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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

It's a browser in a browser so I can browse while I browse!
(I only say that because the address bar and navigation buttons were in the screen shot making me see double the browsing)
@ToddersLegrande yo dawg
@Kikaimaru can that work on os x?
@user206586 it runs in any html5 browser (tried only chrome)
I mean the server side aspects
@Kikaimaru you could embed it into another app using Awesomium and then NO ONE CAN SEE YOUR CODES :O
server is in nodejs, so i dont know but i guess yes
@ToddersLegrande well its open source :)
well fine lol
I wonder how much work it would be to write a decent front end to Mercurial or Git
you can't use Tortoise?
Oh yeah
@Kika the graphics are looking better! where did you get those tiles from?
@Jimmy mana world, opensource mmorpg
but i think the oldversion of grindfest was better, but i cant get good isometric tiles
well, "better" as in, has cliffs
@Kikaimaru oh I remember that!
doing "3D in 2D" always makes my brain hurt
there is no 3d anywhere
well if you are going to have cliffs
you need "3d" only if you have bridges that you can walk under and over
perspective view?
and even then its made by hacks
oh, you can't walk behind a cliff?
yes you can, but thats because cliff has higher layer then players
so you can't walk onto the cliff
but you cannot walk "over" cliff
i see
you cant walk on the cliff tile that you can walk under
but you can walk on grass on cliff
we dont' get enough screenshots in here
I demand everyone post a screenshot of what they're working on!
this isnt gonna be good xD
on which so do I upload anyway?
I think I'd be breaching my NDA
yeah... I'd probably need to blur stuff out
plus it doesn't want to compile, yet
guys, which site do you use to upload?
@Madcowe the upload button next to the send button to the right of the chat box
@snake5 are those shadows done in shader?
chat.stackexchange.com is a great image upload site
@ToddersLegrande then I'll have to save the image then, alright sec
@Kikaimaru which ones?
there are two kinds: shadowmaps and lightmaps
@snake5 shadowmaps
Not in-engine, but I've just recently started concept artwork for a new project:
@Kikaimaru it doesn't matter actually, everything's done with shaders :P
@Madcowe snag.gy is good for pasting images but people like @Chunk-e-Yamani might not be able to see them due to filters. If I don't want to save an image and be nice to others I'll paste to snag.gy and upload "from web" in chat. Flooding the internet with my images
alright thanks
@Jimmy forbidden (http error 403)
I havent worked on it for a while
that video is cool
Ok ok... I'll show you my XNA project
hey! that's exactly like my XNA project!
The good news is... it compiles and runs.
love that color
except I have a different window size
reminds me of fight club
All projects must use Cornflower Blue
@snake5 I've just had a funny experience with that JSON loader of ours.
@Chunk-e-Yamani heh, what was it?
I've use it to load around a megabyte json files into my game.
it took around 5-6 seconds with optimizations on my laptop.
megabyte json files o.O
then compiling the game on iPhone it didn't even took 4 seconds to load them all (without optimizations)
here is my project where i used ssao!
that belongs on that shader bugs site
gonna play PSO BB a bit so they dont delete my account
is there such site? i always wanted to have some site that would show shaders, or errors and result
like when you display normals or depthmap what should you see
@Kikaimaru you are not nice enough to upload it in chat.se >:
nah, just a blog where they had a bunch of glitchy screenshots like that
I forget what the URL was it's been a whlie
@Jimmy to be exact it's 1.1MB distributed between 80 files, describing my game levels
or this caused by wrong ... that thing... leftwinged... how is it called
how can anyone who sees this for the first time know whats happening
winding order?
I didn't even notice the winding order issue because I thought the white rectangle was the bug :P
thats depthmap
@Jimmy it felt more like a negative to me
oh I didn't notice it before
I see
that's a Z-buffer I guess?
i dont know, maybe its normalized distance in viewspace
but maybe that would be more yellow
who knows, we dont have a site that would tell us how would that look :(

behold my awesome javascript 3d engine done by drawing lines!!!
wsad qe to move
@Kikaimaru how do you slow it down, its spinning so fast
@user206586 buy cheaper pc
lol. It's pretty slow for me.
Is it using canvas?
its fast in IE and Chrome, in Firefox javascript is slow...
hm i could add software shaders support... :)
I'm in FF and getting between 250 and 350 fps
maybe i have wrong version of FF :)
It was probably slow because xCode was using over 100% of my processor shrug
For me, it's slower in Chrome. Side by side
well im using settimeout(1) which can behave... oddly :) requestanimationframe would now be better choice
and I'm not even going to brother with IE because I'm on XP (max of IE8)
can you even use canvas in ie8?
Doubt it
"No HTML 5 Canvas support, try another browser. " - IE8
why so complex, you can draw lines using normal javascript, like make a lot 1x1px divs
excanvas converts it to VML, then it runs even on IE 7
of course, slower and with restrictions
yeah... or you could listen to IE and use an other browser
This is a game I made a while back to learn about canvas: secondreality.co.uk/catominoes
i was making multiplayer minesweeper to learn canvas, but sadly nodejitsu.com removed it already
so no screenshots for this one :(
a tetris with no fastdrop? Blasphemy!
@Jimmy that would be illegal
and dont call it tetris, or he might get sued
A tetrislike with no fastdrop
Hmm. I'll add that later today.
I'm not really a big tetris fan I just felt like making a simple game.
it's fab
where did you get the cats, did you draw them?
