With SE chat I have noticed strange stuff when doing preformatted text
But it seems like if we want this the entire message needs to be four-space indented
Like that.
It seems like we can't mix preformatted text and normal text in one message.
But we can still do multiline, I think.
But does multiline prevent [links](https://gaming.stackexchange.com/)?
That seems to be the case, if your chat message spans multiple lines, it no longer parses []() link syntax correctly.
Oh, but it looks like inline code works just fine though.
But does it work with `multiline`?
No it doesn't.
Okay, I get the hang of it now. If your message is multiline, *mini markdown* **no longer** [works](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) `at all`.
But if your message does not contain line feeds, you can include as muchmarkdown as you wish.
Apologies for rambling by the way, just trying to test the weird Markdown behaviour in chat
Like, can I mix bold and italics? Yes I can.
But I can't put links inside of italics or links inside of bold.
@ExpertCoder14 that's still preformatted because the unescaped ` are apart of markdown while my assumption is that multiline it just assumes it's going to be code, don't use markdown since all the SE chats did come from SO and you can expect people posting code in chat
Don't go to w3schools. Check the w3c documentation for pre and code instead.
The PRE element tells visual user agents that the enclosed text is
"preformatted". When handling preformatted text, visual user agents:
May leave white space intact.
May render text with a fixed-p...