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I hate to say this but I feel the punishment fits the crime.
what crime :O
the crime of googling rectal prolapse
google should not be abused in such a way
well I wasn't expecting that kind of results lol
you should be when the word rectal apperas
I've never enjoyed anything with that word in it
good point
it's a dangerous game
and now, to go home and stop working
actually to the store
I broke my resistance cable yesterday and now I need a new one\
do those things break?
I'm not a hypochondriac but I do worry about snapping my head off with a broken resistance cable
ack, he's gone. Now I'll have to live with that for the rest of my life @BenjaminDangerJohnson
it's a bit annoying for me :(
whatever disease or condition I read about, I automatically calculate the chances for me to get it
and then live in fear for a very long time
I'm curious, do hypochondrias also try to reduce their exposure to non-disease risks
like do you also avoid riding on motorcycles or alpine skiing or rock climbing
I don't think hypochondria is exactly the best way to describe my issue
hypochondriacs are usually those who imagine they have certain conditions
e.g. hypochondriacs can imagine they have cancer when they do not, and won't let anyone explain to them that it's their imagination
okay, so do you also worry about non-disease risks like airplanes crashing into your house
that's paranoia
nope, I don't
I worry about falling of a ship though
but isn't that somewhat similar?
Fear my mighty implementation of Derejasktsa(Jimmy bait) algorithm
so I never go on a plane or ship
what is thi-OH ITS A TRAP CURSES
It's the purple
my issue is also part OCD
most of it actually
hell, I usually push the window ~8 times after closing it just "to be sure" it's closed for example
I think @CodeAssassin is trying to say that my OCD would have me answer "Dijkstra" automatically
but this also allows me to obsessively work on an app or design until it's done
so I call it "misunderstood perfectionism"
instead of OCD
I am not OCD but I have slightly higher quality standards on some things. and slightly lower qualitiy standards on other things.
lol you should see me at times
I bought this porcelain thingy to decorate a shelf
and I spent 15 minutes rotating it because "it was not exactly straight"

So I sent him the photoshop file for a mockup to review.

CLIENT: Do you want some hard criticism?

ME: Sure.

CLIENT: I think the design is really good, but the checkered, gray background is busy and distracting. Just saying, it’s not how I’d do it
I don't even use a level.... pretty sure everything in my house is slightly crooked
CLIENT: It needs a pop. You know, something to make it stand out more… Add a “shadow flare!”
sounds like a spell from a game
I'm casting... SHADOW FLARE
or a
for the lulz
is that a new type of pikachu?
it does sound like a move
Pikachu uses Shadow Flare!
It's super effective!
I only know the old pokemons I used to watch during my childhood
Ghastly could use Shadow Flare
or was it Gastly?
no idea, names are always screwed up
I liked Charizard
and Scyther
only ghastly moves I remember are Hypnosis / Night Shade / Dream Eater
new pokemon are made in Paint :(
"I wanted zipadeedoo-dah, not zipadeedoo-nay!"
— Client’s explanation for why he didn’t like my work
I pity artists sometimes
I rarely get this
it's nice to be a programmer
most of the time, it's just along the lines of "either it works, or it does not"
and the client provides the graphics
Halfway through an in-depth presentation I was making…

CLIENT: I wish you were wearing nothing but those shoes.

