to work at the day job in like 2 hours
the day job is all "ZZZ"
yeah, can't wait till the stable Ubuntu touch, have you tried a recent image of the developer - they are making some good progress
well, small things here and there, can wait if you don't have the extra time...
i don't have time for touch. when it gets closer to stable i may look at it.
i wanted to watch it, but i just don't have time to play with not ready products when there are so many consumers to support
1 hour later…
Q: Setting up server to share music with tv

user2008222Can someone please point me in the right direction? Hopefully first by letting me know if this is possible... I recently purchased a home theater system which you plug via hdmi into the tv. It has its own nice gui with netflix, and youtube, and blah blah blah. One of the options was to "browse y...

4 hours later…
Please Help Me
Understand this
Q: Why am I suck with a version of Gnome-Shell Unlike KDE Or other DEs?

AndrewWhy am I suck with a version of Gnome-Shell Unlike KDE, ...? For, example on Ubuntu 12.04 I am suck with Gnome-Shell Version 3.4, and can't upgrade to newer version of Gnome-Shell like 3.6, Why? With Kubuntu 12.04 comes with KDE 4.8 and I can upgrade it to the latest version which is 4.10. It s...

3 hours later…
If anyone remembers
there was this Game on a robot
in 3d
who went through mazes
deflecting lasers and stuff
it's a puzzle game
It's name I think starts with robo
You could up the armour, use mines and stuff
BTW, its a windows game
Does this ring a bell for anyone?
2 hours later…
@AmithKK Hover
3 hours later…
@AmithKK The only thing I remember like that was macross, but it was 2d...and I think it's probably older than you are :)
1 hour later…
Pypi down for anyone else?
Q: Should e-Mail adresses be edited away?

MadMikeI'm still pretty new to Ask Ubuntu. I've seen some people include their e-mail adress in their question. Is it okay to edit the e-Mail adress way as I feel they break the way Ask Ubuntu works?

Okay, is this the correct place to bother people about problems with ubuntu ? :D
@denNorske ask ... sure ... bother ... maybe :)
Hi :P I've got this problem about "network-manager" in ubuntu
It's failing 100 % when booting...
is there a way to get logs from it?
"failing" ? in what way is it failing?
Well, it's kinda hard to explain, but when i enter Unity f.ex, i can see the icon on top right flickering, (dissapearing and appearing in 10sec interval)
And it doesn't connect to any networks.
weird ... have you tried install wicd to see if this works - then if necessary reinstalling network-manager?
nope, i will try that.
hang on
sorry - cant hang-on :) Hometime for me. Hopefully someone else can chip in. bbl.
ah forget it, no internet avaialable
ok :D Available*
... connect via a wired connection when doing this.
Nope, because i am needing the network-manager to work first then
like it is now, it is disconnecting my network every 1 sec, so it wont connect at all if you understand
hey if you got time, i made a thread on ubuntuforums:
it's a few more details there.
@fossfreedom Hello
Did you see this?
@denNorske I'm not sure it's related, but what arch and dist version are you running (uname -a and cat /etc/lsb-* respectively). the sound applet in saucy had an architecture issue for x64...so it could be a tangentally related bug.
Nah, well, the same things happened in 12.10,13.04 too, and now i am just giving it a chance here.
just upgraded. Shouldn't have done that i suppose
@Mitch there will be a script to run at 3:00 that will revert the changes
dupe - is?
As in, is this question a duplicate of some other question?
Nvm, it will be closed shortly anyways, since you got your answer in it.
@Seth, Maybe this one. askubuntu.com/questions/139810/…
@Braiam k/
Good enough.
That question had no effort anyway.
Saying the Ubuntu SDK only applies to mobile when it's really just a tweaked Qt sdk seems a little overzealous, but I can see what you were thinking.
ye ;)
@hbdgaf That's true, I was just trying to keep it simple ;)
pity we can't cross-site closevote
Since it's really just Qt + some dev environment tweaks and fonts/widgets to make everything seamless, you could get away with developing cross using Qt, then when you have whatever it is you want working go to the 30 minutes work of installing an ubuntu vm and apt-get installing the sdk. For setting up a cross environment, the fellows on SO already have a question stackoverflow.com/questions/11011251/…hbdgaf 20 secs ago
i wonder how he plans to do testing if he doesn't want to install an OS in a VM...I really do.
I asked this question on this site a week ago. Haven't received any comments or responses. Any idea where I can ask this?
Q: Gammu: "Device or resource busy"

JohnMerlinoI am successfully able to send myself an SMS message via minicom on the serial port /dev/ttyS0: at+CMGS=954xxxxxxx > Hello World Again +CMGS: 8 However, I have the following configuration for gammu-smsd: [gammu] port = /dev/ttyS0 connection = at115200 [smsd] service = pgsql logfile = syslog ...

