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3 hours later…
You are the only player right now. At least two players must join to start.
lyxal has joined the game.
lyxal has joined the game.
lyxal has joined the game.
4 hours later…
Can a SVG file be uploaded in chat: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/…
"Failed to upload image, please try again!"
Of course, in this cas I can use PNG instead: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/27/…
Hmm... "Failed to upload image, please try again!"
Downloading the PNG file and then uploading it from my computer worked.
The same thing doesn't work with SVG.
2 hours later…
You are the only player right now. At least two players must join to start.
lyxal has joined the game.
:1 reply to first message?
:2 how about now
@Feeds maybe now
first message is id 32
bot is offline rn :p
You are the only player right now. At least two players must join to start.
lyxal has joined the game.
aw I can only join once :(
4 hours later…
Q: Parlett's movement notation

Grain GhostSome chess variants use interesting non-standard pieces. In order to concisely describe new pieces or to describe pieces without requiring everyone to memorize a bunch of non-standard names some new notation can be invented. In this challenge we are going to look at Parlett's movement notation an...

I am ping
@RadvylfPrograms I am pong
@RadvylfPrograms I am Ginger
Trying to figure out how chat determines how many unacknowledged pings you have when you reload
@RadvylfPrograms a
I have no idea how it figures that out
There's no information in any of the Fetch/XHR requests that could help
And it's not included in the HTML
time to do things with uno
I think the "leave and rejoin" method will work best for player identification
I found it
where is it?
It's passed to StartChat
As a dict
So I just need to parse the HTML and find the script, then either regex match or JS parse to find the last arg to StartChat
that's horrendous
what the hell were the chat devs thinking
waiiiiiiiiiiiit, I have a better idea
Reminder to self: Listen to Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back tonight
so basically to identify yourself to the bot, the bot sends an image with an attached cookie that shows some random numbers and asks you to reply to that message with the numbers in question
That's actually ingenious
I love it
the only issue is that somebody else could maybe reply and pretend to be you, trying to figure out how to keep that from happening
Well unelss they could see your screen how could they
They'd see a different number
but how does the bot know who to send the correct random number to? that's the issue
it's kinda like a chicken and the egg problem
@Ginger Wait what
You'd just send every person who requests the image a random number in the image, and log their cookie ID and the random number they were sent
Then, if someone replies with a number, you see what that number's cookie ID was, and what account replied, and you know which account had that cookie
You're underselling the effectiveness of your own solution :p
but someone else could reply with their number
and the bot couldn't tell the difference
@Ginger With someone else's number?
How would they know what the number is
I get it
@RadvylfPrograms what do you see in that image?
@GingerBot eggs
@GingerBot aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
alright let's see if this works
(it did not work)
You are not registered. Please reply to the below image with the text you see:
what image
You are not registered. Please reply to the below image with the text you see:
@GingerBot fd202a82
@Ginger Verified!
wow, that worked
I was not expecting that
You are not registered. Please reply to the below image with the text you see:
@GingerBot fd202a82
You are not registered. Please reply to the below image with the text you see:
@GingerBot fd202a82
@Ginger Verified!
You are the only player right now. At least two players must join to start.
Ginger has joined the game.
Ginger has left the game.
Game aborted (no players)
You are not registered. Please reply to the below image with the text you see:
You are the only player right now. At least two players must join to start.
there we go
Ginger has joined the game.
Ginger has left the game.
Game aborted (no players)
You are the only player right now. At least two players must join to start.
Ginger has joined the game.
@RadvylfPrograms hey
I got joining and leaving working
oop it broke
one sec
Well I'mma practice the latter 'cause I'm in class o/
alright there we go
aw darn
You are the only player right now. At least two players must join to start.
Ginger has joined the game.
You are not registered. Please reply to the below image with the text you see:
it has to be a reply
and also don't do it yet
I'm fixing a problem with the cookies
I'd drop the reply requirements
can't do that, sorry
alright, it should work now
You are not registered. Please reply to the below image with the text you see:
@GingerBot fd202a82
@GingerBot 8359cddc
@Ginger Verified!
You are the only player right now. At least two players must join to start.
Ginger has joined the game.
there we go
@RadvylfPrograms okay it should work now
Ginger has left the game.
Game aborted (no players)
You are not registered. Please reply to the below image with the text you see:
@GingerBot a4eed7ac
@RadvylfPrograms Verified!
You are the only player right now. At least two players must join to start.
Radvylf Programs has joined the game.
the game won't actually do anything if we start but at least that works
Also, just to make sure, the text I see is totally separate from my cookie ID right?
yes, it's part of a hash of the cookie
a secure hash
Ginger has joined the game. The game will begin in 15 seconds.
it crashed
You can use a link from the web as a PFP
I am going to
make a PFP
and it will be a random color every time
it will be cool
darn, it doesn't seem to work with the clock image
oh my god I just had an awful idea
brb, I'll tell you when I get back
I do not think that is correct
@lyxal can you do the colorizing? my code doesn't work

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