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I hate it when you provide an answer with sample code and because the sample code isn't EXACTLY what they are trying to do they shrug you off as irrelevant.
If you can't figure it out from an example you shouldn't be programming.
The icing on the cake is his comment being upvoted... gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/50297/…
I'll concede that I do like the other answers better (even though they are pretty much the same) because they utilize the content pipeline. But a lot of effort went into mine and it IS relevant so to see a comment like that really urks me.
Personally I think the whole concept of downvoting an answer should be abolished. I personally think that when someone goes to the effort of trying to solve someone elses problem then it should be respected... if another answer is better then upvote that one instead. Dont have to be a douche about it.
I would be pretty upset if I got a down vote. It's just that the OP completely blew of my answer because his game didn't use tiles which is what my example used
Well some people just want things written for them. Dammit my game was about apples running around not oranges... you suck!
Haha yeaaaaah...
I'll get over it
Just like to vent sometimes
There has been a few times I have written a response to some comment and then decided to delete it...
and I'm the supposedly wisened older programmer that shouldn't let stuff like that get to me :p
1 hour later…
@RobCurr how so?
@RobCurr I've seen some answers that really needed to be downvoted, because they were wrong.
if a wrong answer gets enough downvotes, the person will delete it to get his rep back.
Theres a difference between wrong and "the other answer is better"
Wrong answers should be downvoted. I've had it happen to me too. It sucks but you can't let people think they can post false information
If a wrong answer is upvoted then we've have a real problem
5 hours later…
(just click it)
oh well. hiyoooooooooo guys! ,(^_^)/
1 hour later…
I must leave now
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Hey John. Turns out SQLite probably wont be the answer for me. The built in db for WP7 uses isolated storage whereas SQLite is kind of shoe horned into using it. Unfortunate because I would have preferred a unified solution.
hmm, interesting
Looks like CouchDB and NHibernate are out too
Looks like I can at least minimize the code difference using a few ifdefs at least. Different implementation on each platform but easier to maintain.
MS kinda dropped the ball on a few things
Eventually I will have a WP8 version then I wonder what I will be using there... does it have isolatedstorage or does it do it more like Windows 8?
:/ yeah. Kind of annoying
Any one here having experience with A star in a hex grid?
I've dealt with A* on a square grid. I can't imagine that a hex grid would be significantly different
I've done it before in a normal grid, lost the code
I must be doing something wrong obviously
for some reason switching parents is an issue
4 hours later…
@jhocking I'm debating deleting my JS answer, but the links are handy.

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