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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

@Braiam why there was no close vote on this askubuntu.com/questions/403435/ubuntu-12-04-lts-command-line
@AvinashRaj why you ask me?
@Braiam sorry for that.
Q: Problem building driver for UVC camera

user234110When I was trying to install a driver for a UVC camera, I got an error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lasound /usr/bin/ld: cannot find /lib/libpthread.so.0 inside /usr/bin/ld: cannot find /usr/lib/libpthread_nonshared.a inside collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make[4]: *** [capture_mux] Error 1 ...

Am not on my Ubuntu machine
Can't do much for him anymore
Also, he doesn't have enough rep to get in to chat. So, Lots of comments...
why there was no people chat today?I think because no spam today.
ahha me two
Nice and quiet!
hehe, cleaning posts with the web tag...
am procrastinating when i should be getting my work done....
Damnit am logging out
Have a Nice weekend ya'all!
cya :)
@Alvar wanna help?
@Braiam u wanna help me removing web tag? ;) or what were you asking me?
@ThomasW. I just send UF a big email asking them to get their legal documentation together. It's a mess and that's being kind.
Where is the freaking log out button? :(
@blade19899 Under the Stack Exchange menu
Not really sure what to call that thing.
That makes way more sense.
@Oli, stackexchange logo top left
in the dropdown menu
I will!
Press the bottom button
an edit has been made to this post; click to load
You clicked it didit n you
@Alvar err... dunno, want my help?
@Braiam yes please :)
@blade19899 I've never logged out, to scary!
thell am still logged in in chat
main site am out
@blade19899 chat is SE not AU!
@Oli can you close this as unclear? askubuntu.com/q/341063/169736 I know spanish and I can't make sense of what he wants
@Alvar, no it wasnt
it was just delayed
i just logged back in
@blade19899 hehe...
to tell you that
@blade19899 u miss me already?
My precious masked man
kinda creepy actually...
You scare me know!
why do we have both email and mail tag? that sounds just stupid... mail should probably sym-link to email.
Oh my...Braiam on a rampage
just created the tag seamonkey...
@Braiam you are also removing web from tagged questions?
Q: should certain phrases be blocked on this site?

aditya patilA nice way to maintain the sanity of this website and keep this website clean automatically would be to block certain phrases to be put into question .phrases which cannot have any relation at all to ubuntu should be blocked.for example black magic service in xyz city. callgirl service,call xxxxx...

@Alvar that sentence only confuse me...
@Braiam sry
Did the hacker come back?
@AmithKK no
is ask.fedoraproject.org a stackexchange site?
@JohnMerlino no
is there any command to make the keys alt+prtsc to be pressed.
I tried xdotool key alt+prtsc ,i wont works.
A: How does the keyboard input get into the terminal?

user195488I recommend you check out this website called HowStuffWorks on How Computer Keyboards Work. It states in sum: As you type, the processor in the keyboard analyzes the key matrix and determines what characters to send to the computer. It maintains these characters in its memory buffer and t...

@Braiam sorry, were you also removing the web tag from questions? just wondering, you asked before if I wanted help...
@blade19899 weren't you leaving?
I did. And now am back. And am leaving again in 7 minutes. Cause then its 17:00 hour. weekend baby :)
Ah crap forgot
gotta work in the weekends
I run the following command to delete a user from a group when I am root in ubuntu: deluser <username> <groupname>. It doesn't work in fedora.
@Alvar I'm but I'm in several things at the same time
@JohnMerlino, try asking there^
This is a Ubuntu website
yeah I know this was ubuntu website. I was looking for something like askfedora
@Oli specifically this part at the bottom: This code of conduct may change and evolve with time based on constructive feedback and experience. It is our hope that these policies will foster helpful, honest, and civil interaction. It is the users' responsibility to check this page for updates. All public forum data is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License and should be attributed to The Ubuntu Forums (ubuntuforums.org).
IANAL but that means that everything I post in u-forums is property of u-forums (IMHO the same as SE) and only requires proper attributions
@Braiam which is what I had done in the case of the post that the attribution discussion came up in
I think @adyaita may be interested in this...
however their forums staff which I talked to said an attribution link back to the post and a statement of attribution to the forums would suffice, based on that question that the issue came up in in the first place.
mm... is this question so interesting? askubuntu.com/q/403502/169736
I think there should be a dupe somewhere (not mine)
@Braiam ok
yay my suggested wiki tag got approved :)
Good Night
how is it possible to install ubuntu on the same bootable ubuntu flash drive
@AvinashRaj what do you mean?
to have the live cd that you boot from to be the install device?
So marco deleted our room huh?
@AvinashRaj it asks will Ubuntu erase my system when I install it from USB, that's a normal dual boot question, close it.
@Seth the private spam room?
explains why I couldn't find it....
well they are gone for now...
for now
@Alvar yes
Exactly ^^
@AvinashRaj I presume they would need ubiquity but I'm not sure how he installed the stuff in the USB (if he installed in the USB)
IMHO the installer will ask him what to do
@Braiam that's not what the link said. the link was a standard dual boot question..
i used all my close votes
OH NO! I can't remove the web tag from this question! askubuntu.com/q/127724/10698
@Alvar is merged, you have to flag for a mod
@Braiam yes, yes, make the mods work for me (:
tsk tsk... done
@Alvar if you see internet remove it too ;)
@Braiam and browser ;)
Well I'll be away most of the day, so hai-bye
@Braiam ... And done! :)
till now askubuntu.com/questions/403525/… wasn't deleted
any mods
@AvinashRaj is done...
gone :)
BBT :)
Q: 'which' reports one thing, actual command is another