@JohnMerlino do you have another Gammu instance running?
@Braiam no
New Microsoft product
but I have minicom running using same serial port
maybe minicom is hanging the port?
I think that's your problem... maybe you need to free the device before trying to use it...
@JohnMerlino yeah
it seems a lot like this error message from 2009...i'ld look at the old error message solution and see what falls out
@Mitch that a BSOD?
@Braiam do I need to restart minicom to free the device?
@Braiam That it is :)
@JohnMerlino maybe, otherwise, the device is just not supported... which is not surprising
@Braiam it was working fine till a week ago
something must have crushed
@JohnMerlino if that's the case, just go 1 by 1 tracing your steps until you find the thing that broke it....
@JorgeCastro about this some discussion happened here
We have tons of questions about moving ubuntu tech back into Debian and that's all on topic
Good Night
@JorgeCastro How is it on-topic since Canonical doesn't support it?
(yet anyway..)
I don't see what canonical has to do with it
I think if someone wants to get it working on Debian then what's the problem?
I might be able to answer the Debian one...
@JorgeCastro It has nothing to do with Ubuntu, besides the fact that Ubuntu devs created it for Ubuntu.
@jokerdino Wanna migrate this? askubuntu.com/questions/354917/…
@JorgeCastro shrug If you want them open I don't care, though I don't believe they are on-topic.
@Seth got to check.
@Seth Done
@jokerdino Awesome. Now to download Elementary OS and answer it ;P
Put it on a VM.
Is there anyway to monitor dconf for changes?
@Seth dconf watch but it won't do if you don't know the path that will change
and I don't think it goes recursive
Well I'll try it.
Thanks :)
can anyone make sense of this? askubuntu.com/q/354837/169736
All I see is "it broke" "my wired broke" etc
No actual question as far as I can see.
@NathanOsman So did you have a 0 A.D. game yesterday? :)
I'll probably edit the question to actually schedule one for next week.
And I'll mention it on Gaming.SE like Marco suggested.
Cool. You should consider recording the sessions...
It seems like a pretty cool game.
@NathanOsman can you check what answer is OP talking in the link above? I think you can see deleted asnwers no?
I can.
@Seth I don't have the hardware for recording the games, but I may capture some screenshots.
Hmm. Any clue why it was deleted?
@Seth Probably need to ask @Luis.
@NathanOsman That's true. Recording game play requires pretty good hardware... Screenshots are cool :)
@NathanOsman He's hard to get a hold of :P
No comments?
One of the new Nvidia cards has a dedicated processor for recording up to 45 minutes of gameplay in HD, IIRC.
ooh cool.
I wonder if my CPU would be capable of doing that. It's a quad-core.
Isn't it a 3rd gen intel i5?
@Braiam Do we have a question about checking an ISO's MD5 sum? (askubuntu.com/questions/354953/…)
Nope. It's an AMD A8-5600K.
@NathanOsman Oh. My bad >.<
(4 cores @ 3.6GHz.)
I haven't tried overclocking it though.
@NathanOsman Well that's better than the Intel anyway. (at least on paper)
@Seth there should be
It also has an integrated GPU.
@Seth what!
@NathanOsman I think it could, in a pinch. I've tried 0 A.D. a little and it doesn't seem to be that heavy on resources.
@Braiam IKR O_O
Q: How can I check the integrity of a downloaded Ubuntu CD?

Jorge CastroI've just downloaded a CD image of Ubuntu. I know the installer has a check CD option, but how can I check that the image is good before burning it to CD?

my system freeze whenever I try it... P4 and all...
Excellent. Wanna vote to dupe?
can't, maybe @Nathan
or leave it in the backlog
What do I need to do?
Can you vote to dupe this: askubuntu.com/questions/354953/… to this: askubuntu.com/questions/17764/… please ?
I'm going to try to get GLC into my PPA.
A: How can I record an OpenGL game in Ubuntu?

Nathan OsmanGLC is well-suited for this purpose. Unfortunately it is not packaged in the archives. However, I have put it (and its dependencies) in a PPA: ppa:george-edison55/glc (Click here for instructions on using PPAs.) You can add the PPA to your system using the following commands: sudo apt-add...

Q: What is the best way to gain reputation?

p1l0tI can't seem to do much except ask questions without having any reputation. It's almost like a catch 22, how do I get reputation if I can't vote or comment? I guess this is the best way right just to ask questions? Are there any other ways to gain reputation on here? I mean I can't even make my o...

