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@Ginger new cards pushed to repo
@lyxal okay I am back
time to do a little cloning
@lyxal aight, new cards added
wanna play?
You are the only player right now. At least two players must join to start.
Ginger has joined the game.
lyxal has joined the game. The game will begin in 15 seconds.
lets go
The game has begun.
that is quite scuffed
but it does look better
$play 0 green
Player Ginger has played a GREEN WILD. It is now lyxal's turn.
did you mean to play a wild?
I did
bot syntax?
$play [number of the card, starting from 0] [color of the card if it's a wild or +4]
It is not your turn.
$play 4
Player lyxal has played a GREEN THREE. It is now Ginger's turn.
wow that's cool
$play 3\
Bad argument. Please send the number of the card you wish to play, starting from 0.
$play 3
Player Ginger has played a GREEN PLUS2. Player lyxal draws two cards. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 6 yellow
Player lyxal has played a YELLOW WILD. It is now Ginger's turn.
(skips are broken right now and don't do anything, working on fixing it)
$play 0
Player Ginger has played a YELLOW SIX. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 1
Player lyxal has played a YELLOW FOUR. It is now Ginger's turn.
$play 1
Player Ginger has played a YELLOW SKIP. Player Ginger has been skipped. It is now Ginger's turn.
and it's my turn again for some reason
wait no, that's correct because it skipped you
I am stupid
12 secs ago, by lyxal
$play 2
Player Ginger has played a GREEN SKIP. Player Ginger has been skipped. It is now Ginger's turn.
$play 1
Player Ginger has played a GREEN SIX. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 1
Player lyxal has played a RED SIX. It is now Ginger's turn.
Player Ginger has drawn. It is now Ginger's turn.
It is not your turn.
nvm didn't read
wait gotta test something
draw until play I see
Player Ginger has drawn. It is now Ginger's turn.
okay, that's a bug
it should only let you draw once in a row
$play 2
Player Ginger has played a RED SKIP. Player Ginger has been skipped. It is now Ginger's turn.
stupid ratelimit
$play 1 blue
Player Ginger has played a BLUE PLUS4. Player lyxal draws four cards. It is now lyxal's turn.
> oof
$play 7
Player lyxal has played a BLUE PLUS2. Player Ginger draws two cards. It is now Ginger's turn.
$play 2
Player Ginger has played a BLUE FIVE. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 6
bruh you gotta be patient
the bot ain't magic
I know
$play 6
Player lyxal has played a GREEN FIVE. It is now Ginger's turn.
didn't realise it needed to post the image first
it does
Player Ginger has drawn. It is now Ginger's turn.
$play 2
Player Ginger has played a GREEN FOUR. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 5
Player lyxal has played a GREEN SKIP. Player lyxal has been skipped. It is now lyxal's turn.
Player lyxal has drawn. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 8
Player lyxal has played a GREEN ZERO. It is now Ginger's turn.
I'm not sure if I should make it so your turn ends when you draw; it's apparently against the rules but it also makes my code more simple
Player Ginger has drawn. It is now Ginger's turn.
@Ginger standard rules are draw until you can play I thought
the bot automatically does that for you; it'll give you cards until one is playable
case in point: I now have 12 cards
then that's not against the rules
that's standard uno behaviour
alright then
$play 11
Player Ginger has played a GREEN FOUR. It is now lyxal's turn.
I've binged enough uno on youtube to know you draw until play
$play 4
Player lyxal has played a BLUE FOUR. It is now Ginger's turn.
$play 5
Player Ginger has played a RED FOUR. It is now lyxal's turn.
haha fool, you fell for my trap
$play 4
Player lyxal has played a RED REVERSE. The direction of play has been reversed. It is now Ginger's turn.
you do realize that you've done absolutely nothing right? :b
a reverse with 2 people is supposed to put the turn back to the person who played the reverse
should've told me that earlier!
$play 5
Player Ginger has played a RED PLUS2. Player lyxal draws two cards. It is now lyxal's turn.
that's like a standard rule of uno
right, I'll add that after this game
$play 7
You cannot do that.
did I ever tell you I once played a real-world uno game that went on for half an hour and was aborted by consensus because I ended up with half the deck?
$play 6
Player lyxal has played a BLUE PLUS2. Player Ginger draws two cards. It is now Ginger's turn.
$play 0
@Ginger how about you tell me about the time I made you draw 2 cards?
Player Ginger has played a BLUE ONE. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 6
@lyxal how about you tell me about the time I made you draw 4 cards?
Player lyxal has played a BLUE THREE. It is now Ginger's turn.
$play 5
Player Ginger has played a BLUE SIX. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 0
Player lyxal has played a BLUE SEVEN. It is now Ginger's turn.
$play 3
Player Ginger has played a RED SEVEN. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 3
Player lyxal has played a RED FIVE. It is now Ginger's turn.
$play 4
Player Ginger has played a RED SEVEN. It is now lyxal's turn.
get hecked on
give it a second...
