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Hello all :)
I don't see a sound theme options
maybe it's in 12.04 but not 11.10
It. Is. Finished.
William is sorry, it will not happen again.
@William Welcome back
William was being stupid. My apologies.
@AmithKK Thanks.
@William So What did you do
Wait, did I lose all my rep?
6 hours ago, by Amith KK
Why was William Suspended? :)
@William Nope... Its just temporarily 1
"Voting Irregularities".
How temporary?
William was being a dirty cheater.
@William no - it will recalc automatically... give it time
You will get it back
I will try to make it up by being especially active.
@fossfreedom But recalcs are Obsolete
@fossfreedom you should be on mso more often :)
Ok! @badp is here
@JorgeCastro what's the link on the askubuntu question...there's a really simple way. screenshotting it now
I have no Idea how I'm in trouble
Q: How do I disable the drum beat sound on the login screen?

ændrükI would have expected System ▸ Administration ▸ Login Screen ▸ Play login sound to control this, but unchecking it does not prevent the drum beat sound from playing.

@AmithKK you're in trouble?
he awakened me. He's very obviously in trouble
@jrg Probably, because whenever @badp is here, Im in trouble
@Jorge - Um, Luiz's answer was the easy way...the accepted answer is not. You're telling me to edit the accepted answer?
"I applied both of these suggestions, rebooted, and the sound still played" though
@aking1012 perhaps just a screenshot added to luis' answer outta do the trick?
assuming it works
i'll reboot and make sure it wasn't a fluke
then edit luiz + picture
@jokerdino what is that...
@jrg Persons with dupe accounts
Duplicate accounts in the site?
Mods natively have this functionality
Oh right. I was looking at the wrong tab there.
A: Can I open .debs with Synaptic in 11.10?

Amith KKYou open downloaded debs with gdebi It is not installed by default, so use this command to do so sudo apt-get install gdebi To make it default for deb handling, follow these steps Right click on any .deb file and click properties Go to the Open With Tab Select Gdebi Package Installer an...

what's the stack tag for embedding an image?
![description](link to image)
@aking1012 The img button on top
@aking1012 <3 u :)
Thanks for improving AskUbuntu :D
Q: What different DE's and shells are available?

Amith KKWhat different Desktop Environments or shells are there for Ubuntu users to install? Please list one DE / shell per post with: a description on why you like / suggest it (features, performance, etc.), a good screenshot, preferably of it running on Ubuntu and showing off some of its features, T...

yay! 3 more votes to badge
@JorgeCastro talking about saving a post, check the revs on this one :P
yeah I hit VLC up yesterday
there's a guy on twitter talking about your oracle post though
Best "How do I install Oracle Java JDK 7 on Ubuntu?" ever!! http://bit.ly/yVDyPd not useful every day, I know. But when you need it...
user image
Everyday I read that comic and look at myself.
@JorgeCastro if that was the one I wrote I would be happy, for now I just gave another +1 to @fossfreedom ;)
... oooo... i've been tweeted ... cool!
I can see this question getting more and more obscure answers...!
Q: What will happen when the Code Names of the Ubuntu releases get to Z

Luis AlvaradoThe last release was Natty Narwhal (Letter N) for the 11.04. Then it was Oneiric Ocelot (Letter O) for the 11.10. This time, the newest one will be Precise Pangolin (Letter P) for the 12.04. At this pace, what will happen when Ubuntu gets to Z. Will it start with numbers (007 Edition), will it s...

I think so too.
It is a speculative question.
I didn't feel the need to make my suggestion an answer.
... make it here then... :)
@rlemon ... ok that was obscure!
... doesnt roll off the tongue though.
You can't scroll over a sound indicator in windows and change the volume.
Ubuntu 1-0 Windows.
Ubuntu XP
Ubuntu ME/NT
Is that a smiley face or what?
Microsoft Linux?
Ubuntu 14.04 Trolling Toddlers
Q: ASP.NET MVC 3 Single-Page Application using Javascript/jQuery AJAX: Memory and Detached DOM Issues

TNCodeMonkeyI have recently built an single-page ASP.NET MVC 3 with a JS/jQuery UI (on top of the view's HTML), the general idea of the Javascript work is below. I am encountering issues with GC not properly freeing memory and leaving a large number of elements (24,000 for the biggest form, 15-20k, and 1k de...

^ this guys desperate
hm, isn't it time for the Q code name? :-)
Q: Is there a way to stop the display from turning off?

