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They are basically a convection oven. Which I have.
My over can hold a lot more.
Yes, but sometimes are quicker. But I have to admit that standard ovens make better fries that aren’t mushy.
The forced air options are always faster. You might get some preheat speed out of the air fryer because you are heating a much smaller space, but probably not because you are using electric heat and my gas oven can preheat way faster. Once you reach temp cooking times will be the same.
@OKprogrammer I <3 code reviews!
Is yours convention only or does it have a regular mode?
It has regular too
Most ovens have both nowadays, I believe.
Do you ever use regular mode? I found that I don't.
Unless the air is going to be blowing things around or something.
@brug Thanks! My code is probably really inefficient, just a warning.
@OKprogrammer I'm no expert. You don't need to qualify your code to me. I am a learner here too.
I liked the instantpot more after reading one of Melissa Clark's books. It was either Dinner in an instant or Comfort in an instant. It helped to have someone break down where it does & does not shave off cook time.
I might have to check it out.
I borrowed it from the library. I had tried a few other books, including Martha's, but Clark's was the first one that got traction w/ me.
Part of my probably is that for a lot of the things I would use it, like say a stew, different ingredients need to go in at different times. And I find releasing and then repressuring to be a pain.
Although I could probably break down the meat in the pressure then release and finish on simmer mode.
I've also had mixed results browning in it.
Not sure why that never occurred to me.
I haven't even tried.
I have little faith in its ability to brown.
You're not missing much.
The lack of temp control for sauté, at least on mine, makes it tough.
yeah. I don't use it for that.
Cooking rice in 4 minutes is pretty amazing though.
and the walls are high, so things also tend to steam cook as they sauté.
And it is perfect every time.
I do now use it exclusively for pulled meats.
ohh yeah that makes sense. I have not tried to sautee in it either. Once again no faith in that.
I do braised short ribs in it in 45 mins. 😮
Same with Oxtails.
It does a good lamb shank too.
Speaking of which, its beeper harkens. Need to check the beef & hopefully add my vegs.
Ohh I bet. I should make some ossa bucco in there.
Well have a nice stew!
I’ll show you guys my UI and code in about 45 minutes (I’m a bit far from home). See you then!
err. Osso Bucco* is actually veal shanks. :shrugs:
Should have prepped the add-ins ahead of the timer.
Don't think I've tried osso bucco before. Images that come up look good though.
What do you consider to be the signature of the dish in terms of seasoning(s)?
It's an Italian dish. Slow-cooked veal shank in red wine. So super rich umami with that thick gelatinous bone marrow flavor typically highlighted with a few herbs.
Rosemary, thyme, marjoram, or oregano. I would not use all 4.
Probs Rosemary and Marjoram
I've never had it either. Not proper. Those veal shanks are expensive. I've only done it with beef shank.
I feel like I did it with something else before too. Goat? I can't remember.
Hi Doppel :wave:
12 hours later…
I'm going to see if phaser.io works well for my little planet game, or if i could do just as well writing my own little thing.
It looks like it might make a good framework.
i agree!
How are you doing today?
Good morning, @DMGregory!
doing good :)
Good morning. 😊 Going OK here, just having to be the disciplinarian on a couple fronts this morning (modding and teaching), so that's been a bit less fun.
That's good! I'm just trying to fix my VM. Apparently I've been allocating too much CPU power and RAM and it slows down both machines a lot.
@DMGregory Hope it gets better.
Should be OK. I'm just a bit on edge that the custom pronouns question is going to attract more transphobic responses, so I'm trying to keep an eye on that one.
Which one?
Do you mean on GDSE?
Q: How can I accomodate custom pronouns in voice acting?

Alex FI am currently developing an RPG in which, during character creation, players may choose their pronouns as he/him/his, she/her/hers, or a custom entry based on their own text input. Whenever characters refer to them in dialogue, they will use the pronouns listed as they were typed into the charac...

If that hits HNQ, it's gonna get "interesting"
It already hit HNQ an hour ago
and got tweeted ten minutes ago
I just checked on exactly that, lol
oh lmao
This just invites troll answers.
decided to nix my comment about singular they's grammar status since it might instigate people wanting to debate against it, but since I dug it back up: Oxford English Dictionary did a write-up on singular they a couple of years ago and showed it's even older than singular you. (Thee/thou/thy was the singular case.)
