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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

this one's grand: I need someone that code for anything. From simple to extremely complicated.
Only serious candidates that can code anything imaginable please respond.
anyone here who can code the entire universe?
Looks like a winner
you should inquire just to see what its about
@ToddersLegrande wonder if I can somehow ask a question without bidding...
Oh you have to bid? sad :(
'cause you know, coding anything imaginable can get a bit expensive but the guy says
whats the minimum bid?
how does this even work?
"Money is money in this very competitive market. "
on oDesk each job poster sets a budget, but you can bid pretty much anything, it's just to guide you
still, this particular one said:
No games. I need my app that consists of 8 modules to developed for a fixed price of $3500. That is non-negotiable.
"No games." <--- that's bad, I like games
wtf is a module? lol
I think he might be thinking about modules as in components (like the Controller in MVC)
or maybe he has some experience with a language that makes use of modules like Visual Basic or... Delphi
or maybe he just split the app in 8 broad "parts" that he calls modules
ah, nevermind, the app is for android
so it's java
I think I'll bid for $3500 just to ask for more details
That's my point though. Could be one of a billion things.
Are you legally obligated to do anything or is it really just a way for people to get in touch on realistic terms?
wonder what amazing app he'd need developed, so that only "programmers that can code anything imaginable" are supposed to be up for it.
@ToddersLegrande you can run away without doing anything, yeah. this is true for employers as well; on fixed-price projects it's possible not to get paid in the end.
there's nothing binding you legally to the other
you can give the employer a bad rating if he runs away with the program though <3
that has to teach him some manners, right?
That's awful :(
you should work out a legal contract before you actually start work
yeah; on hourly projects it's a bit better because if the employer's bank thingy stops responding, you ware warned and advised to stop working.
So the payments are done through oDesk or what?
yes, oDesk manages everything from job postings, hiring, communication and payments
there was this other site, a while back
"vWorker" ex Rent-A-Coder
it was my favorite because it practiced escrow
in case the employer did not want to pay you at the end of the project, the moderators would come in and see if you actually deserved the money
if so, they'd release the money to you
it was acquired by Freelancer.com a few months ago; it looks like a game from EA now.
yes, it has microtransactions, I'm serious
The fixed budget ones for SharePoint are horribly low. And the hourly ones don't show any sort of wage
Trying to see how well I would do independently via the site. Needless to say not well. I'd be much better off doing cold calls locally xD
everyone is trying to get the job done for as little as possible
and there's always someone willing to do it for a few dollars only
I suppose in another country where the dollar is worth more
I live in rural Wisconsin and the fixed budgets were offensive. That's bad
yeah, the competition comes from Pakistan, usually
if you take a look at oDesk's facebook page, there are contests called "love the way you work"
where "oDeskers" post pictures of themselves working
it's hard to find someone from the U.S. for example, if not impossible
Oh boy
In the "Hire Contractors" the top results are on par with a entry-mid level developer but yeah. The jobs just aren't
16.67/hr, 15.00/hr. good god
That was my intern wages
These guys are low balling
(Contractors this time)
Undercutting the competition
setting an hourly wage on your profile helps only when someone's filtering contractors by wage (@ search)
every time you bid on an hourly job, you're free to set a different bid
but here comes the stupid part
The 30-50/hr is what I'd consider reasonable for not being done through a company though honestly, as contractors, they should make more to cover insurance, etc. My company charges over double that, for example
the employer can place restrictions on each contractor that wants to bid. for example, he may choose to only accept contractors that have a minimum of 300 hours of work recorded.
you can still bid, but he will see that you do not meet the criteria
now, one of the other options is for him to not accept bidders that have an hourly rate of... I dunno, $20 per hour or more
if on your profile you've set $25/hour, even if you do bid $19 per hour for that project
it will still show up as if you do not meet the criteria
I dunno, perhaps in a country were taxes are really low, you could live by doing oDesk stuff only
Well... not really interested in doing work through that site. Pretty sure I'd be breaching the contract with my current employer :P
but otherwise, oDesk is only useful to find a client that pays good
But otherwise yeah... seems like an ok place if an independent contractor is really light on work
and stick with him for future projects, preferably done outside oDesk
or if you are a workaholic and want to work 60+ hours to make bank
as a college student I have few options :(
with just a single app I'd earn more than the average McDonald's wage lol
Good point!