Nathan DyerI'm using the latest version of Ubuntu 11.10, and although I've disabled the lock screen options and checked the power settings, my display turns off after around ten minutes. That wouldn't be so bad, except it does it when I'm watching movies and TV shows. Is that a bug, or is there some way tha...

this was too localized
but now makes sense
I'd like to post the comment as an answer
but it's a closed question
Morning everyone.
I can't seem to find a canonical answer to this one
@GeorgeEdison - morning
got three reopen votes ;)
one more baby!
annd you just got it ;)
i'm looking @ you
@JorgeCastro: Sorry I had to run off so quick yesterday.
Anyway, I forked StackTack and I'm wokring on that.
Currently there are a few things that need updating.
rock and roll
I have a question about copyright though: paste.ubuntu.com/885081
Does that look right?
I'm essentially ascribing copyright to the original author.
(It's released under the BSD license.)
morning folks
@JorgeCastro: ---^
oh, let it be the quetzal:
man I have no idea on copyright
Do you know someone that does?
I'm just curious.
@JorgeCastro For what?
Sue Apple, perhaps.
@Oli StackTack.
I know. But the source file doesn't contain the typical comment block at the top.
So I wrote this: paste.ubuntu.com/885081
Possible stupid question incoming: Could I host a debian repository on amazon s3?
@JorgeCastro - I think I see why the login thing didn't work in that question that was edited. He was using gdm not lightdm. So the 'standard' answer didn't work for him b/c gdm plays a sound too. So, two different sounds we're talking about.
(I'll ask on the site assuming nobody says i'm stupid for trying)
@jrg I almost thought you meant a DVCS repo. for a moment there.
@GeorgeEdison Oooohhh, now theres an idea... nah. not easily.
I really don't see why not...and it's not a bad idea really.
@jrg Yes but it wouldn't be cheap (there are cheaper ways to host files)
@Oli ignore cost, I need an easy way to do this and this looks easy
@jrg you can use MegaUploads
... wait.... nvm...
@GeorgeEdison Yeah that's as good as anything, I guess. You should probably file a bug/patch suggesting they stick the copyheaders in there.
@Oli Right, but the original repo. isn't even on the same site. It's over on BitBucket.
@JorgeCastro Ok, so what I want to do is this on my local machine, and then mirror it with that tool?
@GeorgeEdison They still have an issue tracker, don't they? That's how working with upstream works... You don't always get to use your own tools :)
yeah or maybe s3cmd the resulting files up to s3
dangit, i accidentally asked the question. :(
There's always s3rsync.com/002.html if you want to use standard tools (costs even more on top of S3 - or you could use your own EC2 server - which is what they're using hence the expense)
looks complicated and looks like it'd cost money. :p
@jrg aha, look at s3copy_local
that might help
it will be epic when the s3 mirrors go online
I've been using them and they're quite fast
and theoretically the more popular a file is in s3 the more aggressively they cache it
so my hope is that the busiers the mirrors get, the more bandwidth they get
eventually they'll switch to cloudfront for archive.u.c?
I assume so
deb us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com.s3.amazonaws.com/ubuntu precise main restricted universe multiverse
substitute the zone closest to you
whats the lag time like between a package upload and when it shows up on s3?
aka, how often do you get dependency hell? ;)
so this is the best part
I've had none
because on the same zone it's basically LAN speed
Oh heck yes!!!
they sync every 30 minutes
will the partner archive be mirrored as well?
that one is tricky
due to the nature of things in partner and redistributability
but I'll find out
ok. was just curious.
"redistributability" - I love that.
it sounds way more fun that licensing concerns and i guess it could have different legal implications
Yeah, I guess I'm curious why its legal to mirror all of restricted in the US when you can't install most things in restricted in the US. :p
I wonder things like that myself sometimes
Woo, finally ubuntu accomplishments system is working.
@jokerdino oh sweet!
@jrg you might want to check it out.
I would but I don't have time. :(
Dang, @JorgeCastro - the s3 mirror is fast.
I know right
can anyone see any obvious improvements to this MySQL Query?
SELECT r.*, i.*, t.* FROM recipes AS r
LEFT JOIN ingredients_list AS i ON i.recipe_id = r.id
LEFT JOIN tags AS t ON t.id in (SELECT tag_id FROM tag_mappings WHERE recipe_id = r.id)
@jokerdino no ppa yet?
@htorque in the progress.
go go go
other than the n.*
@rlemon I'm no SQL expert, but it looks alright to me.
Bounty offered: How can I make my PC hibernate when idle? http://askubuntu.com/questions/111486/how-can-i-make-my-pc-hibernate-when-idle?atw=1 #hibernate
yea failure
A better question might be 'how does ubuntu determine if i'm using a laptop or a desktop'. then maybe you could trick it into thinking it's a laptop if it supports all those power management options...just a thought
@jokerdino - what no accomplishment for compiling ffmpeg latest from source with all options enabled?
damn, i always though i'm already ubuntu core developer :D
don't have an ubuntu one account :(
^--I meant locally :)
@aking1012 There sure should be.
in MySQL on Stack Overflow Chat, 45 secs ago, by rlemon
http://paste.ubuntu.com/885182/ here are the details of my issue.
@GeorgeEdison maybe you can help? I'm sure it's simple stuff - I always hated mysql
I hate most things about computers - and they hate me.
I had a similar problem... hang on...
What is your favorite Ubuntu?
The one that works.
Favorite version?
@aking1012 LOL what?
@rlemon you have to loop through results to build that
Hello to all
MySQL doesn't work how you want it to
@GeorgeEdison Yes.

