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funny the differerent psychology between cats and dogs when it comes to vehicle travel... Ace Ventura could explain why I guess.
Five more sleeps to brave new world!
@Zacharee1 GET OF MY LAWN
@WinEunuuchs2Unix my cat will try to go on my dad's shoulder when we take him to the vet
Well if every time your cat travels is to the vet no wonder.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix where else would I take my cat?
I don't know... disneyland for cats sounds like a good place.
maybe cat diner or cat theatre?... .how would I know where you take cats for fun?
cats are pretty independent
if they want to go somewhere, they'll go there themselves
Mostly, not all of them
and if they want company, they'll find you
In Russia some guy has a Lynx for pet... that looks way better than Canadian Cats. Should be the mascot for Linux instead of Tux.... If I make a Ubuntu rip-off I'm calling it Lynx instead of Mint or Elemtary OS.
Yeah, Russians are into "exotic" animals. There's a lot of videos of Russians keeping racoons on youtube
Mine will already have a name: Derpbuntu
Racoon doesn't sound like a friendly pet... Then again they might appreciate not making a living from garbage cans again... who knows?
Ubuntu for Derpy beings
I like Derpbuntu... has a nice ring to it.
My Lynx distro will be marketed as "Linux for cool cats"
Be sure to include lolcats,too
Russia Today just said "meme" on the air it's pronounced "meam"!
I always though those things you guys posted was pronouced Me - Me
haha Fake News is so much fun these days :p
Nah, it's pronounced "meem"
I just said they said "meam" which is the same as "meem"/
ok serg you were right for once :p
Third time I'll ask and I'll never ask again. Why did my question get close votes? askubuntu.com/questions/870452/…
Well, I personally don't know. I've no idea about isos anyway
It wasn't about ISO really it was about booting USB.
I switched it to booting DOS via USB in the end, just to take ISO out of the equation because that can be murky in itself.
Thanks for your input though Serg :)
no problem :)
2017 is going to be a great year... I can feel it
Linux kernel version names are amazing ! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_kernel_names
2.6.23-rc4–2.6.23-rc6 Pink Farting Weasel
@Serg Thanks for the list of names... I wanted to talk to Linus aobut one of those names but now I want to talk to him about the whole list you linked... it's all so... well personal :)
4.3-rc5 Blurry Fish Butt
Censored fish butt XD
I pronounce it as mememememe with the person getting punched in the throat halfway through the second me
en.wiktionary.org/wiki/meme says it's pronounced /miːm/.
@DavidFoerster Thanks for proving Serg was wrong even if I was wrong at the same time it's worth it...hehe :p
Why the heck did google store camera pictures in a folder named dcim how geeky and stupid is that?
Its a standard actually
Why can't geeks spell meme like it is supposed to sound? It's as bad as Structured Query Language which looks like "Ssss Que Elll" being pronounced "Sequel".
Isn't tech hard enough to learn without violating all the "Hooked on Phoenics" rules?
My very expensive computerize accounting college diploma programme at $4k per year (ok expensive for me, not the USA) made me take a simple english class. I think all the programmers out there should be forced to take the same course.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I think Serg was actually right. In English "meem" would be pronounced /miːm/ as well typically. He was just using English to illustrate the phonemes instead of IPA notation.
Just because they get to do a shift bit left or xor two registers in ASSEMBLER doesn't give them license to complicating the English language.
@DavidFoerster TRAITOR!
Just cause a watery tart threw a K&R at you does not make you king!
I know lots of tarts (they are everywhere) but whats a K&R?
Kernighan and Ritchie?
The C Programming Language (sometimes referred to as K&R, after its authors' initials) is a computer programming book written by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, the latter of whom originally designed and implemented the language, as well as co-designed the Unix operating system with which development of the language was closely intertwined. The book was central to the development and popularization of the C programming language and is still widely read and used today. Because the book was co-authored by the original language designer, and because the first edition of the book served for many...
This user doesn't seem to know that this is the Ubuntu forums, not Linux Mint.
I think I've written a million lines of C code... Did you know it's the third reincarnation after the language A and B?
Read the revisions - They edited it to say Ubuntu.
We get a lot of Mint questions because it's based on Ubuntu.
