@Videonauth I think I figured out my ppa problem. I was using 5.0.0-36 kernel and having the ppa problems. Dropped back to the 5.0.0-32 kernel and it works flawlessly. Looks like there is a bug in the 5.0.0-36 kernel.
I have also confirmed this on a second host I have here with the same kernel on it.
OK, never mind. That didn't work after all. After a reboot or two and testing with the 32 kernel, it is not working again on the PPAs. Something is making me go, hmmmmmmmmmmmm
I have a directory tree with several file types and I want to split this directory to the same directory structure, with only one File types.
What is the best way?
I am connecting to machine via ssh key and have sudo rights. How can I check that username password I know is correct?
/etc/shadow doesnt' contain me.
What else can be done?
lol answered. saw a mistake. needed 10 minutes to fix the mistake but got 3 upvotes AND an accepted answer before I editted correctly (and even now I have doubts)
Is my comment not too aggressive? That guy made me lose all patience https://askubuntu.com/questions/1189953/keyring-in-chromium?noredirect=1#comment1990319_1189953
@Zanna already done, however always reopen when a comment notification show itself. I hope that I don't infringe the CoC with that comment (because I tried to reorient that guy even if he drove me angry)
It seems to me that the last two comments (only one of which is by you, the other is by the OP) are doing more harm than good and are best removed. The question should also be closed as off-topic (not about Ubuntu). These things could happen in any order.
The message shown on questions that are closed as "not about Ubuntu" describes other SE sites and links to help page about what on-topic. So I think the OP will be fine even if nobody adds any more comments.
When I log into a server running Ubuntu 18.04.3 (LTS) x64 and run ls nothing shows and there is a ~$ at the end of the command prompt. When I type cd / the prompt changes to /$ and I can see many more directories listed. When I login am I initially in the home directory of the user and then by us...