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anyone here knows how "push notification" works?
@Gajoo in which language/technology?
@Kikaimaru From the literal interpretation of a language functino vs a method is simple that a method does not return a value after it execution. I still would prefer to segregate the definitions of something called a value and a function when you are labelling a function such as SumIt which as others in this room agree (ie not just my opinion) is the standard for a function, not a value.
I'm going to leave that wall of text called a conversation now as I'm just going around in circles and even though @ToddersLegrande agreed with me on you being a rude person, you still haven't apologised.
@Blue for example in this char room
or facebook notifications
@Gajoo you use javascript to send http request to server (every x units of time) and it will answer with json telling you what has happend
is it client sending continues messages asking for updates? or is it server who sends push requests to the client?
@Blue lets not worry about it anymore :P
It's not a conversation worth having
@Gajoo its client asking
Though I do appreciate the backup brofist
@Kikaimaru it's very wasteful :(
@Gajoo with websockets and open connection to server, server can send
@Gajoo it can ask once in a minute
@Gajoo or you can use third party service, that you will give some data, and clients asks them, and if there are new data they will send it to him
I do get much more messages in this chatroom alone
AJAX in jQuery has some nice implementations of push functionality, in this room I believe it is an open socket (StackExchange is built on a very nice server backend not just a standard webserver)
I was actually wondering about how I want to design my proxy app
@ToddersLegrande I support nice people not assholes, brofist
@Gajoo and what are you trying to do?
If you are using a standard LAMP style webserver then use Client side checks. if it's the program you sent me and @BillyVonMightyMoo then use socket listening.
so far browser asks "proxy client" to initiate a connection, the same request is forwarded to "proxy server" and eventually it'll reach the destination server.

might help
but there is a big problem, browser might request for resources on different servers on same connection initiated by browser.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're done
Everyone take 5
@ToddersLegrande ??
the messages will look like this:
HOST: google.com

HOST: yahoo.com
@Blue don't worry about it :)
right now the second request will result in "HTTP 404" from google.com, since it can't provide you with any data located on Yahoo's server
What is your expected input and output like? what triggers the push from the server and what should the client receive?
so I thought I might want to close previous connection with google server and initiated a new connection to yahoo.com
but I was wondering what would happen to push requests if I do such a thing?
@Blue that's the thing, I don't know what possible inputs are and what should I do when I get them :|
I would try to open another new connection to yahoo instead of reusing the google one. use separate listeners to obtain push messages from both servers.
it's possible but I'll add too much complexity to my code, so I wanted to make sure I needed it before actually implementing it.
Well where are the push notifications coming from, your server or the remoters (google,yahoo, etc.)
they'll only come from remotes.
my proxy server/client are merely content aware relays.
that makes it a little tricket but having a receiver for each push isn't going to be that tricky to code.
it's not the tricky part.
the problem is how are they going to be relayed to browser.
ask I said I've seen Firefox sending requests like:
HOST: google.com

HOST: yahoo.com
considering I've opened two different sockets to relay those messages to their corresponding servers, how should I handle their responses.
Not sure mate, that depends on how your server/client handles it
I guess it's better to implement the easier version and test if it works correctly :|
Give it a shot and let us know!
I'm off for the weekend. You guys have a good one and I'll see you on Monday if not earlier :)
@Blue see ya!
@BogdanMarginean hey
I hate it when pressing "ctrl+right arrow" 10 times only advanced 15 characters :(
dang, it's 25 celsius outside already, looks like we're in for a hot summer once again
wondering how'll it be in july
@BogdanMarginean it's 20 around here,
howdy folks
@Gajoo much more bearable than 25 :D
@ShotgunNinja hi!
@BogdanMarginean but it's going to be around 35 in two months :(
I'm more worried that I'll probably have to get some sort of fan or something, because it's 23 degrees in the apartment as well lol
@Gajoo lol that's a lot :(
I don't think summers in Romania go over 30 that often
is embarrassed to use Fahrenheit
Apparently, it's been 7-10 degrees C here.
