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Anyone who understands EFI, MBR GPT and windows booting alongside Ubuntu, please let me know.
@Nkciy84 There is a user that answers most of those questions, but I don't remember his name. Let me look it up if I can.
He never comes to chat though, as far as I know.
Yes I know, he is hard to get a hold to I noticed and to be honest.
he created rEFInd, which I installed.
I am recovering some of my wrongdoings on this laptop, like, everything got deleted (ouch)
I managed to recreate the harddrive state using testdisk and some external HDD's and everything is as much as it first was. Only thing missing is a way to boot into windows
@Braiam I got it fixed :)
The solution - reinstall my kernels.
@Seth thanks for looking it up :)
When did ccsm change to compizcomfig-settings-manager
We have an ultimate version?
@RolandiXor sup?
@seth maybe he meant this one: ubuntulook.com/category/ubuntu-ultimate-edition
@Nkciy84 Ahh. gulps. That is old.
@Seth think that is a unofficial spin-off
which is now just called ultimate edition? ultimateedition.info/ultimate-edition/ultimate-edition-3-8
Could be.. Strange name if you ask me.
I think someone thought "windows has a ultimate edition...so..."
windows also has a black edition that boots from usb with slipstreamed service packs and broken activation logic shipping from hongkong in a jolly roger case...
Q: Ubuntu screen is small in VMware

John SmithI have installed Ubuntu at VMware. But I have a problem, and I do not know how to solve it. When I have the virtual machine as a window, to can at the same time have access to my windows at my host operating system (Windows 8), Ubuntu vm has a very small desktop, and I cannot work at that. I mea...