It isn't allowed, isn't it?
It's a grey area...
Isn't Isn't a double negative? :p
I flagged it. It says in the help page that Mint questions aren't allowed.
I've seen half flagged and half accepted shrugs
There is an exception to every rule ;)
It seems they're migrating the questions...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix And now we have C++.
@NathanOsman My accounting system (ACCPAC +) was just embracing C++ when I dropped out (or was forced out) of the business.
I really don't like talking about it though. Seven nation army, queen of england, hounds of hell and all that stuff from the White Stripes.
No worries.
How much reputation defines a "new user" here?
I think a new user is based on number of questions and answers not on rep. not sure though.
what do you mean?
I have been called a "new user" a couple of times. I'm okay with this, I'm just wondering what defines a "new user".
@luk3yx less than 10, i believe.
in which context?
When @KazWolfe calls you a "nubcake" you are a new user LOL
Some people say that ≈2000 is a "normal" user.
Don't worry though Kaz condescendingly calls me a nothing when <10k :p
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I don't call people nubcakes.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I'm condescending to everyone.
i do
The first rule of nubcake club is that everyone is a nubcake
@luk3yx I've seen people making edits at 2 points each to reach 2k and then pretty much disappear out of the AskUbuntu Universe after that.
some kalis on the frontpage if anyone's bored.
@Serg I think you think everyone is a nubcake who can't code Pythion App Indicators. Or even spell Python correctly :D
Now what is a "nubcake"?
@luk3yx a meme.
@KazWolfe "What Is the Root User In Kali Linux?"
@luk3yx basicaly same as noob
@KazWolfe I call it mainboard not "front page".
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I call it front page.
why people insist on using Kali when they don't know the basics basics of basics of linux?
@KazWolfe It's not Front Page It is mainboard :p
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Don't care.
@IanC because using Kali makes one a h4x0r
it's like not knowing how to ride a bicycle and wanting to take a Hayabusa to a track day
And Hacker Typer.
@KazWolfe May your wolf den be cursed with 1,000 cats.
this one too: askubuntu.com/questions/872357/… (see revisions)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix So, lunch?
Look ,Ma, I've terminal with black background and green text. I'm a hacker !!!
sure... burger bar?
@Serg That is so annoying on the eyes.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I was thinking the 1000 cats.
That's downtown Chinese Restaurant Alley menu.
Clearly white on black is the Approved Color Scheme.™
@Serg lol I gotta congratulate someone if they can spend more than one week with that color scheme :p
I like cyan on black questions whith and light orange on black answers.
If you don't sit in front of terminal for hours, then it's not too bad. But if you do so for hours - that color scheme does get annoying
I tried some other colors for my terminal, but still didn't find any that didn't make me come back to the default eventually
I always enable transparency too.
ohhh I like transperncy.
@NathanOsman I tried gray BG with white and green for prompt, looks good (also enabled transparency)
the only problem with transparency is when you have it over tons of text
@IanC Yeah, that sounds easy on the eyes.
there should be a shortcut to enable/disable transparency
then it would be perfect!
It's Gnome, so forget about anything being easy.
I still haven't found a single color scheme that makes me completely happy. I just use light grey on black background so far
@NathanOsman @NathanOsman I signed up for a new ISP (telus) off my old ISP (shaw) which will give me 50 Mps up and down for 3 months offer. Can I get your AU clone website off you? I'd like to mirror everything so I can word count stuff like "nVidia".
Has 32-bit been forgotten about already? Most snaps are 64-bit now.
oops I stuttered...sorry.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix AU Clone Website?
Oh, you mean the data server. I haven't touched that in 3-4 years.
I have no idea if it still works.
@luk3yx I was thinking today of banning all 32 bit and making the world 64 bit minimum.... weird you'd say that.
You'd ban this computer!
@NathanOsman I'd want to setup up something in LAMP like Kaz recommended. So is it in Apache or whatever?
I also noticed there are hardly any 16-bit things around.
32 bit os-es and apps are slowly being phased out. It's natural evolution
It exposes an HTTP server, so you could proxy that I guess.
But like I said - it's old.
@luk3yx I made a DOS boot USB work today... But it's 32 GB flash drive even though Assembler architecture for DOS is really 20 bits... should be interesting exploring that one!
