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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

My biggest career regret is not having quit a particular job. I really should have left that particular employer about six months before I did.
Could have had six fewer months of aggravation in my life. :)
"Question:How many people know the names of the people who get hurt the most in football?" Answer: Three.
I'm wondering, how can a question which was only viewed once, get two upvotes?
now it has 4 views :( and still two upvotes.
good question about the divergence meter :P
I bet it's because the designers were lazy about including extra digits
@Jimmy even if there were more digits there would only be finite set of possible futures which is not that much desirable.
i don't see why it's finite
it means whatever you do you can't create some potential futures.
the alternate universes exist on some N-dimensional plane
where distance between any two universes is a scalar unit
divergence meter shows the absolute world position, not the relative distance from previous world, as explained in this answer:
A: How are the Divergence Number and world line related?

SingerOfTheFallIn Steins;Gate there is an important thing called Attractor Field. An Attractor field is a number of world lines that may be slightly different from each other in small details, but provide the same end result. Each attractor field is "made of" a number of World lines, in some range. For exampl...

okay. So perhaps there are 10 major attractors that the meter can display
@Jimmy turned out there were 100 of them, the visual presentation in anime caused my mistake. but still the question exists.
@Chunk-e-Yamani A question starts with one upvote, when posted by a user who has at least a certain minimum amount of rep, as I recall. So it would have started with one upvote (from the author), and the user who viewed it first gave the second upvote.
@TrevorPowell my questions in GD.SE start with zero upvotes.
and I don't even have 1/20 rep in anime site
Hm.. then maybe I'm completely remembering wrong. :)
hey guys, can someone help me? this is very strange :S
my computer has 8 gigs of ram
I was playing crysis 2 but it froze for a few seconds when I did something "new" like the first time I shot the gun, when I ran, jumped, etc
and of course, knowing what I know about computers I thought it was RAM
and saw on the task manager that google chrome was using a lot of it so I closed it
however, after I closed the game (only had steam open) I checked the ram again and it was using 6.2 GB!
and I dont even have anything open, any ideas?
Yeah I don't understand what you're saying is using the memory.
Task manager is not a great metric for this, neccessarily.
yea I know that but still
having it display 6 gigs being used?
and now 7 out of 8?
I also know that the RAM was being overused because of the issues that I was having
What is displaying this usage?
the performance tab on the task manager
So look in the processes tab for private working set and see what's using the most
Or in the Resource Manager
ok in resource manager
what now?
strangest thing is
Memory tab. Sort by various interesting columns. Et ceter.
if I go to users
it says "I'm" using 800 MB
forums.randi.org/archive/index.php/t-79635.html its something like this, I'm reading to see if I can find a clue
...did you look at the memory tab?
cs.unm.edu/%7Edlchao/flake/doom is this a good tool?
of course I did... but that's the problem
accounting all of the programs you only get like 800MB, but it still says it's using 6
do you have "show processes for all users" checked?
@Jimmy dont even know if it's here on windows 8, but I am the only user on this PC
There are several columsn in the memory tab
Which ones did you add up?
@JoshPetrie it doesnt matter, none of them even reach 1GB
want a screenshot? xD
Yes. I think you're doing it wrong.
Processes don't just "use memory," the method by which it's allocated ot them by the OS is complex.
It's rarely an issue of simply adding a bunch of numbers.
@JoshPetrie yea but still, don't you think it's just a bit strange for the OS to use 6 gigabytes on standby?
I don't think the OS is doing any such thing.
for anything to use 6GB while in standby mode...
but seriously, the thing that is using the most memory atm is chrome and it's only 72.2MB
I think your problem is that you're assuming too much.
Probably some process has a commit against that much memory; it's not in "standby" it thinks its actually needed.
It may even be doing something with it.
but its trange... I closed everything and all, I wouldnt mind that much if at least the computer didnt freeze for 2 secs every time it needed to free up ram
also, how is your chrome using 72MB; mine is using 1.3G :P
*1 tab of chrome xD
Not all processes have UI.
alright, lets try the ultimate fix: Restarting the computer
ok it's restarting, let's see what it does now
That will almost certainly fix the problem but you'll never know what caused it.
which remings me... when I play EVE and alt tab to the desktop, everything is really dark, like if it was a laptop and put the brightness to 0 (this one is a desktop)
if there is still a lot of ram being used, that could explain why even though its such a good PC
it still lags here and there
fresh after rebooting the RAM being used is 5,6 GB
What's running?
disc usage stayed on 100% for a long time as well
When in worry, pain, or doubt: run in circles, scream and shout. Or reboot. That works too. :)
and still hasnt gone down
Loading will almost certainly hit the disk very hard.
Logging in, loading your user profile, et cetera.
yea but that's normal... it goes down to 0 in a while
what bugs me is the ram
What. Is. Running.
I won't ask again.
apparently some hosts
@JoshPetrie: liar. ;)
I have no interest in helping people who don't want to be helped and just want to vent.
does win8 comes with powershell?
@JoshPetrie well my OS is in portuguese so I'll try to translate
@Jimmy actually it does, just found it
I also have avg free running...
what do you guys need to know or me to do?
could you show us what
ps | sort -desc WS | select-object -first 10
in powershell
because it's a bit strange to have
CPU: 0% Memory: 68% Disk; 0%
Josh is trying to ask you what you have running but you've been cleverly avoiding a meaningful answer
or just the output for ps
@Jimmy I've tried but...
PS C:\Users\Vitor Costa> ps | sort -desc WS | select-object -first 10

Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) VM(M) CPU(s) Id ProcessName
------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ -- -----------
218 16 7796 261588 303 2940 IntelliMem
706 55 102988 121092 609 7,36 5824 powershell
1279 91 33724 80704 369 3,17 1112 explorer
637 34 38652 42192 128 1080 svchost
1506 57 15468 32476 133 616 svchost
hmmm nothing there looks out of the ordinary
then how do you explain memory being on 80% now?
in your performance tab your total physical = 8G and available = 1.5G ?
in usage: 6, available: 1,8
allocated: 6,3/11,9GB
in cache: 1,1GB
what about kernel memory
dammit how do you say this again in english... uhm... "paginated"?
ah right
paged block: 166MB
non paged block: 4,1 GB
@Jimmy where do I see that?
holy smokes
nonpaged 4.1
you have a bad driver somewhere
you see that from the paged part? xD
what's wrong and what should it be?
NonPaged memory is basically used by your drivers so it's not going to show up on the processes list
and it should be much less than 1GB
oh... damn! so that's the problem right?
so that's where your RAM is going
(damn because THAT is high xD)
any idea what I should do now?
install better drivers? I dunno. Could be a win8 bug too
@Jimmy yea but... any tips on how to pinpoint the bad one?
hmmm you could do a quick test
and boot up in safe mode
that would load a minimal set
see if that fixes the problem
also... my graphics card is the Nvidia Geforce M650 If I'm not mistaken... it uses that "optimus" system or whatever it is, and I put it to always use the graphics card by default
oh great, let me google how to boot safe mode on win 8 xD
you might be able to get a clue using Procexp
and it says "the easy way"
according to that, "Intellimem" is the problem
you could also try killing that or removing it from autostart using Autoruns and see if that fixes anything
hm just went down a bit after I closed it
still at 75%... I'll read that page to see if I can find something
@Madcowe I don't see the need for shift
I mean all I did to boot into safe mode was pressing f8 button, and following exact same steps as shown in that post
@Chunk-e-Yamani havent tried yet, still seeing if I can do it without reboot
@Madcowe it shouldn't be possible without reboot.
well, if you can uninstall or disable intellimem from startup, then you should try a reboot
even with msconfig you need to reboot at least once, since the whole thing is loaded differently in safemode
because if it's doing something silly with kernel memory, it probably hasn't released it if you just whack the Intellimem.exe
ok, disabled everything except microsoft services (for now) and avg dog or whatever
something tells me that made it worse...
but memory is at 16% so far
made it worse in what way?
@Jimmy a bit laggy and unresponsive at boot, but then again I said to install the steam service
it's getting better now
its just the disk that being used
so I obviously have no idea what Intellimem is or what it does, so hopefully it isn't something terribly important. But anything that allocates 4 gigs of kernel memory sounds like a bug to me.
now it's the disk thats stuck on 99% 0_o
alright... now, like a place with many horses, my computer is stable
just rebooting again
oh yay, thanks you guys :D
maybe this was also why my PC kept overhearing...
I'm running at 38% (3/8GB) with a bunch of apps idly running. CPU 2% and Disk 0%
Yay Windows 8!
Yay Windows 8 with nonbuggy drivers
@ToddersLegrande do you have an IntelliMem?
Can anyone help me with understanding the math in finding the normal vector of a plane?
@Jimmy Nope. Running the command without limiting it to the first 10, and sorting by process name shows "Idle" as my only "I" process
Maybe it's vendor-specific crapware
I'm glad it's 2013 and we're still dealing with that
anyway, tried to run crysis, just for a test, MUCH smoother
@MilesAlden what do you need help with
Well I believe I understand the basic concepts behind it.
There are symbols being used here I just don't understand, like N vs |N|
What are those pipes representing? ----^
|V| is the magnitude of a vector V
meaning the length of it
I still find it ironic that intellimem seems a reference to "intelligent memory" (or something like that) and yet it hogs your resources