Player lyxal has drawn. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 4
the hardest part about this is knowing which card is at which index :p
Player lyxal has played a RED THREE. It is now Ginger's turn.
@Sʨɠɠan made me change it to zero-indexed :p
which one? :p
the default-pfp one lol
$play 2
Player Ginger has played a RED SIX. It is now lyxal's turn.
@Ginger ah, not surprising
Player lyxal has drawn. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 7
I need more data to put in the section with the joke text
this may seem like epic trolling but it's actually painful
Player lyxal has played a RED SKIP. Player lyxal has been skipped. It is now lyxal's turn.
^ that's why
Player lyxal has drawn. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 7
Player lyxal has played a YELLOW SKIP. Player lyxal has been skipped. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 0
I swear I'm done now
Player lyxal has played a YELLOW FIVE. It is now Ginger's turn.
$play 0
Player Ginger has played a YELLOW ONE. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 0
Player lyxal has played a YELLOW TWO. It is now Ginger's turn.
$play 0
Player Ginger has played a YELLOW FIVE. It is now lyxal's turn.
Player lyxal has drawn. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 5
Player lyxal has played a YELLOW SIX. It is now Ginger's turn.
hey so is the deck finite with reshuffles or is it infinite?
Player Ginger has drawn. It is now Ginger's turn.
It is not your turn.
$play 6
Player Ginger has played a YELLOW PLUS2. Player lyxal draws two cards. It is now lyxal's turn.
I had no choice
I had to draw anyway lol
saved a rate-limit if anything :p
uh bot
did it uh, die?
nope, it's still running
and my logs show that it sent the message
so I guess it's just been severely ratelimited
weird, I guess it just never sent the image
you can go now
but I don't know what I have!
you can open one of the earlier images in a new tab, it'll automatically get the latest data
ah refreshing the page works
@Ginger surprisingly it doesnt'
works on my machine! q:
wow, finally
only took it like 5 minutes
Oct 22 at 10:41, by Ginger
damn shame I'm not using your machine
$play 5
Player lyxal has played a RED PLUS2. Player Ginger draws two cards. It is now Ginger's turn.
future ginger hates past ginger
$play 7
You cannot do that.
$play 0
Player Ginger has played a RED NINE. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 2
Player lyxal has played a GREEN NINE. It is now Ginger's turn.
$play 6
Player Ginger has played a GREEN REVERSE. The direction of play has been reversed. It is now lyxal's turn.
yeah? you think you're so smart playing a reverse card?
well take this!
$play 2
Player lyxal has played a BLUE REVERSE. The direction of play has been reversed. It is now Ginger's turn.
yeah? you think you're so smart playing a reverse card?
well take this!
$play 2
Player Ginger has played a GREEN REVERSE. The direction of play has been reversed. It is now lyxal's turn.
gg wp
I'd've'd expected you to have another reverse
I don't
$play 3
Player lyxal has played a GREEN EIGHT. It is now Ginger's turn.
$play 4
Player Ginger has played a GREEN FIVE. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 2
Player lyxal has played a GREEN EIGHT. It is now Ginger's turn.
Player Ginger has drawn. It is now Ginger's turn.
$play 4 red
Player Ginger has played a RED PLUS4. Player lyxal draws four cards. It is now lyxal's turn.
it's nothing personal, just buisness
probably better than what I would have had to draw anyway
it's worse
Player lyxal has drawn. It is now lyxal's turn.
$play 8
Player lyxal has played a RED TWO. It is now Ginger's turn.
$play 3
Player Ginger has played a RED REVERSE. The direction of play has been reversed. It is now lyxal's turn.
guess what? I did have another
I don't
patience: it's a virtue
Player lyxal has drawn. It is now lyxal's turn.
@Ginger as is memory and remembering it takes time
$play 8 yellow
Player lyxal has played a YELLOW WILD. It is now Ginger's turn.
finally, a chance to do some advertising!
$play 1
Player Ginger has played a YELLOW SEVEN. It is now lyxal's turn.
I played a wild earlier
$play 2
Player lyxal has played a YELLOW FOUR. It is now Ginger's turn.
Player Ginger has drawn. It is now Ginger's turn.
frick g2g
sorry lyxal
Ginger has left the game.
I always knew it'd be fun playing uno with you :p
aw thanks
Game aborted (not enough players)
lyxal has left the game.
(also the game auto-aborts with <2 players so you don't have to leave technically)
let's play again sometime
anyhow, I should get going too
it's late o'clock
maybe when I actually have like an hour of free time
later lol o/
brb yall
@lyxal why
ill play another game if you want @Ginger
busy rn
@RadvylfPrograms you mentioned you had a spare server?
okay, the bot currently uses replit's db library which only works on replit so lemme just write a shim for it rq
2 hours later…
@lyxal I wonder if we should invite CR :p
Note to self: I need to go through and make sure all my POSTs fail on a non-successful status code
1 message moved from ­Trash

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