If you really want to give it a shot, the code can be fetched with:
bzr pull lp:~george-edison55/audataserver/trunk
You'll need Bazaar and Qt4 installed.
And a copy of the data dump.
@NathanOsman I do want to give it a shot next week. How can I bookmark your link so I can see it then?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I'm off to look for a 64-bit processor.
@luk3yx If you don't have a 64-bit CPU already YOU ARE BANNED FROM THIS ROOM
If all you really want to do is search for Nvidia though, why not just use the XML in the data dump and grep it for nvidia?
That would be way easier.
This computer does, the OS doesn't.
If I need to, I'll switch to the other 64-bit one.
@NathanOsman i don't know how to do that. Indeed everytime I ask a question and search in AU it doesn't show me the dups. Only google does that.
@luk3yx I was joking when I said 32 bit users are banned :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix So I decided to play along.
It's pretty easy. Start by grabbing the torrent from this page: archive.org/details/stackexchange
@luk3yx Well Played as Captain Morgan says in commercials.
And then download the askubuntu.com.7z file.
I thought torrents were for pirates and the government comes after you....
No, no, no.
I remember bearshare form years ago.
Torrent is a protocol.
Just like HTTP.
Torrent is a methods for machines to connect together
@KazWolfe That too but then you need to know SQL.
Kaz you are repeating yourself :-)
@NathanOsman SQL is easy.
@KazWolfe ...until you need to do a complex JOIN or anything.
They told me to learn SQL 2 decades ago @NathanOsman that's not necessarily a bad thing :)
Lol. I remember when the Ask Ubuntu data dump used to be 50 MB. It's now 500+ MB.
I'm gettin' old.
Then again a college tech told me I should learn UNIX in 1984 I didn't listen then....
@NathanOsman 500 MB sounds too small... sure you don't mean 500GB when all the screen shots are included?
Stack Overflow's is 10+ GB.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Images aren't included.
They are hosted externally.
That makes sense actually.
All I really want to snag is the text anyway.
then index it to my own means :)
Yeah, the XML is really easy then.
Just grep the Posts.xml file inside the archive.
Why is remote X11 so slow if it has so much bandwidth to use?
I don't understand XML or HTML though.
You don't need to.
@luk3yx latency.
grep will still work fine.
They are text formats.
And you're searching for text.
Sounds good... I think it'll be a fun project.
One day, I'll be banned from using 64-bit as well in favour/favor of 128-bit or 256-bit.
Thanks for saying "favour" for the Cannucks in the room :p
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I'm sure it's only USA that spells "favour" "favor".
FWIW I can't see 128-bit for a long time since they made 64-bit brain dead with 48-bit addressing... Just as bad in reverse of 8086 with 20 bit addressing like 8088 or whateever.
first, let's kill little-endian
@luk3yx Yet they claim to speak "English" whereas the rest of the world is "International English" in installation programs.
and the hell of a platform that is x86
ARM for life
I'd like to keep my arms for the rest of my life ;)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Correct.
p7zip is stupid.
Well at least I was right once this year.
Sub items Errors: 8
I thought p7zip was preferrable to pkzip and pkunzip?
So what does it do? Deletes the original archive!!!
@WinEunuuchs2Unix 7-zip is basically LZMA, not the same as ZIP.
why are people still using CSM/legacy?
it's called bloody legacy for a reason
Is it possible to emulate 64-bit software under a 32-bit machine?
Same reason some people are using XP.
@luk3yx sorta, but all practical purposes say no.
@KazWolfe Okay.
@luk3yx Yes, but it will be slooooooooow.
@Zanna is awesome.
Example: booting a 64-bit Ubuntu VM with qemu takes 20+ minutes.
@NathanOsman So it's not worth it.
No, not really.
What would be the fastest way of sharing X11 via LAN? (I should ask these on the main site)
@luk3yx Fastest way?
@NathanOsman As-in the speed of the application.
Well, if security isn't important, it's basically just raw sockets over the network.
Congrats on France for having an international conference on two-state solution for Palestine on Israel. Only next time you have the conference (lots of juicy government expense account spending I know) try to have either Israel or Palestine attend, preferably both :p
@NathanOsman aka the "why, oh god, why" solution
God is off-topic here!
