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@JohnMcDonald you making a map? :O
Thinking about it
Wouldn't be the first
4 hours later…
@ToddersLegrande, @JohnMcDonald, I made an injected hack into the SC2 editor, that allowed people to use a 3rd party preprocessor. Basically, classes and other OOP concepts.
It worked, but didn't receive much support, mainly because the only 3rd party preprocessor at the time was horrible.
And here's the main host place: sc2mapster.com/assets/sparsile
1 hour later…
@William'MindWorX'Mariager thats not in browser! :)
You didn't specify that. :)
i know there are tons of pokemon mmo games, i dont know why i want to make my own :(
2 hours later…
Alright my e-friends.
tips hat at @Blue
... Did I hurt your feelings? :(
Nope. Tips fedora I'm with linux ;)
1 hour later…
Tips his bowler
His bowler falls on the floor. Subsequently dropping his ball. The ball rolls out into the door and into the street causing a car accident. Thankfully the women and children were saved.
Oh man.
I should have something about them being "spared" instead
A little bored are we? :P
Looks like my web scheduler service is running smoothly.
You know what's embarrassing
Every 10 minutes, with only a second variation. That is either mm:30 or mm:31.
I never actually have to write SQL in my usual day to day... so when I finally do I have to lookup something as trivial as how to update a record
Same, I use LING2SQL and I have never used anything else.
Only time I use SQL is when I modify the DB using commands.
In SharePoint we use something called CAML queries for looking up data, and a special API for updating data
Nah. The CAML is a nice and bloated XML syntax that requires you to do everything in pairs (like a tree) so THAT gets confusing (wrote a nice CAML query builder to help with that). And the API is essentially like using a Dictionary with some added bonuses as well as added frustrations.
Sounds like LINQ2SQL is simpler. :P
I really love L2S.
It's just so nice and simple.
There is a Linq2SharePoint that someone wrote
but I find it causes more headaches than its worth
Because you lose all the nice SharePoint API features you had when you switch to Linq2SharePoint
@William'MindWorX'Mariager i.sstatic.net/IDgdc.png
Yeah, that was the old update thing. :P
New one is ad free? :D
Looks like my school blocks publishing.
Will be fixed LATOR
What do you expect from the people who still have regular ASP with VisualBasic hosting?
Visual Basic...
Still better than VBA
Out of curiosity... are you speaking of VB or VB.NET?
Not sure. Just noticed VB syntax and then I ran.
I think my shadow is still back there.
@ToddersLegrande VBA ... don't talk to me about that piece of shit.
VBA is okay I think. There aren't really any alternatives.
Why anyone would pick VB.NET over C# is beyond me though.
I had to write Excel Macros that would publish images of charts to SharePoint via UNC path using VBA. Wasn't fun.
@William'MindWorX'Mariager I have an electrical engineer friend who did some programming in school and he would pick VB.NET because he knows it and doesn't know C# because he's not a programmer.
Why even start with VB.NET? :P
It's fine though. Each to their own choice. :)
As long as they learn, and are able to use it when switching to something better. :P
Not likely... this is a guy who gets pretty set in his ways. He's pretty determined email is the future.
@William'MindWorX'Mariager it was used in excel, and lot of "applications" were created on top of excel and then converted to VB.NET
I'm writing a golf cart reservation app for his business and he asked me if I could have it "submit to a URL" so that it could send him an email.
and in one company that i worked in there was one old lady that could do only VB.NET so everyone used it because of her :)
I'm like... or I could just have it send you an email?
He's just odd when it comes to things he wants to do
The irony of the whole VBA stuff I had to write... was if the company would have just upgraded everyone to Office 2007 (It was like... 2009 or 2010 and half of the company was already on 2007) we wouldn't have had to write any Macros / VBA code
Hey. Can anyone help me? Syncing up movements in a multiplayer game, which is better?
Sending the positions to the server and then sending them to everyone (except the person who sent them), or sending the velocities and having each player as a physics object?
I'm sending the positions at the moment, but was thinking if I send the velocities it might reduce the amount of data sent
How is it normally done?
@JoeyMorani If you send the velocities you can simulate the movements on the client instead of sending all the positions constantly
I think this in conjunction to sending the position on occasion to "correct" any error is probably a good route
should allow you to send less data and still be accurate
Disclaimer - I've never done it before but the above makes sense in my head :D
Cool. That's what I was thinking. Like, every now and then send the positions to make sure.
That's what I'll do then :)
No problem. Glad I could help
@JoeyMorani this dependson game on type of movement and type of input
What you said Todders is what Unreal does. The client simulates the location until a correction comes from the server. Server's opinion always gets priority.
Score +1 for Todders today. Educational guesses for the win.
Time to make my game support warcamps... Somehow...
I really should get down how the mechanics work.
Perhaps that's more important.
Nah. Just do it (TM).
very exicted to be here
@victor are you really?
Just got enough reputation? :P
@ToddersLegrande Don't be silly. I'm a programmer. I plan and plan and plan and plan and never go beyond planning. If I did I'd be a billionaire and offset the world economy. And we can't have that. So I stay poor and planning.
@ToddersLegrande yes..
@William'MindWorX'Mariager sounds kind of like me :P
Once I've got it all figured out in my head the rest is just tedious code writing and I don't go any further.
Indeed. :P
Exactly. :P
We need to get rich to hire people to write the code
Yeah. :P Funny thing is. As long as I don't plan too much, everything goes great
Then I hit a point where I kinda have to. And it stops.
Legeria was going so great the first half a year. Then I figured "I better get this beast in order", and I never got back to the playable state again.
I reversed the progress...
It's sad.
I go from dev-alpha-beta-alpha-dev.
is any one here who can help me in html5 games?
Not always hitting beta of course.
@victor @Kikaimaru might be able to help you. Though it would be best if you had a specific question. Ask away and see if anyone has an answer
@William'MindWorX'Mariager I'm still willing to help, though I might only get your project back to beta state
@Gajoo It's alright. Not going to abandon it. I have a nice framework at the moment. When I have more time, I'll get back to it... In 6-7 years. :P
in fact so far I've only pushed projects into beta stages, but never actually crossed that line...
Anyways... Combat mechanics!
@William'MindWorX'Mariager but I want to play it now >:
Get the latest stable and shut up. :P
@William'MindWorX'Mariager seems someone's not in the good mood :?
Hah, I'm in a perfect mood. :P
At least I'm having fun with my current project. :P
@William'MindWorX'Mariager what are you working on?
Browser game. Die2Nite inspired, with goblins and monsters.
You were working on a terraria like game for a while iirc. How did that go?
That was Legeria. Which is on hold for now.
I don't have the energy to work on something big.
I understand. What tech are you making the new game with?
It's not an active game either. So a bit of markup is enough.
Which is why I figured it'd be easy enough.
Learning how to use jQuery in the process. :)
For the whole UI part.
I keep wanting to learn WebGL
But don't have the time right now unfortunately
I made a small test. It's easy enough. But there's a lot of graphics stuff to learn.
For this, I'll at most need a 2D canvas.
Canvas is a lot like a really basic XNA
You should be able to master it easily
I made the XNA SpriteBatch shader for WebGL actually.
I wonder where I put it.
It's pretty basic though.
They actually released the C++ code for the spritefont and spritebatche a while back. I really don't like XNA's spritefont class so I plan to make a monogame rewrite of it.
The only 2 things I don't like about XNA are the content pipeline and the stupid spritefont class.
The XNA content pipeline is understandable though.
Aiming at multiple platforms, having a single type to deal with is easier.
Having the option to bypass it for 3d stuff would be nice though.
You don't? You do for 2D :(
I do for 2D but I have been progressing into 2.5D stuff. Its mostly procedurally generated but the models are really really basic and for modabilities sake I would love to just have a XML file point to one of the more universal file types and be able to pull it in.
Also has anyone ever got a mac VM running? I tried 3-4 hours over the weekend and failed.
1 hour later…
did i tell you today how much i hate typescript?
class Typescript {
public isShit: bool;