John DiblingI am running Ubuntu 12.04, which came with Cmake v 2.8.7. I had need for a more current CMake, so I downloaded the source for, built, and installed it per directions. The last step, make install I ran sudoed. ./bootstrap make sudo make install Now I want to run it, but I find that ...

Hey, what happen to the user Mik?
He's just... gone.
That's sad :(
@NathanOsman sounds like only to "their software"
can any 10k's or mods get me a screenshot of this AU question? I want to submit it to gemsfromstackexchange.
orange links?
@tombull89 why?
@Alvar I want to submit it to gemsfromstackexchange.tumbr.com
@tombull89 yes you said that but why?
@Alvar because it's amusing.
@tombull89 check in The Bridge, there's some there
@Braiam what's the link about? anything funny? or just normal spam?
"make me a mod" spam
that's so yesterday -.-
it's not funny when you've seen a hundred posts just like it...
Sorry, real life got in the way.
well next time make a screenshot, and then edit it when you got time...
I'm sure the spammers will be back..
Are they back again?
Are they really dumb enough to think we're going to reward their destructive behavior by giving them one of the highest responsibilities on the website?
@NathanOsman I will, but from spammers.se ;)
@Seth feedrinse.com/services/rinse/… < rss for answers with mod
the only hit right now has mod + idified
I think the feed in the regulators room is working again.
Later today (if I have time) I will write up a post on Meta.
is it one of the top down feeds that you need to stay in the room for?
@Seth something to fall asleep to?
@Mateo LOL
@Mateo No it isn't.
@Mateo Hmm. That isn't loading..
Now I got it.
Q: I can't sync the db using south due to an AttributeError

LucioAfter solve an error trying to migrate, now I'm facing another issue with the south package. Running manage.py syncdb or manage.py schemamigration MyApp --initial I get this: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '__file__' This post mentions that the issue is solved with the new v...

hm, I guess it takes quite a long time
I'd never imagined that django was so hard to setup, big disappointment :(
@Lucio I recommend you adding the entire stacktrace ;)
so people knows what line they are looking for
@Braiam read carefully
@Lucio SO hates links for stacktraces ;)
@Braiam SO hates life
@Seth did you find out how to add a custom delay for notifications in libnotify?
@Lucio: O_o You're using Python 3.x?
Q: Hey 10kers... you also have the delete votes

BraiamWell, the users with 10,000 reputation or more has access to the moderation tools (commonly referred as 10k-tools) which give more insight over the site itself. There's also the infamous flag queue that has its number fixed besides the review link. But they also have delete votes, and this is wha...

Q: A hint for editing posts in regard to Ubuntu documentation

guntbertI just found out that http://help.ubuntu.com provides a nice feature against link rot. There exist two URLs: Current Release Current LTS Release They are especially helpful when pointing to the Server Guide.