I should mention I was making this presentation to a room full of people.
Fixed-Price - Est. Budget: $100 - Posted 18 hours ago
I have all kinds of pictures of my neighborhood, it is roughly 5 streets picture here - http://i.imgur.com/S5xG9Ln.jpg I want something where I can walk around, like in a first person shooter --- I dont want any guns etc I am expecting something crude for budget of $75 - $200... I do not care if neighborhood is made of pixelated walls or just basic polygons, as long as they are somewhat recognizable I can provide all pictures, video, etc and its available to see on google streets right now I prefer it to be viewable on a PC web browser,
to be viewable on a PC web browser, or andriod, etc device
that part alone, is
1 hour later…
poeple have no idea how hard it is to make this stuff
the guy posted the same thing at least thrice in the last two weeks
it may be because he was unable to actually find someone to do it
you'd think he'd get it by now
a lot of people go on dating sites to try to pick up a sex buddy or 1 night stand and waste a lot of time because they dont know if the person actually wants a relationship or a 1 night stand ,so im looking at having an app were u can just look at a persons profile and say yes you would sleep with that person and then it gives the other person
the option if they would also like to sleep with the person who clicked on them 1st and if they both agree it can unlock and they can organise to meet and do what they please
Alex M., developer of "Sex Pro" and "Yo Mamma So" is the man for you!
'cause once you go porn, you don't go back
actually, wouldn't that be a thing
make this huge portfolio, with only sex-themed apps
and a mugshot that looks like this
and pass it around
Go home @CodeAssassin. You're drunk.
Scuse u
Seems you came to your senses and realized you weren't on gtalk :P
2 hours later…
7 hours later…
rumor has it that Unity will allow free users to export to the mobile platforms... for free
bet the Pro license will be even more expensive now
1 hour later…
howdy all
hey sg
got like 16 kills with twitch in dominion. about 10-12 of those were heimerdinger, whom I mercilessly hunted all over the map.
it was ;)
I don't play much Dominion, but I've been fooling around on ARAM a lot.
yeah aram is fun
I played Shaco for the first time yesterday
too many dodgers though
true true
Shaco looks hard to me
He's ridiculously OP on ARAM.
Ziggs is OP in ARAM
and he's super fun to play.
the Big Bomb is hard to dodge on that narrow map
Yeah, Ziggs, Lux, Ezreal, Ashe, Nidalee...
yeah :)
Worst ARAM team ever ;P
But yeah, I'm learning a lot of AP champs for ARAM, and it's kinda nice.
I'm not that familiar with their strategies on the other maps yet, but I'm getting more comfortable with spells and item builds.
that's the great thing about aram. learning stuff you wouldn't usually learn
also non-stop team fights for practice
2 hours later…
almost done with the Qt stuff :D
it actually makes a lot of sense once you get to know it
I seem to recall saying something along those lines. ;) It's definitely weird and off-putting right when you start!
@AlexM. there we go :D
I still wouldn't use it to write something for my clients
@AlexM. :-(
are you using the creator?
it must be some sort of AMAZINGLY...
resource intensive or...
control requiring project
@AlexM. xD
for me to abandon C# and Mono
or anything that's friendlier than C++
C++11 does seem more Java-like now
I might give that one a chance
Bjarne released his new book
but I'm so not paying $80 or whatever for it
I'll just wait till it hits the other... marketplaces
I'm sure he put that huge of a price because he knew only some people would buy it
who am I to prove him wrong?
C++11 got a few higher-order constructs but I'd hardly call it "more Java-like." Java's pretty easy to use without doing outright dumb things accidentally and that's still not true of C++11.
If anything its worse and more complicated now.
Who defines the new standards anyway?
hey, didn't explore it that much, so far I only saw stuff that made things easier
most of them STL related
in terms of C++
for (auto item : container) can do unexpected things in terms of performance (that x may be a copy) and the convention wisdom w.r.t to passing arguments is now very complex thanks to move semantics.
Et cetera.
@CodeAssassin The C++ standard committee.
There's a lot of stuff you'll have to wait for, also, if you use VS2012.
2012 has no initializer list and varadic templates only work up to infinity (where infinity is 5, but upgradable to 10) because they are actually a macro hack.
I'll wait, as I said "I still wouldn't use it to write something for my clients"
it's mostly an experiment
@AlexM. Oh, I thought that comment specifically referred to Qt.
I wouldn't ship anything on C++11 from work, either, not for some time.
it was mostly a Qt & C++ comment
afaik there's Qt bindings to Python as well
website deployed successfully
only been a month since I started getting ready for this deployment
apparently there was also some Qt binding for C# started, but it's dead now
or more of them
Neat, Unity iOS and Android licences are now free: gamasutra.com/view/news/192654/…
C# already has Mono and therefore GTK
@JohnMcDonald mentioned that earlier :D
heh, ;TLDR
@AlexM. pro licences look to be the same price
anybody here?
does anybody here know the sport of cricket?
not me
I know it has ###-# scoring that makes no sense, and you score runs, throw googlies, and that the wicket is a much better mechanism for determining strikes than in american baseball
other than that, I don't know it
oh, and a game can go on for 2 days
I want somebody who understands cricket reasonably well to test my cricket simulation algorithm I made in C#
ok. not me then :)
@Almo actually a game can go on for 5 days. It used to go on for even longer in the earlier days, but now its changed.
woa. that's scary
@JohnMcDonald hopefully they won't change them later on
the person who first told me about the new free licenses also mentioned Unity might be afraid because of havok
wasn't able to find out what havok did that might pose a threat though
Havok the physics engine?
yup, that one
with my internet, I'll wait for pics

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