I can't argue that one. Being out of college for a few years now I wouldn't have thought of that scenario
Makes for good real world experience if the employer can give you a good recommendation too
yeah, I could reference my work and/or clients at any time
so that's an advantage
Definitely can't complain about that as long as you've had a positive experience with the site
Kind of like having an internship
but sometimes it feels like it's not worth much, just the money :(
for more than a year I went through a huge combo of crawlers and spiders
I never developed something as pointless and boring as those
thats the trouble
and then, suddenly, I got the chance to build two WP7 apps
must've been interesting, right?
Oh nice
nah, they were called "Sex Pro" and "Yo Mamma"
But you got WP7 experience. And THATS what counts :P
Yeah I'm a mobile developer... several apps published... no big deal.
can't add to a portfolio though
I mean, "Developed WP7 apps: Sex Pro and Yo Mamma"
They are more interview pieces than portfolio pieces yeah
The final product and what it does is less important the the experience you got going through the process IMO
The latter is a fantastic talking point for interviews
now that I think of it, there was also a third app
"Sex Quiz"
So you can put WP7 Experience, 2 published apps; on your resume and then it will come up during the interview. You can dance around what they are called and be vague about what they do... but talk about the development process
this one was finished, but the employer decided not to pay for it
funny thing is, it never reached the marketplace
apparently they didn't like it
or something
Microsoft rejected it because apparently it had the default icon, even though I set a new one. I think the guy sent them an old build or something.
this happened AFTER the guy went away without paying me though
so obviously, I never accepted to send him another build
Lol. How did you find out about that?
he sent me an email a month later saying Microsoft did not accept the app, and that he wants to pay me for real
Actually... that's a great way to get paid. Deliberately send a wrong build with the default icon if you think you'll get stiffed. Only send the real one after you receive payment
Obviously be good for good employers
but for them shady types...
yeah but that might've turned a bit against me
it was through oDesk and he was free to pass a rating to me
Well that just makes me dislike the system anymore
in the end I rated him appropriately and he went away for another two months, long enough to lose his right to rate me
if a guy who won't pay you can rate you...
I don't understand?
if you don't rate the other party during the first month following the project close, you lose the right to rate him or her
But when stuck in a stalemate like that aren't you both just going to rate each other poorly and nobody wins?
I wasn't the only one who had trouble with him apparently, some more "he ran away without paying me!" ratings came up after mine
@ToddersLegrande Yup, that can happen. Never happened to me though, but I did see contractors with 30+ 5 out of 5 ratings and one or two 1/5 ratings.
Usually there are no comments on them, to explain why the low rating.
Where was I... oh yeah, after those two months, he came back AGAIN
Sure. Do enough work and it will balance out. But if you get screwed the first few times I feel like you a less likely to get good employers and more likely to get shady employers.
Haha. Oh boy.
I think he wanted to post a new job, and needed his rating cleared; so naturally, he wanted to pay me (again), if I sent him the good app and also edited the rating
money never came and that was the list time I heard from or of him
Good move
assuming you didn't do it
didn't send him anything, of course
ratings are a really shallow way to differentiate between contractors but they work for a lot of people
you can filter contractors by rating
so naturally, one wanting "quality work" will try to browse through 5/5 contractors first
Good point. I don't know what sort of communications you get between employers and contractors before agreeing to work / have work done for you so maybe rating is generally irrelevant.
I think the last category is something like 4/5 up to 5/5 so you don't necessarily get screwed if you have like 4.7/5
but if you're below 4, it's hard to get anything
Well, I guess to my previous point then, if you get screwed the first couple times you do work... then damn.