okay, so piping means magnitude, which is the same as length.
in one dimension, it reduces to "absolute value"
which you've perhaps seen pipes used as before
cool. Is the Delta symbol (inverted triangle) a constant or something else?
delta usually means "difference of"
sometimes a "partial differential of"
which is a related concept
Am I right in calling the triangle delta?
oh wait
its flipped
ya...What's that mean?
it means partial diff I think
the right side up means incremental diff
I dont' know the name of the upside down triangle
â–½ == partial diff and flipped is inc diff...
I found the character at least...heh.
hmmm well not directly related
i assume originally "delta" is just "Greek D" because difference begins with d
I just looked over that answer
ya I know. When you say diff are you abbreviating differential? or difference?
and I'm not sure upsidedowndelta F is actually the normal there
lol both
okay lets start over ignoring the symbol then
because I'm not sure I agree with its use there
I know that as the laplace operator, but..
yeah, just put the x,y,z into N and that's it :p
ha okay. "laplace" ...
is that actually the Laplace?
man, it's been too long since I've done math :(
well, laplace is also written as a non upside down delta, apparently
Ya it looks like it.
In mathematics the Laplace operator or Laplacian is a differential operator given by the divergence of the gradient of a function on Euclidean space. It is usually denoted by the symbols ∇·∇, ∇2 or ∆. The Laplacian ∆f(p) of a function f at a point p, up to a constant depending on the dimension, is the rate at which the average value of f over spheres centered at p, deviates from f(p) as the radius of the sphere grows. In a Cartesian coordinate system, the Laplacian is given by sum of second partial derivatives of the function with respect to each independent variable. In other coordina...
oh, lol. that answer looks like a 1:1 copy from wolfram mathworld
laplacian is regular delta
and upsidedowndelta is the sqrt of laplacian?
okay, anyways I'm still not convinced the normal is either partial differtial or laplacian
yeah, I'd ignore that...
so yeah, just ignore it and say, "Normal of plane ax+by+cz is (a,b,c)"
unnormal normal
I'm listening, just not sure I get it...
but plz keep going.
you know what a "normal vector" is right?
it's a vector that points "directly outwards" from a surface
we also use the word "normal" to mean something else
that a vector has length 1
so the terminology is clashing here
yep got that.
normalizing a vector is equal to scaling it by 1/length(vector), as that will make it of length 1
once we have a "normal vector" (a,b,c) it is considered as not a "normal" vector
so in order for it to be any use at all
we have to normalize it
You're literally the first person to explain that well.
well, @TrevorPowell has a point
I'd probably get it faster if my math didn't suck.
The standard terminology doesn't help make it obvious.
that un-normal normal vectors are weird
ha, tks man
My comment was jumping ahead of where you were in the explanation. :) Removed to avoid confusion.
yeah, I was trying to point out the two separate meanings of "normal"
since it actually hasn't occurred to me before now that it could be confusing
un-normal normal vectors cause all sorts of problems. Especially in lighting calculations, in my experience. I imagine that they'd cause problems for physics as well.
we should just banish the word "normal" from English
it took me a long time to realize what a "normal school" was
It's a school that is perpendicular to the ground, and is one unit high?
@Jimmy is it an school which comes straight out earth?
/me ninjas.
/me typing while almost sleeping :P
/me has a deep-seated belief that if he keeps using /me in chat, SE will eventually notice and actually implement it.
There should be a meta.chat.stackexchange.com.
For the purpose of posting feature requests for chat.
there isn't even a meta.stackexchange.com
it just redirects to SO
but isn't there a uservoice for SE?
I've never used it but I think that would be where feature requests would go
oh wait, that just points to meta.SO as well
Q: /me command for chat