Huh. Never seen a question like that here before.
@nwp i mean, it definitely does that, but it doesn't "just" do that. it's also a good question.
@DMGregory I wonder if Nintendo's tradition of voice barks is also worth mentioning in your answer: voice acting almost entirely isn't words, but it's sounds that give a solid impression of the character's voice.
You could ask "How can I accommodate custom name fields in voice acting?" and get the same answer without the troll answers.
Then again maybe the whole point is not having to avoid the topic.
@nwp Sure, though that would be a pretty different question with different solutions We have established practices for that which don't work for the pronoun case: give the hero a common name (like 'Shepherd') and have characters always use that, then record he/him and she/her dialog lines.
@nwp Yes
Social stuff is difficult. Keep to beeps and boops, no talking.
I agree, I think the pronoun detail is relevant and important here, and I don't think the risk of trolls means we should avoid talking honestly about significant topics like this.
Re: Nintendo-style voice grunts, that was already covered in the other answer I think.
Oh, yeah, they did mention that.
Personally, I believe that the gibberish solution was pretty good.
@doppelgreener I feel like hardcoding the gender and pronouns works just as well as hardcoding the name. You can even make it common or uncommon for either if you want.
I believe the gibberish solution works because with people having so many different genders, it kinda just works. The sims used it, and it seemed to work ok.
As a side note, I think I just realized for the first time what the metaphor for "hardcoding" is.
Things other people notice when they are 12 :D
@nwp Exactly! Like Undertale a bit.
I like the style of gibberish they use in Animal Crossing. Simlish gives me kind of an uncanny valley feeling sometimes, where it's close enough that my brain wants to parse it as actual language, and gets upset when that doesn't work.
A couple of folks have recommended writing around pronouns altogether, but that would be a ... very bad call
kinda defeats the point of asking for the pronouns to begin with
as well as pretty much recreating the transphobic experience where folks pointedly refuse to acknowledge our pronouns
@doppelgreener The vacuous grammar argument is a pet peeve of mine too. Mind if I add that as an addendum to my answer? I think it's important to point out that it's not a reason to shy away from they/them.
@DMGregory by all means, please do
Thanks for the reference. 😊
you're very welcome
(to simplify: singular they traces back to the 1300's, singular you to the 1600's)
What exactly is transphobia? Is it being afraid of LGBTQ community (which is very bad, in my opinion)?
@OKprogrammer specifically phobia toward trans people
so, the T part of LGBTQ
@DMGregory This might be a good question to lean on good subjective, bad subjective requirements for answers, too: cite experience (your own or someone else's) of how this technique has worked. "Try this, I'm sure it'll work, not that I've ever seen it tried or have any evidence it works at all" is something we get a lot of on RPG.SE when subjective questions hit the HNQ.
We had to repeat ourselves about why that's an issue enough that I finally wrote up an FAQ for the site on it last year so that people could just point to that:
Q: What are the citation expectations of answers on RPG Stack Exchange?

doppelgreenerAs a Stack Exchange site, answers on RPG.SE are expected to be cited and backed up, but what the expectations are exactly can be hard to find. What are the citation expectations of answers on here? What are the expectations for Objective answers? What are the expectations for Subjective answer...

Good point. I should add better sources to my answer too, to try to lead by example.
(halfway through the answer: "What are the citation expectations for Subjective answers?")
@doppelgreener What they mean is that singular they was very obscure, almost unknown, and then added for trans people and others. One could argue it's not even the same origin anymore, so I don't think the fact that singular they was used in the 1300-1800s is at all convincing, just like it wouldn't make a difference to you if researchers found that stone age people uttered something like "you" to mean the other stone age person.
I think it would be more convincing if you said "It's a new word, or at least a newly recovered meaning of an old word, and it feels strange and weird. Language changes. Get over it."
@nwp it wasn't added, we've been using it actively for centuries. ("Someone left this cup in reception, could you hand it back to them if they come asking for it?") It's just that when people started requesting it be used for their actual pronoun folks had some trouble processing it.