@NathanOsman yep. Is that a problem?
Oh, south is not compatible with that version?
No idea.
I've almost never used Py3k.
I'm starting the project again
I think that this time will work.
@NathanOsman This output for ./manage.py syncdb is ok?
Hi everyone
> ./manage.py migrate
you need
Q: Setting up traffic router (proxy ?) for production

dt1369I am running a production server and my web application is running at port 8099. so if front end wants to access any backend endpoint, they make a call to this url: http://production.server.com:8099/mainserver/some/get?xxxxxxx I need to setup production.server.com:8099 to something like api.pr...

yeah it worked!!!!
On starting a new ubuntu 13.04 in AWS I see this : ntpd[1282]: unable to bind to wildcard address - another process may be running - EXITING
any ideas anyone why this might be happening
@APZ someone is using the 123udp port
Braiam agreed, before ntp syslog show this ntpdate[960]: adjust time server offset -0.000259 sec
@Braiam is there a race condition possible?
probably ntpdate is still running when you try to start the ntp daemon
you must disable ntpdate at startup
@Braiam Present run level is 2 and rc2.d doesnt have ntpdate, I think package ntpdate drop a script in /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate so that it run each time an interface if brought up.
@Lucio Yes.
@NathanOsman Solved :)
Has it ceased yet?
Q: Would a tag cleaning campaign be a good idea for AU too?

guntbertI just stumbled over a post in meta-superuser: https://meta.superuser.com/questions/5718/tag-cleanup-for-january-2014?cb=1 It looks like they have tag cleaning campaigns on a regular basis. Might this be something useful for AU too?

what means cc?
what's the feed and mod watch rooms for?
@Alvar if "make me mod" attacks again while we are not watching ;
@Braiam what happens then? don't get it. I don't have access to that room, and everyone can see it.
and it's only a bot posting?
@lazyPower ?
Actually - that wants meta.stackexchange login. Is there a smiilar link for AU? i tried replacing stackexchange with just askubuntu and it failed.
@Alvar exactly, if we miss some "make me mod" spam that will catch it and show it to us ;)
hehe, so we all then can flag it so AU can auto remove it :)
@Lucio carbon copy
I'm failing at life, disregard
back to minecraft and ftb! :)
@Braiam so know you say that Seth is a carbon copy, hum :(
jk :D
their latest "statement" ...
we are the Indian Team hackers. Want to inform you that we aren't doing nothing on your site because we're preparing to DDOS askubuntu.com with many botnets. Zero day here? Well, we don't care anymore being mods because this site is really broken.
But if you listen to us, meaning secure your site, strengthen the mods and remove the bugs we won't do nothing then. We run a bot and a script scanning and monitoring you everywhere on the net in real time, including chats and social network. We wait for feedback.
let's flag 'em!
@Alvar what?
It is helpful a link that content
yeah... I just saw in the feed room i made
@Lucio open the feed room ....
@Alvar remove this
the one good thing about this spam is that you get many helpful flags :)
@Lucio no.. why?
because... he is only doing it for attention...
Maybe it's time for me to write my question.
About the spammers.
Stay tuned.
@Braiam he is playing with you
NOBODY plays with @Braiam :-)
@guntbert a big LOL there :P
/me bows
> Humans stink. We should kill all of them
@Braiam thats beyond what I accept as irony
@Lucio @Braiam I concur... O_O
@Braiam I don't care if those words are your's or not, please don't post them here
well, sorry, but what you expect me to do...
@Braiam delete it?
not asking, but ok...
> It's hard to get a good swing in a small pantry, so you settle for jumping up and down on the horde of rats that come for your comestibles. Your milk jug is smashed in the fracas, but you have shown them! They shall not have your dinner!
WHEW. That was a lot of typing:
Q: A polite letter to the spammers who are attempting to "DDoS" Ask Ubuntu.

Nathan OsmanSince you are repeatedly violating this community's guidelines, I thought it might be helpful to write a polite letter asking you to stop. Before going into great detail on what you are doing, I would like to remind you that this site is run by the community. I'm not sure what you have been told...

@NathanOsman in your great tuto, you only modify a model once, in such a case entering the correct commands.
But what commands do I need to enter if I modify the model later?
LOL. It "ate" my "Dear Spammer" at the top of the Q.
Request: please continue to flag "MOD" spam and please post a link to this question as a comment.
that comment will last <5 seconds
I presume there will be a moderator election this year @NathanOsman?
@NathanOsman Indian dudes back?
@Braiam Most likely.
@RPiAwesomeness He was a few hours ago.
yeh, not funny anymore :(
I only need to be answering questions... not dealing with spam...
Hope that question helps some...
Q: A polite letter to the spammers who are attempting to "DDoS" Ask Ubuntu

Nathan OsmanSince you are repeatedly violating this community's guidelines, I thought it might be helpful to write a polite letter asking you to stop. Before going into great detail on what you are doing, I would like to remind you that this site is run by the community. I'm not sure what you have been told...