Thats a pretty tarnished reputation
yeah, because there'll always be someone with a better rating
you'll be forced to work for less money to get something
and considering how much people generally get paid on oDesk, less is definitely LESS
No good :(
not at all. I tend to avoid employers that: write down job postings that consist of 2 phrases only, can't properly write them and/or have negative comments or a history of low ratings given to contractors
Sure. I suppose choosing to bid on a proper employer is just as important as an employer choosing reputable contractors
there are some employers rating contractors like "4.8/5" without actually explaining why. explaining why is important.
if there's an explanation along the lines "contractor forgot about the deadline!" then yeah, the employer might just be good
but without it, you start to wonder what the hell happened during that project
or even worse, sometimes there's an explanation but offers no clue whatsoever about the low rating: "coder did excellent job"
then why 4.7/5?
these are the scary ones
brb in a bit
I'm surprised you can go between numbers
it's a 5 star rating system and you can rate in different categories like
"deadlines" and "work quality" and so on
the main rating is the average of them all
Wouldn't the downvoted category explain what the contractor did wrong? At least to some extent?
yeah, if the employer decided to explain what happened
some never decide to do so
I mean
if you score a 4/5 in deadlines and missed a deadline... does that need explanation?
when it comes to ratings, I have a simple rule to follow: the employer is okay if he already gave a 5 star rating to at least someone. that means he knows what a 5 star rating looks like and how to give it.
Makes sense
@ToddersLegrande if you put it that way, yeah, that would make sense. still, without explanation, it might be a random rating. you can never know for sure.
oDesk never feels like a friendly place, considering the rating issues & stuff
I like my ratings to be recommendations from old clients, and nothing more, nothing less
on vWorker ratings went from 1.0 to 10.0, so a rating of... 8.5 still looked a bit decent
got what I plan to be the only skin I buy in LoL. it was about to go up in price. Ordinarily he throws 4 different kinds of bombs. youtube.com/watch?v=fciwA9P4nLw
Water balloons? lol
and the duckie inner tube.
with the squeaky sound. love it
haha yeah
just wish they had done the voices too. he still talks about bombs and matches. but whatever. It's cool :)
the mega skins are 3200 points. pool party is 975 until apr 25 when it goes up to 1350
so about $6.50
975 is $6.50 for me since i get 50 buck packs which have a bonus
modem crashed, windows wouldn't respond to any network commands, had to restart
actually, I should go to bed. it's freaking 5:19 AM here and this week I'll have to wake up at 7 AM two times
those days won't be nice days
good night ppl
6 hours later…
anyone around?
Q: Decode a Base64 string in objective-c

user2032850I'm new in objecive-C and i would like to decode a NSString encoded in Base64. Have you any idea to help me? NSString encoded: eyJjbGUiOiJwOW5oOTk3eDRxdhpnZzciLCJ1cmwiOiJtbGtqcW1sa3FzbWxmbXFsanFkln0 NSString i try to find: {"cle":"p9nh997x4qvgg7","url":"mlkjqmlkqsmlfmqljqd}

read the comments on this question. :)
user image
3 hours later…
So I noticed @thedaian has started posting about IsoTower.
@William'MindWorX'Mariager where?
Any of you mechanical keyboard folks ever have issues with keys not registering? :(
Silly mechanical keyboard non-sense. :P
I'm an avid disbeliever of that. I have yet to hear an argument that is even closely valid for me to get one.
@William'MindWorX'Mariager owning a mechanical keyboard will get you all the ladies.
That's a good argument.
I'll take two
@ToddersLegrande Not me.
I might reach out to the keyboard company
I seem to have a problem with a few keys on occasion
@William'MindWorX'Mariager My mechanical keyboard uses cherry blue. The register click is below the unregister click. Large "hysteresis" on it means that you don't get doubles, ever.
I wish I had a doubles problem :P
I've got cherry blacks and I have issues of keys just not working
Maybe you're having a... Mechanical issue!
I think I'm ready to blame the keyboard
I have never ever had doubles. :P
I either press a key or I don't. :P
Blues also mean you get great tactile feedback. I can type way faster on it than other keyboards.
hmm, never had keys not register
I can hear and feel the key bottoming out when it happens so I really don't think its anything I'm doing
Is it always the same switch? (sorry, haven't read)
I'm sorry @Almo, but I've heard all the arguments before. And I've tried a mechanical keyboard and couldn't find any gain from it.
Which kind? Depends on the kind. For example, I don't feel I would personally get any benefit from cherry blacks.
the downside to blues is that they are noisy
No clue what kind it was. Only know it was mechanical and noisy as a I don't know what.