Yeah, I was about to say: it wasn't really added for trans people. Even before trans topics became mainstream, it was common to use "they" to refer to a single person whose gender is unknown or irrelevant.
I'm not very knowing in this subject, but would using "it" be offensive?
Would you argue they only have an issue with singular they because they are transphobic?
Using "it" for people is generally pretty demeaning. I would not recommend it.
"It" is often regarded as de-personalizing, treating someone as a thing rather than as a person.
@OKprogrammer broadly, calling someone an "it" is offensive in any scenario since it's calling them a thing rather than a person. the exception is that some folks do use "it/its" for their pronouns.
Oh, ok. I just didn't know, because I don't really get into this aspect of culture much. I' m a big introvert.
Doppel has it.
Thanks for the future advice.
They was gender neutral singular long long ago. and has recently become more improtant
personally, I think we should get rid of use of gendere pronouns unless it's in a situation where it matters.
@nwp i find it very normal for people to initially have some trouble or reservations with using singular they for a known individual. it takes a little bit of practice to click. heck, i know someone whose dad was having trouble with getting the they/them casing right, so they said "just pretend i'm a swarm of bees when you're talking about me" and then it clicked for him and he was fine.
The best rule of thumb for this sort of thing is to refer to people the way they wish to be refered to.
like "they drank the water" how could gender possibly be important in that sentence.
And for unknown gender our language already defaults to they as I used above
@nwp I would say that it often comes from the person having a discomfort with using a person's pronouns, and choosing to rationalize that discomfort as a grammatical objection instead of reflecting on and addressing the root cause.
For me, watching Steven Universe helped a lot, because it gave me a cultural reference for characters using they/them. 😊
@DMGregory love that show. <3
SU was good. As was DT in She-Ra
btw thanks for taking care of that yesterday DMG
Sorry you had to deal with that.
It's okay.
Now I live with two non-binary roommates. The right pronouns come easily enough with a little practice, and a willingness to update the way you think about the person, rather than treating it as only a word.
My point is that I learned English in school and singular they feels new and weird. Telling me that it was used ages ago doesn't help. Acknowledging that it's a weird word is the first step to get people to drop their defenses, admitting that it's not a great choice but that we have nothing better is a good second step. Concluding that it's a real issue that actually exists and needs to be talked about which is more important than avoiding weird words might convince someone.
But it isn't new or weird.
We use it naturally all of the time.
Well, it is to me and a lot of other people.
How did the question end up on HNQ so quickly? Is the algo secret sauce?
And no, the natural example is not the same thing.
btw. Calling people weird might not be the direction to go here.
I called the word weird, not the people.
@Pikalek Something something upvote and answer count I think
Not knowing someone's gender and explicitly using "they" as a gender are just different things.
I think it's a little new/weird to people specifically on account of the fact we're very, very practiced at using one set of pronouns (they/them) for unknown individuals, and two sets (he/him or she/her) for known individuals. The newness/weirdness is applying it in the second case when we're so trained to do otherwise. Just takes a little bit of practice though.
no you called what the person wants to be referred to weird. which many people will take as a personal affront and I'm not sure I'd blame them. <---- see naturally slips off the tongue.
Truthfully, I don't really understand what makes using the "right" pronoun so significant.
@brug That's plural they smh
@OKprogrammer what if someone called you she all the time (I'm assuming you're a he).
what if everyone called you she all the time?
@doppelgreener Even that is not true, because when shown androgynous person, many people will slip naturally into they/them
@Almo Ok, I see. That would literally make me want to fight them.
@OKprogrammer there you go
english speakers already have a personal frame of reference for why using the right pronoun matters, and it's that
Welcome to the team
I agree with the point that it needs practice. I just wanted to suggest that telling people to get used to it (to get that practice) is better than telling them that it's not new (and they should have known from the beginning and practice should be unnecessary),
@brug Welcome who?
we also have a common frame of reference for having our pronoun usage corrected: talking about peoples' pets! Seeing a video of someone's dog: "He's such a good boy!" "She's a girl." "She's such a good girl!" Easy breezy.