I wouldn't be able to think in Fahrenheit lol
too used to celsius which is used around here
Just like I'm not able to think in Celsius
Thank goodness for Google Converter
lol yeah
a while back I was thinking, what if translation software became good enough to translate everything on, say, social networks, on the fly
e.g. someone writes something in english and the german user would see it translated to german
there'd be only one language on the web: yours
to me this doesn't sound bad, but to some it might
devices like google glass could be used to translate spoken words
it's not on the scale I had in mind though :P
Well I think you can set it to auto translate certain languages but I don't speak german so I'm not sure what it said :P
Not sure what else you would mean though
But yeah just change the language and the whole internet seemed to transform :D
I thought of it like a way to achieve the "only one language in the whole world" utopian goal
but instead of forcing all people to learn a single language
it would look like the whole world speaks their language
even though it does not
I don't see how thats different from what I did?
devices like google glass could be used to translate spoken words
on the web it would be the same as what you did though
but I'm sure there would be someone to oppose the glass thingy too
Unless the glasses are going to drown out all other sound and you only hear what the glasses interpret then it doesn't quite accomplish what you are saying
yeah it would have to do that
I'm trying to find that article about the guy who had eye augmentation and some crazy people attacked him
I honestly have no idea why people would be against this kind of stuff, especially if it's been done for medical reasons
People these days...
if I was unable to see or something, I'd gladly use whatever means necessary to fix things
why live the life of a crippled person if you can avoid it?
why not allow for someone to avoid it?
(Insert obligatory "Not that there's anything wrong with that!" statement)
But yeah I agree
I have an extreme view on justice, but I would have loved for the people who attacked the guy to lose their eyesight, just to see them after N months asking doctors to help them regain it
or maybe they're actually really nice guys
but played a lot of Deus Ex
and they're scared
which reminds me, I should get that GPU fixed
I need to continue playing HR
and Skyrim; omg I want to play Skyrim so bad now :(
a lot of games piled up during these 1.5 GPU-less yrs
I just found out
the CVS machine that is hosting my entire company's code and documentation
runs Windows 2000
Ooooo. Fancy
Not fancy.
Windows 2000 is trash.
could be worse
I don't see how
it could be running MSDOS 5.0
No, I don't think that's even possible with CVS.
or... Vista :O :O
You have to have an active network stack to run CVS.
a SP-less, patchless Vista
Also, I'd be okay with Vista over 2000.
Vista's problem is that they overprotect everything about the OS.
2000's problem is that they underprotect everything about the OS.
yeah I'm bashing it just for fun :P I did enjoy vista a while back
Get good hardware and Vista was really good (from a consumer [not business] perspective)
When system utilities can crash Explorer.exe on Win2000, you have a problem.
Also, after a while, I am unable to use my NT credentials to log into the CVS machine when pulling updates, and I have to use it to manually reset my password.
what's the reason for that?
I don't feel like coding that much today, I'll just do some refactoring :(
wohoo, arrow launching traps :D i43.tinypic.com/15gbir.jpg
@BogdanMarginean how high level components do you make for trap like this?
@Kikaimaru sorry, didn't understand what you mean
you use unity, right?
how many scripts it takes?
and that trap is one game object?
that creates another gameobject
not quite, there are 3 in all
and one gameobject that you step on
there's the slot on the wall that listens to events from a pressure plate on the ground
and spawns the arrow
and that arrow firing logic is one in component (behavior)?
it's a single script yes
I use it on all projectiles that follow a predefined trajectory w/o physics
you set it a target, and it flies in a straight line towards it
its really shame you cant add postprocess effects in unity free
they would not be necessary at the moment, but yeah, I agree
i think that ssao would make ot much nicer, that corner looks unrealistic
everything looks nicer with ssao
I can bake lightmaps, but that's about it
and bloom, never forget the bloom
I'll just buy the pro when there will be a need for eyecandy :D
it will probably take a year or so until then
I would want to add glow to my light sources though
there's a custom glow script that works on free but I'm not sure it's fast enough
SSAO is sweet
lots of lights make my scene drop the framerate by quite a lot
I'm on integrated video but still..
in custom engine i would suggest light prepass for this kind of game
low amount of geometry but high amount of light sources
but custom engine would cost you unity editor, which is not realistic :)
I'll replace unity's lights with something else as soon as I get the chance and money
and i think unity pro can use deferred lightning
also the GUI, I'll get N-GUI
I have no idea what unity does with the lights
if I set everything on max detail, it lags
if I set it on low details, it works well, but looks the same
no html based ui for unity?!
why would you use a html based UI
its easy, clean and there are good editors for it
I'd much rather go through code
I understand, HTML can stay in simple apps and games for mobiles
well ui in wow is designed in xmls much simpler then html
wasn't WoW's UI Lua based?
They probably use XML for the structure, and Lua for binding actions.
@BogdanMarginean yes gui scripts
That's how I'd approach it.
obviously you would use html and javascript, as they use xml and lua
I'm cool with my code, thanks :D
simcity 5 also uses html i think
of course everyone uses it
it's cheap and gets the job done fast
but I personally wouldn't find satisfaction writing it that way
i like it, because i dont like mixing design with code
it's still code
it's HTML code
it's not like you're importing a .psd and the engine takes care of the rest
@BogdanMarginean whats the diffenece?
when you're writing html you're writing code
when you're doing graphics design in photoshop, you're doing graphics design
you can do your games gui in word and export it as html
with some nice wordart maybe?
that doesn't mean code was not written for the gui
it was generated by a tool
just as well you could pay someone to write the html for you
also wordart is never nice :D
ì really dont see the difference between displaying generated psd file structure and generated html
do you see the difference between psds and htmls?