@KazWolfe On a private LAN, that's fine.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Not really.
@NathanOsman No, i'm talking about X11 over vlan
But if we're going to go into any depth on those type of topics, we prefer to switch rooms.
Nathan please ban Kaz...there is a 25$ Boston Pizza gift card in it for you :)
Just out of courtesy.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Dude, that is mighty tempting.
Do it and I ping shog.
But no. I must remain loyal to my responsibilities.
who is shog?
Pats @KazWolfe on the head and says "Be a good wolf"...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix a CM
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Community Something-Or-Other.
someone whom is Godly
careful wolves will bite the hands that pet them
and whom we do not poke unnecessarily
CSOO= Community Something-Or-Other. not SHOG :)
Poke. Poke. Poke.
Shog is someone who can kill all the rep you have, so dont piss him off
but we do joke about poking unnecessarily.
Serg you and someone else lost 15k rep...more than I have :(
Basically what I have right now.
Mostly to riot against have fun with the mods.
and anyone who has been victim of the great rep recalc
"victim of the great rep recalc"
They aren't real mods in this chat room though... Real mods wouldn't hang out with average people.... they pretend to be Godly or something like that.
didn't find a shog user
dungeons and dragons?
Shog9 ♦, Colorado, United States
101 2 13
Hey, @Serg, he's in your area.
transgression user form another SE site when they have 101 rep.
@NathanOsman oh, I looked on "moderators"
He's a staff member.
I don't know if those show up under moderators or not.
only on MSE
you can see staff members?...how handy
I need a new profile picture.
This one is nearly three years old...
@NathanOsman Might I suggest a wolf?
@NathanOsman O_o
I can't change mine... the NSA won't be able to find me.
@KazWolfe No, you may not.
@NathanOsman I just did.
I recommend a Lynx for you @NathanOsman the name of my new Ubuntu-rip-off-distro-based-on-Linux.
Steelers game is on
and I can't watch it
3x0 so far
I have to pet on Superbowl at work, who is going to win?
Maybe i should be like "Hey, Shog, let's go for a beer" or something
Looking through recent photos...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I'm cheering for Steelers :)
*Sends Serg a virtual beer, Thomas gets instant coffee
That's not particularly compelling.
diverts the instant coffee to Charcoal HQ
awww Nathan you look as nice as your text.... at least something is real in this world
did someone say instant coffee?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix :D
@KazWolfe This is why I didn't take it :P
doesn't mind instant coffee, takes it out of Charcoal HQ
I had a Tim Horton's coffee at Kingsway Mall today... I swear they put opiates in their coffee cream.
Ah, good ol' Tim Horton's.
I bought Tasters Choice instant coffee this afternoon at Safeway because it was on sale. Still too expensive but much better than Nescafe Rich Coffee.
please, instant coffee. if i wanted to drink liquid [redacted], i'd just go and [redacted] [redacted] to get my morning [redacted].
Caffeine. Is. Awesome.
That is all.
Ugghh Americans whining aobut loosing Obama Care because he who shall not be named got elected. They should have voted for Sanders.
In reality free healthcare like Canada has might be wastefull but it is better than free police or free military IMHO.
As one who avoids the former but has been pained by the latter I must say the former is preferable when you want to expand FIAT currency.
Americans whine about everything. (Not all of them but enough of them.)
Edmontonians whine about the Oilers not winning. shrugs
People seem to love to whine about the things they can't control
And let the things they can control disappear.
Will there ever be a day that I'm feeling 100% energetic and can do all the things I plan , and be productive ? Probably not
I guess I'm guilty of being a person too.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I think we all are.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Why... you won the last game? :D
Not as long as you live under your parents roof and take 20 years to complete a 2 year college course Serg
@NathanOsman Thanks for saying I won the game.. but it's a 3 dimensional chess board don't you know ;)
I do think 2017 will be a great year though :)
Where a real male can talk to a real female.
Without the cops taking him down and lying in court.
Should I bother upgrading to 64-bit?
I would recommend it.
Then you get the best of both worlds.
I recommend,too
Any reasons?
32 bit actually works for some things. Can't remember off the top of my head. But you can still use PAE whatever that means because I haven't dabbled in that.