and.... answered
has anyone played with yocats? free vps? i think not. just wondering.
I'm a little stuck.. maybe someone can help me. I'm trying to use the command sed -n xp in a script, where x is a variable.. I can't just use $xp because bash then looks for a variable named xp not x. I've tried lots of things and I'm really stuck now :S
@Seth change the name
@Lucio Can you be more verbose?
sed -n $x
I need the letter p after the value of x in the command or it doesn't work right.
$x'p' should do it.
@Takkat Excelente. That works. Thanks.
strange command btw
<-- is always worried how much such a tiny little ' can do.
^^ has obviously experienced a compilation failure because of a failed closure with uninformative error messages due to escaping in the past.
the last missing bit.
nested enclosures are hell.
[[{{(([who]((is [able to])see))where)an)enlcosure}is}too]many]wins]
extra ]
yes. it took me 2 seconds from switching back to this tab. practice makes perfect right?
it does - but I always feel I need new glasses whenever I have to debug such things.
extra )
@Takkat totally
helps that they were mixed
extra of both? i would have had to run it twice.
@Lucio but which one?
presbyopia adds to lack of concentration.
[[{{(([who]((is [able to])see)where)an)enlcosure}is}too]many]wins
those two are the only two that keep it valid
nm... there's one other option. [able to]see might expand properly
or if you wanted it like that and forgot them at the beginning? [[[{{((([who]((is [able to])see))where)an)enlcosure}is}too]many]wins]
in my experience, i never forget opening enclosures.
@hbdgaf that is experience ;)
that would be hell to figure out if someone did.
Is it bad that I first assumed "LISP joke" when I entered?
<-- votes for simplified code: all good
would probably be code coming from me ;)
@FEichinger nop, it was a Perl one :P
Ah, yes, Perl regex.
@Mateo what is the most complete app to draw and edit pics?
I don't get the difference between gimp and inkscape for example
gimp is for image stuff, inkscape is for illustration. one is art the other is math/science.
Inkscape is vector drawing, GIMP is Image Manipulation ;)
that too. i think were saying the same thing.
Isn't the same stuff?
I mean, you can do more stuffs with Ink but it also does the same than GIMP
Wait a minute, Seth is actually @Seth? o.O
They are different. GIMP can draw too, but it can't draw vector AFAIK.
Inkscape is for artists, GIMP is more for photographers.
Although someone like @Mateo would use both.
depending on what he was doing.
@Seth I think that you mean the opposite
3 mins ago, by hbdgaf
gimp is for image stuff, inkscape is for illustration. one is art the other is math/science.
he doesn't mean the opposite. if you consider typesetting, strict proportioning, logo design, etc art instead of math, then that's exactly what he meant.
i consider that illustration... but that's an opinion.
yeah, too subjective
So, which of them should I install to draw 1 line? :D
not a valid question. you can do that with a text editor...
(and insert it into a PNG file)
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
im = Image.new('RGBA', (400, 400), (0, 255, 0, 0))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
draw.line((100,200, 150,300), fill=128)
PIL supports png export...
(and them == (array[2] = {'GIMP', 'Inkscape'}))
@Lucio Inkscape.
Well, actually, GIMP if you really just want a pixel-perfect line.
You should use vector (as in inkscape) if you want a logo or text that can ben shrunk and expanded without loss of quality and without taking to much space on a drive
You know what would make trello even more awesome? If you could add a link to a git repo and it would parse commit messages for "closes issue X"... and you could define actions to be taken on cards on issue closes.
vector works with points set in a position with a certain attribute attached, thus taking less space. Gimp creates images where every pixel is to be remembered
@Seth CCSM means Compiz Configuration Settings Manager (or something like that)
and sup?
@RolandiXor that's not fixing... that's kernel stupidity... and stupidity can't be fixed...
@Braiam yes, but I thought the package used to be ccsm..
@Nkciy84 thank you!
@Braiam If that was addressed to me... nothing much. Trying to help out on softwarerec.se and doing school type work
@lucio I used to attend a graphical school so I know a little about those kind of programs
the main reason to use vector is the light weight of memory use and no pixelation effect when an image is expanded to, let's say, astronomical proportions
@Nkciy84 oh yeah? Looks like you explained it to Lucio well :)
@Nkciy84 Right.
@Seth oh damn, my eyes, they burn
As in double ping orange? Yep.. that hurts :P
o i c :)
Why are you guys all so comitted to Ubuntu anyway? Just curiousity
@Nkciy84 shrug. Why is anyone committed to anything?
@Braiam Actually uses Debian. I like Unity, so I use Ubuntu. And I like this site :P
Ok, better say passionate
I thought some of you were developers or something
Debian is ok. But I've just gotten into Linux, tried openBSD one time and Arch.... yeah right... lol... But fiddleing is fun
I like freeBSD. openBSD is interesting. If you're on the linux side of the house, running an arch-box is just asking to understand configuration. It's sort of the polar opposite of Ubuntu where you ask for everything to just work ootb.
I tried it to reach better understanding. I got stuck with trying to configure the network (through vm). I ended up rage quiting
That's not an OS problem, it's a virtualization problem.
UPDATE! Made it to Abondance in 7:45 with 1 stop at a Burger King
I've still got the ISO and when I get around to it I will def. try again. Just need that configuration right
@rinzewind chewing is overrated anyway
Trying to configure the network from the cli is very good for you, but doing from inside a VM is asking for trouble.
@Seth maybe it's better then to skip the network config and go straight on
My default network setting is NAT
@Seth I agree!!
If I ever say I'm using a default config of NAT to put the port forwarding in the virtualization solution's hands, shoot me in the face.
NAT is one thing I don't understand..
I understand it, but the settings aren't universal. It's easier for me to use bridged and introduce my own thin VM as a router. This way I can tell it what to do in an agnostic way.
meaning you configure it like you would a normal installation?
this need some love askubuntu.com/q/416805/169736
only two lovers
GIMP worked.
It did the job very well.
The Path tool made it so easy..
Remove Windows. Your welcome! — Lucio 18 secs ago
My day is finished with that :)
@Braiam I am 1 of 2 so no more help from me
I love it when I get that renew our certification you got to bypass a class in college, and I get to tell them I'm not renewing because the cert is useless.
@Rinzwind is probably aware of a specific case where that is a dupe.
@Braiam well the answer to the second does pretty much the same thing the original question wants to..
@Lucio that is actually incomplete... since I could have installed icons that ain't in the CD
this is a better answer askubuntu.com/q/113225/169736
Guys we have a problem with "no Windows partitions installing" posts
@Lucio close them all...
@Braiam I'm not a mod :D
Q: Why don't we improve the design of the link to the about page?

LucioI'm a user of Ask Ubuntu for more than 11 months, and just today I noticed the about page. To be honest, I didn't think that such great content would be in such a little link. This page is very intuitive and it explains how this site works in a very nice way. It is the best page out of all th...

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