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HUE user interface
Thanks! :-)
You time to review a question of mine on meta.se before I post it and get downvoted into obivion? @Seth
Please? Pretty please with rainbosw and unicorns?
@Fabby it was a joke
Please explain, I didn't get it...
@Fabby I'm off to dinner now, but sure. Send it to me and I'll read it in a bit.
@Fabby One of @TheWanderer's favorite responses is a simple "hue"
/shrug Didn't know...
@Fabby is this how I ping you?
I'm going to do one like this one @OrganicMarble
links to multiple answers...
Cool. It took me a minute to realize that you were answering your own question. Nice job.
Yeah... :-)
This iso boot from grub is a great thing, it's a real pain to get my Asus to boot from USB. Once I found this, I never looked back.
I don't post many questions and when I do, most of them are Q&As...
@OrganicMarble on UEFI?
or MBR?
Yes, it's UEFI. It takes me two boots to boot from a USB...
Poor cl-netbox has been doing this for years and couldn't figure out my problem...
@OrganicMarble it does???
I've set USB boot to a higher priority in the UEFI shell
At least that is the only way I can get it to work. I have to boot it, reconfigure UEFI settings, and then reboot into the USB. The UEFI interface is hideously complex compared to what I'm used to with BIOS.
You're just not as used to it as BIOS is all.
I installed rEFInd to be able to boot to a UEFI shell.
in there you can manipulate the NVRAM directly if your UEFI settings don't allow you to change the boot priority directly.
This Asus is screen after screen of settings...but yeah. I was so happy when I got 14.04 successfully installed as a dual booter, I really didn't want to ever look at that UEFI again.
you can also use efibootmgr directly from Ubuntu.
I think I'm good now to boot the 18.04 installer from the iso using grub, and Clonezilla. Hopefully that will suffice for the life time of this system - it's already 5 years old.
@OrganicMarble what's the output of efibootmr on your machine?
Well, I will look forward to reading the rest of your entries. I have the 18.04 iso, clonezilla, and boot-repair set up already. I would welcome any others! Cheers, OM
downloading and setting reminder to self to add that one too!
@OrganicMarble I'll ping you, thanks for the help already!!!
you need to drop by once in a while here: much better to chat then to leave comments below questions...
Could you delete the last comment you posted as I'm going to remove the "Ping me in chat" comment... @OrganicMarble
Yes, I'm aware of Jeff Atwood's original [blog post](https://blog.stackexchange.com/2008/12/why-cant-i-accept-my-own-answer/) *from 2008* and the [partial relent](https://blog.stackoverflow.com/2009/01/accept-your-own-answers/) *from 2009* and [the other question](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/6044/why-must-i-wait-2-days-before-accepting-my-own-answer) and [another](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/16880/allow-accepting-my-own-answer-without-waiting-48-hours-in-light-of-accept-rate) and [yet another](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/21265/auto-accept-self-answer-i
@Seth --^ To post or not to post???
(asking for a purely personal and subjective opinion)
(if you have the time)
Hi @NathanOsman ... How are you?
I'm doing alright.
How about you?
First day of holiday: Bought 2 pairs of Jeans...
:-) I'm happy about the little things: last time I bought clothes was 2 years ago... :-)
During the week-ends I have no time: DR Tests, washing clothes, buying groceries, visiting relatives, ...
(hope you didn't think I don't wash myself for an entire week)