@BogdanMarginean couple of differences :)
if you don't then do you see the difference between mp3s and .docs?
there is barely any, they're both made of "0"s and "1"s
just like any other file
but one of them required a sound editing software, and the other an office suite
you can't really say "my GUI didn't require HTML coding" just because a tool generates it for you
html requires browser
oh for editing
html doesn't require a browser, html requires a software that can interpret it and show stuff based on it
I would use HTML/CSS for a game UI because that's a role that HTML / CSS is very good for. I wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel for everything UI related
same as psd?
I can use html tags in Unity's rich text properties, but it's not a browser
You can style HTML elements really really easily to get them to look how you want. Inside a game you don't have to worry about cross browser compatibility so thats even better
Why should I spend a ton of hours reinventing a text box for my game when I can use HTML? :P
and html also works with all languages, which is something most guis cant handle
like input text from right to left :)
obviously this is not something thats important for most of the games :)
Still talking about html?
@BogdanMarginean I'm not saying you should use HTML. That's just my perspective. I totally get your perspective and more power to you if its what you want to do :)
I say use XAML.
@Kikaimaru html is a standard, it doesn't work with anything
`xaml is also nice :)
Stronger and cleaner than HTML.
XAML is wonderful.
if the html interpreter decides to work with r to l text, then it works
Speaking of richtext fields. A readonly richtextbox in WPF is a sexy way to present information with inlined bindings.
I'll agree XAML is cool :P
@BogdanMarginean yes but you dont have much choises for html "renderers" other then something taken from browser :)
Not much different than using HTML for your GUI though
@ToddersLegrande as I said, I get why people use HTML. but on my personal projects, I always find it nice to do everything manually
I had a nerdgasm when I manually set the colour of each pixel on the GBA
in C and ARM asm
I had plenty of nerdgasms reversing Warcraft III. :P
Like runtime modifying unit names and stats.
@BogdanMarginean on my personal projects I don't like wasting time on annoying things like GUI when I could be coding fun things like gameplay
Not to mention my showcase map that allowed active joining and leaving.
I'm just happy Silverlight hasn't been discarded like people were saying.
@William'MindWorX'Mariager you badass.
Silverlight 6 is planned and that's all I need to know to use it.
ì had neardgasm when i managed to draw green box over unit in starcraft from c# :)
@ToddersLegrande fair enough :D though I think it was worth it for me to implement a panel-based system
now I can add GUI stuff easily with just a few lines of code
@William'MindWorX'Mariager you were able to embed silverlight into XNA right?
Or was it the other way around?
@ToddersLegrande Other way around. Silverlight 5 comes with XNA.
@BogdanMarginean nice
Well, not the real XNA, but an SL version of XNA.
Well as long as you can get it to do what you needed it to do
`SL doesnt even have real .net
it's possible that for my next game I'd want to skip over GUI stuff as I've already done it
but for now, I really like writing everything from scratch :D
legeria.net/silverlight.php shows it working.
@Kikaimaru, Of course not, SL is crossplatform.
@Kikaimaru neither does a lot of things. XBox and WP for example
btw, I was searching for assets for a new blog article (a 2d platformer) and found some really nice enemies and tiles but they're both from different packages
does this look legit to you?
Enemy looks to use more colors than the ground
didn't check that, but I think I can see what you're saying
the ground is a lot more grainy too
^ thats what I should have said
Like the gradients aren't as smooth
I'll have to find some other ground, I can't scratch the enemies
so I poorly assumed it was due to the limited color pallette
they're the only 2d animated enemies that are also decent
Might be able to do something to the enemies to make them match better though?
that I was able to find at least
I wish I knew what, I'm a noob when it comes to graphics lol
but there was this other tileset, let's see if I can find it
@BogdanMarginean, You could look at some of the texture packs for Terraria. That's what I did for Legeria. :)
can I steal them?
Well for development I'm sure no one will care.
I asked the author of one of the packs if I could use it for my game, and he said yes.
I'll take a look then, thanks :D
@William'MindWorX'Mariager Scot-free, or with creator attribution, or what?
No royalties, I hope
I like doing my own graphics
it lets me procrastinate on writing code
and writing code lets me procrastinate on making more graphics! It's a win-win!

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