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Diagram with AMSCD:
K(X) @>{ch}>> H(X;\mathbb Q);\\
@VVV @VVV \\
K(Y) @>{ch}>> H(Y;\mathbb Q);
Do I need to include \require{AMScd}?
K(X) @>{ch}>> H(X;\mathbb Q);\\
@VVV @VVV \\
K(Y) @>{ch}>> H(Y;\mathbb Q);
Ok, this works. Since I am not familiar with AMScd syntax and I more often use xypic, probably a more natural solution for me is to use presheaf website and then include the picture.
The above is what I get after typing this into presheaf:
K(X) \ar^{ch}[r] \ar[d] & H(X,\mathbb Q) \ar[d]\\
K(Y) \ar^{ch}[r] & H(Y,\mathbb Q)
Presheaf provided me also with this link - I am not sure how stable it is: presheaf.com/?d=d436d21r6r3h1w5p565g6o2i5m5l2c1v
If I want the diagram to be oneboxed, the picture has to be the only thing in the message. So if I want to share both diagram and xypic source or preshef link, I need two separated messages.
TIOBot logged in!
#TIO shnap println("Hello World")
@Socratic Phoenix
Hello World
#TIO do shnap println("Hello World")
@Socratic Phoenix Hello World
TIOBot logging off!
TIOBot logged in!
#TIO run shnap println("Hello World")
@Socratic Phoenix
Hello World
#TIO do shnap fpraos
@Socratic Phoenix
#TIO run shnap fpraos
#TIO java-openjdk public class Main { public static void main(String... args) {System.out.println("Hello World");} }
@Socratic Phoenix
Hello World
#TIO shnap fpraos
TIOBot logging off!
2 hours later…
TIOBot logged in!
#TIO version
TIOBot logged in!
#TIO version
@Socratic Phoenix TIOBot v 0.0.3
#TIO help
@Socratic Phoenix TIOBot command list
#TIO shnap println("How are you today?")
@Socratic Phoenix
How are you today?
#TIO nolang stuff
@Socratic Phoenix sorry, but I couldn't find any languages matching "nolang"
@SocraticPhoenix Thank you so much for your work. TIOBot greatly enhanced my APL learning session.
#TIO do shnap importTo("shnap.math",this) println(list(fib(10)))
@Socratic Phoenix [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]
@Adám sure no problem :) it was fun
@SocraticPhoenix YOu didn't make your code open source, did you?
@SocraticPhoenix Ah, cool. I'd like to have a dedicated APL bot called "APL" for the APL room, so that I can just write: @APL 2+2 and it inserts run apl-dyalog ⎕← automatically.
When I told my boss about your bot, he said we should get a twitter bot too.
@Adám I could probably add an option to add simple commands that delegate to a specific language
@Adám I don't know how do to twitter :(
I did make one for discord tho
@SocraticPhoenix These days, a lot of mobile apps are just thin wrappers on websites or webservices. It'd be cool to have an APL Android app…
@SocraticPhoenix Ah, so I could do #TIO #APL means #TIO run apl-dyalog ⎕←
And that would cause it to start listening for messages that begin with #APL
@Adám Ye something like that
I'm a bit busy right now but I'll look into adding that later :)
oh also there is a chat room for the bot, so we don't have to keep using the sandbox xD
TIOBot logged in!
#TIO alias command Shnap #TIO run shnap println(%args%)
@Socratic Phoenix you do not have permission to edit settings for this room!
TIOBot logging off!
TIOBot logged in!
#TIO alias command Shnap #TIO run shnap println(%args%)
@Socratic Phoenix you do not have permission to edit settings for this room!
TIOBot logged in!
#TIO alias command Shnap #TIO run shnap println(%args%)
why tho
TIOBot logged in!
#TIO alias command Shnap #TIO run shnap println(%args%)
@Socratic Phoenix Added alias for shnap
#Shnap "Hello world"
#Shnap "Hello world"
#Shnap "Hello world"
TIOBot logged in!
#TIO alias command Shnap #TIO run shnap println(%args%)
@Socratic Phoenix Added alias for shnap
#Shnap "Hello world"
TIOBot logged in!
#TIO alias command Shnap #TIO run shnap println(%args%)
@Socratic Phoenix Added alias for shnap
#Shnap "Hello world"
@Socratic Phoenix
Hello world
TIOBot logging off!
2 hours later…
MathJax test:
psi $\psi\Psi$
phi $\phi\Phi$
epsilon $\epsilon\Epsilon\varepsilon\Varepsilon$
MathJax test:
psi $\psi\Psi$
phi $\phi\Phi$
epsilon $\epsilon\Epsilon\varepsilon\Varepsilon$
5 hours later…
TIOBot logged in!
#TIO alias command #shnap #TIO run shnap %args%
@SocraticPhoenix Added alias for #shnap
#shnap println("hello world")
hello world
TIOBot logging off!
TIOBot logged in!
#TIO alias view
#TIO shnap println("hi")
#TIO alias view
@SocraticPhoenix expected more arguments...
TIOBot logging off!
TIOBot logged in!
#TIO alias view
Command Aliases:#shnap -> #TIO run shnap %args%Languge Aliases:
TIOBot logging off!
TIOBot logged in!
#TIO alias view
Command Aliases:
#shnap -> #TIO run shnap %args%
Languge Aliases:
#shnap println(1)
TIOBot logging off!

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