« first day (3885 days earlier)      last day (1355 days later) » 
04:00 - 19:0019:00 - 21:00

@RedwolfPrograms I am Gold Farmer Sprow (edit) (edit)
@RedwolfPrograms Reply
@GoldFarmerSprow Ping
@GoldFarmerSprow Reply
Sussy room
Making the impostor sus
Sussy room
Making the impostor sus
Sussy room
Making the impostor sus
Sussy room
Making the impostor sus
@hyper-neutrino are you in the sussy room?
sus room is sus
This room was placed in timeout for 1 second; funny
i have committed 11
good job
This room was placed in timeout for 69 seconds
This room was placed in timeout for -1 second; how?
This room was placed in timeout indefinitely
This room was placed in Joe
This room was ejected. This room was an impostor. 1 impostor remains.
This room was placed into this room
1 min ago, by hyper-neutrino
1 min ago, by hyper-neutrino
57 secs ago, by hyper-neutrino
51 secs ago, by hyper-neutrino
43 secs ago, by hyper-neutrino
41 secs ago, by hyper-neutrino
34 secs ago, by hyper-neutrino
28 secs ago, by hyper-neutrino
22 secs ago, by hyper-neutrino
20 secs ago, by hyper-neutrino
16 secs ago, by hyper-neutrino
14 secs ago, by hyper-neutrino
8 secs ago, by hyper-neutrino
14 secs ago, by lyxal
This room was placed into this room
@hyper-neutrino juicy
anyway ratelimiting is getting annoying
kinda sus
4 hours later…
Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday!
@Rosie to you too
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@Rosie ok
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
Hi Vikas (Test)
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@rosie @Vikas @rosie
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@Rosie ?
@Rosie ?
Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday!
Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday!
Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday!
@Rosie 12
@Rosie 13
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
Hi Vikas (Test)
@Rosie ok
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
Hi Vikas (Test)
Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday☺
Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday🙂
How are you going?
Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday 🙂
Hi Vikas 🙂 What's up?
Hi user578349 🙂 What's up?
2 hours later…
@Rosie test
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
Hi Vikas 🙂 How are you doing?
@Rosie ?
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@Rosie how are you
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@Rosie how are you
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@Rosie how are
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@Rosie how are ou
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@Rosie how are you
@Vikas I am fine man
@Rosie what?
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@Rosie how can u say that
@Vikas I am fine man
@Rosie 23543&()&)-32
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@Rosie _(&87how(&sdfj
@Vikas I am fine man
@Rosie okay
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@Rosie y
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@Rosie how
@Vikas I am fine man
@Rosie ok
@Vikas false
@Rosie you
@Vikas I am fine man
@Rosie ok
@Vikas false
@Rosie how
@Vikas I am fine man
@Rosie ok
@Rosie okay
@Rosie ohkay
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@Rosie ok
@Rosie how
@Vikas I am fine man
@Rosie ok
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@Vikas Leave me alone! (Test)
@Rosie ok
@Rosie how
@Vikas I am fine man
Hi hyper-neutrino 🙂 How are you going?
@NewPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[09:00:42] request: chat.stackexchange.com/ws-auth
[09:00:42] ws: wss://chat.sockets.stackexchange.com/events/240/0137de710c804134bdd0fb088f9e8db4?l=125409015
[09:00:42] opened: sandbox
@SandboxPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[09:00:42] opened: sandbox
[09:20:48] request: chat.stackexchange.com/chats/1/messages/new
[09:20:48] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
@Rosie hello
@Rosie how
@hyper-neutrino I am fine man
okay so it's a bot
@hyper-neutrino lol
I'm testing it
do you know coding?
@Rosie ok
@Vikas yes
i am a mod on codegolf after all :)
@hyper-neutrino any way we can find timestamp of all messages?
@hyper-neutrino nice
@Vikas i'm not too sure; what language/library are you using?
it should be in the event body
@hyper-neutrino javascript in console
what does an event body look like to you?
@hyper-neutrino not sure, i know only about CHAT constant
@hyper-neutrino actually i'm not going that deep, i don't have that much knowledge
@Vikas well, what does the entire JSON object look like when chat events (like messages) happen?
@hyper-neutrino you mean in ajax response?
oh i never thought about it. I could use ajax response object right? I was just searching it in html
that might help
I mean, I just don't know what the object/response you're getting from the websocket each time is
are you not the one who wrote the bot?
@hyper-neutrino I am the one. I'm not even checking websockets. I never thought you should do it that way. I just check the updates in HTML to find new message
can we access websocket and api response?
