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good morning
Hello! Weekend morning for you?
Good evening.
It is but unfortunately I am working today.
My boss wants some new shader for our next project
I also need to make a job application for a new underling.
My current one has decided to leave the company so we I need to find a replacement soon.
So do you usually work 6 days a week on a regular basis?
of course.
ah sorry the question changed.
it depends on the project. This case is unusual because we are short 1 employee
Yes, I mistakenly hit enter before I was done typing it.
Ah okay! Do you get paid overtime?
normally we work 5 days each week, 10:30 to 7:30 on salary.
but when a deadline is close we will work extra and take a short holiday after the project.
Ah okay!
2 hours later…
Very satisfying when something works on the first try. Now I can enjoy my weekend of programing non-work projects.
10 hours later…
I hope you are all having a good evening. I had a fun day out looking at vintage game stores.
4 hours later…
We're in lockdown again, so no store-browsing for me today. 😉
Lockdown again?
What’s it like? I kinda just stopped wrestling as much during our lockdown. But life continued like basically normal.
Yeah, our government's handling of the pandemic has been absolutely incompetent.
I've been working from home for just over a year, so not much changes for me. Just being judicious about shopping runs.
@DMGregory Really? I thought the US was absolutely the worst and would never have better management.
We elected a Trump fanboy here in Ontario, much to our regret.
So, same business-over-lives policy, but without the financial/industrial/scientific/political clout to secure vaccines in a timely manner.
The Doug Ford government has also decided that actually getting the vaccines out is not its job, leaving every health unit in the province to come up with and communicate their own plans, with no standardized process or central messaging.
modern conservatisim is a bust.
“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”
I don't care if I offend someone; they're ruining our world with their anti-science BS :(
I love how my "small" refactorings escalate so fast: I wanted to make my FMOD pointers use smart pointers for lifetime management -> Ended up cleaning the FMOD initialization/loading code while doing the pointer changes -> Wanted to use range algorithms to implement a part of it -> Got annoyed by the intellisense warnings it gives yet compiling just fine -> Learned that changing to a newer preprocessor fixes those, so switched to that ->
Now my reflection macros were broken due to relying on incorrect behaviour in the old preprocessor -> Ended up having to fix the reflection macros to get everything to compile again :P
Using a standard conforming preprocessor isn't a bad idea in terms of portability either though
Oooof. Is it back to behaving smoothly now, or are there still more loose threads to chase?
Everything seemed to compile fine now, so I'm happy with some cleaned code, less false Intellisense warnings and a bit safer preprocessor
Nice work!

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