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@Pikalek it's nicer than before on mobile.
Hi guys, so if anyone knows about SDL
is like switching the backbuffer with front buffer?
or it does something different? because the docs doesn't say much about it
> This function is equivalent to the SDL 1.2 API SDL_Flip().
> SDL_Flip -- swaps screen buffers
Oh, yeah I read that, in the remark now, and it seems it does flip, them
Thanks. A lot!
I should probably put some optional logging in to track the lists. I'm tessellating a bunch of Bezier curves & I wouldn't be surprised if the overall vert count goes high enough for initial capacity to matter. But I'm not sure if the individual curves clock enough verts for it to be an issue.
My bigger concern at the moment is that C#'s List.Insert(0, foo) differs significantly from Java's ArrayList.addAt(0, foo).
But that's what profilers are for right?
@Serilena :)
@Pikalek profilers ftw!
Do any of you know how to compare GameObject names in Unity? I've attempted to use if (gameObject.name == Apple), but that brings back an error saying "Apple" doesn't exist in the current context.
Nevermind. I just forgot to put quotation marks around "Apple".
It's the little things that matter in game development.
Ya know, maybe I should use a rubber duck for debugging. Or my brothers, but they really wouldn't like that.
This room is fine :)
Cool! I like talking with you guys too.
And you help me debug without even saying anything! :)
The next step is to start to write a question on SO or gamedev, then figure out that the issue you think you're having is not the issue you're actually having.
Happens to me once in a while.
^ That accounts for most of the questions I haven't posted here.
Outside of chat that is. I'm still cultivating the zen art of thinking about things before dumping them into chat.
(It's probably not the next step though, took me some time to get there.)
@Pikalek You mean that you don't ask a lot in chat because you think a lot before asking?
No, the other way around. I don't ask on GDSE because by the time I formulate a decent looking post, I either realize the real problem is something else, or I've found a solution.
Yeah, okay :)
For better or worse, I'm willing to barf up a problem in chat though :P
Yes, I think it's okay to do that here ;)
Yep. I just figured you guys could help, then fixed it myself!
Then we're performing within spec ;)
@brug Evenin'. Making the rounds?
Ooh dang she just ignored you! ;)
1 hour later…
@Pikalek ohh Hi. I had to refresh my computer and didn't see this ping when I reopened all my tabs.
4 hours later…
hey @DMGregory do you guys use Unity in production for anything? I have a question.
3 hours later…
Q: Drawing header and footer area in DirectX 9

John SmithI don't know how to draw something like this? I am using DirectX 9.0 currently. Code: #include <windows.h> #include <windowsx.h> #include <d3d9.h> #pragma comment (lib, "d3d9.lib") LPDIRECT3D9 d3d; LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 d3ddev; // function prototypes void initD3D(HWND hWnd); void render_f...

Downvoted before it could be posted here smh
Oh wait, it got posted here after a bounty. Never mind.
Aight time to write today's two pages...
Should be able to finish the red-black tree insertion and deletion theory and hopefully also get started on hash maps
@UriPopov The prototypes that became Starlink were originally build in Unity, but the Toronto studio hasn't shipped any games on that engine. Some of our other studios do. What's the question?
@Tyyppi_77 Oooooh data structures! Got some new results?
Just a look into how the standard libraries of a few programming languages implement their search structures
It's not a super great paper to write since I've had a hard time of actually finding other academic papers looking into this, mostly just text books :/
But then not a lot of sources combine the information of implementation choices and efficiencys of the choices so I think that's where the scientific value of this lies, I hope
Hope so! I remember watching a good CPPCon talk a little while back about ways hash map design can improve over the standard library implementations.
Scala actually has some interesting stuff since it has proper functional programming support, and immutable data structures, so its immutable hashmaps are hash tries so that changing elements can mostly reference to the old tree nodes that were left unchanged
I mean, C++ is the programming language to wait till 2011 to add hashmaps to the standard library :P
Do you think the CppCon talk might have been this one?
Yes, I think that was it.
@brug Hey no worries. If a tree pings in the forest and all the tabs are refreshing, it doesn't make a sound. Or something like that :)
@Tyyppi_77 Are you finding that many of them are up front about such things? My own experience has been mixed.
Scala is very explicit, C++ just describes complexity requirements
@DMGregory I was wondering how you handle bakimg lights for all the levels. Is there a dedicated rig and some custom distributed bake or something.
We didn't really have to deal with that for our particular project, so I can't speak to how that's normally handled.
I think we were back on Unity 4, so the baking options have changed a LOT in between.
Yeah but there is still no build in way to distribute a bake. You bake 1 scene on 1 machine. Im thinking of investing the time to building such a system and was wondering how other people may have handled it.
Open a bakery.
@DMGregory Why do people ship them on different engines instead of just keeping Unity?
In our case, we needed additional features that were on Unity's roadmap, but without a confirmed timeline. Our higher-ups weren't comfortable committing to work on an engine we couldn't control or be certain would be where we needed it to be by our target ship date.
Oh, like they wanted more features that haven't been added yet and then if they had waited they would've been behind schedule?
Potentially. Back in the Unity 4 days, the engine was not as full-featured, flexible, or high-performance as it is today. All the goodies we're enjoying today were planned, but we needed a hard guarantee they'd be production-ready by [date] if we wanted to ship on time, and that wasn't a certainty at the time.
So, it was a safer bet at the time to take the hit of switching to an engine we controlled - Snowdrop - that we knew already had the features we needed, or could guarantee it would have them in time.
Ok, that makes a bit more sense.
The devs who say "NIH".
@DMGregory Is the Snowdrop engine an engine only Ubisoft devs can use, or is it payed software?
It's an in-house engine, not available outside of Ubisoft.
It was developed by Ubisoft Massive for The Division.
Just for a single game?
Ubisoft LOVES to make engines
we had at least 5 of them when I was there
Our engine isn't even named :(
Holy cow that's a lot!
To be fair, a lot of them were acquisitions, rather than ones we invented.
fuckin Onyx... its config file was like X:\config.cfg
could not have two onyx projects on one computer
Lead was a fork of Unreal 2, Dunia is a fork of CryEngine...
We've gotten a lot of use out of Snowdrop on other projects. It's powered everything from Starlink to Mario & Rabbids Kingdom Battle, in addition to shooters like The Division. It's proven to be pretty flexible! So I expect we'll be centralizing more of our projects on it.
Which engine would you say is the most used in the games you make?
Every commercial product I've worked on has been on a different engine. 😉
In my own work outside of Ubi, I use Unity almost exclusively.
Unity is great for crossplatform
I think Anvil and Snowdrop are the most-used engines within Ubi.
Do all devs want to go work for the engine team?
I don't think so. A lot of folks like making games, not just tech.
Yeah, the challenges are not the same.
I suspect that you can't do a little bit of both at Ubi...
It depends on the project. Some project-specific work gets integrated back into the main engine line. Some projects have tighter collaboration with the engine teams, while others are more distant consumers.
Ah, makes sense.
While waking up today I swear I had some kind of good idea about a code fix
But I have no recollection about what it even was about though, nevermind the actual change
This always happen to me when there is a rush at work and I'm under stress... :/
5 hours later…
@Tyyppi_77 Ah, it turns out that wasn't the one I was thinking of, but it was also fascinating!
The one I was thinking of, it turns out was from a different conference entirely.

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