@Almo You got lucky there. I wouldn't mind. I have a girl's picture and name on Discord (other account). But I understand that some people care.
@OKprogrammer you
I think many people would care if everyone they ever met used the wrong pronoun for them
People do the same thing with babies.
I seriously doubt people it would not bother are in the majority.
@brug That feels like a trap. "Is it a boy or a girl?" comes naturally. "How are we supposed to know? They can't make a choice yet." doesn't feel like a natural answer, but it's probably the only correct one.
Right, a more generic example is to just think of calling an office coworker 'he' when they use 'she' or vice versa. Maybe you haven't met them yet, they're an unknown manager. Someone would be right to correct you. If you insist on keeping using the wrong pronoun, they'd be right to be offended, and you'd be committing taboo.
@nwp Also imagine you were forced to live as a different gender for a large portion of your life and no that you are taking ownership of that and living the way you want to, a great many of the people around you refuse to acknowledge the change.
@nwp that's a few steps ahead, we're just discussing established schemas of pronoun usage
nobody's trying to lay traps here.
@nwp I feel like this would be an ideal place to move society towards. If we weren't assigning people genders at birth we would be doing a lot less damage to trans and non-binary folk.
If I can't start forest fires while announcing my baby's gender then why even become a parent?
@Tyyppi_77 lol
@brug I wouldn't mind. To me people are just people. Some are born with a dick and some without, but they are still just people. But I understand that others see that differently.
@brug But the medical birth record database only has 1 bit for that field. /s
@nwp You wouldn't mind if people refused to acknowledge your agency to take control of your identity?
I don't see my gender as my identity.
Now that I think about it I don't see my nationality as my identity either.
Maybe I just don't have one.
that's not the point. The point is that for people who do, unwillingness to acknowledge a trans persons agency is what is the issue here.
I feel like I just happened to be born at a certain time at a certain place in a certain body. None of that defines me.
i hope at the very least we understand "this isn't an issue for me personally" is a personal thing—which would naturally vary person to person—and this isn't about any one specific individual
Thank you. I was struggling to express that dg
@brug Sure. People who care should choose and the rest should make some effort to keep up. That I don't care doesn't take away from that.
Though personally I'd prefer if we used a single pronoun for everyone and did away with gendered pronouns, but eh, that probably won't happen.
@nwp Are you familiar with Judith Butler? They have been writing about that very idea since the 70's
I'm not, but I did find "yu" I think on the neo pronoun list. She probably made it.
Should I feel bad assuming Judith's gender?
They use they/them
@nwp Yes when the correct pronoun has been used in the message that introduced them
Ouch. I missed that.
Which I used above but it didn't stand out to you. Because it isn't as weird as people make it out to be.
how are you?
Pretty well, thanks. 🙂 Kind of relieved to be on reading week, so I don't have to teach a class today.
oh, good, seems like you'll have a chance to rest!
Something tells me there shall be no rest.
let's hold on to that hope, for their sake :3
anyways, are you new around here? I don't think I have seen you around before.
No. I just went away for a while.
oh, ok. sorry about that
We definitely chatted in the past.
No problem.
I also changed my name.
I feel like I remember your avatar.
ah, the name change probably threw me off then
I mean, the old name was bruglesco
i do not claim to have uh, great memory
haha I'm not offended.
but uh, how is your day going?
Pretty good.
Busy. But I had a nice morning playing with my daughter.
I remember the avatar. :D
And I made plans to play Factorio with son later.
@brug that sounds nice
@brug 😭
Yeah. It's a good avatar.
Very much so.
I should use it on Discord again instead of the one with me crying. lol
I think mine has been this since I joined Game Dev lol
I have a lot of picrews
I should probably update mine too. This one's ancient.
@DMGregory 💜
I just never bothered to pick a new one out, Daedric boi is good enough
I wish I had any artistic skills whatsover.
about the best i can do is 24x24 pixel art :P
lurks like brug did yesterday
hi there
lurking is good.
how are ya?
I'm pretty good just trying to do some math. It kinda stinks when there's a lot of it though.
But, I'll get through it eventually. (I hope.)
What kind of math?
Trigonometry and Geometry
But, I know that's just the tip of the iceberg.
trig is fun
ohh I didn't like trig
well, i liked part of it.
