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Jesus Christ. Anyone else following the Woolwich incident?
what is that?
@ShotgunNinja is that in OK?
No, Woolwich, London.
What's going on? o.o
Two crazy motherfuckers ran over a guy, then decapitated him with knives.
.... ugh that's disturbing
They were very calm and collected about it, and even posed for a passing bus so that the people on it could take pictures of it.
There's even a video of them, bloody hands and all.
Holy crap, they filmed it?
can't watch damnit :((( I hate my internet
BBC News has a video up, and the original is on Youtube.
only 43 secs
this should be okay
10 minutes or so
Why the hell would he kill someone. Douche bag.
That's not justification. It's more evidence for them to consider you criminally insane.
They don't have to consider him anything. He got a point across, made a huge international media frenzy (which will hit by tonight or tomorrow), and then died. One of the guys was shot by police, then the other blew his own finger off when his gun misfired, then got shot as well.
At least, I think they're dead; I haven't heard heads or tails about their whereabouts or condition.
It doesn't seem like they were trying to escape anyway.
he's from africa it seems
Nah - he's from London.
Listen to his accent.
his accent is totally not british
@AlexM. Did you watch the video? I caught no hint of an African Accent
For sure his roots lie there.
yup watching it now
that doesn't sound british to me. the commentator sounds british.
@AlexM. watch more Dr.Who
is there some info on the identity of the attackers?
I tend to not consider TV shows a good example for anything
this guy sounds just like general butt naked
also why would he talk about "his land" if he was 100% british
@AlexM. He's not.
Lol you can look at him and tell :P
If I'm black, and I was born in Romania and my dad was Romanian . Am I Romanian?
wish google didn't take 20 seconds to load
maybe I could find more about where the guy came from
the London police should pack the guys up
and send them to my ISP's HQ
@ShotgunNinja The two knifemen were shot by armed police and are currently being treated in separate hospitals.
"We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you. The only reason we have done this is because Muslims are dying every day. This British soldier is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."
weee this shit again
@AlexM. Wait what?
what don't you understand?
Where you got that from lol o.o Who said that
the guy said that
got it off the guardian iirc
Oh god v_v
no comment
not sure people are that black around @Gajoo 's parts
so he might not be from there
@AlexM. ?
@Gajoo Where are you from?
people are black around me? you mean their skin color? or their attitude?
@Gajoo lol attitude :P
@ShotgunNinja how d you not know?
@Gajoo I don't pay attention for the most part.
the guy is considered to be related to al qaeda, which originates around iraq, which I believe is near iran
@ShotgunNinja Iran
this guy is I'd say of african origin
@AlexM. Iran is completely separated from those guys,
he might have some british accent but it's totally not a natural
it still sounds like the english they speak down in south africa
@Gajoo yup, but is it not nearby?
@AlexM. oh right. they were a colony right?
yes, though I'm not sure the kingdom had all of the control, let me wiki it
I should know this, with all of the Jules Verne I read
in fact there are lots of terrorist organizations around Iran, but they are hated in Iran
Cape Town became a British colony in 1806.
@Gajoo yeah man, but I was asking about his skin colour
Guys, there are a lot of countries where people are black and give praise to Allah. Let's not venture a guess until we hear more about it.
@AlexM. there are all types of skin color.
fair enough
For fear of offending any groups who are not affiliated with the two.
we've got plenty of diversity too
actually I see people with obvious african origins all the time here in my city :O
oh the shame!
but usually people are brownish...
I don't actually know the english word for that (and google was no help in this case)
the only people from around your parts I ever met were a family at a restaurant, near the sea shore
they were really nice people
offering to help us find a place to sit at a table when it was mostly full
a fellow Romanian would go like "man what the fuck, get your own seat, I'm eating here"
most iranian are like that.
most is the keyword here.
the others, well they are worst than Romanians you described :D
hah, I guess each country has its own assholes
can't be perfect
anyway, it's almost 2 AM here, and this time I'm supposed to be up at 7 AM (!!!)
but I'll skip half of the first seminar and go at...
8 and a half or so
yeah, sounds like a plan!
@AlexM. sound like my everyday life :D
so turned out the bug in my code was not my fault, it was linux kernel's. but there was a workaround.
Interesting Results are Interesting.
I like how Dijkstra attempts to go through little diagonal cracks :P Makes it seem like it's cheating(when it is actually not).
@CodeAssassin yellow is A*?
I assume you are not working with todders code right?
@Gajoo Todders fixed Dijsktra's for me.
I just had to add obstacle avoidance in there
I had to add diagonals to the A*
@CodeAssassin but mine was working too :(
@Gajoo =[
Now u make me feel guilty
@CodeAssassin it's not my fault you couldn't debug my code :D
@Gajoo Lol -_-
@Gajoo need more rep O>O
it didn't even take 10 minutes from me to debug it completely!
@Gajoo So says the dude who wrote it himself =]
and is probably more experienced than me
I have been programming for about 1 8/12 years
Going on my second
well almost all the debugging I did was the ones you figured out.
;-; lol
i don't know why, but pathfinder results always look cool
@Almo then take a look at pathery.com
woa. that's cool

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