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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@ToddersLegrande what's disqus?
We were talking about the [a] commenting system "Disqus" for our own personal blogs [web sites]
lol xD
looks cool actually :)
I picked it up from reading a whole lot of engadget.com a few years back
Doesn't look like they use it anymore but it seemed pretty slick at the time so I've stuck with it over the years... even if I never did anything with it
neat :)

Can you use disqus on blogspot for example?
Well blogspot redirects to blogger which I believe is what @Byte56 said he was using so I assume yes?
"No matter what platform you use, Disqus integrates seamlessly."
@Byte56 Only true if you have open access to the platform.
"We support major platforms with easy-to-use plugins or copy-and-paste code."
If [free blogging service here] didn't let you embed certain types of tags or whatever there is no way to get Disqus onto your pages
I think blogspot qualifies as "major"
I agree, it is marketing however.
oh well, only one way to know, trying it
I don't know how blogspot works but WordPress and Orchard (the two I've used it on) have official places to get and install and manage plug ins. I would start there if blogspot has something like that
@ToddersLegrande yes it does, and I believe you can even create new stuff in there, but not quite sure about the latter
Kentucky is really anti-education: i.imgur.com/CgyfK6J.jpg
I lol'd
someone help me! xD
my gf keeps watching programs that make me lose faith in humanity! xD
Reality TV shows?
Anything involving Weddings, Dresses, Cakes, or Live Cop Dramas?
I mean "Reality" TV shows?
pretty much, on youtube x)
@ShotgunNinja oh wow, its actually a wedding dress reality show!
"Say Yes to the Dress" makes me want to stab my eyes out.
brides go there choosing dresses, and are like "what? $34.000 dollars? that's under budget! :D"
@ShotgunNinja IT'S THAT ONE!!! D:
I heard about that recently, and that there is even one for the brides maids dresses.
That's one reason why my last girlfriend broke up with me. I told her I didn't like that show.
She did you a favor.
That she did.
++ to the last 2 comments
well, to be fair, at least she is NOTHING like those shows
but for some reason loves to see them
oh well xD
right now there's a girl trying on a $14k dress saying like "bah this looks like a shower curtain" I mean come on!
that's like enough to be more or less well in life with a house!
My wife got her dress for something like $100
and was like "if I really like the dress my husband is just gonna have to get a second job"
seriously? help me! D:
@Byte56 yea, around here they are like that too, and arent that different actually
there is one thing I liked from the show though... the top comment was: "Meanwhile in Africa..."
People focus way too much on the wedding day. Must be why so many marriages fall apart.
@Byte56 probably, this one was a complete b1tch though, can't even start to wonder why the man wants to marry her
I mean, I know of people who go into debt to get married. That's just so crazy.
@Byte56 absolutely! I kind of understand that it is an important day and all but really...
well to be fair... at least this show doesnt have the annoying voice the kardashians have........
There's something called "living within your means". More people need to apply that to their lives.
@Byte56 yea, my country Portugal is full of poor people that think they are rich
It's ridiculous, we're going through a supposed "crisis" that we need to be careful with what we spend and all, salaries getting cut, aids lowering, prices rising, etc
but as soon as a new iPhone comes out it solds out on the day
"everyone" has a mac and a car
they all have a load of crap they dont even know what to do with them
and then they complain they cant buy food or whatever
That's pretty much most countries now a days.
Essentially it comes back to what you said before, faith in humanity lost.
I have a great example, my ex house-mate from college had a bmw Z4, pretty sure it was to impress and bang girls, and then he was all pissed that they had removed his scholarship (is that how you say it?)
We had a small wedding because we wanted to. Immediate family and significant others only. We made the food ourselves and got married at the court house. The whole thing, including the license cost probably cost us less than $300.
Add another $250 for her dress though
that car
oh I just remembered, does anyone want to help me fine-tune a program I made?