>:-) >:-) >:-)
1 hour later…
Benchmarking time.
NAS => SSD over gigabit ethernet = 74 MB/s.
SSD => SATA HDD over USB 3.0 = 55 MB/s.
Hmm... that is very odd.
The HDD is NTFS-formatted though.
Let me perform a raw benchmark on the drive's write speed...
Reformatted as ext4.
Now I'm getting 95 MB/s.
Too bad I don't have another SSD sitting around here somewhere.
3 hours later…
@Fabby PUH ... great Fabby ! :) I'm glad that we could solve it ... the only thing left was the BIOS settings (boot priority etc.) and with that I have no chance to help you, because I can't see them and because every BIOS / UEFI is different ... anyway : good to know that it works now ! :)
2 hours later…
@cl-netbox Thank you very much for your help (only got up now as I was up way too late°) and sorry for frustrating you because *you knew you were right!
:D :D :D*
@Fabby Good morning my friend ! :) You're welcome ! :) I'm glad that I could help you - really ! :)
:-) :-) :-)
@Fabby Are you on hangouts ? If not, please join me there ... :)
Anyone know why Ubuntu 17.10 'virt-install --os-variant' / 'osinfo-query os' is missing the ubuntu17.10 target? It only has up to 17.04 and it has all the .04 and .10 for everything going back to version 5...
@SeanComeau File a bug? Maybe someone just forgot...
What does the --os-variant really do anyway? I've tried to install a 17.10 desktop guest with a target of 17.04 and after the reboot after install it just freezes up. 16.04 LTS and OpenBSD guests work fine.
Where's the proper place to file that bug report anyway?
@Fabby ping
I'm terrible for doing this but... do you want this gone? superuser.com/a/1314120/10165
@JourneymanGeek looking
@JourneymanGeek :-) +1 would be good.
:-) probably the other person giving advice nd not answering the question who did that.
I need to go buy groceries...
@Fabby lmddgtfy!
:wave: be back in a few hours!
tbh, I'm pretty sure since non "gina" apps can use fingerprint scanners, it might be doable
(gina is/was the same as PAM - basically different ways to log into a system securely)
@JourneymanGeek yeah what I was getting at is whether its a virsh bug or a qemu bug or an osinfo bug..
@SeanComeau I was talking to @Fabby about a SU post ;p
I'm a moderator there + I know fabby has always been here ;p
oh sorry I meant to @Fabby there
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek In Linux: Yes. In Windows??? Without Microsoft?
(sorry: was doing grocery shopping.)
Oh, I see now what you did: deleted the answer... @JourneymanGeek
Well, I followed harry's orders!
The other answer is NAA too. If I downvote, will you delete that one too?
(not trying to be a pain in the butt, just asking)
could flag it
and eh, I didn't do it cause of harry ;p
need a German to translate
Ich verstehe in diesem Fall die bisherige Bewertung nicht. Zunächst braucht
es Freischaltungen auf Kommandozeile per ADB, die leider einzeln kopiert
werden müssen. Dann besteht die App zur Hälfte aus Warnungen, zur
Deinstallation wird nichts rückgängig gemacht. Zum Schluss noch ein
Hinweis: Google unterstützt so gut wie nichts hiervon. Nutzung auf eigenes
Risiko, was nicht bereits nativ angeboten wird.
Guy doesn't understand the other reviews. Says it needs some unlocks in the CLI using ADB, which have to be copied separately.
Half the app are just warnings, and deinstalling doesn't undo anything
@ByteCommander well done
Sehr gut :=)
And a hint: Google doesn't support most of it, usage on own risk, which isn't already provided natively (not sure what he wants to say there)
o/ Rinzy
The 1st sentense misses context too.
1 hour later…
Q: How do I use the grey formating in a comment?

