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1 hour later…
A: About floating point precision and why do we still use it

flobbieFloats are beeing used for representation and analysis of geometrical data although they really are in no way suited for that job, because people are too lazy and stupid to always implement the right datatype for the job. And because lots of people agreed on their laziness and stupidity they deci...

Hate floats much?
I can imagine the hate we'd see if the default turned out to be fixed-point decimals
can you imagine calculating an equation a*(c/d*b) and getting stupid rounding errors just because c/d was 0.0001 and your fixed point system only had 3 digits of precision?
@JohnMcDonald I'm happy to report that PlanetSide 2 is a blast when there are people playing :P
heh, nice
Yeah... it's a really good game, especially considering that it's free to play
I will agree
Some say they'd rather just pay $50 and get everything though, :/ and I can kind of see their point
6 hours later…
myString = L"MyString";

Any ideas what this C++ syntax means ? :)
3 hours later…
When I will understand this: result = CreateDXGIFactory(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory),(void**)&factory);

I could die in piece
@JohnMcDonald That's me. I usually avoid F2P games, unless their F2P model feels right to me. For MMOs, I really prefer subscription so I never feel "Damn, I could do that if I paid more."
F2P is also ok with me if it's playbalanced, and you're not paying to win. DotA 2 and League of Legends fall into this category.
how fast could one learn php on average?
depends. does your average include people who have never programmed, or people who have already learned 20 languages, people who only know LISP and other such languages?
For a traditional C programmer, I'd say, "not very long". PHP is quite simple.
@Almo I meant for me for example, I know c++, c#, fiddled with C once, etc
Then "not long"
@Almo thanks for the tip, A friend of mine is making an online game in php, and if I learn it a bit I can be part of the team :)
COol :)
hey @Almo, mind giving me a quick hand with a program I made using c++?
depends on what you need
@Almo just a minor bug I have
i can take a look; won't promise anything :)
the program basically takes inputs
and then it randomizes the answers
all worked fine, however, I then added a "again?" function, in other words, the option to run the program again without closing it
but by doing that it skips one input
ok post away
or use pastebin
for(i=0; i<100; i++)
cout<<"\n\nIntroduce the name of thing "<<i+1<<": ";
getline (cin,t);
this is the part that takes in the input...
that should be the problem, because if I put any cin before that one, it skips input 1, and goes to input 2
ewww, Dev-CPP
^that's what happens
@ShotgunNinja that bad?
show the whole thing. looks like an issue with it using the return from the number of items to fuck up the first name
Nah, not really, it's just that it's a rather iffy IDE.
It's probably the best IDE other than Eclipse (shudder) for doing MinGW-C++ dev, though.
@Almo yea, but before I added the "How many results" part it also happened after the "Run again? (y/n)" one
that's why I want to see all the code
very hard to see what's wrong with only part of the code
Line 23.
@ShotgunNinja it's just that when I learnt it in school it was the program we had
Oh, I understand completely.
style comment: if(p >= 3) { p = 3 } is odd... no need to set to 3 if it's already 3. Will keep looking
@ShotgunNinja what's wrong with it?
@Almo I just changed that a while ago actually... but yea, I just thought about it again now
@Madcowe You're using cin >> p and getline(cin, t) in the same program. Generally speaking, they don't play nice together.
I think Shotgun's got it. :)
I don't see anything else wrong there.
@ShotgunNinja so I should use a getline (cin, p); for that as well?
I've never used getline before, so I don't have much of an opinion on that.
well only one way to find out, let's try it
@Madcowe getline() is a C construct; it isn't overloaded for int.
You'd have to fetch into a temporary string buffer, then convert it into an int.
In C, this is done via atoi().
@ShotgunNinja yea because getline gives me a load of errors...
If you want to make the whole thing C++ oriented, you'd get rid of the getline() call and replace it, too, with a cin >> t.
@ShotgunNinja the problem with that is that the inputs would be names, with spaces included possibly, if I had the cin >> t, the program would be something like this:
Input choice 1: Mount and Blade
Input choice 2:
Input choice 3:

Input choice 4: _
Yeah, understood.
I'm currently digging through internet notes to figure out how to make it work.
Which is what you could be doing as well...
wonders why he's the only one who actually tries to USE the computer he's typing on for good instead of evil...
lol yea, I've looked for it a while ago... but since it's not that important I kind of let it go for a while
Oh, okay. So it looks like you just have to call cin.getline(t, t_length).
@ShotgunNinja how do I find that t_length? like, would the best approach be to make a limit on the number of characters?
or should I look for a code that gets that?
Hang on. There's another reason your system is failing.
A: Need help with getline()

Ape-inagocin >> number only grabs the numbers from the buffer, it leaves the "enter" in the buffer, which is then immediately grabbed up by the getline and interpreted as an empty string (or string with just the new line, i forget).

