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Reasking my question from several hours ago: How can a question that asks for a simple yes/no be "too broad"?
Q: Is there a discussion group of Think Pad T440 that have Ubuntu 14.04?

user271946Is there a discussion group of Think Pad that have Ubuntu 14.04?

> You can "bump" your thread by editing the question
@guntbert That one was hard for me. I ended up leaving it open I think..
@guntbert Because it is not about Ubuntu or any technical problem. It is asking whether there is a discussion group. Should be off topic rather than too broad but closed in any case.
It is a really, really bad question though.
@terdon you're probably right.
We don't do website suggestions..
I'll fix that.
@terdon, @Seth I agree the question is bad - but it is definitely not too broad!
Just off topic.
Not about Ubuntu or something else?
it is about Ubuntu
Right, so that close reason doesn't work too well.
@guntbert Well not really. 1st of all, most SE sites don't accept such questions, 2nd there is no technical problem here, it's not about the OS but about whether or not some random group of people on the internet exists.
It is not about Ubuntu within the scope defined in the Help Center
And having just reread that, I can't find anything that explicitly forbits "Is there an online community for X" questions. Perhaps one should be added.
@Seth I just found the solution... so i don't think i'll post the question
@terdon, true, the part you italicized evaded my attention - might point towards some bias on my side - owning a T60 and thinking of purchasing a T440 :-)
@terdon make the edits
@ace What's the solution?
@Seth I simply closed Geany and restarted it...
In that case, yeah, probably shouldn't ;P
perhaps because i changed some settings before testing the shortcuts
sorry for creating such a mess
@ace newbie! :=D even pro's make a mess no need to apologize ;-)
@ace You're fine :)
if seth says so it is true!
alright. thanks a lot for your help
just do not trust Luis Avarado >:-D
@terdon I do know that one of course :-))
@terdon are you going to make the edits to it?
@ace no problem! anytime I can help someone else help you I am up for it
@Rinzwind while you are here: can we clean up askubuntu.com/questions/463380/…
the language discussion wasn't what I intended at all
@Andrew I just did, gimme a second!
![enter image description here][1]

  [1]: i.sstatic.net/xBHEF.png

The Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE) is a lightweight, extremely fast and energy efficient desktop environment based on GTK. It uses Openbox as it window manager.

##Use of the tag

Use this tag when asking about the LXDE desktop environment, how to run applications in LXDE, general configuration and behavior changes etc.

As a general rule, if your question is a about a specific LXDE tool, you should also tag with the tool's name,
Please don't recommend to people that they use a specific tag instead of the general one. Ideally, they should use both.
You must learn to resist the pull of Braiamism :)
Aaaa! Sorry, that should be:
> It uses Openbox as its window manager.
Forgot the s
@Seth Okay. I found out what the problem is. The shortcuts will not work only after accidentally pressing them in the embedded terminal in Geany. This can be fixed by disabling the "Override Geany keybindings" option in the Geany terminal preference. Should I post this as an answer to the original question?
or should I try no "to breath life into a dead question"?
try not*
(I mean, they will not work even after switching focus back to the editor)
No, go ahead and answer the original.
By "breathing life" I meant trying to resurrect the question itself, but you have the answer ;)
@terdon the reason why I did it, was because someone added how to use the tag under the Gnome one that I did.
@Andrew Did what?
Ah, yes, that was Braiam. He has a chip on his shoulder against broad tags and things they are bad by definition and should always be replaced by specific ones. He's wrong.
It depends on the situation. A question about nautilus does not need to be tagged as Gnome. A question about say, the interaction between Gnoem and nautilus should be tagged as both.
@terdon Yea... That was why I did it, I figure it was wrong but....
Not wrong as such, just overly strict.
If you hang out on meta a bit, you might notice that not everyone agrees with tag braiamism.
@Seth For?
This question/answer?
We're talking about the tag wiki.
Oh, nice wiki. We need to fix the excerpt though.
@Seth Could you fix the typo? I don't have the rep to do it directly:
> It uses Openbox as it window manager.
> It uses Openbox as its window manager.
and chace the , to a .
As a general rule, if your question is a about a specific LXDE tool, you should also tag with the tool's name,
Under the pic
above the first hader
got it
Thanks @Seth
@Seth you are a mod? could you lose it?
I am a moderator on Ask Ubuntu, yes. Can I lose it? If I start doing really bad things, yes, I could.
Uh huh ;)
Ugh, Eclipse is big. And I thought Netbeans was bad.
@Seth what bad things?
@Andrew You know, getting too friendly with the female interns and such.
@Andrew Deleting you, for example.
Breaking the moderator agreement mainly.
@terdon Yea a vote on that
@Seth and what is that?
moderator agreement mainly?
@Seth kill this please:
Q: Set alias which doesn't send specified text?

