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@StoneThrow Correct!
@StoneThrow And again, no worries - Feel free to ask any time. I tend to keep an eye on the tag on Stack Overflow, Super User, Ask Ubuntu, and Unix & Linux. Or you can often find me here in chat.
@NotTheDr01ds -- for as long as you're online and free, may I actually continue to pick your brain? I'm super grateful for your time and help, and I'm simultaneously biased toward human-to-human Q&A as a learning method, but also cautious about over-taxing someone's generosity in answering questions 1:1. Assuming you're free/willing to continue chatting, please let me know if it's better we go to a different chat room instead of continuing here in the general one.
2 hours later…
@StoneThrow Welcome indeed! It can be a little quiet here, perhaps a little busier here:

 Raiders of the Lost Downboat

Place to sail the open sea, and search out boats to take down....
And perhaps even a little quieter here:

 Island of castaway thoughts

overly long technical / off-topic discussion bailed from the D...
Years ago it was a lot busier...
14 hours later…
Hi @Zanna how are you doing with your little one? Enough sleep?
@nobody he's been a great night sleeper so far! :D
you are a lucky one
just hard to get anything done during the day when he's awake hahaha
super adorable awesome baby
happy feels
my parents are visiting, hence my absence
hahaha then she will be entertained
should be more present from next week onwards as typing chat messages needs only one hand haha

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