Also, instead of using that version of getline, you should use std::getline(istream& is, string& str). Source: cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/getline
It's a static function in the std namespace, so, NOT the cin.getline() version.
thanks @ShotgunNinja, I'll look through it and say what happened afterwards
What you should do is put a dummy call of ignore(cin) or ws(cin).
as proposed here
A: Need help with getline()

sthThe getline(cin, str); reads the newline that comes after the number read previously, and immediately returns with this "line". To avoid this you can skip whitespace with std::ws before reading the name: cout << "Enter number:"; cin >> number; cout << "Enter name:"; ws(cin); ge...

I'd get a string and convert it but thats just me :)
^ Yeah, that's generally the better (if slightly more complicated) approach.
There's another answer that does just that:
A: Need help with getline()

Charles BaileyIt looks like you want line based reading. For this you probably want to use getline consistently and then parse each line if you need to parse a number from then read line. It makes the input reading more consistent. This way you don't have to manually scan for the end of each line to guarantee...

so, getline(cin, t);
and then convert t to string?
That's the generally-accepted way to go, since then you decouple your I/O operations from your parsing logic.
But only just; in this fashion, you only "sip lines off the file", as one of my professors so eloquently described it, instead of "shotgunning all N gigabytes into memory".
Protip: Avoid reading in entire files when you don't know how large they may become.
Protip: Avoid playing LoL when the NA server is down.
While this doesn't apply that well to this example, it's scary how similar the code is.
Oh boy, this guy is funny:
Q: How to go about front end UI to main Game Engone and then to Game Over Phase

AdornI am about to complete my first ever game. I have used Qt for windowing and OpenGL for actual game logic. I am confused about .. things which are related to design so according to FAQ, these kinda questions are valid. So from the past experience, people who are more interested in deciding what ot...

Basically "lol how do I design game"
The guy asks some good questions, but the way he writes reeks of first-time developer.
Maybe do the world a favor and edit out the fluff? :P
oh off-topic
red bar on top of the site says this: Stack Overflow requires external JavaScript from another domain, which is blocked or failed to load.
I think that is also why I wasnt able to play the other game the other day
@ToddersLegrande just wondering, couldnt I also only get a line if t wasnt null or empty?
like if( t != null && t != '')?
well... no because clearly the previous input isnt null nor empty -.-
I don't really know much C++ anymore. Just saying how I handle input in other applications. Assume its text input until proven guilty.
@ToddersLegrande I seem to remember it being easier to convert in C#... oh well, guess it's time to stop being lazy :3
Yeah its quite easy to convert in C#
Wow. jQuery makes AJAX effortless
Pretty much
$.get("http://example.com/page.php", function(data){ alert(data); } );
jQuery is great and does all things.
With the exception of OOP that makes any sort of sense
but that's JavaScripts fault
JS's thing is dynamic types, which make sense. It's just weird when you're not used to it.
yeah... so that function at the end is a parameter to the "get" call which is being called on jQuery ($)
Hey Todd... I think you missed my reference where I said "jQuery is great..."
so.. in English: jQuery, get me this page, and call this function when it's done
@JohnMcDonald Yeah, pretty much.
jQuery: Grab me elements which match this, then slap this on them.
jQuery: Grab me AJAX from this URL, then pipe it into this function when you're done, if it works.
that's where I got that from
Ah yeah. I remember that now :)
the cut off you suck at the bottom is priceless
That's the first time I've seen this.
it's a classic
read all the little bits around the page. it's all funny
I also find it funny how specific that humor is. You must be familiar with StackOverflow, the flood of JS questions, and how often jQuery gets mentioned in solutions.
"What is the best number?"
"How can I extract number from HTML using a regex without ZALGO singing the song that ends the world?"
"Where are my legs?"
"JavaScript: why is my text content getting mangled when I clone nodes? Obviously I must be doing something wrong as jQuery is perfect"
"Is there a jQuery plugin for making an HTML page appear in the browser?"
Wanted: Yet another ASP.NET developer.
xD I'm dying
Nerd humor is the best kind of humor.
@Almo poor guy, tried to help and got a -2
But... but jQuery is so much cooler
/troll, I'm pretty sure it's photoshopped
hilarious and plausible, but photoshopped
not enough jQuery.. LOL
lol, yeah, that's the best part
i didn't knew it's allowed to troll on stackoverflow T_T
Q: Simulating Game Apples - Can't get it to work

Bob FlandersonI'm trying to create a game with newtonian physics. Before you read the rest of this, this is my main question I'm trying to find an answer to: I keep getting an error that pops up in a window after I try and run my code. What library or dll am I missing? I've got an apple, an orange, and a ...