I like trig identity problems. They're like little puzzles. 😁
I don't like being forced to do math. But during my game dev time, I'm like "Math is fun!"
Probably cause I'm not forced to do it.
@DMGregory same, they can be pretty interesting to break apart
Yeah, the way I learned math best was figuring out what kinds of games I could make with it. Like learning about parabolas and designing a tank game with them...
I really hate radians.
I find them hard to wrap my head around for some reason.
I didn't like radians till I did calculus. They're a lot nicer to work with when you're taking derivatives or integrating and such.
especially if it isn't one of the more neat radians.
Also, Euler's identity is just gorgeous, and kind of requires thinking of it in radians.
like pi/2 radians is easy to work with. but what is 77 degrees in radians?
I don't recall Eulers identity. lemme look it up.
e^(i pi) + 1 = 0
Calculus was the first thing I ever had trouble with in math.
I got a B- :(
Radians around tau would be a lot better, like make actual sense
I dunno, pi makes sense to me.
ohh i see
I wasn't aware of what tau was.
That does make more sense.
e^(i tau/2) + 1 = 0 doesn't have quite the same ring... e^(i tau) = 0 is OK, though I miss the +1
I like that Euler's identity combines the additive and multiplicative identities of basic number theory, the exponentiation and the imaginary unit of algebra, the base of the natural log from calculus, and pi from geometry, and shows there's an underlying harmony to all of it.
Sorry, the comment thread on that question was getting a bit long so I moved it to chat. Your most recent comment just missed the boat on the conversion, @brug - want to post it in the chat thread so it's not lost?
@DMGregory No, that was funny timing. Everything disappeared right when I sent.
Sorry about that!
haha don't be. It was a good mod decision.
Not that you need my approval for mod decisions
Well, doing stuff the community generally approves of is usually good practice.
You're doing this power tripping thing all wrong smh
I feel like an interloper sometimes though. I talk about food and cooking a lot more than Game Dev. And pretty minimal activity on the main site.
Sometimes I feel that way too, when I talk about random crap in my boring life.
I think having folks with different specialties and backgrounds is important to making good games.
boring is good
If you get a lot of people who only ever talk games together, they tend to make things that look... a lot like games we've already played. Sometimes it takes fresh perspectives from somewhere else, like cooking, to solve a problem or make something new.
Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis System was inspired by the drama and rivalry of sports teams, for example.
my background in tabletop RPGs is informing my current decisions around making this little browser-based vidja game
and not even the gameplay aspects: the aspect where so many TRPGs come down to violence as the main variety of conflict, which got me wondering about how I could provide a different source of conflict in this little video game
I plan to make a sports game someday, because I have a background on sports.
Specifically wrestling.
If I do anything unique with a game it will likely be around storytelling.
(i've decided it'll still be about shooting things down, but i can at least provide different themes for it than what i originally concepted out)
The game itself is just an immersive vehicle to tell a story.
Also, as far as I know, no games have been created around wrestling.
the WWE games...
@OKprogrammer I wonder where the line is crossed between "sports" and "entertainment" though.
@brug I'll contact you in 50 years when my interactive story engine is ready for actual use.
@TheMattbat999 Not that kind of wrestling. I mean amateur wrestling.
What's "amateur" wrestling? Olympic style stuff?
@OKprogrammer ah, then doubtful. All the ones I know are centered around professional wrestling
Pro wrestling is more flashy
yeah, for sure, but there weren't any criteria given for "not flashy wrestling" :3
I imagine from a game perspective the grand gestures play out better than the more controlled techniques.
Amateur wrestling can be flashy, depending on what kind you do. For example, Greco-Roman you can basically only throw people. That's why I basically lose every time (I have no core strength whatsoever).
I think taking bigger risks in mechanic designs will make a game stand out, in either an amazing way or a horrible way.
I wonder if there is a way to differentiate enough to distance yourself from competing with the flashy.
The issue would be that there are millions of scenarios and hundreds of moves, which would make the game extremely complex.
Probably pretty niche, which can be good or bad.
Yep. Take it from me, that would make it very difficult.
Probably as complex as a fighter game?