XqRGSomeone showed me (by editing my question for me) how to make some of your text show up grey to set it apart. Now I need to know how to do it in a comment.

2 hours later…
weird ->
Q: I accidentally stopped wiping my hard drive half way through. Why won't my system boot?

Adam WhiteI was trying to wipe my hard drive but then accidentally cancelled. About 30 seconds later Ubuntu powered down and now I can't get back on. What has happened to my OS? What does this mean?

TBH that sounds like a troll post.
ok I am back
but i'm not going to do anything about it until that's proven :P
@Zanna wb
:) thanks
@Fabby I'm not sure I understand what you're asking there
Well it is now the 3rd wettest April on record here. Yay.. 5.25" of rain this month. 18" for the year.. It's been wet lol.
That link goes to one of cl-netbox's replies.
@Fabby What ? Which one are you talking about ? :D
Seth asked me a question and linked to one of you replies...
Ah! damn notofication bar.
And which one was it @Fabby ?
@Seth no worries: you were out to lunch yesterday....
Forget about it. Imm posting after a final review.
@cl-netbox Nah, I'm an idiot!
By the way @Fabby - have you seen the explanation regarding the layout of my disks I've sent you on hangouts ? :)
No, just the screen shots.
lemme check
@Fabby I'm confused ... :D ... please explain ! :)
@Fabby I sent the message about an hour ago - it's related to the screenshots. :)
@cl-netbox I thought Seth linked to one of your replies to one of my questions to you as the h-bar event was hiding what he was talking about.
@cl-netbox Grocery shopping and cooking and gmail is to send messages, not read!
checking right now
??? okay :D :D :D
@Fabby I said hangouts - not gmail ! :D
@cl-netbox Phone is in the car... gimme 5 minutes
Hi! Can a moderator trigger this dialog to a chat askubuntu.com/questions/1025556/…
@ThomasWard thanks for the correction =)
you have a second one
because you've now got a contradiction within your own post
grammar enforcement mode: ACTIVE
goes to bed ashamed
@ThomasWard It's hard to spot ones own mistakes at times :)
this is why we are here :P
hehe, yeah :)
I would post the gold-foil "you tried" star, but I didn't want to come off as an annoying person :p
that's a little too late ;)
and strictly speaking the answer is not an answer, but I feel that people who want to enable telnet should not enable telnet
Q: Can the answer of a Q&A be auto-accepted when both are posted at the same time?

FabbyYes, I'm aware of Jeff Atwood's original blog post from 2008 and the partial relent from 2009 and the other question and another and yet another... So this question is not about: not finding a solution, being exasperated, posting a question and a few minutes or hours later finding a solution and...

@cl-netbox: you're the "resident expert" in above question!!!
0:-) 0:-) 0:-)
@ThomasWard starred!u
@vidarlo To list advantages would be "too broad". To list disadvantages would also be "Too Broad"
@Fabby Why that ?
so maybe I should execute question.close(reason="Too broad");
@cl-netbox Read it and click the link where it says resident expert
@ThomasWard Disadvantages are dead simple: NSA and Insecure.
@Fabby first thing I see is : -1 ! seems to be a DV day ... I received a DV on my first AU answer I've written this year ... :(
@cl-netbox Huh?
@Fabby Yes, you have -1 on that post (I'll compensate that now) ... and I got a DV on AU ...
Done @Fabby ! :) Now it's 0
@cl-netbox on the one you posted yesterday or so?
@Fabby yes ... can't understand it - but ...
@Fabby having an accepted answer often discourages others from answering (which is a bad thing). You might want to explain what good things your suggestion would bring. What benefit is there in having an accepted answer?
Personally, I would much rather get rid of the accept feature altogether, for instance, since it seems to cause more drama than it's worth.
Read the meta post now : You should accept your own answer ! :) Although not very nice in which "light you let me shine" ... joke ! :D
@terdon Actually, that's a really great idea!
By the way @Fabby : The comment from organic marble is wrong - clonezilla is from the same dev team as gparted and iso booting works exactly the same way, right as I've showed you. :)
Hi terdon ! :)
@terdon Ive been having a smoke pondering your proposal: for niche questions, you need an acceptance. (questions with 10 views)
For other questions, the most upvoted answer should rise to the top automatically even when there is an accepted answer.
@Fabby Yes. That's the best argument in favor of them I can think of too.
(one of mine is like that: I had to link to the good answer and saying "this is a bad answer, have a like [here]")
@Fabby Do you have a mixed setup of UEFI and compatibility mode ? Asking because of your hdX,gptY thing ... I have a (clean) EFI setup and as you know my partitions show up as expected.
@cl-netbox not that I'm aware of: UEFI and GPT...
do you have UEFI and msdos?
then they should show up as you see them.
@Fabby no ... of course NOT ! that complicates everything ... you never should do that : make it be either EFI / GPT OR legacy BIOS / msdos !
You can have old drives still with msdos and boot drives with GPT.
@Fabby Drop the old drives - I mean for built-in usage ... you can use old external drives without a problem while being msdos on a pure EFI / GPT setup
I did
@Fabby You should set up the whole BIOS / EFI thing to pure UEFI and use only GPT for built-in disks
@terdon What should I do with the question? revamp completely?
(or get downvoted into oblivion?)
@Fabby I give you an upvote now ! :)
Done @Fabby ! :) now you have +4 on your answer ! :)
@Fabby Well,if you have a decent argument why the accept would be beneficial, go ahead and make it.
if instead Catija convinced her, accept her answer.
Good afternoon / evening terdon ! :)
@terdon annwer accepted and title added.
However, next time, I'll go on AU meta first and meta.se next...
Q: Usability is compromised on Ubuntu because of read-only filesystem error