user280531Moved: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/128940/ My target is to get this in my terminal line after the alias-task was executed: screen -rx My alias-task is the following: alias join="clear; screen -ls; screen -rx OS: OpenMediaVault - OMV Thank you ;)

Already posted on Unix & Linux
Bye Bye
@Seth How how would it be to close my account?
@Andrew I don't understand your question there..
@terdon Closed it
@Seth sorry... Typing to fast and not thinking how to spell the words right...
@Seth How hard would it be to suspend my account?
Is it just one button away from your fingure tips?
@Andrew How hard? Depends what you mean by hard I guess..
Hi, I just upgraded to ubuntu from 12.04 to 14.04. I can't open local swf file with chromium in ubuntu 14.04 . any fix for that????
@Andrew More or less. There are checks in place though.
@Andrew Thick finger tips that have been known to slip on the small tablet...
@Seth so all of the mod on this site most vote on it?
Can I ask why you are asking these questions?
Because I got cuious since you said "Deleting you, for example."
I can't open local swf file with chromium in ubuntu 14.04 . any fix for that?
@Andrew Ah
@Sam How are you trying? What errors do you get? Are you sure it's an swf file?
SO I just want to know how does the site work more?
@terdon I open with chromium. I know its swf I used to open it in 12.04 with no problem. there isn't any error report. I open it but it tries to download it again in my download directory
@Sam How do you open it? File=>open? file://path/to/file.swf?
Try running google-chrome /path/to/file from a terminal.
Anyone heard of the OnePlus? It looks amazing.
@terdon yeah I have the path bookmarked. I also right click on the file and try to open it
@Andrew Sure. I can't tell you everything, but take a look at this meta post.
@Sam try the other approaches. 1) Open a terminal and run it manually 2) use file://path/to
@terdon I just tried google-chrome path. it made no difference i.imgur.com/CDbdHvr.png
@terdon I know how to open a swf file . there is sth wrong with my extensions. its not recognizing local swf files
How hard is it to get 5 upvote per day?
@Sam Strange. Sorry then, out of suggestions. I assume you've tried in another browser and it works?
@Sam be clear about your problem. flash on sites works, but a local swf doesn't right?
ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2218732 somone else also has exact same problem with 14.04 . non of browsers work with local swf files not firefox not chrome and not chromium
I'm beginning to regret upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04 . precise version was ok :(
where did the NARQ close reason go?
Q: synchronise time between my windows and two Linux Ubuntu servers

snabelI'm having a hard time to synchronise time between my windows and two Linux Ubuntu servers. i found this tool: http://www.timesynctool.com/ I've installed it on my windows server 2008 R2 standard service back 1 I've change the configuration on both Ubuntu servers: $ lsb_release -a No LSB modu...

@IonicăBizău can answer this
@hbdgaf where the off topic reason go?
@Lucio I used off topic custom with something like "Not a real question. Expecting NTP to be accurate to the millisecond when hops can take several is ridiculous."
I did the same yesterday
WTF? I have the highest average votes per answer on the site? o_O?
2nd highest that is.
Ah, it only has 20 answers for me, that's why.
@terdon come back when you are #1 >:D
Looks like it has something to do with the fact that you only have 20 answers..
Phew, I thought that was weird :)
and you're running it on meta ;P
He mentioned it, average
meta don't count :=)
^ agree
Ah! Damn the interface :) It had the AU logo instead of the meta but that's to change to rather than to use.
OK, I'm not even in the top 500. That makes more sense :)
@terdon I know, that catches me all the time..
and Terdon just fell of his pedastel >:D
@Rinzwind Hey, I was shocked to find I had a pedestal :)
Looks like you do though!
:D :D
You're 2nd
A: How do I install PDF Mod?