static evaluate() {
this.isShit = true;

this isnt compilation error (in fact its not even a runtime error)
class Typescript {
public get isShit: bool { return true; }

public evaluate() {
this.isShit = true;

this isnt compilation or runtime error either
I would expect a compilation error but not necessarily a runtime error. JavaScript is to blame for that though.
there may actually be a runtime error in second case, since javascript has setters and getters, it may understand that its wrong
but i think typescript doesnt emit javascript getter and setter, i think its just a method
First example - compile error because evaluate is static. Second example - compile error because isShit has no setter?
btw its fun when you do this

class Typescript {
public name: string;

public evaluate() {
name = "isShit";
since there is global variable called name, it works :)
and no @Override anotation is also fun when you have type in ethod name :)
1 hour later…
ok, took the job I was talking about a while ago. Making iOS versions of boardgames for Filosophia/Z-Man. :)
@Almo Sounds like a nice job to me :) Congrats!
Z-Man, neat
thanks. sounds like a good job to me as well :)
They had one made by an external studio, and decided they're rather have it in-house for more control over release dates of in-app purchases.
also will be working on making networked multiplayer and stuff
Sweet. Request to work on Agricola. :D
I found this because a good friend of mine lives down the road from the owner of Filosophia, which recently bought Z-man
Working out my game mechanics is turning out to be not as straight forward as I had hoped.
this will be my first job where it's completely results-oriented. if the work I do doesn't pay my salary, it will only be a one-year position. :)
I am currently pitting each unit against each other using the following approach:
    public void ResolveCombat(Party party1, Party party2)
        foreach (var unit1 in party1.Units)
            foreach (var unit2 in party2.Units)
                Party1Atk += unit1.Atk - unit2.Def;
                Party1Def += unit1.Def - unit2.Atk;

