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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

hey @jrg and or @seth
Marco and I plan on doing a scrub of this afternoon
so expect a bunch of closures, clean up, etc.
@JorgeCastro Okay cool.
I'll try and pop into the close queue later today too.
It's probably time we discuss cleaning the cruft up..
Do we need a tag? doesn't cover that? I know that player != vmware, but I don't really see the need to have two tags..
Hi @Seth, yep long time no lurk. These days I mostly show up when I have a question. It's nice to be greeted :-)
@Seth I think the tag can be deleted.
@Seth I favor vmplayer instead of vmware... vmware is the company behind vmplayer, but we have vmplayer experts, not so vmware
@Braiam EMC is the company behind vmware, and vmplayer
@Mitch I meant that "vmware" is an array of products
vmware-player, vmware-tools, vmware-server, etc...
Well I don't know how but I've really cocked that up. Everything appeared to be going well until everything ended up with vmplayer instead of vmware tags. The merge preview even said the right thing so I don't think I was even at fault... Maybe :\
Should be fixed now.
@Oli I liked them for a reason before they cut their warranty period back in 09.
"Effective from January 3, 2009, Seagate will be cutting the warranty period from 5 years to 3 years on selected bare drives. Drives affected by thins change include: Barracuda 7200. Diamondmax." I was using them before that time, and that was the reason. They worked out well for me more frequently. It could be a religion thing. The USMC used to use them for that reason too.
@Seth Hey, we're starting now
some of these are so bad I'm going to flag instead of vote to close so it doesn't get clunked up in the review queue
@hbdgaf hm, yeah I like segate too, maybe they changed recently, but right now all I have are segate. can't say anything bad about them from the drives I've had
Q: Failed a review audit that has a close vote

BraiamThis audit was failed, even trough the question has a close vote, and I was the one that casted the close vote. Why I'm shown an audit about a question I'm trying to close anyways?

ah, man I think I caught a fever about keyboards or something, was looking at this stuff with custom keys and such: wasdkeyboards.com/index.php
@Mateo If I didn't build it, think laptops, Hitachi is pretty normal and does okay once the added parking on intertial sensors and shutdown. Desktop though? I've only ever bought seagate. It's just a thing. Someone that did high throughput data farms did some benchmarking once. Seagate didn't pan out any better for really constant high IO than WD... I can't remember who did. That was a particular use case though. Constant high spin instead of start stop yada yada normal use case.
ah, all the laptop abuse...
it's not like I want a toughbook or anything ;) but parking a hard drive is just a good idea on laptops.
@Seth ok all done! KILL ZEM ALL
leave it to @JorgeCastro to make a Heinlein reference...
@JorgeCastro ok, cool
fossfreedom did it it appears
Is anyone on\?
@Jorge Just got back. Let me see if anything is left :)
@Seth Does this work?
@JorgeCastro Does this work... askubuntu.com/a/458594/48372 If it does than I will show the gui way.
@Seth Are you there?
Is anyoe one?
Yeah I'm here.
Why this: rm ~/.local/share/applications/*? I don't have anything relating to webapps in there, but I do have other important stuff.
@Seth can you please try it for me... It seems to me it would work, can't truly test it sence I don't have Unity
Not going to try it, it isn't easily reversible.
@Seth Humm I don't use that dir... and I know That unity uses that dir for web apps
No webapp stuff in there that I can see.
Only other stuff I don't want gone.
"Lastly, go to ~/.local/share/applications and remove the .desktop file for the webapp you would like to uninstall."
@Seth okay than I will edited out, but orcuding to this post ....
that's very different from removing everything in the directory.
@Seth I thought nothing else don't use that dir
That's not true.
seth@johnson:~$ ls -a .local/share/applications
@Seth I don't use wine or Chrome...
What is beans ?
@Andrew Perhaps you don't, but this answer isn't for you.
It's for the wider internet.
@Seth yea that answer it
@Seth How about the other commands do they work?
They look like they'll work.
don't have time to do any actual testing now
@Seth why did you chance it back?
@Seth I wasn't finish with it....
a) it's better not to post answers if you aren't finished. b) it's just noise that you need to announce that in giant bold text.
If you are going to add a lot of info just post a comment saying you aren't quite done or delete the answer temporarily.
But some people don't read comments
if you feel that bad about it then don't post it 'till it's done.
But I have a cat that plays with wires....
Also, "NOT FINSIH" isn't a proper sentence.. You might want to fix that. It's kinda confusing.
I will
@Seth is that better
I suppose.
If you don't want people voting on it you shouldn't have posted it ;)
Yea... But If they see a partial question mostly than they will read the comments
can I edit a deleted answer?
@Andrew errrr.. whhat?
@Seth If I delect it... I can still see it... So can I still edit it?
Thats works
@Seth way didn't you told me to do that?
> If you are going to add a lot of info just post a comment saying you aren't quite done or delete the answer temporarily.
@Seth now you do...
@Seth what throws apt-cache search webapps?
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