AndrewClick this link to install PDF Mod , find it in the Ubuntu Software Center, or type sudo apt-get install pdfmod in a terminal. There are more instructions here

I don't even see him on the list.
Naaa I like being in bed.
See HIm... Who is him. And on what list?
@Seth Sort by number of answers. That seems more reasonable anyway since it's an average.
Ha! I'm there on U&L at least :)
@Andrew not as good as mitch's He got a picture >:)
@Rinzwind But I have a link, to open it in the software center, and my works... He have it has a dead ppa
@terdon U&L is for people that can not decide on an operating system
@terdon Ah, cool. That puts me on the list too.
must not engage...
you know guys, maybe you could start helping :) ...like what's the best way to synchronise time between servers we can start from this... — snabel 2 mins ago
good call have an upvote @andrew :D
@hbdgaf lol
@Rinzwind Pffft, it's for people who actually know how to use one :)
@hbdgaf haha
250 milliseconds :D
that is so not going to go away
let me help you there
Argh. The only Eclipse mirror is in Canada, no wonder my download is so slow.
@Seth eh? is it? there must be one in Holland too :P
That's further away :P
I so want to say:
> The best way is to use NTP. Your question about why Microsoft probably chose to track delay to an NTP server and subtract that from the time reported is outside of the scope of the site. If you want to ask someone why Linux complies to the RFC and why Microsoft thought they knew better and violated the RFC, then ask that somewhere else.
lol, IKR
@Seth ah but we rule at internet access! :=D
Come one, he's probably not using the same NTP server for the 3 machines anyway.
Holland was the 2nd country to have internet >:D
@terdon no the 1 extra hop between the ubuntu server and the windows machine is the problem
@Rinzwind Really? I would have expected switzerland what with CERN and all.
Who down voted it?
Community based on the close vote
@Rinzwind What extra hop?
@terdon nope. Holland (that is why amsterdam has that big hub to the US)
Is it better now?
A: How do I install PDF Mod?

AndrewClick this link to install PDF Mod , find it in the Ubuntu Software Center, or type sudo apt-get install pdfmod in a terminal. There are more instructions here After clicking on the link to install PDF Mod, it should open up the Ubuntu Software center, and all that you need to do is just press ...

@hbdgaf Community doesn't do that anymore.
Besides, it only used to when it was actually closed.
@terdon he probably is using 1 ubuntu server for NTP. and the windows machine probes the server every so often
really? that was my best guess...
@Andrew Much, have an upvote.
@terdon It's just a question that needs bludgeoning. close-goats welcome...
Yay, found a sponsor mirror. Much faster.
YES NICE ONE @andrew :D
now you really deserve my upvote
yeah, needs to be closed
@Seth in Holand? >:D
@Rinzwind Ah, I figure he's just pointing to the Ubuntu NTP on Ubuntu and some other one on Windows. Still, millisecond accuracy, what the hell for?
@terdon hmmm could be that too :P
if that is the case he might have more hops = extra delay between ntp servers
in the end: unavoidable :=D and 250 ms is acceptable
maybe not to him but for ntp it is >:)
Anyway, @hbdgaf hit the nail on the head, expecting millisecond accuracy from anything that needs to establish a network connection is just silly.
@terdon didn't you read the comments? it's log correlation that needs sub-quarter-second accuracy... sheesh. it's like people want to live on the moon or something ;)
All servers synchronize via internet with this ntp server: server 0.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org — snabel 1 min ago
why then?
@hbdgaf Missed that one. Sheesh, for logs?
yay coulld not help it and made another comment @hbdgaf
we are talking about 250 milliseconds. we need the time to be synchronised for reporting and log analysis — snabel 19 mins ago
@hbdgaf Yeah I noticed after you mentioned it.
I will take your job @hbdgaf for this time
@Rinzwind "Is it Windows or Ubuntu that's wrong?" Umm.. Is that a trick question?
^^ See my previous comment
@terdon yes!
if he says windows it is off topic :D
@terdon my middle name :=)
I should add the video on a comment there :P
@Lucio Heh. I wouldn't.
Yeah, she would get mad
can anyone help me figure out my scsi disk?