The Unhandled ExceptionI love the "action" command /me found elsewhere, and think it would be fun to have in the chat. A message like: /me loves the new chat system Would show up as: Josh loves the new chat system Rather than: Josh: loves the new chat system I'm trying to think how it would work with ...

It's actually been heavily discussed.
Yeah, I was just about to link that.
My response is to point to Jeff Atwood: codinghorror.com/blog/2012/12/…
What if the organism wants to know whether to use Unity3D or UDK or JQuery or MySQL to make their MMO?
back to upside-down-delta
∇ Del operator,represented bythe nabla symbol Del is a symbol used in mathematics, in particular, in vector calculus, as a vector differential operator, usually represented by the nabla symbol ∇. When applied to a function defined on a one-dimensional domain, it denotes its standard derivative as defined in calculus. When applied to a field (a function defined on a multi-dimensional domain), del may denote the gradient (locally steepest slope) of a scalar field (or sometimes of a vector field, as in the Navier–Stokes equations), the divergence of a vector field, or the curl (ro...
I've never heard it called either "del" or "nabla"
but I guess you could just pronounce it "curl" or "gradient" or whatever you mean by it
we call "curl" "rot" because German :)
but it would be weird to determine the degree of a vector being rotten in English :p
well, curl is basically a measure point-rotation
to it's not too far off
@Jimmy Not a problem. Other organisms will want to close-vote. Thus, the majesty of the circle of life is maintained. ;)
(Fair point!)
Is it bad that I cringe whenever someone uses the word "curl", even when they're not actually talking about the library?
@TrevorPowell what's so bad about the library?
it makes him want to curl up into a corner, apparently
@melak47 Maybe nothing. I've just had bad experiences with curl-using code written by folks who don't know what they're doing. Seems like curl's interface makes it easy to indetectibly shoot yourself in the foot, and only notice ages later.
btw guys, dont remember well which one gave me the links to those courses, but they are awesome so thanks ;)
"don't know what they're doing" == C# programmers who are suddenly forced to program in C++. Folks who aren't familiar with needing to think about memory. Fine programmers in C#, just unfamiliar with the new (old?) language.
this probably describes me. What should we noobs use in lieu of curl?
No clue. But if anyone has a suggestion, I'm interested too.
or is the recommendation just to understand curl better before pulling the trigger
I haven't used curl much, I wrote a quick and dirty flickr photostream downloader with it and that was pretty straight forward. once I figured out that flickr image titles can contain all sorts of characters not suited for file names :)
Spent a few hours trying to track down a memory corruption issue which eventually turned out to have been someone giving curl a request header value of "myStdString.c_str()".
how did that cause the problem? :S
I was trying to figure that out too. is there an asyncronous call?
I guess myStdString could be a local that goes out of scope before the async call returns
or is it one of those
"If your code doesn't work: God knows why;
If your code does work: God knows why." kind of things?
I don't think I've seen any async calls, only callbacks
urgh. my dev folder is 15.5 GB, I think I need to delete a few mingws, boosts and Qts...
Mark and Sweep! check all projects into source control, reformat, reinstall.
@Jimmy ....hmm?
/dev is where I put libs and sdks and crap
oh, I'm just delineating my Garbage Collection strategy
oh, I don't have a good strategy for libs
lately I've been trying to use a package manager to do dependencies. It's not as much unicorns as I would have hoped
I need package x? get package x! build package x! done! :D
vs. I need qmake to build Qt? Get qmake! now I need qmake to build qmake....blargh
well, specifically, for my F# projects I've been using Nuget.
for common libraries the public Nuget repositories have the binaries I need, and I've had some success setting up local Nuget repos
Now I just need to figure out how to update the repo from a build server
are you using nuget package restore?
although I'm not sure it does exactly what I want
i've used msbuild on the build server and it works with nuget package restore
oh, I see
I've been removing that metadata
since I assumed i just really needed the .package configuration
Sorry, yes. myStdString went out of scope before the async call returned.
Er, well..
To be specific, it went out of scope after setting the option, but before the function was called which was going to do something with that option.
It was sort of a if (conditional) { curl_setopt("THING", CalculateOptionValue().c_str()); } thing. The std::string was never really in scope; it only existed as a temporary.
yeah, I suppose that'll do it :)
if I wanted to make curl split a file that is to be downloaded into n chunks that are downloaded simultaneously, how would I go about that? First get the file header to get the file size, then add a bytes=x-y GET parameter for each chunks request?
1 hour later…
Sweet. Got TFS set up with the branches I currently want for my project. Loaded an empty XNA project into it and I'm good to start developing! Tomorrow. :)
@melak47 No idea, I've never done that. Seems plausible though.
2 hours later…
Q: Can PlayStation Mobile questions be asked here?

