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@Tyilo test
@Tyilo Create a T9 keyboard
@Tyilo Create a T9 keyboard
@Tyilo Almost-correct answers
@Tyilo The command test does not exist
@Tyilo 2785
@Tyilo 569
@Tyilo The command tag does not exist
@Tyilo You have not provided enough arguments
!!tag code-golf
!!tag codegolf
!!tag codegolf
!!tag codegolf
!!tag code-golf
@Tyilo Tag not found
!!tag code-golf
@Tyilo Tag not found
!!tag code-golf
@Tyilo Code-golf is a competition to solve a particular problem in the fewest bytes of source code. If you want to score by characters instead of bytes, state this explicitly in the challenge. If source code length is not the primary scoring criterion, consider using another tag instead.
!!metatag sandbox
@Tyilo A sandbox is a place where you can post proposed challenges for others to review.
@Tyilo You have not provided enough arguments
!!metatag hello
@Tyilo Tag not found
@Tyilo 5
@Tyilo 0
Sorry for the spam, had to test a script ;^)
@Tyilo 5
@Tyilo 1
4 hours later…
@Tyilo No worries; this is the Sandbox, it's allowed here :)

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