Julio KirkOver the past couple of days Ubuntu has been progressively locking me out of the the system. I can't open some programs and the last straw was a few minutes ago when it refused to save a screenshot. The error I constantly see is that the filesystem is read-only. I've also been forced to perform f...

I agree with the premise that a read only FS may compromise usability...
He should back up immediately! (left a comment already)
OK, back to reading Kernel memory management)
actually, ice cream first!!!
steals @Fabby's ice cream
@ThomasWard I'm on holiday, so I decided to go for the Rum&Coke instead of banana ice cream...
steals the booze
no more rum for you :P
Q: How to configure networking and internet access with the intel x553 networking chip?

Andreas HartmannI'm having trouble getting networking configured on my NAS using this mainboard: https://www.supermicro.com/products/motherboard/atom/A2SDi-4C-HLN4F.cfm which is running an Intel Atom C3000 CPU and an intel x553 networking chipset, with Ubuntu Server 17.10. The chip is already recognized and has ...

@ThomasWard :D :D :D You're on a roll today! ;-)
@ThomasWard Hi ! :)
@ThomasWard Thanks :)
2 hours later…
Arrow could've been so good
I think the worst part is probably the terrible audio mixing
I don't know that much about bombs, but I don't think you can disarm one by jamming an electrically-charged arrow into the explosive...
@TheWanderer You probably can overload an electronic ignition with a sufficiently high amp, low voltage discharge.
by putting that electricity straight into the explosive?
I need more chemical info: which explosive are we talking about? could be ionized...
most modern explosives are hard to set uff
Are we talking pre-WWI here? what's the context?
high tech
present time
either plastic or C4
C4 doesn't conduct electricity well as far as I can remember.
so why would that short out the ignition?
lemme look up the relative permittivity
meh not many lists out there, so I'd have to calculate it.
@TheWanderer Sounds too much like work and I'm on vacation.
@Fabby There's no such thing as vacation
@vidarlo It depends on your definition.
What's your definition of "vacation"?
@Fabby Havent had any 6-7 years :D
@vidarlo I haven't had one in 5 years.
I'm having one now.
relaxing, drinking beer and hanging out on AU?
Q: OpenVPN - Keep local routes

KG ChristensenI've setup OpenVPN on my Ubuntu (16.04 / OpenVPN 2.4) box to start at boot. This work in the sense that a connection gets established, but unfortunately it also seems to mess with my routing tables: I am unable to reach the box once the VPN connection is up. My first attempt was adding another ...

@vidarlo Relaxing, watching a movie, drinking Rum&Coke
@Fabby Sounds like a good definition of holiday =)
So you're hanging out here. That's one of 3
I'm drinking beer
drinking beer so you have 2/3 already
Why can't you relax?
I can. No work for three days
rest of week I will spend taking pictures of a ferry.
which is rather relaxing
There! So you'll be on a holiday for 3 days.
Need to work Saturday? Sunday?
then it's a 5-day vacation!!!
it's actually work, but rather pleasant work - just travelling and taking pictures and talking
A fellow german of yours would consider it a perfect holiday
Fjordferger i Norge!
For me it would definitely be work, because I don't like boats...
I love 'em
@TheWanderer insecure connection? What is that?
I'm still shocked that any of this is such a surprise.
Like, us tech people have only been saying this was happening since... well since forever.

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