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β€œA lot.”
good morning
12 hours later…
I have kinda random question. In my game, I get a weird error in the Unity profiler (2018.2f) for my opaque rendering called "JobAlloc.Overflow", in which all I can find is that it refers to a memory overflow, but I have no idea how to fix it.
Have you run it under a debugger?
no, but would one show the engine's errors?
cause it is a geometry thing, not any of my scripts
Debuggers are meant for finding errors such as overflows, so I would assume it at least does a better job than a profiler that only accidentally stumbles over bugs without looking for them.
i'll look into that.
only info i can get on what it means is this:


`JobAlloc.Overflow` is an internal label which indicates slower memory allocation path during dynamic batching job preparation.
Unfortunately, there is not much to do about it now. We'll remove warning from this label.
It's C#, right? I don't know is there is an equivalent to sanitizers, but if there is you should use them.
Sounds like it's not a warning or an error
my scripts are in C#, but it has nothing to do with them, just the geometry i have in the scene. what confuses me is the fact there isn't much geometry being rendered in the area it gives the error (i.e. it only shows the warning when looking at a particular section of the scene)
i could fix it if i had a better understanding of what it means, but alas, all i can find is vague descriptions
The description you've found doesn't sound vague to me
An internal renderer implementation is switching to a slower memory allocation path for whatever reason, most likely out of your control.
vague was probably the wrong word, yeah.
and i kinda need to gain control over this, since whenever that warning is active, my game's FPS halves...
Okay that's a better description of the issue
oooo thank you
just need to figure out which script to put it in
ye, thank you
hey there
how are ya?
Hmm... if the profiler's allocations are the trouble - as that fix seems to suggest - then you shouldn't see the dip when running in a built version, or with profiling disabled. Does that match your experience?
Good. Just woke up and probably going to do schoolwork as usual.
I understood that it's the renderer allocating, but the item is shown in the profiler breakdown?
What I mean is the fix in the Unity Answers thread you linked to is applying to the profiler's own memory allocations.
uint oldSize = UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.GetTempAllocatorSize();
UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.SetTempAllocatorRequestedSize(oldSize * 2);
Oh, good point, I did not read that answer at all
That could explain why the engine folks left that warning in so far - if it's triggered by an internal system that's only a nuisance in-editor but won't impact published games. I imagine if this was happening in published builds they'd treat fixing it as a higher priority.
@DMGregory i will do more testing on it in a built version soon, I've mainly focused on in Editor performance since i know it will run better out-of-editor
How are you folks doing today?
i am doing alright
That's good.
I'm trying to get a vcpkg portfile setup for FMOD, they support prebuild binaries but the example for such is OpenGL on Windows, which doesn't require copying DLL files to the output directory which is giving me big pain
I got include and linker files setup easily following the example, but have no idea how to do this for the missing DLLs
Would any of you folks happen to have discord? Sometimes I get bored and want to talk, and it's sometimes difficult to do that on stack.
When I'm bored and want to talk, I come here. πŸ˜‰ Or go hang with the roomies.
it seems the dip happens in the built version, but not as extreme. and i have Discord
I wish I had roomies besides my brothers.
@OKprogrammer what is your discord tag?
i'll send ya a friend request from a KaijZenal
Re: where to put that code... I thought there was an attribute to mark a static method to call on game start / enter play mode, but now I'm having trouble finding it. Maybe I got it confused with the one to trigger on editor reload...
Yes, looks like I got the DLLs copied over!
The annoying bit is that now I have to deal with my own fork of vcpkg...
Though digging through the attributes list, I did come across this SerializeReference attribute, which apparently quietly entered the engine in 2019. That could make some things simpler.
I have a question. As a programmer, will people come up to you asking for IT help? People do it to me all the time.
Typically, programmers know more about computers than non-IT/programmers.
And some people don't know the difference between IT and programming. "Ah... Bob is good with a computer he programmed a game"
If you're in a company with an IT department, you can tell them that's IT's job. πŸ˜‰
So from their point of view, yeah, it's normal.
I mean, I go to church, and a lot of people there are older, so they basically don't understand as @Vaillancourt stated. Except for an 80 year old who puts effort into learning and can use Linux.
That guy knows the difference.
Sounds like you already know the answer to your question then.
Yes, but I was wondering whether it just happened to a lot of programmers.
Yeah; it can be a bit annoying, but it's up to you to put your limits. When I was younger, I was paid by an non-for-profit company to do that kind of stuff or older people. There was classes to teach them some basic stuff about the internet and word and excel, and I also did one-on-one support for specific issues. I also did house calls for this. If you know something like that exists, you could get hired and then redirect those folks to that service you provide.
Not just to programmers but to all "computer enthusiasts".
I mean, I have basically became an IT guy after learning a lot to help them. So I guess that means I'm a jack of two trades. πŸ˜‰
Yeah, you can see this as one more string to your bow.
Teaching elders that kind of stuff can be frustrating, but that kindof helps you to learn patience, first in understanding their needs, then in getting them to learn and remember.
Then you learn all those tricks, as you suggested.
One of my favorite quotes is: "You don't know patience until you work with a slow computer."
That works, until you get kids :P
4 hours later…
How has your day been?
A little sluggish. I'm moving a system to be exclusive to one player in COOP, and that means changing a lot of global conditions to entity conditions. So I need to create an asset for the new condition, wait for the indexer to realize it's a thing, then set the reference to the new condition now that it's indexed, etc...
Sounds quite complex.
@DMGregory sounds like slapping multiplayer on a game that was designed to be single player?
Kind of the inverse. πŸ˜‰ It's not complex. It just unfortunately involves a lot of ping-ponging between different sets of data, so it's hard to handle as a batch. With the way our engine works, that means long waits between each step.
But now I'm ready to test it, and if it works, I should be able to close 2-3 tasks/bugs. :)
I got an anonymous thank-you goat in the mail.
...a goat?
greatest of all time I think
ok :)
Along w/ a pun-tastic card thanking me for help that I have zero recollection having rendered.
Sort of baffled.
The Venn diagram of people who might send me a goat & people whom I've helped recently doesn't have a known intersection.
That’s kinda weird to be honest.
Yeah. Neat. But also weird.
The best I've come up with is to say "you're welcome" in various venues & continue doing what I do.
That’s probably the best decision.
I don't think it's Stack related, but then again my social geometry clearly has some sort of error somewhere or I'd have an actual solution.
You're welcome stack exchange. Even if you didn't stalk my address & send me a goat.
Or maybe especially if you didn't stalk my address & send me a goat :)
Just got my first performance review since the start of work-from-home. It went well. 😊
We went into lockdown and work from home just after my performance review last year, so I haven't seen my lead's face in a full year now...
@DMGregory good! :)
1 hour later…
@DMGregory You folks don't have video calls once in a while?
His spouse uses the device with a webcam, so he's audio-only in those meetings.
weird. I would expect ubi to get him a cam
He can probably get one, just chooses not to. I'm in the same boat. πŸ˜‰
1 hour later…
Q: Editing whitespace

KevinThis question originally had a lot of vertical whitespace; I made an edit to reduce the whitespace and make the question easier to read with less scrolling. However, after making the edit I'm second-guessing myself. Usually when a question has excessive whitespace, it's because the author pasted ...

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