That's my go to troll question, :)
eheheh I've seen that, always laugh xD
and with this I say, people are stupid
LoL login servers under extreme duress. Been offline for many hours, and everybody trying to get on :)
hmm looks like the login server is still off
hahah that's funny about the phone
way better
i like that iphone they're holding as well
Anyone can help debug Dx11 compilation error? :(
probably not :(
i mean... I can't
someone else may be able to
fixed it..
weird, Dx11 doesn't want to work if I include it from Library\x64, works only from Library\x86...
If someone reads it and knows why Dx11 fails to compile on 64bit, would be nice to know :)
I laughed
wait, I'll send the direct image link
yet another catastrophic deployment
yeah they been offline all day
Hey there is anyone on that could give me a suggestion for any really good sdk's for implementing head to head for a Windows Phone 7.1/8 game?
I am using XNA/C# right now but will likely start compiling the Windows 8 version with my MonoGame code after the next release so I would prefer something that wont have to change due to that
I guess I rather should have asked... is there anyone on?
You did the right thing: Asking the question straight in to chat. I just don't know anything on the subject.
No problem. :)
same here
I'm reading an article on it right now... just the basic stuff as his examples are all in C++.
@RobCurr just remember, even though usually people say c++ is better and faster, it's up to you which language to choose :3
Found out the other day that Terraria was made with C#
so are Bastion and Magicka
Yeah no problem here. I developed in C/C++ for 10 years or more. Just switched to C# and now java in the last 6 years or so
What I meant by that is that the libraries he is referencing and therefor the examples are not likely going to be the same
@JohnMcDonald nice to know :3
ah yea, just reminding though xp
Not to mention that unless there was some REAL impressive reason I would rather not devolve to writing C++ again.
:) good to hear
Still trying to decide if I should use UDP or TCP for sending data. This article I am reading is leaning heavily towards UDP with extra control added for reliability but it is talking about sending info 10-30 times per second which is overkill for my implementation. Plus there is the added possible problem of connecting through firewalls and such.
I'm a fan of TCP, largely because the programmer doesn't have to deal with everything UDP doesn't do
I really just need a reliable connection that can send info a couple times a second, is secure and can be set up with info sent via my wcf server.
Yeah I am starting to think that as well.
well, TCP is reliable, and UDP is not
TCP apparently obscures the reliability... and according to this article you can essentially write the component that makes it seem more reliable on top of UDP.
It's an interesting read at any rate. Reminds me of all the info I forgot from my networking course I took 18+ years ago
Ordering also needs to be handled
yeah, I've seen this before, let me read it again
True, I personally dont care so much about ordering as I am really just updating an opponents current score and that score cant go down so I already know which packets to discard
@RobCurr, regarding the protocol to use - I'd suggest you to take a look at Photon for Unity3D documentation. Do not use it, just read about how they've implemented the network protocols into their engine.
They use all of them, TCP, UDP and even RUDP (a custom made one), nicely separating the traffic into channels by data importance and whether it requires to be 100% received or not.
and for RUDP I think they use some open source library :0
The complaints he has are common: TCP won't deliver out of order packets to the client. If packet 3 is lost, and packets 4->10 have been received, TCP will hold on to 4->10 until packet 3 has been re-sent
Depends on the type of game, but in my game, I'd rather not worry about it
imo TCP will get you 90% of the way there. And it's up to you whether the last 10% matters.
kind of like my opinion on premultiplied alpha or screen-space normal mapping in tangentspace. Stupid alpha looks close enough 90% of the time.
how do you make an arriving behavior with box2d if some body already has velocity ?
Steering behaviours act like a force on the object.
i know about forces
What exactly are you having problems with? Calculating the steering force or applying it to the object?
calculating it
TCP is great as long as promptness is not an issue. I'd always use TCP for turn-based games.
doesnt really give a clue
It's all there in the paper: red3d.com/cwr/steer/gdc99
Just scroll down to the section 'arrival' for the formulas on arrival steering behaviour
ah thanks
btw: top of the paper's page, there's some links to implementations: red3d.com/cwr/papers/1999/gdc99steer.html
opensteer i know
i can't manage to compile it on msvc10
and I did n't try for osx yet
I got an error for msvc10, seems it fails to convert
already posted a question on SO
btw in the arrival example code
the last line
it is a force right ?
Section 'a simple vehicle model' explains the physics model used
@Fratyr Thanks I will have a look at this, at least for the info.

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