@JohnMcDonald it's always the same few switches. Not necessarily an isolated issue. Today I'm having problems with the C key and previously I was having problems with the F key and I think once before I was having problems with the Y key
I returned the first one I bought because my period key would double-bounce
CFY? Time to try and figure out why you wore those keys down first.
C**an't **F**ind m**Y ke**Y**s?
That messed up something bad.
I'll just leave it.
@William'MindWorX'Mariager reminds me of Nathan Spencer
This is upsetting... I've gotta drive into the office because client VPN software isn't working on my home PC :(
@ToddersLegrande what? why?
No clue...
need any assistance?
but I need to get work done
part of the problem is Windows 8 I'm sure
and if I connect while RDP into my work computer I lose connection to my work computer
what kind of error do you get?
@ToddersLegrande RDP stands for?
remote desktop?
Right now I'm getting log in failed. I think thats from too many failed attempts to connect and I've got to wait it out to try again. I asked a client about the acount being locked out and they said no.
Before it looked like I logged it but it just failed to connect at the last step
don't know what the specific error was at this time
Client has confirmed it doesn't work with Windows 8 and they have even had some problems with Win 7.... -_-
so can you connect to your VPN connection? and then you have a problem?
the login doesn't fail I guess is what I mean
I get farther than I do in the connection process than the login failed message
like I said I can't get passed login failed now so I can't tell you the exact error
trying pinging the computer remote desktop destination after you connected to VPN
@Gajoo you are wasting your time. I'm not connected
considering the fact that I'm dealing with all these kind a stuff to bypass filtering everyday I guess I'm kinda expert.
I just didn't understood your problem statement.
Got any tips for login failed?
depends on the error it generates.
the error is "Login failed"
it could be due to security setting mismatch.
I don't know what you want from me
wrong password
when the login fails, windows just pops a window open saying there is error and telling you an error number.
and asking if you want to retry connection.
Maybe if you are using the built in Windows VPN
I'm looking for that error number
Yeah theres no error number
because its not a windows issue
I was just given a new account
and the error is...
so it's some custom application handling VPN connection?
this could be tough...
I think the problem is Windows 8
or more specifically the problem is they don't support Windows 8
check if that application is creating a VPN connection? I mean look into your network adaptors list for any VPN connection
if there is a VPN connection there, you can try connecting through built-in VPN connection and just tweak it's options to match server requirements
I could go into the office
and avoid this nonsense
and asking the client questions in attempt to fix this problem
wasting theirs and my time
I hate to be so negative but its not worth anyones time to troubleshoot this
hahaha :)
yeah, that's the attitude I don't like >:
I prefer wasting my time learning some non-useful thing compared to wasting my time in traffic.
@Gajoo my job is about billing hours to the client. This isn't exactly something I can charge them for which means I have to work extra time so I can meet my billable hours goal just to try and troubleshoot this problem.
@ToddersLegrande I know, I know, it's all about living on your own, and managing to pay for your expenses. I'm just not that kinda guy (yet)
No, its about the expecations off my employer
My options are a) meet their expectations or b) find a new job
I have an Ingress invite code if anyone wants it (Android only)
3 hours later…
Chat is quiet today
Unlike yesterday
April 15, 2013 will forever be known as the day over 9000 stars were born.
Hows the BGG integration coming along?
meh. Registration works, but that's it so far
is there some design pattern for player input? i now loop through all game objects that i have mouse over and if its monster i change cursor to attack cursor and if i click i issue attack command, if its drop i change cursor to pickup cursor, and issue command to pick up, if its ground i issue command to move
I'm sure the answer is "yes"
Now this is obnoxious
:/ yeah... I know what you mean
Lol what?
I thought you were talking about the S word
Ah yes
But no
I thought about that but believe it or not its not the most obnoxious thing on my mind
I get into the office, get connected to VPN, and discover I do not have access to everything I was supposed to have access to... so I've emailed out a request for more access (that I should have had in the first place), and odds are I'll be stuck until tomorrow
When I would have been in the office anyway
This day has just been awful
I haven't felt like this since my last job
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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