 MySQL and relational databases

Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an e...
I was kind of helping him there.
wouldn't it be possible to set foreign keys in child tables? or does mysql not like that either?
Child tables?
maybe it's me being a derp... table {primary key} table{key foreign} syntax completely non existent -- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_key
ok i'm here now!
in MySQL on Stack Overflow Chat, 23 secs ago, by rlemon
oopsy daisy guys - Zirak got me all caught up playing with his ChatBot
blargh, how does the ubuntu accomplisments system know I'm a ubuntu member... I'm not even signed into launchpad!!
Unicorn Powahs!
@jrg - i made a launchpad account just to follow a matplot-lib globe map module issue
breathes heavily
oh god...I can't believe this just happened: askubuntu.com/questions/113272/…
I really think gaming.SE's Mass Effect 3 competition is awesome.
Getting tons of new users for the site, as well as improving thier unsanswered percentage.
@aking1012 no, its not "how do I get it working on a mac", its "how do I get it working in my VM?"
Weird bug.
Go to appearance and change your desktop. Notice that the active window will now lose focus.
@jrg - I deleted the snarky comment, but wow...it just makes my brain hurt
@jokerdino I never would have noticed that.
I noticed it because I was using wallch and it kept making me lose focus.
Clearly, the bug is in gsettings.
Or at least that's what the wallch developer says.
Is William being shunned?
takes that as yes
is saddened, but not surprised
I no shunning...on the other hand, I didn't really have a lot to say about ME3
Yep, I was refering to something else.
William has been bad boy recently, sockpuppeting. I assume I'm being shunned for that reason.
Well, now everyone knows your indiscretion, so now you will be shunned. just saying
It was never a secret.
@William Moderators don't reveal those things to the public
Making it one would only further the shunningness.
Well, I did. On G+ and here.
That's up to you though
I thought it would get out eventually.
Nothing I could do about it.
Hey can anyone lend me a hand with some networking issues caused by kerberos?
yeah, what Marco said. Moderators aren't allowed to say anything about things like that. In other words, since you shared on G+ and here, its your fault. shuts up
@aking1012 You need to edit the guy's question to put his comment at the top
@Incognito sure, whats up?
that way the next person doesn't have to read all the way down there
Basically, I just want to uninstall the thing and return to a normal networking rule set.
shuts up
got it
I can't find external domains, I can't figure out what to apt-get remove so kerberos actually dies.
Well, over now. It's out there.
@aking1012 so it's obvious he's already running vbox
@JorgeCastro I'm going to save that answer somewhere before I delete it. I know it's going to be valid for another question
@jrg I can't do DNS, and apache serves pages really slowly. We changed domain controllers recently, and actually all I want to do is remove kerberos and samba
I hate when that happens.
@Incognito Hm. Let me go look something up.
Skype! Finally!!
Only beta's have Skype?
Didnt know that.
Pfft, no skype-wrapper for Precise.
@William - thx. i needed that
Ahh, turns out I've ended up with like, gigs inside a mysql table.
at least I didn't go to the trouble of screen shots
Users in room are feeling irritable. Usually my meme gets starred. Doh. I give up.
This server's a total mess.
@William This is why we invented blogs.
I'm not seeing what package to remove.
Yeah I couldn't find them either.
The entire server looks trashed.
@Incognito what are you doing here?
@rlemon Crashing servers and taking names.
@Incognito hostnames?
Kerberos is crashed, samba is crashed, mysql is crashed.
Size of index: 203776, should be: 1024
ohh no not samba! :o
found key on page 1 that points to record outside datafile.
This is the best table of all time.
I loaded the VM to this host to repair it, it's hogging all my resources trying to clean the DB.
samba is no fun. every time i have to deploy it i use one of the ubuntu re-packs from turnkey...they seem to keep working most of the time
Dumb kerberos
Apache2 is painfully slow right now, lags up to 40 seconds.
Oh, here's a fun error I've never seen.
ata1.00: status: {DRDY ERR}
ata1.00: error: {IDNF}
end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 14843255
ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SER......
ata1.00: cmd c4/00:08:77....
Wtf is wrong with the vhd?
first guess...a lot
Moral of the story: don't use virtualbox.
@GeorgeEdison sorry I got distracted, what were we talking about
the copyright still?
It's not for anything important but I'd still like to reclaim it from the binary grave yard.
@JorgeCastro Oh, I think I got it figured out.
@Incognito - I use it a lot and it works for me mostly. The only issue I've had with it is it choking on forked differencing disks.
@aking1012 The version hasn't been udpated in 2 years.
windows decided to crash last night, while it was writing a huge chunk to the DB, while something else was going on, then it all went to garbage.
Everything works, except it's painfully slow.
@Incognito - yeah...ancient versions of vbox are bad for you. I use latest binary installer and it seems to work fine. On a funny note, they used a sheep as the new clonehd icon
@Incognito You're not running on degraded RAID, are you? A client of mine was running on degraded RAID5 for a couple of months before they bothered find out why their mail server was running so slow.
@Incognito first mammal to be cloned...
@aking1012 Ahh.
@Oli Vbox on a consumer end workstation.
Like I said, the VM's not critical, it's actually being phased out, except, it looks like it's getting phased out really quickly.

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