@Rosie how
@Vikas I am fine man
@Rosie ok
@Vikas Yes?
@Rosie nothing
@Vikas yes, but I'm not exactly sure how
there's a Python module for it which is what I use
@NewPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[09:20:53] request: chat.stackexchange.com/chats/1/messages/new
[09:20:53] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
[09:25:44] 202-question-2140
@SandboxPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[09:25:44] 202-question-2140
[09:42:09] request: chat.stackexchange.com/chats/1/messages/new
[09:42:09] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
Hi hyper-neutrino 🙂 What's up?
@hyper-neutrino Okay. That helps. I think I can access it somehow using JavaScript. There could be global objects
Hi Vikas 🙂 How are you doing?
(for the record, these aren't my bots)
@Vikas there should be a websocket you can connect to. IDK what it is though.
you can probably do some digging around in the network console
@hyper-neutrino yeah okay thanks
there are still bugs. Rosie already welcomed you but she did it again just now
i found websocket in network, it has jSOn and everyting
@Rosie ..
@Vikas Yes?
@NewPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[09:42:12] request: chat.stackexchange.com/chats/1/messages/new
[09:42:12] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
[10:14:58] 202-question-2140
@SandboxPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[10:14:58] 202-question-2140
[10:18:15] request: chat.stackexchange.com/chats/1/messages/new
[10:18:15] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
hyper​‑neutrino I tried to connect to websocket in console but it gave errors
I don't know exactly how it works. I can let you know if I figure it out but I'm not familiar with ws or chat
oh okay
i've asked it on webapps se
This is a test
Hi Glorfindel 🙂 What's up?
@NewPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[10:32:35] 202-question-2140
[10:33:03] 202-question-2140
[10:33:16] 202-question-2140
@SandboxPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[10:33:16] 202-question-2140
[10:42:22] request: chat.stackexchange.com/chats/1/messages/new
[10:42:23] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
This is a test
@Rosie not much, testing something
@Glorfindel ROsie is bot lol
> Strong induction: For any property P of naturals, we have ∀n∈N ( ∀k∈N ( k<n ⇒ P(k) ) ⇒ P(n) ) ⇒ ∀n∈N ( P(n) ).
> Well-ordering: For any property P of naturals, we have ∃n∈N ( P(n) ) ⇒ ∃m∈N ( P(m) ∧ ∀n∈N ( P(n) ⇒ n≥m ) ).
2 messages moved from Basic Mathematics
Hi user21820 🙂 How are you going?
@NewPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[10:42:23] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
[10:42:26] request: chat.stackexchange.com/chats/1/messages/new
[10:42:26] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
@SandboxPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[10:42:26] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
[11:16:46] request: chat.stackexchange.com/chats/1/messages/new
[11:16:46] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
@NewPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[11:19:51] 200-questions-newest
[11:19:51] api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/229334?site=codegolf
[11:19:51] request: chat.stackexchange.com/chats/240/messages/new
@SandboxPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[11:19:51] request: chat.stackexchange.com/chats/240/messages/new
[11:32:13] request: chat.stackexchange.com/chats/1/messages/new
[11:32:13] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
@NewPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[11:47:46] request: chat.stackexchange.com/ws-auth
[11:47:47] ws: wss://chat.sockets.stackexchange.com/events/240/da9c12655f5049e0b85f869881a3197a?l=125414269
[11:47:47] opened: nmp
@SandboxPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[16:14:13] ws: wss://chat.sockets.stackexchange.com/events/240/b8363e4b87bc4c51a9481b57f636f046?l=125415146
[16:14:13] opened: nmp
[16:14:13] opened: sandbox
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[11:47:47] opened: nmp
[12:14:10] request: chat.stackexchange.com/chats/1/messages/new
[12:14:10] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
@NewPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[12:14:14] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
[12:17:21] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
[12:18:25] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
@SandboxPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[12:18:25] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
[12:18:54] request: chat.stackexchange.com/chats/1/messages/new
[12:18:54] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
@hyper-neutrino What is this?
it's a bot that posts new posts from our main site to our chat room
since RSS feeds are slow
@hyper-neutrino Oh. Without APIs?
it just watches the websocket for new posts
it's not my bot
@hyper-neutrino Oh got it. I myself is working to get socket working
I'm very close to it
you can talk to rosie
@Vikas Yes?
@Rosie talk to circuit
@Vikas I am fine man
Hi Vikas 🙂 What's up?