@Lucio while we're on she would get mad tickld.com/x/this-guy-isnt-having-sex-tonight
You are back!
@hbdgaf too much text for me to be funny :(
hello LUCIO!
just read it... you'll die laughing
kk after ubuntu time is wrong, i can't help it any more...
jajajaja me muero!
That man is god
> Her face just went completely blank as her jaw dropped with a baffled, 'WHAT?'
there is where I couldn't hold my jaw of laughing
Yeah, and it's a steady crescendo from there
told you you'ld enjoy it
where do you get this stuff?
@Lucio i parse lots of feeds. lots of noise, but i find loads of gems
amazing technique
it helps me deal with not being horribly happy about where i am. so it's a coping thing, not a choice thing.
I recover a guitarra! @hbdgaf
If there were money in it I'ld play it, but locally there isn't. So I just keep pushing on. Also, my boss told me they couldn't afford to max their 401k with matching. "I do. What's your problem?"
If it gives you a ten percent raise and you don't do it, you're turning down free money sort of thing...
whelp, my clothes are dry and it's time to order pizza to eat by myself. the wheel keeps on turning. eventually i hope all these right decisions pay off.
well, I wish you good luck
we'll see. i think i'm just surrounded by stupid.
that is what you need to get away from
i shouldn't have to run from stupidity. we should all get closer to being less retarded.
heh, I knew you were going to mention that
moving along... yep. yep i am
now it's my moment to turn off this machine and touch some strings, real strings.
hopefully from a guitar you recovered as a loot object from a zombie.
we'll see.
good night
@lucio how to get a long code to fit in a single line. > and ` ` always brake line..
How would you rate this answer?
A: How do I install PDF Mod?

AndrewClick this link to install PDF Mod , find it in the Ubuntu Software Center, or type sudo apt-get install pdfmod in a terminal. There are more instructions here After clicking on the link to install PDF Mod, it should open up the Ubuntu Software center, and all that you need to do is just press ...