Panda PajamaPSM is a platform for indie development on the PS Vita and PlayStation Certified Android devices. You code in C# using what it seems to be a heavily modified version of mono, with a rather minimal API to control some of the features in the PS Vita. They also support publishing to their online st...

2 hours later…
Hello world!!...can i replace scene in cocos2d like this?..

[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"mainScene%d",selectedLevel] node]];

im getting selectedlevel properly...
2 hours later…
@TrevorPowell need a quick help
@Chunk-e-Yamani with what?
"struct addrinfo" is not defined on mac
I'm wondering if I need to add any package
1 hour later…
Has anyone read "Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming" by Jason L. McKesson?
@Chunk-e-Yamani you need some headers, probably
@snake5 not some, i needed something around 4 headers.
@user206586 no
@crispyfriedchicken I'm going to give it a go
I'm quite worried about the math though, specially the mathematical notation
@crispyfriedchicken yes, I'm going to try and read the book
Though I might need to read a few others on maths first
It's been many years since I was at school and I was average at math back then
I've used GLFW a few months ago but not too extensively
this book is a good reference
have you ever used opengl before?
I've never used it, I think I did I did a tutorial a few years ago that resulted in a yellow triangle, that's it
It's not exactly math heavy unless you need maths for animations
it's more of concept heavy, and your school maths don't really help unless your school math has a lot of vector math
to start with opengl programming, you need a very good foundation on how vectors work
better yet, linear algebra in general
1 hour later…
@JohnMcDonald Awesomium is Awesome.
Thanks for the demo project
@user206586 I started, but haven't completed it yet. Bonus is, if you are having trouble with the concepts in it, he'd probably respond to questions here about it.
@Noctrine If I have any problems I'll post a question, does he ever come into chat?
He dislikes chat :\
@ShaunWild Hi, welcome.
@Noctrine Hi, thanks
@Noctrine I'm making a game.
In Java game programming, what is the need for using BufferStrategy as a pose to a Buffered Image
Ha, so finally GrindFest can be just downloaded and run! github.com/Kikaimaru/GrindFest
what is it?
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