Its not like i have any power to do anything about it even if I disagreed. I didn't get a reason why you wanted to delete the messages from the other room so I got curious
IMO its better for you to 'hide in plain sight' than to ask others to help you remain unnoticed. Precisely because of your request to delete in the earlier room, I almost notified a moderator to your messages
On Math SE (main site), you have to provide some context in your question, typically your own effort in trying to solve it. Whether it is a logic puzzle or not.
However, in chat, you are free to say whatever you like as long as you do not deliberately say offensive things.
Also, check the room description for whether it is on-topic or not, or ask the regular users in the room.
In particular, your messages here were not offensive and so do not deserve to be moved to trash. However, they were in fact off-topic for this room (read the room description for the relevant topics).
Lol. Sorry, I have never stepped in here prior, I only saw that the room exists...and I also did suggest the puzzle solving SE. And you shouldn't trust strangers on the internet ;)
@SpecterProphet Not sure. I don't recall being suspended before, and usually once people get suspended once (99% for offensive remarks), they don't try again so quickly.
@SpecterProphet If you're innocent but get suspended from chat, you should probably contact the moderators directly to ask them to investigate who flagged you. The reason is that chat flags need to be validated by a number of other currently active chat users with 10k+ rep.
Each can either say "valid" or "invalid".
So if you really get suspended from chat, it must be because a number of users concur that the flag was valid.
Chat flags are not handled by moderators but by normal 10k+ rep users.