@DMGregory I'm pretty sure you are right, although I am not sure what "pitch" means. It looks like the user is iterating through an array of int32 values but calculating the index as if they were bytes values.
Not to bad, I woke up and peed. That is about as productive as one can get in the morning.
Not too exciting really, we were contracted so they didn't really work with us. It was more like we sent them samples and they would review them. It was a bit pain because they have very strict rules.
But the project was fun, we synchronized our companies custom audio/visual instrument with AR to switch seemlessly between pure game and AR views as well as synchronized real world water cannons with the music.
But for the company side, it was lots of paperwork and rules.
They were very very strict about things. For example we had to redo many animations of the Iibi character because it moved to quickly, or did not jump enough, eyes blink too often, etc.
But anyway, the job was just for the "Pokemon Invasion" event in Yokohama. We worked with them twice, but I think last year was either canceled or they did not contract us again.
We once had to make a large metal fist statue, it took us 6 months because the police did not like how we translated "Please keep off the statue" in other languages.
I wouldn't say punishment, just very strict rules. Everyone follows them. Also we have many tourists in the area and they often do silly things. I understand their logic, it is just annnoying.
also the time delay is probably because they are very busy and we must wait our turn.
No worries, most of my development time before my current job was pretty boring. Not many exciting stories about making slot machine games. The only interesting one was when we were told to make a Castlevania or Contra slot machine game.
Yeah I learned that pretty quickly when studying in America.
@BenjaminDangerJohnson Yeah, event games can be so ephemeral... we made games for an all-night art show in Toronto a couple years in a row, but only one video of one of them survives, from what I can see
@Vaillancourt I think that is probably a western only thing, we find talking about politics rude in Japan, it was also a very taboo topic when I was in China as well.
Probably for the best, I noticed in the west, most people see disagreement as a personal attack.
@DMGregory Looks fun, I guess your team used a depth sensor (realsense maybe?) to draw human shadows. But I am not sure what the PlayStation controller is for.
Kinect v2. The controller was for a "shutter" button, where you could snap and freeze your silhouette, then move to make another shadow to layer with the previous frozen one.
A little, but for me, I like these events because you can see the people using and enjoying it.
My favorite jobs are when we work with NHK on the "Together with Mama" projects. That is when we setup photo booths for mothers and their children and use Unity to apply filters before printing out the images.
@BenjaminDangerJohnson Yeah, I feel similarly. The year after this we made a game called "Pixelate", where players would walk through four stations that each digitized them into a different era of gaming, from 8-bit to 16-bit, low-poly 3D to modern. I got to sit in the front station and watch people react to seeing it for the first time, and it was one of the best experiences I've ever had as a gamedev.
Oh, and sorry about the YouTube limit. Think of the videos as a present for after you make your update. I look forward to hearing about your retro RPG. I really miss that style of game.
@DMGregory Oh, that project sounds interesting. I would love to see how it looks. One of the concert tours we are working on might be interested in the effect.
To tell the truth, I was gonna try to do that same thing with my games, so I learned more about each era. First, retro 8-bit, then 16-bit, and so on, but each is a different game.
I'm not familiar with that. I worked a bit with Oracle and MS-SQL but that is about it. I assume it must be similar to MS-SQL but with different plugins.
@xcrypt As I mentioned in a comment, I've never been able to reproduce the problems you're describing. I have a WebGL project open right now, the AudioClips attach to the scripts in exactly the usual way, and I have not had to enable Override for WebGL at all. I do not experience any errors when switching to the WebGL platform.
hmm, weird. I'd hate to suggest switching Audio Engines to get around a bug like this, but you might be able to work around this by using the FMod plugin for Unity.
The Unity audio engine is a bit crap, so it might be a good opportunity to switch.
Sorry, it is not a good solution, but I can't really test anything right now. Unfortunately my IP will only let me download 10gb of data every 3 days, so if I try to install WebGl it or 2020.3 I won't be able to do anything for a while.
it might be because I am missing windows media foundations or something, since I am getting that in the error where I need to override for WebGL to solve it
because you said you didn't need to do that, so I'm checking that now
@BenjaminDangerJohnson I forgot to tell you yesterday, but I’ve been adding an option for a CRT effect for more nostalgia. I may even add an option for the static sound, if people are into that.
Ah that is good. I'm sure there is some good post processing effect for it. Personally I would probably make my camera render to a render texture, then apply the texture to a tv model. But that is probably too much work for too little results.
I wonder if you could add TV knobs to the side of your UI for changing settings like volume while the game is playing.
It might be fun, just be careful if your mouse needs to use your UI. It might be a feature you want to save for near the end of your project since it is pretty easy to create.