Different pace.
depends on how detailed you want to make it
you need to program dynamically. You don't have to individually program each permutation but rather how different moves work on each other in a physics based sense.
Then make robots to test it all.
@Vaillancourt Faster. If you escape a position, you will be attacked instantly.
Oh! That's going to be very hard.
I know!
it'll be interesting to see how you balance things
I know. With so many different scenarios, I'll just have to program how different moves work on each other, like @brug said.
@brug What's the "2nd Monitor" chat about?
An option is to "limit" the moves a "character" can do to a selection, so you don't have to make all of them available all the time.
Yeah, that would be a good idea. Maybe restrict different moves to different styles of wrestling.
@OKprogrammer Main chat for the Code Review Stack
Ah, ok.
I may go lurking around to what it’s about.
@OKprogrammer You might want to check out some of the design choices in Fights in Tight Spaces. The prologue demo is free. It does a reasonable job of translating the feel of cramped, action movie style melee into a manageable turn based game.
I'm not saying make a deck builder wrestling game, but consider how they restrict the palette of moves.
Wrestling has similar restrictions. You can't go for an arm bar if there's no arm to grab. You don't bother bridging out unless your back is on the mat.
Yeah, that’s a bit what I was thinking of doing.
To echo earlier comments, I'd be interested to the design of your game.
I went to IKEA this morning. It's "spring break" this weak for grade/high schools. Every entertainment related shops are closed due to lockdown. There was lots of kids at IKEA. I suppose going to IKEA is a fun family activity.
I used to love putting together furniture when I was younger. (Still do.) But I don't know a whole lot of my peers who also felt that way.
You mean like decorating a room with furniture?
Or hammering the pieces together?
It's grown-up LEGO! 😀
Cost about the same too :DDDD
No. Like putting together IKEA stuff when it comes in a box.
And eventually woodworking when I got older.
Not my favourite part of it. I could care less about it before I had kids; now I often need to do some things other than putting furniture together, so it's less of a meditating activity.
I still find the IKEA manuals some of the best in terms of furniture manuals.
My family still tell the story of when I was like 6-7 and my dad and my grandpa were putting together a desk and they were struggling and mf'ing it and I kept insisting they let me do it and they said no. Finally my grandma yelled at them so they did and I put it together.
I became the family puter togetherer for years after that.
@Vaillancourt I found that getting the kids involved makes it fun...
But also more stressful.
But I think yours are a bit young for that still?
I don't remember how old they are exactly.
Yes, they're still a bit young; 4 and 2. the older one could help. The younger one will find his fun in breaking all the things, so maybe I'll wait a couple of years :P
(breaking and throwing everything around)
Yeah. That sounds like a nightmare.
That’s how I was as a little kid. I basically destroyed everything. I don’t know how my parents didn’t go insane.
I don’t understand what it’s like to have kids, but maybe someday...
@OKprogrammer Like most parents, they though you had other qualities :)
@OKprogrammer And no one will be able to explain it to you, unfortunately.
@brug But he's so cute... :P
@Vaillancourt Yep, I know. I’ve heard raising kids is unlike any experience.
It is unique even amongst people who are parents.
@Vaillancourt ohhh OF COURSE!!!!
I truly believe that nature makes children so unbelievably cute so we don't abandon them all.
My wife keeps asking "Do they have to be so cute". And I answer "yep, they have to."
uh huh
Well, I have to hop off here for a little bit, or I won’t be able to finish my Latin. See you guys soon!
It was so windy last night that I thought some parts of the condo would tear off the building..
Out of curiosity, does the system give mods a heads up of any kind when their stack gets featured on HNQ?
@Pikalek You mean when a question from the site gets on the HNQ? Nope.
If we want to know when it happens, we need to check the list of questions.
I suppose some mods on some other sites have written a userscript that checks it constantly and notifies the mod (or any user).
Yeah, that's what I meant. I suppose not all questions would warrant a notification.
I'd appreciate a ping like that. Maybe I should set up such a script...
Yes, me too.
Maybe a functional community that flags responsibly is the notification system?
Some questions are calling for "I have an opinion too" answers, which I remove from the HNQ as soon as I see it there.
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