@NathanOsman Oh cool! Have you tested it?
It does have a minor impact on FPS.
And it burns through disk space like you wouldn't believe. It uses close to 1 GB per minute of capture.
Wow. That'll need compressing. What format does it save as?
It's a proprietary format.
But you can encode it afterward.
That's not too bad.
Long time no see @VRU :)
@Seth: Hey Hi Mates!!!
I am grooming my self on kernel programming, could not make much of time.... and back now
@Seth: Howz you?
Ooh. Kernel programming eh?
@VRU Pretty good :)
I'm working on my Java and Python.
@Seth: I have just tried PlayonLinux to install MS Office 2010.... how good it is to use in this way?
@VRU It should be just fine.
Any particular reason you need Office?
that page manipulation / conversions and bullets while trying to read / edit MS Word Doc on Libre
its hard to sync them both
Yes, that is a problem. Just curious :)
but after installing MS Office through PlayonLinux I have noticed the bullets still don't show up.... when opened in MS Word
may be Libre converted it ?
What file format are you saving your documents as? .doc or .docx?
Which version of MS Word are you using?
saving it in .doc and version installed is MS Office 2010
not all bullets but the arrow bullet in specific
is having the issue
Which version of Word are you opening the file with? 2010 too?
I m opening a .doc file on 2010 version
OK.. All I can say right now is try saving it as .docx
yeah... still have to do some experiments on it........ by the way ... do you know any one in our group who work linux device drivers and linux kernel..... I want to set a target to develop drivers for kernel .... atleast for ubuntu
@VRU @NathanOsman has done a little. The only other person I know of top of my head might be @LuisAlvarado.
Yes, I wrote a kernel module for a USB light once.
Here's the project:
(What? No oneboxing for GitHub?)
Yeah :(
Only gists
Oh Great! to hear that......
BTW, I was surprised to see C++ doesn't have curly brackets on it's if/else statements... What's up with that? Does it use indentation like Python or ?
This is a regresion right askubuntu.com/q/353748/169736
@NathanOsman: Can you help me out in understanding things for developing Device drivers ............... and even this... how to use GIT HUB....
Do you have a GitHub account?
@NathanOsman: Nope... want to start using it
@Seth Thank you!
I would rather learn how to use git... git hub is easier that way
@Seth leaving?
@NathanOsman are you in the mailing list for kernel development?
@VRU No.
okay... any other mailing list?
was wondering... how to sync in a mailing list and start developing modules for kernel development...
Well, first of all, I'm not expert in this area.
I've only written a very simple kernel module.
The best I can do is point you to what I've written here: github.com/nathan-osman/Webmail-Notifier-Linux-Driver
The two files of interest are Makefile and webmail_notifier.c.
Oh Okay! will go through it.... will try to understand... Thanks once again
Oh, and I think there is a free e-book out there somewhere on developing against the 2.6.x kernel.
It should be roughly similar to 3.x kernels. Not a lot has changed.
ldd ?
What about ldd?
I mean are you referring to Linux Device Drivers book? or some thing else?
Yeah, I think so.
I forget the name of it.
But I think it's that one.
@NathanOsman can you share more details? how did you start off to the USB Light project?
The first thing I had to do was reverse engineer the blocks of data being transmitted to the device.
Unfortunately, I had to do that from within Windows using a tool that captured the USB data packets.
@NathanOsman actually I did not understand the usage of WebMail Notifier. When we have feature's on mobile/tablet/computers to notify about Mail arrival with sound.... what's the special about this product?
Nothing really. It's just a glorified USB lamp.
Oh Okay.
still nice!
@NathanOsman Are you aware of GParted ?
I've used it on occasion.
Okay, actually I have a Dell laptop which comes with Ubuntu pre-installed on it and once I thought of installing Windows 7 on it ...... for which I had to create a new partition on my disk using GParted Live Editor ...... finally while trying to install Windows 7 on new partition I got the error msg for more number of partitions.....where after I left the unallocated partition as it is.... now I am thinking to resize or reallocate it so that I can use it....
Do you have four primary partitions?
yeah it came with 4 primary partitions
@NathanOsman for your reference above image...
@NathanOsman I am thinking to recover the unallocated space to /dev/sda3
should I just unmount the sda3 and then try to resize it?
@VRU you should disable the swap, then try to grow the extended partition
@VRU First off, you will need to do that from a LiveCD since you cannot work with a partition that is mounted.
...and you can't unmount it if it is the root partition.
@NathanOsman @Braiam Oh is it? can't I just use the GParted Editor? turn off the swap and unmount the disk and then try to resize?
Q: Wake up, Xserver screen. Can't stand it

user199695Recently switched from Windows XP to Xubuntu. This is my second question and also the last one, I hope. Well, I'm talking about another useless/secondary graphical issue. When I manage to open the lid, waking up the laptop, Xserver welcomes me with his not-that-cool screen. Is there any way t...

Either I don't know what X server he's talking about.. or he doesn't know what X is.
@Seth he corrected
check the comment
Okay Bye Bye Guys!!
@Braiam Oh cool.
WHOA! I didn´t knew that sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart could be so destructive... it took away my X
Gotta love Python:
>>> 1.1 + 2.2
@Braiam >:D
@NathanOsman dammed floating point :P
Can someone confirm that my final remark here is correct? askubuntu.com/questions/355080/…
Yes, I love you too 13.10.
@searchfgold6789 I think 3 users considers that your answer is helpful
Q: Why can't I access a member of this class?

Nathan OsmanI have the following three class definitions: class String { public: String() {} String(const char *) {} }; class ClassA { public: ClassA(const String &) {} }; class ClassB { public: ClassB(const ClassA &, const String & = String()) {} void m...

A downvote? Really?
SO freaks. Again.
I bet was about the duplicated
I understand downvoting some questions, but well written dupes?

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