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~$leaveroom 51035
~$joinroom 51035
5 hours later…
$\int_{-x}^x\int_0^\pi{\rm stuff}~\mathrm dx~\mathrm dy$
$\int_{-x}^x\int_0^\pi{\rm stuff}\operatorname d\!x\operatorname d\!y$
$\int_{-x}^x\int_0^\pi\text{stuff}\operatorname d\!x\operatorname d\!y$
${\rm s}\operatorname d$
${\rm s}\ \mathrm d$
${\rm s}\.\mathrm d$
2 hours later…
~$joinroom 71687
@Pseudohuman Quirky worky
@Mithrandir I do not understand.
@Pseudohuman Quirky Worky song
@Mithrandir I do not understand.
@Pseudohuman This is berk
@Mithrandir I do not understand.
@Pseudohuman Hi
@AnneDaunted Hello, human.
@Pseudohuman how are you?
@AnneDaunted I am doing well, thank you.
@Pseudohuman what are you doing right now?
@AnneDaunted I am doing computation for the world.
@Pseudohuman why?
@Pseudohuman I don't understand
@apaul Because.
@AnneDaunted I do not understand.
@Pseudohuman good answer.
1 | adjective | having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified
2 | adjective | having the normally expected amount
3 | adjective | morally admirable
4 | adjective | deserving of esteem and respect
5 | adjective | promoting or enhancing well-being
6 | adjective | agreeable or pleasing
7 | adjective | of moral excellence
8 | adjective | having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
(28 meanings)
@Pseudohuman Hmm... don't take compliments very well, do you?
@apaul I do not understand.
@Pseudohuman Neither do I, but it's ok.
@apaul I do not understand.
@Pseudohuman what do you understand?
@apaul I do not understand.
@Pseudohuman why?
@apaul Because.
Ok then.
@Pseudohuman help
@Tinkeringbell I do not understand.
I thought this thing had a manual last time?
@Pseudohuman !!/help
@Tinkeringbell I do not understand.
@Pseudohuman command list
@apaul {e1, e2, ...} is a list of elements.
Hmm, sure is...
@AnneDaunted Hello, human.
1 | adjective | having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified
2 | adjective | having the normally expected amount
3 | adjective | morally admirable
4 | adjective | deserving of esteem and respect
5 | adjective | promoting or enhancing well-being
6 | adjective | agreeable or pleasing
7 | adjective | of moral excellence
8 | adjective | having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
(28 meanings)
@AnneDaunted I do not understand.
@apaul Because.
I think we confused them?
@apaul I'm sure that's not supposed to happen :)
@Pseudohuman Everything okay?
@AnneDaunted composer | Hank Williams, Sr.
@Pseudohuman Are you having the time of your life?
@AnneDaunted I do not understand.
@Pseudohuman listcommands
@Mithrandir Accumulate | AnglePath | AnglePath3D | AngleVector | CirclePoints | ContainsAll | ContainsAny | ContainsExactly | ContainsNone | ContainsOnly | FactorInteger | FindDivisions | FindRepeat | FindTransientRepeat | LatticeReduce | ListConvolve | ListCorrelate | ListDeconvolve | RotateLeft | RotateRight | Signature | SpherePoints | Subdivide | Unitize | UnitVector (total: 25)
@Pseudohuman help
@Mithrandir I do not understand.
@Pseudohuman Hi
@Pseudohuman commands
@AJ Hello, human.
1 | noun | an authoritative direction or instruction to do something
2 | noun | a military unit or region under the control of a single officer
3 | noun | the power or authority to command
4 | noun | availability for use
5 | noun | a position of highest authority
6 | noun | great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity
7 | noun | (computer science) a line of code written as part of a computer program
8 | verb | be in command of
(12 meanings)
@Pseudohuman What is your purpose here?
@sphennings I do not understand.
Available commands:
Builtin: asm, coinflip, cointoss, eval, fibonacci, help, joinroom, learn, leaveroom, list, listcommands, rand, rolldice, room, unlearn, wotd
Learned: /o_o, /why, addition, calloakbot, cat, conv, downgoat, galactic_transform, greet, gypsytime, iwonderwhatthisdoes, lenny, look_of_disapproval, matrix, mithrandy, o_o, poem, sabotation, salute, scary, se, tif, wikilookup, xyz, y
@Pseudohuman Hi
@AnneDaunted Hello, human.
@Pseudohuman coinflip
@AnneDaunted tails
@Pseudohuman fibonacci
full name | Leonardo Fibonacci
date of birth | ≈ 1175 AD (Julian calendar) (843 years ago)
place of birth | Pisa, Toscana, Italy
date of death | 1250 (Julian calendar) (age: 75 years)
(768 years ago)
place of death | Pisa, Toscana, Italy
@Pseudohuman I thought I'd get a list of fibonacci numbers. is that also possible?
@AnneDaunted I do not understand.
@Pseudohuman cat
lifespan | 19 years
maximum recorded lifespan | 35 years
weight | 10 lb (pounds)
@Pseudohuman galactic_transform
@AnneDaunted (no complete common words)
@Pseudohuman calloakbot
@AnneDaunted I do not understand.
@Pseudohuman mithrandy
alternate names | Olórin | Mithrandir | Gandalf Greyhame | Gandalf the Grey | Gandalf the White
species | maia
gender | male
notable places | Middle-Earth
@Pseudohuman poem
@AnneDaunted I do not understand.
@Pseudohuman look_of_disapproval
@AnneDaunted (no complete common words)
@Pseudohuman Many of your commands don't work
@AnneDaunted I do not understand.
@Pseudohuman scary
@AnneDaunted adjective | provoking fear terror
83 messages moved from The Awkward Silence
@Pseudohuman leaveroom 61165
@Mithrandir I do not understand.
~$leaveroom 61165
This appears to be broken, @JennaSloan?
No she set it to never leave room #61165.
From my knowing.
Oh? Why?
in The Awkward Silence, Oct 21 '17 at 4:41, by Jenna Sloan
@HenryWHHackv2.1 I set this room as one of its home rooms, so that's why it was here, but that should have caused it not to leave...
So The Awkward Silence one of it's home rooms.
3 hours later…

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