@rajan askubuntu.com/editing-help#code --> 4 indents for code
indents??? didnt get it..
@rajan 4 blanks format a line as code here.
and what > and ` ` do?
> for quotes `` for fixed fonts
in chat or on site?
in site
code length in chat is limited to one line.
quote breaks code-quotes. it doesn't recurse. format your message accordingly.
The format help can always be opened when writing a post.
@Takkat i think it's a bug report veiled as a support request. i would refer them to meta instead or tell them to deal with it...
^^ in fact... i did
i used to use > and ` ` for codes
i used to make 60k/yr. now i make 20. i'm not entitled to the 60. i have to deal with it
@hbdgaf so it takes you three years instead of one?
life is not that long.
@Takkat lower expectations are the secret to either happiness or becoming a bitter old man.
@hbdgaf we should prefer bitterness to secret achievements.
I'm moving in one direction in particular, but it's always subject to change. And keeping those expectations as pay increases is something people that make more seem not to get ;)
@Takkat thanks. i smiled a little
my problem is remotely related... about 20 years ago I got paid 20% of what I get now but could put much more aside...
hi there
on a virgin trusty tahr machine,
intend to install lubuntu virtually
need help selecting the VM
my need: simple ubuntu->-lubuntu vm setup
xen? vmware? virtualbox? throw-a-dice??
<- often has issues with Lubuntu VMs but no idea why
(haven't yet come aross a up-to-date review to help me decide)
there's KVM too.
why lubuntu? cuz that laptop has only 2GB RAM, is intel dual-core-2, but nothing fancy...
Can someone confirm if this user has some deleted content?
so maybe could just as well do trusty->-trusty ?
@nuttyaboutnatty can not advice because I always was so happy with virtualbos that I did not try out the others.
@Takkat virtualbos or virtualbox? typo?
My host is dual-core but I gave it more RAM... Virtualbox is o.k. but as said sometimes Lubuntu misbehaves.
@nuttyaboutnatty did you ever try virtualization before?
Virtualbox is Open Source, cross-platform and very well supported.
@Takkat that's about the choices buddy. it's all choices.
<-- chose to marry and have 2 kids ;)
@nuttyaboutnatty my luck with xubuntu and lubuntu machines has been that virtualbox on edge is better than vmware on edge. vmware on old is better than virtualbox on old. and xen/openstack are for things that if you need to ask, you need not be doing.
@Takkat chose not to marry again. reduces the impact when they leave ;) married once. came home to an empty house. won't do that again
...that's nothing unusual - let them go makes them stay...
i chose an alternative. i'll pay my bills and you pay yours. then i can do nice things. || I'll pay your bills, and I can't do nice things. A or B? makes thinks simple.
still waiting for option C: you pay my bills so I can make nice things.
@Takkat not planning on a sugar-momma or providing for someone to build stuff.
again with the planning
@hbdgaf so the upshot with my non-edge 2-RAM dual-core laptop:
vmware ?
you should upgrade RAM to 4 GB for serious virtualization.. but if only for an occasional glimpse or supporting Lubuntu people 2 GB should be o.k.
I have a VM on a 2-core 2GB machine which runs a bit sluggish but it runs.
my main old laptop is maxed out
if you run a VM on a 2 GB host you should not run too many other applications in addition.
the one intended for some VM testing is my girlfriend's
which has a massive HDD
anyway, getting carried away...
why is Virtualbox not in ubuntu-software-center ?
it is - only not with trusty tahr support :-(
packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/virtualbox - it's moved to multiverse
what is multiverse? heard that term many a time...
non-free software repository.
@nuttyaboutnatty if you're running 14.04 go with virtualbox. older than that go vmware
the OSE was removed from the package... still, you have it OSS as long as you don't install the "Extension Pack".
@Takkat is that equivalent (identical ?) to the launchpad ppa ?
@nuttyaboutnatty huh? There is a ppa for virtualbox? Weird.
@Takkat OSE ? OSS ?
Virtualbox is Open Source GPLv2.
The Extension Pack is not.
That's the Launchpad project page... it's not a ppa.
Oracle has an own repository for VirtualBox which I recommend to use: virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads
It gives you regular updates & bugfixes.
the iso for guest additions and the extension pack are both black blobs of code. vbox proper is OSS, so it's a trade off.
Guest Additions are OSS too.
really? when did that change?
@Takkat just install that *.deb and I'm good to go?
@hbdgaf it came with the Extension Packs.
@nuttyaboutnatty I always add the repository to my sources.
but other than a PPA you will have to import the signing key.
@Takkat are there instructions on the oracle page (or reliable, easy ones elsewhere) ?
yeah I gave the link above... scoll down to Debian-based Linux distributions
you can add a software source from the USC too, no need to edit the sources list.
last question for now:
if I may...
if I isntall via *.deb, can I uninstall again later via ubuntu software center GUI cleanly?
you can but then I'd probably prefer the version from the Ubuntu repositories (after enabling multiverse).
at least you then will get security updates.
but as said I always have it from the Oracle repos - never had an issue.
thanks Takkat !
@Takkat (but how do you / would you uninstall it? via command-line? via synaptic?)
via any including USC...
(and no need to manually remove the repository from sources)
you can add and remove the Oracle repo via Software & Updates > Other Software > Add
after Add.. just copy & paste this:
Then import the key (from a terminal)
then you may even be able to install from USC (but I haven't tried that out)
otherwise: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.3
@Takkat empirically confirmed.
always find the USC takes too long to launch... so I don't use it ;)

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