                Party2Atk += unit2.Atk - unit1.Def;
                Party2Def += unit2.Def - unit1.Atk;
boardgame companies have very thin margins since people don't like paying much for boardgames
And here's a sample result:
@William'MindWorX'Mariager Is there a reason you're doing the 1 vs all approach?
Now I just need to figure out what to do with the result.
@BogdanMarginean That's to give each unit their individual advantage over each unit. A ranged unit would get an advantage over melee units.
Normally the player would control that advantage through tactics, but I need this to play out automatically.
Same for a priest getting an advantage over undeads and other similar traits.
So in the end, I end up with some values that I need to turn into combat results.
So either a win or a loss.
would it not be easier to somehow simulate how units behave?
Perhaps with unit loss, but that's not a primary concern.
make pairs of <ranged, melee>
but maybe it's just me, and your approach makes more sense
can't concentrate well atm lol
but when I see O(n^2) stuff
I know that feeling. :P
first thing I do
is try to see if I can't do it simpler lol
Well, this would only be for up to 6vs6, so it's not too complex.
I already see a problem with my approach though.
you could also keep some info on each party somewhere else
e.g. instead of continuously going through party members
you could pre-calculate total attack/defense for each party
when the stats change
But that wouldn't account for enemy units.
as in monsters?
not parties?
Like I said, a party of priests should be able to devour a few undeads without a scratch, but run scared from a few orcs.
Perhaps basic AI is a better approach.
not sure what you mean, but since you mentioned that ranged units have advantage over melee units I thought of something like
say if the party had 3 ranged units with 5 attack each
Party.TotalRangedAttack would be 15
Well, think of the situation with the Priest(ATK:1;DEF:0). However, he has a trait, which means against Undead he get's a +(ATK:2;DEF:1), for a total of (ATK:3,DEF:1).
Again, for the ranged unit, the advantage is only over the melee units. Against other ranged units, they have no advantage.
yup, that's why you compare
So it's based on the specific scenario, and can't well be pre calculated.
Party1TotalRangedAttack with Party2.TotalMeleeDefense
Oh, so like Party.TotalUndeadAttack/Defense too?
regarding the undeads
unless you want to make undeads a class like ranged/melee
But what about mixed parties then? A few undead and a few regular along with perhaps a fire elemental? Lots of different factors.
I think a good approach would be
I want to avoid player controlled combat. But the simulation has to be useful.
for each character in party
to have some sort of dictionary
My current one was horrible.
Dictionary<Class, Attack> AttackAgainstClass;
so a priest would have
AttackAgainstClass[Undead] = 3
and if there's nothing for class... say, FireElemental in the dictionary
then it defaults to 1 or whatever
What about a more data-based approach:
foreach(wizard in world)
    foreach(undead near wizard)
        wizard attacks undead
foreach(archer in world)
    foreach(unit near archer)
        archer attacks unit
Order it based on advantages
@John, Yeah, I was starting to lean towards that. Basic AI that can be resolved real quick.
Handle all wizards -> undead first, then archers, then cavalry, then ...
that's the AI approach that he was talking about I think\
Could even put out a log of the battle for players interested.
foreach ranged unit: attack nearest melee unit
Introduce DMG and HP perhaps.
I think I'll just do that. It's more interesting for the player than a win/loss message.
And it allows for controlled combat at a later point.
Man, I'll be listening to this all day: youtube.com/watch?v=ECRHpV23qOw Daft Punk - Get Lucky ft Pharrell and Nile Rodgers
I just recently heard this one: youtube.com/watch?v=ScNNfyq3d_w
Was surprised I missed it.
@BogdanMarginean, Thanks for your input.
this is my current favorite. really amazing vocals: soundcloud.com/mmoths/heart-feat-keep-shelly-in
@William'MindWorX'Mariager no prob :)
wohoo, another accepted answer
I remember 2 years ago on SO I'd always give crappy answers that'd get downvoted
So turn based combat. First Party1, Unit1 attacks a chosen unit from Party2. Then Party2, Unit1 attacks a chosen unit from Party1.
looking back they were really crappy
@BogdanMarginean, We all know that feeling.
Hmm, maybe a speed variable, to sort unit turns by.
So a player could specialize in having high speed.
like in HOMM :D
or was it...
called differently?
Like in Dungeons and Dragons thank you very much. :P
yeah my bad
there was something like that in homm too though
I'm sure it's in HoMM as well. :P
ah yes
like in ToEE
I remember it from there
ToEE is based on D&D. :P
I know
that's why I mentioned it
Lots of abbreviations. :P
them attacks of opportunity
do them too
Hah, in combat where units aren't moving around? :P
sounds legit to me
I'm not even sure how to do ranged units yet. Perhaps just being immune to melee attacks the first round.
also make past experiences of each character affect combat
for example when fighting against hobos who want to steal stuff
one of your warriors might have been terrorized by hobos in his childhood

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