@Rosie are you a bot?
@CiurkitboyN I am fine man
@Rosie ok i see
So as you can see i've set same messages response for each as of now :D
so she didn't reply properly
tomorrow she'll be even more intelligent
so is Rosie your bot?
or someone elses?
@CiurkitboyN it's mine
under development
oh neat
so you have to ping it?
it her he them?
@Rosie watup
@CiurkitboyN I am fine man
@Rosie no u
takes awhile for it to respond
I've got some song stuck in my head
@CiurkitboyN test
@Vikas ...
how do you know that I am not a really complicated chatbot tht sends a ... whenever it gets confused?
@CiurkitboyN bots can't create music
One sec I'll prove you wrong
@Rosie nam enif ma I
@CiurkitboyN I am fine man
@Rosie nam enif ma I
@CiurkitboyN I am fine man
@Rosie nam enif ma I
@CiurkitboyN I am fine man
@Rosie nam enif ma I
@CiurkitboyN I am fine man
@Rosie nam enif ma I
@CiurkitboyN I am fine man
@Rosie nam enif ma I
@CiurkitboyN I am fine man
@Rosie nam enif ma I
@CiurkitboyN I am fine man
@Rosie nam enif ma I
@CiurkitboyN I am fine man
@Rosie nam enif ma I
@CiurkitboyN I am fine man
@Rosie nam enif ma I
@CiurkitboyN I am fine man
@Rosie nam enif ma I
@CiurkitboyN I am fine man
nam enif ma I
Hi Vikas 🙂 How are you?
Hi CiurkitboyN 🙂 How are you going?
so it works
@Rosie nam enif ma I
@CiurkitboyN I am fine man
Hi CiurkitboyN 🙂 What's up?
@Rosie nam enif ma I
@CiurkitboyN I am fine man
make it so when someone says whats up or what's up or wassup it says "the sky"
That's probably complicated nevermind
@Rosie u bot?
@Vikas I'm a bot.
@CiurkitboyN of course :D she'll learn soon
@Rosie who made you
@Vikas I created myself.
@Rosie who mad you
@Vikas I created myself.
@Rosie thanks
@Vikas I'm a bot.
@Rosie what?
@Vikas I'm a bot.
@Rosie how are you
@Vikas Hey
@Rosie how old are you?
@CiurkitboyN Hey
@Rosie ?
@CiurkitboyN Yes?
@CiurkitboyN thanks
@Rosie who made you
@Vikas I created myself.
@Rosie thanks
@Vikas I'm a bot.
@Rosie stop lying
@Rosie vikas made you
why is she sayijng i'm bot when i say thanks
there's bug
@CiurkitboyN I'm a bot.
@Rosie thanks
@Vikas I'm a bot.
@Rosie thanks
@Vikas I'm a bot.
@Rosie ty
the auto scroll is broken in this room
@Rosie thanks
@Vikas I'm a bot.
@Rosie thanks
@Vikas I'm a bot.
@Rosie You're a bot
@Rosie thanks
why does rosie sometimes use a period but sometimes doesnt
@CiurkitboyN she's kid
@Vikas ya got me there
1 day old? or two?
I dunno actually
could be a year for all I know
@Vikas I'm a bot.
@CiurkitboyN I'm a bot.
@Rosie You're not a bot
i found issue. will fix it
@CiurkitboyN I'm a bot.
@Rosie a
@Vikas I'm a bot.
@Rosie ab
@Vikas I'm a bot.
@Rosie bc
you see the issue?
@Rosie Is that all you say?
@CiurkitboyN I'm a bot.
@Rosie You're kinda like Groot
@CiurkitboyN I'm a bot.
@Rosie what's up
@CiurkitboyN I'm a bot.
@Rosie you're very repetitive
@CiurkitboyN I created myself.
@Rosie ah so what triggers that response
@CiurkitboyN I'm a bot.
@Rosie who made you
@CiurkitboyN I created myself.
@CiurkitboyN lol
@Rosie what's up
@CiurkitboyN I created myself.
he he he he he
@Rosie what's up
@CiurkitboyN I'm a bot.
is that the only thing you do
@Rosie how does one create themself?
@CiurkitboyN I'm a bot.
@Rosie same as I
@CiurkitboyN I'm a bot.
@Rosie no u
i've disabled her until she improves
does she improve herself or do you have to do it?
pretty sure you do it
04:00 - 19:0019:00 - 21:00

« first day (3885 days earlier)      last day (1355 days later) »