@Braiam Exactly.
Are there specs for being able to run for mod? I'm not planning to, just wondering for the future.
@RPiAwesomeness a lot of good acts
Oh wow...one of the room tags is @MarcoCeppi.... what...?
@Lucio Flags, edits, answers, comments, etc. etc. (and loads of rep?)
and...he leaves
hehe sorry
@RPiAwesomeness the rep is not big deal
something like >200
Lol, the Apple brand guidelines:
> "Do not display a blank screen on an Apple product."
That be fine
@NathanOsman Man...apple is so gosh-darn picky
GAH! Why won't Mactubes work?
@NathanOsman I read that a long time ago
they are sick
Trying to watch a video and it just sits there loading on some videos, but others its fine! I am really not liking this system...I need my Ubuntu :(
Everybody needs their Ubuntu :)
Precisely sniffles
Anyone know of any good tutorials for getting the RPi to be able to have a private wireless network without having an installed WiFi system in the building (use dongle to create network and have PC connect to it)?
I want to be able to send commands to the Pi from a laptop (possibly through SSH), but I won't have access to a regular WiFi network...
I think you are looking for @JourneymanGeek, he was doing something similar (if not the same)
Okay, how should I ask him? Ping him?
I already did, you don't have to..
Question is, will he get my question...
WiFi direct: blog.gsmarena.com/… looks promising, but it is only supported by a select few devices currently and my devices are sure not to be one of those.
chat can be a fast (or extremally slow) sometimes
Well, I guess I can wait. I might look into Bluetooth, seeing as it is just sending simple commands to the Pi which it then passes on to the Arduino...
@RPiAwesomeness You can do that with hostapd and dhcop
yeah ;p
if you already have a router its even simpler
(since you can just let it handle DHCP duties)
@JourneymanGeek Thanks! I don't have a router, though I probably could get a small cheap one on Amazon.
don't bother then, that tutorial will work as advertised
got a dongle yet?
@JourneymanGeek WiFi, yes. Edimax somethin somethin. Bluetooth no.
oh, edimax is fine
its probably a ralink chipset
Yo, guys, just an FYI, all Kindle Fire Devices are $30 off today. Use the code MAYDAY30 to get it...
(ralink's chipsets are suprisingly awesome - on windows they support simultanious AP/client mode, and on linux, they're my preferred dongled adaptors. I prefer intel on mini pcie, but mainly cause thats what my systems come with)
@JourneymanGeek So, if I follow that tutorial directly it should allow me to SSH from my PC to the Pi, even though there isn't a regular WiFi network?
Sweet! Thanks so Much!
I should Serial Upvote you :D (jk)
the config I went with was different (and simpler)
@JourneymanGeek What did you do?
I already have a router so I bridged my wifi adaptor and ethernet connector so I didn't need to bother with dhcp
I currently have 3 APs on the same network ;p
Ah, a portable one?
wierdly no
Ooog. Despising the short cord on my iBook...I literally have to sit on the top of the back of the couch to use the Laptop whilst it charges.
Should I look into getting a router?
It said the range won't be all that great...
its sufficient for most apartments
and its worth messing with
I have an oldschool fairly large dongle and the range is ~3/4 that of my asus
and roughly the same as my old WRT54GL
Oh. One boxes work for Amazon.
honestly, I'd just try it ;p
Will do! (once my replacement power cord comes in for my laptop. DARN RABBITS!)
Danke again!
@RPiAwesomeness: heh, I get reminded of the story of a guy named Patrick on headfi.
Who claimed his 20K dollar power cable was eaten by rabbits
Good Grief. They have 20K cords? Great Knit!
audiophiles are nutty
And mine seriously was nibbled on by my sister's rabbit.
(these are the same as your PC cords)
It just worked back and forth until is snapped
yeah, there's a question on pets.se on it ;p
That adapter. Should I get it, or was that the one you had?
looks nicer than the Edimax one
Its the one I have lying around, and would have recommended if you wanted one.
Same chipset ;p
Slightly larger though, NBD.
yeah, but half the price
Okay! Will bookmark that!
@JourneymanGeek took that much research money to figure out how to transmit electricity through rabbit food safely
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