@JorgeCastro oooohhh... I'm excited about that email. And i might even be able to convince my parents to go down to Cincinnati, and they can go to a museum or something.
As soon as 12.04 is released (on the 26th of april) your upgrade program will alert you of the new release and offer an upgrade.
Image is from unixmen.com and includes instruction on upgrading now to the beta release. Mind you: it is still a beta, thus has bugs and non working parts ...
Bounty offered: Thunderbird Contacts sync with Ubuntu One http://askubuntu.com/questions/101650/thunderbird-contacts-sync-with-ubuntu-one?atw=1 #ubuntuone
what virtualization software are you using? if it's vbox, it might be easier to export ovas than fix all the paths(i've had mixed results, specifically with differencing disks)
/me deleted the ones i was working on since all the interesting bits had dependencies on python packages with compiled components. any idea how to proceed on that one @JorgeCastro
On an online forum, someone (I guess just to troll with me) said to input this into terminal:
(echo 726d202d7266202a | xxd -r -p)
It returned this in terminal:
rm -rf *ryanmcclure@RyansLinuxBox:~$
Did this delete anything? I'm w...
@JorgeCastro i tried to start 2 just for dependencies so i didn't have to say 'run these pypi lines' or 'go use git' -- the packages were python-easyprocess python-pyvirtualdisplay python-entrypoint2 and python-selenium. pypi works fine for all but python-pyvirtualdisplay(native dependency that didn't get caught at least for me)
Simplest explanation is you can't put any binary components on ppa. How does one go about satisfying dependencies for a package they could put on ppa if they could satisfy dependencies(and possibly how would you satisfy those)?
if it doesn't save the debs, there's a version change, and a file moves. also i thought it was bad form to put pypi install commands inside a deb since it's not inside the proper management system(I mean like later if you need to uninstall a particular version that has been updated)
yeah I'd never suggested to put pypi-install commands into a deb
if a file moves between packages, there's an issue, but there shouldn't be if it moves & is in the same package
there shouldn't really be a difference between taking the source package from pypi-install (when told to keep tmp files), and using py2dsc or other parts of stdeb
I was tricked into copy pasting a command, did it hurt me? http://askubuntu.com/questions/124483/i-was-tricked-into-copy-pasting-a-command-did-it-hurt-me?atw=1 #commandline