I'm taking off to play disc golf. Hard day at work and all. Later.
@Byte56 disc golf? well, have fun :)
Like golf, but with medium sized frisbees. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disc_golf
ah nice :)
Disc golf is kind of fun; wish it wasn't so often dominated by tools who hang out at frat houses.
guys, does anyone want to help me choose which game I should play? ._.
Since my choice making program still has some bugs? x)
play space chem
that's always good for taking a break from programming
because it's more programming! ARGH!
@Almo hahaha seen it once, but never really tried it
oh I know we're already over this topic but...
toddlers and tiaras... please kill me ._.
SpaceChem is a great game
but you have to be in the mood for real brain-twisting
@Almo it isnt free is it?
there's a demo though
check steam
demo is pretty big; you'll know if it's worth the small amount of money by the end of it
ok afk gotta finish a movie :)
@Almo k thanks :3
@Madcowe Kill it with fire!
@ShotgunNinja I wished... one thing I noticed about the program is that when the girls are on stage, you hear a lot of clapping and cheering and all, but when the camera turns pretty much all the people that are watching are the "moms" and the jury...
like who are they trying to fool? everyone hates baby pageants, pretty sure most do at least
dont even know why they are made
What's the complaint?
obviously not everyone hates baby pageants or the show wouldn't still be running
@Jimmy well I guess some people just want to be shocked
seriously I'm getting insane! She's still watching "say yes to the dress" or whatever it is, loud, next to me, even before I talked about it! D:
why are you still watching the show then?
not me, my gf :C
not watching but still hear it x)
Break up with her.
Is it wrong to like things that are expensive?
As long as the "expensive" is within reason
even without reason
Depends. What sort of things are you referring to under the purview of "expensive"?
It's fine to like it
like, I'd hate for a girl to break up with me if I watched a show about supercars
To actually buy a dress worth tens of thousands of dollars and only where it once because you like it is unreasonable
@Jimmy watching a show isn't expensive. I guess we were looking at your question from different perspectives :)
It's not that she's watching the show. It's that she's being insensitive to @Madcowe's revulsion over the show. She could watch it somewhere else.
I think people can usually draw a line between "like" and "need"
@shotgun or it's @Madcowe's revulsion that's insensitive maybe, is what I'm saying
There's nothing wrong with liking shows about expensive stuff
No, if you've ever seen these shows, they're pretty revolting.
I sometimes enjoy watching bad shows just so I can get angry at them
Because it's about something that doesn't appeal to you personally?
Actually, opinions aside, we know two facts about the situation: (1) @Madcowe doesn't like the shows, and (2) @Madcowe's girlfriend is sitting right next to him, watching the shows he doesn't like in a loud and bothersome fashion.
What we don't know: Did @Madcowe inform his girlfriend of the fact that this is bothersome to him? It's a mystery.
well, yes. I'm saying I can be in a room with people watching a show I'm not watching.
Just like most of my vegetarian friends can go to dinner and not mind me eating a steak at the same table
never seen my name mentioned so many times xD
well I dont really mind she watching it, I just feel that it could do her some kind of "harm" or something actually xD
Oh, that's a different story.
and Space Chem IS awesome
I figured you'd like SpaceChem. :)
@Almo yea its awesome and really gets you thinking :)
@ShotgunNinja nice
Q: How it comes I was able to edit someone else question?

petervazSaw a question and noticed it could use some formatting on code, clicked on 'edit' and did the work. Then it occurred to me that I don't have rep enough for this. Checked the reputation list and indeed I would need 2k rep for editing rights. So is it bugged or did I misunderstand this rules?

is byte56 here ?
i'm having trouble understanding how to steer balls with box2d without orientation
You do a "Hey @Byte56 - [insert question here]" and the @username syntax pings him so he'll see it when he's available to answer
are there situations in games when to use D* over A* ? a developer i was speaking to told me D* is much more efficient
but alot of games use A*
@Dave Well, some girls love the D :P
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