@luk3yx I think because then you can run 64bit programs and also 32bit?
Because 32 bits can only make use of 4 GB ram
64 bit OS can use more
@Serg With PAE you can have more RAM.
But with 64 bit you don't need PAE no more
I "only" have 4GB of RAM.
Speaking of PAE... I'm going to run Windows XP Service Pack 3 compatibiiity mode under Windows 8.1 to run Mass Effect 3 for an hour or two...bbl
what I said went completely unnoticed
@IanC You need 32-bit libraries.
@luk3yx or multiarch
At least in my experience, 64-bit works smoother, so meh . . . I always install 64 bits
@luk3yx but you can install the libraries, while you can't do anything to run a 64bit binary on 32bit. I think the better question is why to install 32bit instead of 64bit?
I know 64bit isn't all about performance gain (because of higher memory usage), but if you have 4GB I see no reason to stick with 32bit
@Zacharee1 OMG, this is gold: youtube.com/watch?v=19zPCedRGuE Pewds and Ken were playing rock paper scissors , and winner gets to control other person's computer for 30 seconds. Well, Pewds deleted Ken's System32 XD OMG
Windows lets you do that?
if you give it an admin "yes" then yes
@IanC Address space is another reason (at least on earlier versions of Windows). on 32-bit systems, Windows provided a 32-bit address space, meaning that applications could never allocate more than "x GB" of memory regardless of how much physical memory the system had. (Where "x" is always less than 4 GB".)
@ThomasWard I thought Windows still wouldn't let you do that (due to system file protection).
That and the fact that lots of DLLs in there are going to be in use.
@NathanOsman 4GB including swapped memory?
@NathanOsman you can delete enough that it won't boot
@IanC Yes.
@Zacharee1 That's dumb.
gotta get ready for work
see you all later, good night!
I derp, therefore I am . . .
@NathanOsman you have to remember this is Windows.
You're rarely going to hit the 3gb process limit tho
@JourneymanGeek it is configurable and defaults to 2 GB.
At least it did on Vista.
Don't know about late versions.
@IanC personally, if I have less than 2gb of memory, I go 32 bit. If I have exactly 2gb of memory, I curse the gods and rue the day.... (actually I don't remember what that system has). If I have 3gb onwards, I go 64 bit
That was the last 32-bit edition of Windows I used.
My dad's PC's on 32 bit
it barely meets the windows 10 official minimum spec ;p
@JourneymanGeek Sparta was still better than Windows
@Serg is it the year of the linux desktop yet?
looks down on my Ubuntu laptop, then at pop's Chromebook . . .it's getting there @JourneymanGeek
(also, I'm of the opinion 4gb is a minimum for most poweruser builds)
$ free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           7.7G        1.6G        3.2G        402M        2.9G        5.4G
Swap:          3.0G          0B        3.0G
3 Gb of swap are from my swap files which I've never bothered to delete after testing my addswap script
I don't have swap partition
sigh . . . I should find something to work on
I got a good question for everyone here. Do you rely on the Ubuntu Server Guide 2017 PDF
Is it worth it? I think it is?
@RonnieMarlow never seen that book
@Seth what a high praise
@Serg ikr!
@muru did you vote it as off topic ? askubuntu.com/q/872391/295286
I want to learn about servers I thought it would be a good area to study and know about?
@Serg yes
In general I do so for VPS questions for which the only real answer often is: Contact the host.
@muru why ? OP uses supported Ubuntu version , it's perfectly fine here
I have 8 GB in my laptop, 16 GB in my desktop.
And believe me, 4K video editing benefits from 16 GB :P
@Seth OP posted exact same problem he was having before since the other one didn't attract attention: askubuntu.com/q/869934/295286 Can we merge those ? Or at least nuke one of them ?
The award for trolliest TV Guide listing ever goes to Scotland's Sunday Herald....brilliant!!! Unfortunately now Tr… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/820639244968480768
You know these Congressmen who refuse to attend Trump's inauguration because he isn't a visible minority like them could turn out badly for them in their political stunts.
@NathanOsman um . . .can I ask a stupid question ?
You mean a question like mine? :p
he'll answer them ;)

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