@JohnMcDonald get a better OS
It's people like you who make web developers like me angry! D:<
I use FF, no problems in that department
Except in SharePoint... :(
Well actually... IE8 is sufficient for that
Alright. fine.
be that way...
yeah... if you're developing web apps for mass consumption, and you actually want to support XP (~40%) and the default browser that comes with it, you can't use HTML5
Really dumb
well, you can just design to gracefully degrade for dumb browsers
@user206586 I didn't draw them - I made the sprites from this image: tegaki.pipa.jp/49084/6349584.html
which took a bit of re-jigging, because they didn't fit a regular grid initially.
I like it when the cats overlap slightly
makes it look more like a giant pile of cats
i know what we need to do right now. mak gams
so wise
1 hour later…
@Chunk-e-Yamani On OSX (like most (all?) unixes), struct addrinfo is defined in #include <netdb.h>
It seems that in silver league not many can stand up to a banshee rush
I'm really enjoying winning :D
in < platinum league not many can stand up to any rush :)
In bronze everyone rushes
So THANK GOODNESS I'm in silver!
i remember that a lot of playrs will loose if you go to their base and start building gateway there infront of them
It's just annoying playing "who can cheese better"
they start panicking and attack it with probes, stop mining and you win...
hah nice
I do really well with my economy until I start attacking. Then I forget
Up until that point its really good.
have you tried hearth of swarm?
i hate that they removed that transforming unit to any unit from protoss :)
and i dont understand why they dont remove mothership, its such useless unit, and you cant do mothership rush... :)
my understanding was that the mothership is required for lategame PvZ?
since protoss supposedly has a hard time dealing with Zerg Air deathball
Yeah. The Archon Toilet
but archon toilet doesnt work anymore
isnt it called archon flush? :)
sorry, was testing something.
I'm new.
I'm going to wind up spending all my time in heart of the swarm spreading creep. Because sea monster! xD
I'll lose every game, but look at all that creep!
creep sea monster should injure enemy units it passes through. :)
try building spine highway, spine crawlers all the way to your enemy :)
doesnt work in 1v1, but in 3v3 or 4v4 its fun :)
200 supply of drones, and an all-spine army. xD
suddenly, banshees
When I was in bronze, I once had someone attack me with like 40 valkyries. With me primarily on zergling/roach. He'd fly into my base, land them all, and try to snipe buildings, then take off when my ground units came to defend. Rinse, repeat. ;)
10 terran wins portrait unlocked!
does hots have separate win icons?
also, for some reason I thought you were already much higher than silver
I started in gold due to dumb luck. But no. I've never been real good.
My brother and I are in bronze 2v2
good times
I think we'll get to silver soon. We seem to be winning a lot
are you using a proper bulid order?
He uses one. I more or less make it up while keeping my money low and SCV count high
have you seen that app that generates build orders with genetic algorithms?
yeah, I think it came up with some builds that people didn't realize at the time
or it's good for taking an existing build and then making tweaks
its nice to build something like 4 stalkers at 4m and then dark templar in 7m
but in hots its too easy to detect, so its not that useful
Ok, so I'm hoping to release this week. Question is, should I really bother with a trademark? Been working my way through a book on it and I'm under the impression that it is a safe defensive thing to do but the few mobile games I have don't have any marks on them.
@KlashnikovKid what book is that? is it any good?
Seems pretty good and has good reviews. Just started it really.
guys I need your opinion on something
why does the .exe for that code have 5682 KB?
isnt it a bit too big?
Possibly not
depends if it was built with debugging and how it's linked
well all I know is, that is the whole code of it, and used dev-cpp to do it
I usually press F11 to compile & run and it automatically creates the exe
thats the exe if someone's interested
ok, well I suppose it's statically linked with STL, but I really think it doesn't matter
a 5M exe file is not a problem; it won't grow linearly with size of code
oh well, still reasonably small...
@TrevorPowell well I surly didn't include that header before (though I've found it today myself)
@Madcowe It's probably statically linked against the runtime libraries. :)
also there was <arpa/inet.> that I needed to include, which I've just seen before.
@TrevorPowell could you explain a bit more please? :P
seriously unix networking is just the same as window's the only difference is the number of headers you need to include in unix one!
@TrevorPowell never liked runtime libraries.
The socket interface is extremely generic
C/C++ compilers come with libraries which actually implement the functions and features you use. (getline, cout, time(), etc). You can either link against those engines statically or dynamically. If you link against them statically, the library is basically copied into your executable, so people to whom you give your executable don't need to have the library on their computer.
you need to include a header for each address family you plan to use or something
@TrevorPowell hm how would I go about and don't copy them then?
@Chunk-e-Yamani: And unix has poll(). And a select() that works properly. Just sayin'. :)
@TrevorPowell never used poll, and never had any problems with select.
@Madcowe Well, if you wanted to link dynamically, there should be a project setting to do that. I don't know where that'd be in devcpp, though; I've only used Visual Studio on Windows. But regardless, linking dynamically just means that you need to figure out how to make sure that your users all have an accessible copy of the runtime library. I'm not sure it's a big win to link dynamically rather than statically. :)
@TrevorPowell I'll just keep it as it is then... but will remember that for the future, thanks again trevor :)
@Chunk-e-Yamani: On unix, you can 'select' on a file descriptor, on a pipe, on a stream.. On windows, you can only 'select' on sockets.
No worries, @Madcowe!
(In Visual Studio, the default is to link dynamically. And I always switch to static explicitly so that I don't have to worry about distributing the runtime libraries)
but I may change to VS some times... dev cpp is acting weird
@TrevorPowell true... though I'm pretty sure there were some workarounds.
sometimes I press F11 to compile and run
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